Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 262 Hero's Tears

Chapter 262 Hero's Tears

Above the quiet soul, white light flickered, condensed but not scattered. . . .

In the void world, everything is unreal, even the soul seems unreal at this moment. However, in the condensed white light, there is a figure that slowly condenses.

Of course, this figure is also extremely unreal!
But regardless of whether it is true or not, Ye Chen was shocked by this appearance. After the evil pool exploded and the evil spirits collapsed, such a white light erupted from the evil spirits, and within the white light, it could still evolve like this Ye Chen couldn't believe it!
But after all, Ye Chen is not what it used to be. After leaving the Ye family for a few years, what he saw and heard has improved a lot, especially with the improvement of his cultivation base, the soul is re-condensed from the yin and yang, which can make him aware that what he has condensed now The figure that came out was full of too much weirdness.

This figure is not just a figure!
Because there are too many different auras surging on this figure, it seems to be composed of countless people, not a single person!

"Young man, are you from the Great Deserted City?"

In the white light, an extremely old voice came slowly, listening to Ye Chen, it also gave people a very unreal feeling, as if they were in a virtual world.


Ye Chen replied, although this white light relieved the powerful pain he had suffered before, he did not dare to be careless at all, the white light is really too weird, the breath of countless people is contained in one body, This was unimaginable.

"Great Deserted City!"

The voice in the white light suddenly changed, it was not as old as before, but it was also full of bleakness.

What shocked Ye Chen especially was that the face of this figure was changing rapidly, and in the end, a face that looked young appeared out of it.

"Young man, do you know me?"

Looking at this strange face, Ye Chen shook his head.

The young face immediately sighed: "All these years have passed, and the young people in Dahuangcheng don't know me anymore."

"Senior is also from the Great Deserted City?"

Ye Chen frowned, suddenly remembered a person, and said in surprise: "Senior, you are..."

Ye Chen did not say this name, because that name represents a legend, but at the same time, it is also a devil-like existence in the hearts of many people in the Great Wilderness.

"That's right, I'm Fang Gan!" There was a look of pain on the young man's face, it seemed that he didn't want to mention this name again.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but he never thought that he would meet this legendary figure who almost became the Lord of the Great Wilderness in such an environment.

"Junior, I have seen the senior!"

After a while, Ye Chen clasped his fists and said.

After entering the evil mountain, Ye Chen also understood where the disaster of that year came from.Although Fang Gan left alive, Fang Gan at that time had already fallen into evil, his mind was under control, and everything he did was out of his own will.

That catastrophe brought great disaster to the Great Wilderness, but Fang Gan was no wonder.

It's just that Ye Chen was surprised. With Fang's excellent work and the existence of Zhixie Mountain, he must be able to sense the strangeness of Zhixie Mountain. Why did he enter it rashly?

Fang Gan smiled wryly: "I am now, how can I still be qualified to be called you so!"

Ye Chen said solemnly: "Senior, there is no need to blame yourself. You couldn't help yourself back then. Besides, the Great Wilderness City didn't die because of it..."

Fang Gan in the white light waved his hand and said: "Although I am a remnant soul detained here, I also know what I did in the Great Wilderness City. I am a sinner in the Great Wilderness, and I have no face to live in this world. I don't deserve to show up again, but I have an obsession in my heart and I can't let it go, so I waited until today!"

"I don't know what senior's wish is, but if this junior can achieve it, he will definitely live up to his entrustment!" Ye Chen said immediately.

He is not Fang Gan, but he can understand Fang Gan's heart, just as he himself has been waiting for more than three years, but also waiting for the arrival of spring flowers. Three years have made Ye Chen taste all kinds of things in the world. Years of persistence is even more moving.

"Young man, what's your name?"

"Junior Ye Chen!"

"Ye Chen, you are fine!"

There was a gratified smile in Fang Gan's illusory eyes. His remnant soul was able to come out, so he knew that the evil pool and the evil spirits had been wiped out. Of course it was very good for Ye Chen to be able to do this.

Fang Gan admired Ye Chen's attitude. This young man took the responsibility without asking why. Such a person is undoubtedly the best person to entrust.


After a while, Fang Gan said: "Back then, I also came out of this mountain by accident. At that time, Zhixie Mountain was not as obvious as it is now. I could only vaguely feel some strange things in this mountain. So come in and check it out."

"So it is!"

Ye Chen finally understood the reason why Fang Gan entered Zhixie Mountain back then, but it surprised Ye Chen even more. It was only a hundred years away from that year, and Zhixie Mountain has changed so much. It is conceivable that in In the past hundred years, countless creatures have strayed into the evil mountain, were swallowed by the evil pool, and finally became the energy that condenses the evil spirits.

"After entering the evil mountain, you know my fate. The reason why I still have a ray of soul, and I am willing to be imprisoned is to wait for your arrival."

Ye Chen smiled wryly when he heard the words, and said, "Senior, if I miss and defeat the evil spirit today, I'm afraid you will have to wait forever, right?"

Fang Gan nodded indifferently, and said in a deep voice, "As long as I can wait, no matter how long it takes, I'm willing to wait."

Ye Chen was in awe, he knew that what Fang Gan was waiting for was definitely not for his own relief.

"Ye Chen, please keep in mind that there is only one Evil Mountain in the world, but the Evil Lake is not the only one. In contrast, the Evil Lake in this mountain was formed the latest, and its power And the smallest!"

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly tightened. This evil pool with the shortest formation time and the least power is so terrifying. I dare not think about how terrifying the evil pool that has existed for countless years will show!

Ye Chen absolutely believed that with the strength of the Lord of the Great Wilderness, the Demon King, Xu Baxian and others, it was impossible not to notice the weirdness in Zhixie Mountain, but they did not take any action.

Maybe Ye Chen and many people did something secretly, but Zhixie Mountain and Xiechi have always existed, which means that even if these martial arts masters have taken action, they still can't help Xiechi.

This shows how harmful and powerful an evil pool is!

And this, relatively speaking, is only a relatively weak existence.

"Marven Ye!"

Fang Gan said solemnly: "I don't know what method you used to eliminate the evil spirit of this evil pool, but since you can do it, then destroying other evil spirits in the evil pool will also become yours." Responsibility."

"The younger generation will do their best!" Ye Chen said.

Fang Gan waved his hand and said: "You can't do your best, you must eliminate all these evils in the world, otherwise, you should imagine that when the evil pool develops spiritual wisdom, it will be a blessing to this world. A terrible disaster."

"Although we are not saints, we should not see the world suffer. If that happens, we will not have a place to live!"

Ye Chen's heart trembled, he clasped his fists and said, "This junior has made a note, and I will never disappoint my senior."

The illusory experience of getting the Wuliang mirror in Wuliang Mountain already made Ye Chen understand that there was an extra responsibility on his shoulders, and now Ye Chen didn't care about the extra responsibility.

At the same time, Ye Chen also didn't want to disappoint Fang Gan who had insisted on it for many years, so he agreed, a promise, if Fang Gan could leave this world with no regrets, Ye Chen would be willing to take over this so-called responsibility.

"I don't know, senior, what wishes do you have left?" Ye Chen asked again.


Fang Gan was not polite either, he paused, and then said: "Ye Chen, after returning to the Great Wilderness City, please go to Changfeng City!"

"Changfeng City?"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows. After returning to the Great Wilderness City with the green-robed man, although he was busy with various things, he never really visited Changfeng City. Even before forming a team with Cao Feng and others, he didn't even know that Such a city.

But Ye Chen now knows that Changfeng City is already a dead city, and he cannot enter or exit!

Of course, things cannot be generalized, Li Yin, and the people behind Li Yin must have something to do with Changfeng City, and if they want to enter Changfeng City, it may not be that simple.

Fang Gandao: "After the great war, Changfeng City was sealed off. Countless people were not killed, but were directly sealed in the city. Ye Chen, these people are all innocent. They are burdened by me, and they cannot be detached from life and death. I beg you, enter Changfeng City, purify the evil energy, and let those who died in vain be reborn!"

After pondering for a long time, Ye Chen said: "Senior, there is one thing that you may not know. Before I fought against the evil spirits, the appearance of the evil spirits was not due to their natural derivation, but was forcibly fused and activated by others!"

"This person is from the Great Desert City!"

At this point, I believe Fang Gan will be able to understand.

The white light vibrated violently, and this void world seemed to be turned upside down.

"The people of the Great Deserted City, the people of the Great Deserted City..."

Fang murmured uncontrollably, his expression became more and more terrifying, showing signs of collapse, and there seemed to be clear tears in his pupils, slowly sliding down.

He was struggling to hold on, hoping to restore the Great Desolate City, and even restore the sky to a clear sky, but he didn't expect that in the city he guarded so hard, someone was trying to turn the world upside down.

"Senior, please take care!"

Ye Chen didn't need to say what he said just now, but Ye Chen didn't want to fail Fang Gan's entrustment. If he wanted to enter Changfeng City, he would encounter countless resistances, because no one knew how many people were involved behind Li Yin. .

If Xu Baxian was also involved, Changfeng City would not be able to enter if he wanted to. In fact, when he left Burial Soul Valley, he might face a new storm.

Let Fang Gan know the truth, although it hurt his heart, but it is also an explanation, the hero is destined to have tears and no regrets!

(End of this chapter)

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