Chapter 269
The voice from mid-air, filled with a strong killing atmosphere, not only did not make Ye Chen feel any fear, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and deep in his heart, he was also slightly relieved.

Because it is certain that Lu Xing's provocation this time is not because of his so-called standpoint, but simply because he is not convinced by Ye Chen!
If it is a matter of position, it will be very troublesome. Xuanlong City has always had an extremely special status in the wilderness. Even Xu Baxian cannot have his superior status in front of Xuanlong City.

To put it bluntly, if Xu Baxian wants to climb to the top, Xuanlong City is a difficult problem that must be solved. Either win him over or destroy it, there is no other way.

In fact, for so many years, Xu Baxian has not climbed to the top, and Xuanlong City may be his biggest obstacle.

If Xuanlong City had already recognized Xu Baxian, even if Ye Chen had obtained the position of the young master of the Great Desolation, it would be difficult for him to unite with other cities to stop Xu Baxian's progress.

Therefore, Xuanlong City has always been the top priority in the continuous planning with Jin Ling!
Now it seems that the current situation is still good, Lu Xing just refuses to accept Ye Chen.

It is easy to solve the dissatisfaction alone. Let Lu Xing know that there is a gap between him and himself, and this gap may become bigger and bigger with time. In that case, the dissatisfaction in his heart will eventually dissipate.

The so-called dissatisfaction can only happen in the hearts of people who are almost the same. When it goes beyond too much, there will be absolutely no dissatisfaction. If there is, just look up!
If it were any other person, who controlled such a large number of troops and exerted all their strength, Ye Chen was really not sure that he could forcibly defeat them, and let Lu Xing know that the gap would become wider and wider.

It's just that this person is Lu Xing, and the person in charge is Longwei, Ye Chen has enough confidence!
Ye Chen has the purest blood of the real dragon in his body, and he is practicing the most pure and top-notch Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Technique of the dragon clan. Even though he is a human being, Ye Chen's restraint against monsters already exists!
Whether it is Lu Xing or these dragon guards, they must have experienced the baptism of Xuanlong City. They are already unavoidable. In the process of cultivation, they have a certain connection with the suppressed evil dragon.

To others, this may not matter, but in front of Ye Chen, this is the fatal weakness.

Lu Xing naturally didn't know what Ye Chen was thinking. When he saw Ye Chen's smile, his eyes became more angry. He took Ye Chen's relaxation as a contempt for him, or even ignoring him. !

Lu Xing yelled loudly, and under his feet, the illusory flood dragon suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky, and immediately, a dazzling black light surged out like overwhelming the sky.

In an instant, this world seemed to be covered by a shady curtain!

The ten thousand zhang black light finally covered the body of the phantom dragon, making the dragon, in an instant, appear in this world with a real body as if it had condensed from nothingness to reality.


The roar of the flood dragon shook the world!
When Lu Xing leaped into the air, he saw the black flood dragon twisting like a snake. With a slight movement, the space in front of him was torn apart, and in the next instant, it rushed out crazily.

Endless evil spirit immediately permeated the space. The terrifying power seemed to suppress everything on this land, and the domineering momentum swept in like a strong wind.


Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, in the black eyes, there was a sharp light, which surged suddenly, and at that moment, spiritual power surged out of his body, and his palms were also clenched tightly.


One after another silver streaks of light, within that spiritual power, quickly transformed into form, counting the number, it has reached 25 streaks.

The 25 silver light streaks are a little less than when Ye Chen faced Qin Shi transformed by Yang Jun and Li Yin, but they came together by relying on their own strength, not by relying on chaos The Yin-Yang Jue absorbs the energy from the heavens and the earth, and then condenses it.

Ye Chen's strength has improved a lot after going through the experience in Burying Soul Valley!

After hovering around Ye Chen for a while, 25 silver light streaks suddenly rushed out, suspended in mid-air, and began to connect little by little. The dazzling silver light, also in this connection, finally turned into one.

Even if there is only one silver light shining, it is the most shining existence in the sky, and the darkness brought by the black flood dragon has been dispelled from this moment.

That ray of silver light appeared, layers of oppressive feeling spread quietly, and a domineering power of a real dragon reverberated in the world at this moment.

Lu Xing, and those dozens of dragon guards, all changed their expressions at this moment. When the real dragon's power appeared, they clearly felt a wave of fear surged deep in their hearts.

This fear came without warning, so Lu Xing and others knew that the power coming from the silver light was indeed the power of a real dragon, and it could not be faked at all. If not, how could there be such a feeling?
And the transformed dragon suddenly stopped its forward speed at this moment. Compared with Lu Xing and others, although this black dragon is not a real body, the influence and strength of the real dragon's power on it To be even bigger.

The silver light flickered, Ye Chen shook his palm violently, and a burst of spiritual power shot into the silver light like lightning.


The clear and crisp sound of the dragon's chant resounded directly in the sky, and slowly, the bright silver glow gradually faded away, and what was waiting in its place was a huge real dragon with the size of a hundred feet leaping in the sky.

At this time, the power of the real dragon became clearer and more domineering. The power of dominating the world completely dispelled the evil spirit from the body of the black dragon, and everyone in Lu Xing, as well as the dragon, were trembling.

"Brother Lu, is this war going to continue?"

The real silver dragon hovered around Ye Chen, he looked over the black dragon, looked at Lu Xing, and said calmly.

Lu Xing's face was uncertain. He already knew that when facing Ye Chen today, he had made a fatal mistake. He could not resist the power of the real dragon.

It's just that you have to admit defeat without fighting. . . .

Lu Xing's expression brightened, and a stubborn look flashed across his eyes. If he just gave up like this, he would not be reconciled, nor could he feel at ease!

Looking ahead, Lu Xing bit the tip of his tongue violently, a stream of blood turned into a blood arrow and shot into the black dragon.

A roaring sound full of fighting intent came from the dragon's mouth. With the addition of this blood essence, the black dragon regained its strong fighting intent. The huge black body flashed fiercely at Ye Chen in front of him. Shock past.

Ye Chen's eyes froze slightly, flashing admiration.Under such circumstances, Lu Xingdu was still able to force a fight, which was really good. No wonder he was praised as a character who could keep pace with the Lord of the Great Wilderness in the future.

Being strong is the quality that a warrior should have!

But appreciation is appreciation, defeating Lu Xing is a necessary matter.


The real silver dragon floated out, and when it was above the sky, a piece of silver light flickered around its body, and it was faintly visible that there was lightning flickering, full of extremely powerful destructive power.

"go with!"

Ye Chen lowered his eyes slightly, raised his hand and waved it, the silver real dragon instantly pierced through the void, like the divine ax that opened the sky, with unparalleled domineering aura, it slashed at the black dragon fiercely.


Before the real silver dragon arrived, the void around the black flood dragon was cracked inch by inch, as if it was melting into nothingness.


The two behemoths collided with each other a moment later, and the ripples of violent power directly rippled out from the sky. The space was constantly twisting, and the two violent forces collided and devoured each other.

However, although it seems to be in a stalemate state, in fact, under the bright silver light, the black light is completely suppressed, and the fighting spirit in the illusory pupils of the black flood dragon is also melting away bit by bit, so that people know, The latter will not last long at all.

And just after the next few seconds, a piece of silver light directly enveloped the world. In the silver light, any substance no longer exists. The black flood dragon, accompanied by all its fighting intentions, moved silently together. Disappeared in heaven and earth.

The real silver dragon, which lost its blocking power, became even more domineering. When the dragon's tail flicked lightly, the huge dragon body, like a sharp arrow, shot towards Lu Xing as fast as lightning.

"Dragon Shield!"

The situation has developed to this point, and Lu Xing already knows how big the gap between him and Ye Chen has become. Although it is said that the restraint between the two parties has caused this situation, Lu Xing is not the slightest It is undeniable that if there is no such restraint, with the help of Longwei's strength, in the end, it will still be defeated!

Right now, what Lu Xing wants is not only to defend against Ye Chen's attack, but also to make it easier to defeat.

At the same time that Lu Xing's hands quickly formed seals, waves of fighting intent erupted from the bodies of the Longwei people again, and finally turned into a huge mask, covering Lu Xing and everyone.

On the mask, the shadow of a black flood dragon was swimming, releasing astonishing fluctuations of spiritual power, which was extremely solid.

When the black mask was just formed, the silver real dragon shot through the void, and then mercilessly bombarded the mask.


The world seemed to tremble a bit. When the crisp sound spread, there were waves of terrifying energy ripples on the mask. When these energy ripples spread all over the mask, there was a click, and the mask was finally overwhelmed. It was gently shattered, and Lu Xing and the dozens of dragon guards were clearly presented in front of the attack of the real silver dragon.


Lu Xing's complexion couldn't help changing drastically, and he no longer had the intention of competing with each other. With a movement of his body, he and the dozens of dragon guards suddenly retreated. The speed was not weaker than the one who came before. here time.

(End of this chapter)

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