Chapter 260


Even Ye Chen didn't need to give an order, the Demon Emperor's Bell had already fallen towards the evil spirit!

The evil spirit obviously had no intention of fighting anymore. Under the violent surge of evil energy, its body was like lightning, and before the Demon Emperor's Bell and Yin-Yang forces arrived, it disappeared silently along with the evil energy.

Being able to make the Infinite Magic Mirror powerless, perhaps there is a mutual suppression in it, which also shows the extraordinaryness of the evil spirits!

However, it can escape from Ye Chen's body, but it can't escape from this mountain!

The huge evil pool has not been quiet for a long time. The water in the pool is rolling, and there are huge waves. The black water jets are stirring in the air, as if turning into a huge black cage. The boundless evil spirit is surging, as if the evil pool is hidden in the world. From time to time.

"The Demon Emperor's Bell, the evil spirits will be handed over to you!"

In the sky above Xiechi, Ye Chen stepped on the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, and the Nether Demon Fire began to appear in his eyes!
Without evil spirits, it would be effortless to destroy the evil pool. Of course, now that the evil spirits have condensed, even if the Demon Emperor Bell restrained it, even if it was restrained by the Demon Emperor Bell, it would be impossible to destroy the evil spirits. Not easy.

And as long as the evil spirits still exist, it will be very difficult to destroy the evil pool.

But no matter what, you have to give it a try. The evil spirit is born from the evil pool. If the evil spirit can no longer borrow the power of the evil pool, then the process of killing the evil spirit will be relatively easy. many.

This extremely evil thing must not be allowed to exist in the world.

Ye Chen has never regarded himself as the so-called savior, but he also does not want to see that there are endless and terrible killings everywhere in this world, and there are eggs under the nest!

If there were such killings everywhere in the world, there would be no place for Ye Chen to live freely.


Inside the Demon Emperor's Bell, a black beam of light like Optimus Prime, like a thunderbolt falling from the sky, ruthlessly bombarded down towards Xiechi.

In the sky above the evil pool, thousands of black water jets turned into monstrous waves, heading towards the nine-day thunder.

But before these water jets collided with the nine-day thunder, the body of the Demon Emperor's bell trembled slightly, and unparalleled energy swept out. The terrifying water jets collapsed and floated towards the earth in an instant. All the energy was unceremoniously absorbed by the Demon Emperor Bell.

Nine days of thunder, tearing apart the space, blasted into the evil pool.

The gigantic evil pool suddenly became incomparably turbulent. After the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell entered, the water in the evil pool evaporated rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and one after another evil energy disappeared into the void out of thin air. The Xiechi is less than half.

"Devil Emperor Bell, come again!"

As Ye Chen's voice fell, the Demon Emperor's Bell seemed to want to show its master that he had recovered recently. As the body of the clock trembled slightly, the sky suddenly surged.

The endless void seemed to be torn apart in this instant, revealing the scene deep in the void.


The trembling Demon Emperor's Clock didn't emit any energy, but on the clock's body, the lines outlining the sun, moon and stars emitted three different rays of light.

The golden light is dazzling and scorching hot!

The silver glow flickered, but it revealed a sense of coolness!
In the end, the stars are shining brightly, thousands of brilliance, shining in the sky and the earth!

When the three rays of light shot towards the sky, suddenly, the sun, moon, and stars appeared in the endless void at the same time!

That is by no means the real sun, moon and stars, but it has the brilliance and terror of the real sun, moon and stars!
Suspended in the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars rotated at the same time. The power belonging to them exploded after a while, turning into endless terror, heading towards the evil pool, and crashing down.

Ye Chen's eyes were trembling. Although this attack was not aimed at him, and he is the owner of the Demon Emperor Bell, he would not be affected by these attacks at all, but it still made his mind tremble violently.

It is the power of this attack, it is too terrifying!

"This must not be the power of the heyday of the Demon Emperor Bell!" Ye Chen murmured softly, his heart suddenly filled with too much desire.

He could sense that the Demon Emperor's Bell hadn't fully recovered yet, and there was still a distance from its peak, but it had already shown such a terrifying scene. What kind of power and influence.

No wonder, being praised as the treasure of the devil world, it really has enough reason!
The water in the evil pool surged wildly, and the evil spirit hidden deep at the bottom of the pool also sensed this terrifying power, and could no longer hide at the bottom of the pool, floating in the mid-air of the evil pool.

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and without any hesitation, when the eyes shot out, the two groups of ghost fire that appeared in the pupils swept out like waves. The flames enveloped the entire evil pool!


The evil pool is indeed terrifying. During the battle with Li Yin, Ye Chen tried to freeze the evil pool, so that Li Yin could not get any support, but unfortunately he failed.

Now, the Xie Chi is restrained by the Demon Emperor's Bell, and Ye Chen doesn't believe that the Nether Demon Fire will not cause any damage to the Xie Chi!

Immediately, ice appeared in the huge evil pool. Although the Nether Demon Fire still couldn't penetrate into the evil pool, it still melted into a thick layer of ice on the surface of the evil pool.

"That's not enough!"

Although the Nether Demon Fire has certain effects, such an ice layer cannot isolate the connection between the evil spirits and the evil pool. Under the terrifying attack of the Demon Emperor Bell, the evil spirits are extremely embarrassed. Outside of the evil spirit, it cannot spread out at all, but the Demon Emperor's Bell cannot destroy it yet.

The evil pool has existed in the Burial Soul Valley for an unknown number of years, let alone how many creatures came here by mistake and were swallowed by the evil pool.

The evil pool formed over countless years, because the Demon Emperor Bell has a natural restraint on it, I'm afraid, it can't do anything to the evil spirits at all.

Ye Chen also believes that the masters of the Great Wilderness City may not have been in Zhixie Mountain, but they must understand that it is terrifying, especially after Fang Gan's incident, many masters of the Great Wilderness will have a very accurate understanding of this place .

However, Zhixie Mountain still exists, and Xiechi remains the same, so we know that even a super expert like the Great Desolate Lord would not dare to walk in Zhixie Mountain, let alone destroy Xiechi.

The current evil spirit has become a peerless thing, and it may not even be possible to suppress it with the Demon Emperor Bell alone.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and the chaotic Yin-Yang Jue began to circulate quickly in his body, and that ray of Yin-Yang power quickly rushed out from the dantian and appeared at Ye Chen's fingertips.

Looking at the power of Yin-Yang jumping along with the Nether Demon Fire, Ye Chen's eyes showed a touch of madness, then he closed his eyes, and quickly operated the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art!

Only when using the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue to cultivate, can one communicate with the Yin-Yang power in the soul, and thereby draw a little Yin-Yang power back to one's own possession.

However, not every time you practice, you can absorb the power of yin and yang, otherwise, the yin and yang energy possessed by Ye Chen would not be so rare.

If you want to get the power of yin and yang in the soul, you must let nature take its course. You will get it when you should get it. If you act too hastily, it will not only be useless, but also hurt Ye Chen himself. The soul is wounded.

Although Ye Chen is not worried that the soul will not be able to recover after being injured, after all, the soul is reconstructed by the power of yin and yang. Given a certain period of time, the soul will naturally recover under the influence of yin and yang.

However, the consequences are still extremely dire. At least, during the recovery period of his soul, his strength cannot be displayed as before, and his cultivation base cannot be expected to improve in the slightest.

But now, what Ye Chen has to do is to forcibly absorb a certain amount of yin and yang power from the soul!

The evil spirit is too terrifying. If it cannot be suppressed until it is destroyed this time, it will be even more terrifying when this guy revives. At that time, this most evil mountain will no longer be the place where evil spirits live, but the evil spirit Spirit, I am afraid that someone does not need to be fused with soul to condense it.

Once the evil spirit has the ability to condense on its own, Ye Chen can't imagine, at least on this northern continent, who can suppress it.

By that time, it will definitely be a terrible disaster!

The Chaotic Yin-Yang Art is running, and it will form a special channel between the soul and itself. The power of Yin-Yang will come to Ye Chen's body and enter the dantian along this channel.

The passage was formed, and Ye Chen drifted in quickly with his mind focused. . . .
The soul sitting cross-legged seems to have never heard of Ye Chen's mind. In fact, if it weren't for the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue, Ye Chen's mind would never have come here.

Ye Chen didn't need Shenpo's attention, his mind floated up, and then he pulled the yin and yang power surging around Shenpo, and forcibly took it out.

This action just started, a heart-piercing pain immediately rushed through the whole body, that kind of pain came from the soul, so even Ye Chen couldn't bear it, so he yelled out.

"The power of yin and yang, come out with me, and kill evil together with me!"

The same thoughts one after another, while Ye Chen was suffering great pain, echoed continuously in the soul, never stopped, never stopped. . . .

Although it was extremely painful and he could feel the state of Shenpo at the moment, Ye Chen's mind remained motionless, that kind of persistence was moving!
Time passed, perhaps because of this persistence, the soul suddenly began to tremble, and then, a force of yin and yang, finally guided by the mind, quickly walked in that passage.

On Ye Chen's fingers, the power of yin and yang beats like an elf. . . .However, this was just the beginning, and in that passage, there was a steady stream of yin and yang forces rushing out frantically.

Ye Chen couldn't help being startled, he really wanted to get more help from the power of Yin and Yang, but he didn't expect to attract so many!

Still, it's a good thing!
The corner of Ye Chen's mouth suddenly raised a cold arc!
"Excuse the evil!"

With a wave of the finger, the majestic yin and yang power swept out like a stormy wave, and the world seemed to be turned upside down. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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