Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 271 Crazy

Chapter 271 Crazy


The already chaotic space became even more chaotic after the two rays of light emerged at the same time!
On the left side of Ye Chen, the black glow flickered, and there was a suffocating breath surging in the faint. Although the breath was not strong, even those who were not masters of martial arts could not detect it at all, but because of its existence , so that when the black glow shrouded it, it almost had the ability to destroy the sky.

This is the Demon Emperor Clock!
When he came to the northern continent and entered Moyuan Mountain, what Ye Chen did was to restore the Demon Emperor's Clock.

After such a long time, especially after bringing the green-robed man out of the ancient ruins, the recovery of the Demon Emperor's Bell is already extremely gratifying. In this regard, since Ye Chen was in danger in Zhixie Mountain, the Demon Emperor's Bell rushed to it. Learned.

However, it is precisely because of this that the recovery of the Demon Emperor Bell has not yet reached its peak state. A little longer.

However, even if it has not yet returned to its peak state, the Demon Emperor's Bell today is not what it was when it was first contacted. At that time, using the Demon Emperor's Bell once may cause the latter's state to continue to decline, or even fall into a deep sleep. middle.

In the past three years of cultivation, all the spiritual power cultivated was absorbed by the Demon Emperor Bell. Only in this way did the Demon Emperor Bell wake up from a deep sleep. The consequences of this are even more terrifying!
Right now, the Demon Emperor's Bell has regained its spirituality, and it can absorb essence from the heaven and earth by itself, making it endlessly alive!

On the right side of Ye Chen, the ancient copper mirror floats quietly, and a light yellow light lingers around the mirror body, which is the mirror of immeasurable magic.

Compared with the Demon Emperor's Bell, the Infinity Mirror does not have that overbearing aura, nor does it have any power surging out. It looks like an ordinary spiritual treasure.

However, only Ye Chen could discover that when the Boundless Mirror appeared, the space around the mirror had completely turned into nothingness. With the Boundless Mirror as the center, the small world around it seemed to be turned into its own by the Boundless Mirror. world.

In this world, the rules of the main platform cannot enter. In other words, all the pressure in the space, as well as the terrifying power of the whirlwind, cannot enter this world, not even the slightest bit.

This is Ye Chen's first time to really use the Infinite Mirror, and the power displayed by the Infinite Mirror should not disappoint him!


When the two great treasures appeared, the huge whirlwind seemed to be stagnant because of this, like a wild beast seeing a powerful existence, the gnawing aura was rapidly weakening.


Ye Chen stepped on the Great Yu God Cauldron, and immediately retreated quickly.

However, the so-called stagnation of the huge whirlwind frightened by the two great treasures was only a few seconds. Wei, after this time stagnation, became more and more terrifying.

Standing in the distance, Ye Chen frowned tightly, the wind whirlpool with the size of hundreds of feet suddenly rose again, and suddenly, it was already a thousand feet in size. Looking around, it almost connected the sky and the earth!
The so-called departure by Ye Chen with the God of Yu Cauldron is actually still under the cover of the whirlwind. That stronger force seems to have locked Ye Chen and the God of Yu Cauldron, pulling one person and one cauldron, quickly It rushed towards the center of the whirlwind.

The appearance of a whirlwind with a size of several hundred feet before was the result of the battle between Ye Chen and Lu Xing and the dragon guards, but now the appearance of a whirlwind with a size of a thousand feet has nothing to do with the war just now.

Ye Chen knew that such a terrifying whirlwind appeared because of the Demon Emperor Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror.

This disordered world was established according to the wish of the founder of Dahuang. All the rules in it are chaotic and chaotic, which can be given to future generations to develop their maximum potential when they experience in it, so as to form their own unique rules. The future It is relatively easier to attack the Martial Realm.

However, there are still certain rules in the Master Conferring Stage, that is, everything that appears in the Master Conferring Stage cannot be greater than the power of the Master Conferring Stage itself, otherwise, there will be abnormal changes.

But now, with the appearance of the Demon Emperor Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror, the aura released by the two great treasures, although still unable to break through the shackles of the Master Conferring Stage, has already aroused the reaction of the established rules of the Conferring Master Stage, so, This terrible whirlwind appeared.

It is undoubtedly gratifying that the two great treasures can achieve such a level. If he can really exert the full power of the two great treasures, maybe Ye Chen can go anywhere in this world.

Of course, Ye Chen needs to be extremely powerful, otherwise, the uncontrollable power will come back to him, just like the ghost fire at that time.


The whirlwind of thousands of feet was like a stormy wave. While releasing the most powerful force, it also surged towards Ye Chen like an overwhelming force.

From a distance, it looked like a huge monster like a wild beast. It opened its ferocious fangs and vowed to swallow Ye Chen into it.

Such power has far exceeded that of ordinary martial arts masters. Even if Xu Baxian is here, facing such a whirlwind, I am afraid that he would not dare to show his power. This is not something Ye Chen can resist.

"The Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Magic Mirror!"

Now if he wants to get rid of the crisis in front of him, he can only look at the performance of the two great treasures. If these two great treasures can't resolve the huge whirlwind, then Ye Chen can only hide in the God of Yu Cauldron and go to the whirlwind. Walked up the very center.


Without Ye Chen's instructions, the two great treasures have already moved immediately.

A monstrous black light surged out from the Demon Emperor's Bell, just like the Optimus Prime, directly swept into the whirlwind, and immediately exploded!

Compared with the astonishing momentum of the Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Mirror is much more low-key, and that light yellow light slowly spreads forward like flowing water.

Although the speed is extremely slow, the space covered by the yellow light seems to have become an independent space, and the power of the whirlwind is difficult to penetrate.

The speed at which Ye Chen was forced to advance suddenly slowed down a lot. When his heart relaxed slightly, Ye Chen's expression became more dignified. Although the two great treasures were unstoppable, they saved him from the crisis of being swallowed by the whirlwind, but this also only temporarily.

Although the power of the treasure is infinite, it also needs the support of energy after all. Any attack and defense has a limit. When the limit is reached, if there is not enough support, or if the whirlwind is defeated, then the crisis still exists.

With Ye Chen's current cultivation base, naturally he cannot give enough support to the two great treasures, which is also the main reason why Ye Chen cannot unleash the full power of the two great treasures.

Therefore, Ye Chen never thought about defeating this whirlwind!
When he could control his figure, he raised his hand and waved the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, stomping the ground with his footsteps, and quickly retreated violently like an arrow.

At the same time, the Demon Emperor Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror also flew over, guarding Ye Chen from the left and the right.

Only by leaving here far away, and then taking back the Demon Emperor Bell and the Infinity Mirror, or quieting the two great treasures, can the immediate crisis be truly eliminated.

But obviously, that huge whirlwind didn't want to let Ye Chen go so easily. If it had spirituality, it must be thinking that after so many years, there was an accident at last, which would allow it to have a good fight, and then How could this accident be easily let go?

The howling wind and fury, even though separated by the two great treasures, still echoed clearly in the ears, almost like a wild animal roar, which made people's minds tremble violently.

And the speed of the wind whirl was even faster. After a few breaths, it appeared in front of Ye Chen. The wind whirl, like a giant of heaven and earth, waved terrifying power, towards Ye Chen and the two great treasures. , severely suppressed.


In the Immeasurable Mirror, the yellow light emerged again, turning into a mask, covering Ye Chen in order to prevent it from being swallowed by the whirlwind. At the same time, from the Demon Emperor Bell, the black beam of light appeared like an angry dragon. Like, mercilessly bombarded out.

One attack and one defense is enough to protect Ye Chen, but it can't go on like this forever, can it?

The purpose of entering the Confession Stage is to seize the position of the young master of the wilderness. If he is entangled in this whirlwind, even if his life is not in danger, that is not what Ye Chen wants.

Seeing the power of the whirlwind being temporarily intercepted by the two great treasures, Ye Chen's eyes slowly burst out with a crazy look.

Relying on the two great treasures, in front of Fengxuan, it is enough for a period of time that his life will not be in danger, but this is still not a long-term solution, not to mention, even if the Demon Emperor's Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror are both heaven and earth, Among countless treasures, they can all be among the best, but there is always a moment when they run out of energy.

Just like a person, spiritual power is continuously mobilized, and there will always be times when it runs out.

At that time, not to mention myself, even these two great treasures may be facing the crisis of being collapsed.

Now that the whirlwind cannot be escaped, there is only one way to go, and that is to completely destroy the whirlwind!
How can we destroy the whirlwind?

The madness in his eyes became more and more intense, and in the end, it almost became a mark in Ye Chen's mind. Even if he didn't think about it, the thoughts brought about by the madness would always linger in his mind.

Because Ye Chen thought over and over again, only this method, perhaps, is possible to make this whirlwind completely dissipate in this main stage.

This may be the only way, so!
Even if there is great danger, there is no choice but to give it a go!

For Ye Chen, he has done many times of life-threatening actions, and today, although the danger is greater, but also, he has more things than before. There are three great treasures for body protection, Ye Chen I don't believe it, he will be here.

It is also because of this that the madness has not disappeared from my mind. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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