Chapter 263
"Marven Ye!"

Fang Gan's voice was extremely hoarse. After all, he was very human. He was able to get out of the state of grief and anger in a short period of time. However, he was still a human being, not a god. Extremely dry.

"Ye Chen, I know that if you still choose to enter Changfeng City, it will bring you great trouble, even death, but I still hope that you can enter Changfeng City!"

In the depths of the extremely parched pupils, a bright glow like the shining sun burst out suddenly.

"Everyone in the Great Wilderness, I have always been a generation of heroes. I was burdened by me back then, and countless people died in Changfeng City in vain. Since I can still make a request, this is my only last wish!"

Fang Gan's voice became extremely fierce as the light flickered: "Ye Chen, since now, the Great Wilderness is no longer the Great Wilderness of the past, then you can let it go, Changfeng City, don't rush forward, wait until you have enough Strength, when you can start killing, then enter Changfeng City!"

"The Great Wilderness is no longer what it used to be, let it be completely reborn from the chaos!" Fang Gan said firmly!
Ye Chen immediately clasped his fists and said, "As long as seniors don't blame me for being incompetent, please rest assured, seniors, one day, I will make Changfeng City stand tall among the wilderness cities again."

Fang Ganqing sneered and said: "I have been waiting for so many years, I don't care about time anymore, I only hope that you can clear up the Great Wilderness City, and give me a bright future in the Great Wilderness!"

"Definitely!" Ye Chen said solemnly.

"Haha, Ye Chen, goodbye!"

"I'm liberated, but I don't know when the teachers, seniors, and brothers will be liberated? Ye Chen, I very much hope that one day in the near future, I will see you in Huangquan Hell." All my relatives and old friends!"

The white light gradually dissipated, and Fang Gan's figure also became blurred and dimmed instantly. The white light turned into light spots all over the sky, and gradually dispersed from this void world.

However, when the white light spots dissipated, Ye Chen could clearly see a figure slowly emerging from among these light spots. They were holding fists at Ye Chen from afar in midair. . . .

"Seniors, let's go!"

Ye Chen said silently.

The white light finally dissipated completely from the nothingness, but there was a ray of light that quickly swept over and attached to Ye Chen's mind. Although there was no malice, Ye Chen couldn't shake it off even if he wanted to.

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Senior, are you still unable to let go?"

Although he was smiling wryly, the respect of the other party in his heart was getting bigger and bigger. Fang Gan was not worried about Ye Chen, fearing that Ye Chen would break his promise, but was helping Ye Chen in such a way.

The future is too dangerous, Fang Gan doesn't want Ye Chen to face it alone, the words of leaving just now are just to let Ye Chen relax, and then, his remnant soul can be attached to Ye Chen's mind That's all!

In this world, there are too many treacherous people, Yang Jun, Ye Jia and others, but likewise, there are also such great people as Fang Gan. Good and evil have always coexisted. It is not easy to promote good and punish evil!
Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, feeling Fang Gan's remnant soul in his mind, a sharpness that he had never felt before surfaced in his heart.

Changfeng City, no matter how much resistance there is, you must enter as soon as possible, and you must not let Fang Gan wait too long!
To Xie Mountain, it has already calmed down. Even though it has only been a few hours in the huge mountain range, it can already be felt that a strange vitality is constantly rushing out from all parts of the mountain range.

In the shroud of vitality, a piece of greenery began to spread slowly. Looking around, it was like a god sprinkled rain in the space, making the mountain slowly return to its original appearance.

Outside the mountain, Cao Feng and others stood solemnly. They knew that Ye Chen had already won in the mountain. Otherwise, the mountain would not have changed like this. However, today's victory is a harbinger of a bigger storm.

Lin Yin, Lin Shu. . . .How many people like this still exist in the Great Deserted City?
Although they had never experienced the disaster that year, Cao Feng and the others still knew clearly that if the same disaster happened again, this mighty Great Deserted City would never appear on the Northern Continent from now on.

Such a calamity, Cao Feng and others dare not think too much about it!

"Boss Ye!"

In the evil mountain, Ye Chen rushed out quickly, the injuries he suffered had recovered, and the pain in his soul disappeared because of the help of Fang Gan and other remnants.

That white light was condensed by the remnant souls of countless people. They may have lost their power in life, but the remnant souls gathered in one place can just help Ye Chen relieve the pain of the soul.

"Are you all okay?"

Standing in front of Cao Feng and others, Ye Chen asked calmly.

Although the four of Lin Shu were not as obsessed with evil as Li Yin, but when they entered Zhixie Mountain, they met for a short time, and Ye Chen also noticed that the former four were different.

It wasn't Cao Feng and the twelve who were at fault, Ye Chen was really worried about leaving them to deal with Lin Shu and the other four.

"We are fine, Chief Ye, don't worry!"

Ye Chen's voice made Cao Feng's people chill for no reason. They would not suspect that Ye Chen had fallen into evil.

The reason for the chills is that Ye Chen's plainness contains the kind of tyranny and fierceness that is hidden in the world like the nine-day thunder. They don't know what Ye Chen experienced in Zhixie Mountain, but they can sense it. The fury of thunder in Ye Chen's heart at this moment.

Ye Chen nodded slightly, then turned around immediately, and looked at the four Lin Shu who had lost the slightest fighting spirit.

"Ye...Ye Chen..."

The voices of the four are trembling, especially Lin Shu is the most prosperous. Once upon a time, when they met in the ancient castle in Moyuan Mountain, Ye Chen was just a little warrior who had just stepped into the realm of the spirit level. Although his performance was extraordinary, to be honest, in their In the eyes of these people, Ye Chen was really vulnerable.

However, the development of things is often too shocking. Qiu Huaxuan, who was comparable to Lin Shu, died in the hands of Ye Chen. Under the army, the leader of the Canglong Army!

Although there are not many things done, they are extremely shocking!
Today, the person who was once regarded as an ant has become the master who decides his own life and death. The shock in Lin Shu's heart can be imagined!

"As people of the Great Wilderness, you should be very clear about what Zhixie Mountain represents, but instead of preventing it, you would rather enter it, Lin Shu, you should die!"

If Fang Gan's remnant soul hadn't appeared, Ye Chen wouldn't have such a murderous intent. For him, looking at the entire battle in the wilderness, in the spiritual realm, except for Lin Yifan, the rest of the people are no longer qualified to fight him, including Li Yin inside.

But seeing Fang Gan's waiting and persistence with his own eyes, he couldn't be merciful to those like Lin Shu who were willing to degenerate for the sake of strength.

"Boss Ye, have mercy!"

"Oh, don't worry, I won't kill you."

Even Qin Shi and Ye Chen didn't kill them, how could they be willing to kill the four of them.

However, the words of not killing, heard the ears of Lin Shu and the others, made them feel extremely chilled.


After Ye Chen's words fell, the four of Lin Shu immediately uttered a terrible scream, and the spiritual power surging in their bodies disappeared forever after an instant.

Their lifelong cultivation was abolished by Ye Chen!

However, while abolishing the four of them, Ye Chen still retained a little power for them, and added something to their bodies.

What was kept was the evil spirit hidden deep in the bodies of the four of Lin Shu, which was evidence and could not be erased, and what was added was Ye Chen's own yin and yang power.

With the power of yin and yang, even if Xu Ba made the first move, he would never destroy this evidence!
After leaving this time, even if his cultivation is far from enough, Ye Chen will set off a bloody storm in the Great Wilderness City. Although doing so will have a great impact on the overall strength of the Great Wilderness City, it is also easy No mercy, he can only do this.

For as long as the evil spirit exists, the Great Wilderness City will never be peaceful. This powerful force will not be able to truly become his most powerful support in the future when he faces Ni Cangtian!

After understanding Ye Chen's meaning, Cao Feng sternly shouted at Lin Shu and the others. For such a person, there is no need to have a good face, even if the four of them still have value.

The four of Lin Shu staggered away and gradually walked away. Perhaps they also understood how their lives would change in the future, and what Ye Chen's intention was for keeping them alive, but right now, they just wanted to live.

And in the hearts of the four, there may not be no hope. As long as in the end, the masters of the Great Deserted City are still their own people, even if they lose their cultivation and cannot achieve the heights they dreamed of in the past, they can still achieve prosperity and wealth throughout their lives!

"Boss Ye, what should we do next?"

After the four left, Cao Feng asked immediately.

"Leave Burial Soul Valley immediately!"

Ye Chen didn't even think about it, and said: "After leaving, everyone, immediately tell your respective city masters what happened during the period in detail, and let them prepare, this time, we must completely eradicate the scourge of the Great Deserted City. "

"Tell them that no matter what position they hold, they must obey my orders. If not, I will clean them up one by one."

Ye Chen said murderously, even he could feel that in this life, except for the death of his parents and the disappearance of his son, he had never had such a big killing intent.

"Leader Ye, don't worry, it's about the future of the Great Wilderness. As long as the teachers and commanders are not in collusion, they will never obey others!"

To clean up the Great Deserted City, Ye Chen definitely has such strength, everyone in Cao Feng has no doubts, and on such a big matter, no one will maintain the original so-called position.

"It's just Boss Ye, if Xu calm down the situation, it won't be easy!"

Xu Baxian is already the nominal ruler of the Great Wilderness City. If he is evil, with all his strength, even if the Lord of the Great Wilderness reappears, he may not be able to suppress him. It will be a bloody battle.

(End of this chapter)

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