Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 270 The Might of the Cyclone

Chapter 270 The Might of the Cyclone
Looking at Lu Xing and others retreating from a distance, Ye Chen frowned slightly. Naturally, in his heart, he did not have the idea of ​​killing Lu Xing and others. The latter's provocation was not because of his position after all, but just dissatisfaction in his heart.

However, since he came to challenge and failed, he naturally had to save something. Lu Xing, especially Xuanlong City, Ye Chen valued it very much. If he had such an opportunity today, he couldn't miss it.

After thinking up to this point, Ye Chen shouted loudly: "Brother Lu, it seems too inappropriate to just leave like this?"

Lu Xing, who was retreating violently, changed his face again. He naturally understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words. The challenge had failed. In any case, he had to leave a sentence at least. He was also a member of the Great Wilderness. If he left like this, If you spread it out, you will be laughed at by others.

However, Lu Xing is more aware of the current situation in Dahuang. No matter what he left behind, it may be interpreted as another meaning. Lu Xing has a different identity, so he must not be suspected before the situation is clear. move.

Maybe Lu Xing's qualifications are not enough to represent Xuanlong City, but in this main stage, he can represent Xuanlong City.

Therefore, knowing that leaving like this would bring serious consequences to him, Lu Xing couldn't care less about it.


Just when Lu Xing was not going to pay attention to Ye Chen, suddenly, a terrible roar resounded loudly behind everyone.

Ye Chen's gaze also changed a lot because of this. He could see clearly that because of the disorder and irregularity in the main stage, countless whirlwinds were formed, and extremely strong natural pressure was formed in this world.

These all exist in the master's platform at all times.

It may be because of the battle between the two sides just now that the rules in the space were changed, and then, the countless whirlwinds that existed in this space were forcibly combined in one place and turned into one, a huge giant with a size of hundreds of feet. whirlwind.

Appeared without a sound!
Hanging in the sky and the earth, this huge whirlwind with a size of hundreds of feet looks like that terrible black hole in the universe, but in fact, such a whirlwind does have the huge power of a black hole.

When the whirlwind was formed, terrifying and human-eating power surged out from it, and all the surrounding substances, including the air, were forcibly swallowed in, causing the land within a radius of one kilometer to truly explode. A vacuum is formed.

Such a huge and terrifying whirlwind, I am afraid, is no longer something human can resist, at least, without the strength of martial arts, it is impossible to escape from the whirlwind alive.

And this terrible whirlwind was on the way for Lu Xing and others to retreat violently.

When they noticed the appearance of Fengxuan, they were less than [-] meters away from Fengxuan, and a powerful force surged out from there, so powerful that Lu Xing and others were irresistible.

Lu Xing is worthy of being the most outstanding young hero of Xuanlong City's generation. When he felt the danger behind him, not only did he not panic too much, but he showed considerable composure. He also accelerated his speed and rushed to the dragon guards. Of.

Even if he is facing danger, he must be the first person to come into contact with danger.

Such a performance cannot be disapproved of!
Being able to control Longwei, it seems that Lu Xing relied not only on his own excellence, but also on his identity and status in Xuanlong City.

"Longwei, get together!"

Not only did Lu Xing react extremely quickly, and he didn't see too much panic, the group of dragon guards, after the initial panic, also reacted at this moment. Although the figures of dozens of people were unstable, they still showed their usual well-trained come out.

Up and down the Great Wilderness, there are four heavenly armies directly led by the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and there are armies controlled by the Lords of the various cities below. Without exception, these armies have undergone strict training, are brave and good at fighting, and are not afraid of death!
It is exactly like this, even after the disasters and the disappearance of the Lord of the Great Wilderness, the Great Wilderness City still stands on the northern continent. Although its momentum has weakened, it has not been eroded by any powerful force.

Dozens of dragon guards formed a circle forcibly, and fighting intent surged out along with the crazy surge of spiritual power. Lu Xing, who was in it, absorbed all these fighting intent and spiritual power into himself.


The black dragon condensed out again, and this time it was facing a huge whirlwind like a black hole in the universe. Therefore, the power of the black dragon was undoubtedly stronger than when facing Ye Chen.

"Black Dragon, eat the sky!"

Lu Feng yelled loudly, and the black flood dragon surrounding him rushed towards the huge whirlwind with unparalleled momentum, and ruthlessly charged out.

A wave of ferocious evil spirit continuously surged out. Although the body of the black flood dragon was not a real body, at this moment, the power it could display was abruptly increased by more than [-]% on the basis of the original.


The black dragon rushed directly into the whirlwind like lightning.

That kind of whirlwind was too terrifying. After rushing in with such power, unexpectedly, it didn't bring out the slightest ripple. It was as if a stone fell into the sea and fell silent in an instant.

This scene obviously made Lu Xing and all the dragon guards look very gloomy, but Lu Xing still did not give up. After a moment, he shouted in a deep voice: "Black Dragon, explode!"


In the huge whirlwind, a dull explosion sounded suddenly.

However, such an explosion did not change the whirlwind in the slightest, and the energy that exploded in the whirlwind was like a stone sinking into the sea, unable to turn over any waves.

Lu Xing didn't even think that with this power, he could resist the power of the whirlwind. He only thought that with the help of the power of the explosion, he could weaken the pulling force around everyone and successfully retreat.

But I never thought that what I did was completely useless and did not achieve the slightest effect!
"Leader, we are coming to the rear, get out of here quickly!"

The ineffective efforts also made the faces of the dragon guards suddenly turn grim. At this time, it is time to desperately.

"If you want to walk together, if you want to die, then die together!"

Lu Xing's eyes were also ruthless, and he shouted in a deep voice.


All the dragon guards shouted in unison, their dragon guards are one of Xuanlong City's elite troops, it is unacceptable to lose one person on weekdays, and it is even more unbearable to lose so many people at the same time.

However, the Dragon Guards knew that with so many of them, they were not as important as Lu Xing alone!
As long as Lu Xing is still there, then sooner or later, the Dragon Guard will return to its former strength, but if Lu Xing dies, and the Dragon Guard changes to another leader, even if the number of the Dragon Guard does not decrease by one person, the Dragon Guard will not be what it used to be. The Dragon Guard is gone.

Only Lu Xing can maximize the power of Longwei. Even if other people control Longwei, it will take several years, even more than ten years to hone and cooperate.

"Don't talk nonsense, follow me and rush out. If you can't leave here, our brothers will gather in Huangquan!"



From within Lu Xing's body, the ferocious spiritual power crazily bombarded towards the wind whirl. Although he knew that his power was like an ant in front of the wind whirl, but there was only these things he could do right now.

At the same time, the spiritual power of the dragon guards also rushed out desperately. . . .
Dozens of mighty spiritual powers, placed in any place, may be able to change the color of the world, but in front of this huge whirlwind, they are worse than ants. Even, these spiritual powers have just appeared, and they were blown away by the whirlwind. The power of the ruthless turned into nothingness.

"Leader, hurry up!"

Lu Xing smiled, and there was a look of sadness in his eyes, but more, it was unusually determined.

"Brothers, today, we will live and die together!"

Getting closer and closer to the whirlwind, the voices of the people gradually couldn't come out of their mouths. The wind was too strong and powerful, sealing everything of the people.

However, under the cover of this wind curtain, they did not hinder everyone's eyes. Through the wind curtain, they could see a huge black shadow above their heads, descending from mid-air, quickly.

"Dayu Divine Cauldron!"

Lu Xing and the others exclaimed, how could they not recognize the treasure that the lord of Yaoguang City, Jin Ling, was most proud of!
"Marven Ye!"

On the Dayu Divine Cauldron, a young man fell down together with the Dayu Divine Cauldron facing the wind.

"Ye Chen, it's dangerous, hurry up and leave us alone!" Lu Xing shouted anxiously. Although he didn't accept Ye Chen, he didn't want to see Ye Chen fall into danger for them.

"Everyone is willing to live and die together, never leave or abandon, you are all good men, I, Ye Chen, don't want to see so many good men buried here!"


The huge divine cauldron enveloped everyone in Lu Xing before the wind whirled to swallow them up.

Lost the target, the crazy power from the whirlwind, at this moment, all bombarded the Dayu Divine Cauldron.

Rao is the divine tripod is a treasure, and its defensive power is unparalleled in the world, but the power of the whirlwind is derived from nature, especially in this irregular space, its power is even more terrifying pole.

When that kind of power bombarded upwards, the huge divine cauldron was shaking violently. Although it didn't shake the cracks out of the Dayu divine cauldron, Ye Chen knew that with such power, his control over the Dayu divine cauldron was already gone. It is not as good as before, that is to say, if it continues to hover outside Fengxuan, even the Great Yu Divine Cauldron will be forcibly swallowed by Fengxuan.

At that time, Ye Chen will not know what will happen to this supreme treasure!

At this time, blood gushed out of Ye Chen's mouth, and the God of Dayu was injured, and he himself was inevitably severely injured.

The power of the whirlwind has actually reached this level.

Now is not the time to pay attention to these things. In the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, there are Lu Xing and a group of dragon guards. The Great Yu Divine Cauldron must be taken back first, otherwise, everything he is doing now will be useless .

"The Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Magic Mirror!"

Fortunately, in the main stage, even if the outside world can clearly see some things that happened inside, they will not notice the two great treasures of the Demon Emperor Clock and the Infinite Mirror.

Even if he realized it, in order to save people, Ye Chen didn't care about leaking the two great treasures!

(End of this chapter)

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