Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 261 End

Chapter 261 End
"Excuse the evil!"

Ye Chen yelled loudly, and the yin and yang power gathered between his fingers turned into an invisible real dragon, and rushed towards the evil pool without mercy.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the universe seemed to be reversed because of this. In the entire Zhixie Mountain, all other auras disappeared, leaving only the yin and yang, roaring in the sky!

Even the evil spirit and the Demon Emperor Bell felt tremendous pressure at this moment, the attacks from both sides stagnated, and time and space seemed to have stopped for a second at this moment.

The evil spirits are too terrifying. Ye Chen doesn't think that with his current control, with the cooperation of the Demon Emperor Bell, he can eliminate the evil spirits. Therefore, Ye Chen still chose the evil pool, even if he didn't draw his salary from the bottom of the pot. Believe it, there is no After entering the evil pond, the power of the evil spirits will naturally weaken a lot. At that time, it will be much easier to deal with the evil spirits.

The mighty power of yin and yang, while imprisoning the entire Zhixie Mountain, was indescribably powerful, like the heavens pressing down on it, causing the Xiechi to collapse in an instant.

The water in the evil pool was evaporated quickly, and the endless evil energy contained in it also disappeared instantly. Waves of energy ripples rushed into the bottom of the evil pool, turning clouds and rain, and forcibly destroying the entire evil pool!


The deafening roar swept away like waves, and the sky seemed to be trembling violently because of the sound waves. When the evil pool disappeared under the impact of Yin and Yang forces, it was visible to the naked eye. , to any place in the evil mountain, it began to have a weak vitality, which gradually radiated out.

Although the vitality is weak, it is spreading continuously. It only takes a certain period of time, and Zhixie Mountain will become exactly the same as other places.

Outside the Xie Mountain, the equally astonishing battle was still going on. However, when the Xie Chi was permanently destroyed, the battle suddenly stopped. With the strength of Lin Shu, Cao Feng and others, they could naturally sense it. At this time The Zhixie Mountain is already different from just now.

The faces of Cao Feng and the others were startled, and they were immediately overjoyed. In contrast, the faces of Lin Shu and the others suddenly turned pale, and their vitality began to spread. The four of them knew very well what this meant.

"Hey! Lin Shu, let's arrest you now and explain everything clearly. You still have a chance to survive, and even if you still have to die, we will intercede for you, so that you won't be accused of betrayal after your death!"


With four enemies and twelve, although the four of Lin Shu are extraordinary in strength, Cao Feng and others are also not ordinary people. The experience in Burying Soul Valley has also made them greatly improved in strength.

With injuries on their bodies and such a big change, even though Lin Shu and the others were extremely good, their fighting spirit immediately faded at this moment. Looking at Cao Feng and others, their expressions quickly became sluggish. . . .
In the evil mountain, vitality quietly surged out, and the evil spirit in the midair seemed to have a sharp howling sound resounding, and immediately, the aura emanating from it also weakened a lot in an instant!

Sure enough, it was born from the evil pool. Although it has obtained spiritual wisdom, it is obvious that it cannot draw the energy it needs from heaven and earth by virtue of its own spiritual wisdom and means. All its sources come from evil spirits. pool.

Now that the evil pool has been destroyed and lost its source of energy, even the evil spirits are no longer strong!

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, the yin and yang forces still surging in the world, at this moment, swept towards the evil spirits overwhelmingly.

The Demon Emperor's Bell stands above the evil spirit, its black light flickers, covering the entire land, the mighty power of yin and yang, when it is about to approach the evil spirit, is completely sucked away by the Demon Emperor's Bell.

Ye Chen's eyes trembled slightly. The Demon Emperor Bell used to forcibly devour the Yin-Yang Soul. Now it is not surprising that it can absorb the power of Yin-Yang to enter, but I don't know how the power released by the Demon Emperor Bell will be. How big is it.


As if the sound of a gigantic drum shook the sky, resounding through the sky and the earth, countless cracks spread out in the ground below, and in just a moment, many peaks in the mountains were razed to the ground in an instant!

Dust filled the sky, filled the sky and the earth, and a mighty wave of attack, since the appearance of the Demon Emperor's Bell, had already bombarded the evil spirit, without giving the latter the slightest chance to defend or resist.

That wave of attack was like an ax that split the sky, even the sky and the earth could be forcibly split in half, not to mention this evil spirit, even though the evil spirit is also extremely extraordinary!


A sharp scream resounded through the scattered evil spirits.

"How could this happen, why did this happen, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!"

It was the voice of Li Yin. When the voice sounded, there seemed to be an extremely illusory figure, which collapsed together and disappeared forever in the world.

The evil spirit dissipated, and this world, this mountain range, seemed to regain clarity immediately. When the vitality continued to spread, it was faintly visible, and a touch of greenness quietly spread out from the most hidden place.

The Demon Emperor's bell returned to his body, and Ye Chen immediately let out a heavy breath, his whole body softened, and he sat cross-legged on the ground.

The evil invasion did not bring any physical harm to Ye Chen, but he was too concentrated, and now he suddenly relaxed, and the weakness came like a tide.

The power of yin and yang gushes out from the Demon Emperor's Bell, and then returns to the soul like lightning. At this time, the soul feels like being stabbed by thousands of needles. The extreme pain makes Ye Chen, there is blood in the seven orifices. Continuously seep out.

Although the power of yin and yang has been successfully absorbed from the soul, and it is still enough, it is obvious that the consequences of this are extremely large. Maybe the soul will not be forced to be taken, and the result will be severely injured. It's this pain, I'm afraid it will kill people.

Even if Ye Chen's heart is tough enough, he is still dying. Terrible pain spreads to any part of his body. His nerves are beating violently. On his forehead and arms, the veins burst out, and it seems that they may burst open at any time Come.

This kind of pain comes directly from the soul, it is not any means that Ye Chen has now, can help him resist this pain, he can only bear it, if he can't help it, he will die suddenly!
But now, he didn't even have time to bear it. Here, where the evil spirit disappeared, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed. Although there was nothing appearing in the white light, there was an aura quietly spreading out.

This aura is not very powerful. Ye Chen is in his peak state, and after using all kinds of means, he may still not be able to defeat this aura, but it is not difficult to retreat completely.

But for him now, he couldn't protect himself, his mind was wrapped in that extreme pain, not to mention he could move his fingers, even the simplest thoughts could not be uttered at this moment.

Of course, if there is a fatal danger, no matter it is the Demon Emperor Bell, the Immeasurable Mirror, or the Dayu Divine Cauldron, they will come out to protect it on their own, but that is when Ye Chen has enough time.

Ye Chen can't even move now, the weakness of his body, and the excruciating pain, even if a gust of wind blows over, he will be buried here.


As soon as the white light appeared, it swept down like lightning. Ye Chen could only watch the white light helplessly, wrapping himself in.

Just when Ye Chen tried his best to send out a thought, he suddenly felt that the extreme pain was not so tormenting. Although the pain had only weakened a little, it was already within Ye Chen's tolerance .

Moreover, the pain continued to weaken!


Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, when his mind was able to function, Ye Chen immediately noticed that the white light surrounding himself had not only entered his body, but also. . . .Has entered the location of its own soul.

It was this white light that relieved the pressure that Shensoul was currently under. At the same time, his weakness was slowly recovering. That white light, like a magical healing medicine from nine days away, could help Ye Chen, not only did he not need to continue To endure the unbearable pain, and also help Shenpo and himself recover.

Ye Chen couldn't help being a little surprised, the white light was the product of the evil spirits after they dissipated. Although it didn't seem to have any malice now, it was always accompanied by evil spirits, which made Ye Chen have to be careful.

Fortunately, when the white light enveloped the spirit, the spirit itself never felt throbbing, which made people feel relieved.

Ye Chen's soul is a combination of yin and yang, and he will have the most instinctive reaction to danger!
But no matter what, Ye Chen didn't dare to take it lightly!
Where the soul is located, the white light keeps flashing, without any resistance from the soul, the white light easily enters the soul. . . .At the same time, Ye Chen's physical body was also wrapped in such white light. The trauma he suffered during the previous battle with Li Yin was recovering quickly, and even his spirit was also recovering!

"This, what exactly is it?"

The magical white light made Ye Chen feel uneasy.

"Young man, don't worry, we have no malicious intentions."

While being so on guard, a strange voice suddenly sounded deep in his heart. What surprised Ye Chen even more was that the voice actually said, 'we', what does this mean?
Could it be that there are many people in this white light, or in other words, there are many people in the body right now?

Although the world of martial arts is extremely miraculous, all kinds of supernatural powers that ordinary people can only imagine out of thin air may be seen in the world of martial arts, but now this voice still surprised Ye Chen greatly.

"young people!"

A sigh sounded, and the white light in Ye Chen's body suddenly surged rapidly, and then rushed towards the location of the soul like lightning. Ye Chen's mind, also led by the white light, entered the location of the soul involuntarily.

If there is no Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue, with Ye Chen's current cultivation level, he would not be able to enter the location of the soul. This white light actually led him to forcibly break through the huge barrier between martial arts. . . .

Shenpo sat cross-legged quietly, and the shrouded white light floated out. In this nothingness, suddenly, a figure was so condensed!

(End of this chapter)

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