Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 282 The Underground Seal

Chapter 282 The Underground Seal
The whole Black Dragon Pool seems to have become much quieter because of the injury of the different dragon and snake. . . .
Ye Chen came on a tripod, stopped in front of Yilongsnake, and asked lightly: "Big guy, are you willing to be honest now?"

Hearing this, the terrified Different Dragon Snake trembled suddenly. The meaning of Ye Chen's words made it astonished, and it was only at this time that it finally understood. It turned out that this young man had never treated him like that. Killing intent.

After a while, the Yilong Snake nodded its huge head humanely. Although it really wanted to get the real dragon blood in Ye Chen's body, the current Yilong Snake had already woken up.

Although this young man never expressed the slightest killing intent towards himself, from the battle just now, Yilong Snake also sensed this young man's decisiveness and ruthlessness.

If at this time, he didn't know the so-called fierceness was released, I'm afraid that this young man would kill himself without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen chuckled lightly, and immediately stroked his palm, and the peaceful spiritual power quickly passed over the injured part of the different dragon and snake. At the same time, a dantian was also accurately swept into the mouth of the different dragon and snake.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and a cool feeling immediately flooded the whole body. The pain of the wound and the serious injury quickly improved at this moment.

The different dragon snake's gaze changed again, because it did not expect that this young man would actually help it heal its wounds, and there was a touch of complexity in the depths of its pupils.

Humans and monsters may be able to coexist peacefully, but it is very rare to do what Ye Chen is doing now, especially not long ago, he wanted to devour the blood of this young man. . . .Therefore, the different dragon and snake don't understand.

Ye Chen smiled, without too much nonsense, and said directly: "I came to Heilongtan to save some people, you should take this swamp away!"

No matter what motive Ye Chen has for helping him, it is impossible for the current Yilongshe to refuse Ye Chen's request. After seeing his strength, Yilongshe is also very eager to establish a good relationship with this young man.

Although it is impossible in the future, and I don't dare to think about devouring the blood of this young man, but if we can establish a good relationship with him, Yilong Snake knows that in the future, it can also gain great benefits from this, because the young man Possesses the blood of a real dragon.

So after hearing Ye Chen's words, Yilongshe made a sudden move regardless of his injuries.


This swamp suddenly violently stirred up, and I saw that countless mud rushed out, and when the different dragon snake opened its mouth, it was all absorbed.

There was a hint of shock in Ye Chen's eyes. Although the different dragon and snake were defeated by him, it is undeniable that such natural supernatural powers are indeed extraordinary. He was able to defeat it only by the power of the Nether Demon Fire and the blood of the real dragon. That's all.

The mud disappeared, and what appeared was a land covered with silt. The different dragon and snake swept their bodies, and quickly came to a certain place in this land. Immediately, the iron-like snake tail suddenly fell heavily.


The silt splashed everywhere, but the silt land did not collapse under the powerful force of the different dragon and snake. On the contrary, it was shocked so that the different dragon and snake retreated violently.

Ye Chen's expression tensed up. When the different dragon and snake were shaken back, there was a faint ray of light on the ground, which slowly overflowed like a stream of water. After a while, within a distance of hundreds of meters, everyone It was covered by this light.

The light is not harsh, and even has a soft feeling. However, the rays of light are connected together to outline a huge pattern. In the pattern, there is a pure spiritual power, which is quietly emitted.


Ye Chen's eyes tightened. This is not only a seal, but also a seal set by Xu Baxian himself, because Ye Chen felt the powerful aura belonging to Xu Baxian.

This Xu Baxian was well-intentioned. Not only did he trap a group of Canglong Army soldiers under the Black Dragon Pool, but he even set it up with a seal by himself. It was clear that he didn't want Ye Chen to complete this mission.

Although it is said that the Black Dragon Pool is so dangerous, if there is no seal to protect it, it is impossible for the sergeants of the Canglong Army to survive under the Black Dragon Pool for a long time, but such a powerful seal should not be.

How strong is Xu Baxian?
That is at least the top master of the ninth level of true martial arts. Looking at the entire northern continent, he has the name of Xu Baxian, and the seals he set up at random may not be able to be cracked by the peak fighters of the Linghai, not to mention, such a seal. Xu Ba didn't set it up casually first, but put some thought into it.

Even though he didn't go all out and use all his strength to set the seal, it would be extremely difficult for Ye Chen to break it.

"Big guy, step back!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and when his eyes flickered, a loud dragon chant resounded through the sky.


A streak of silver light appeared again at this moment.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

After the streams of pure energy merged into his body, the number of silver light streaks increased sharply again on top of the original number, and after a while, the number had reached as many as thirty.

Thirty silver streaks of light, like stars twinkling in the sky, are extremely dazzling.

The domineering and pure dragon power in the silver light pattern made the expression of the different dragon and snake in the distance tremble again. Only then did it realize that when it was fighting with it just now, this young man hadn't even displayed his full strength. .

At this time, Yilongshe understood that he was too lucky. If it were someone else, he would probably have been skinned by someone else.

So looking at Ye Chen, there is not only awe, but also gratitude!

Thirty silver lines of light turned into a bigger silver real dragon, and the power of Yin and Yang poured into it. It was still an illusory real dragon, but suddenly opened the pair of dragon eyes.


The sound of the dragon's anger shook the entire Black Dragon Pool. The extremely domineering aura, accompanied by the flickering silver light, swept out like a gust of wind. The different dragon and snake in the distance, at this moment, crawled obediently on the ground like a cat.

Long Wei is really too domineering!

Moments later, the real dragon that was transformed into reality, wrapped in bright silver brilliance, swept towards the seal with extremely domineering power.


Thirty silver light streaks, a blow condensed, Ye Chen thought, even if Li Yin was revived, and this place is also the most evil mountain, Li Yin, who relied on evil energy and had terrible strength, could hardly resist such an attack.

However, after receiving such a fierce attack, the seal on that side only shook a few times, not even violent tremors, let alone the so-called cracks quietly emerging.

Martial realm master's strength, Ye Chen once again personally experienced, Yuan also knew that this was his most powerful attack, it was difficult to break the seal set by Xu Baxian, but at least, it would have some effect, but he never thought , has no effect at all.

Ye Chen's expression suddenly became serious, and with a wave of his hand, the huge silver real dragon swooped back, and then quickly burrowed into his right palm.


There was a shrill cry, and Ye Chen's arm was showing signs of bursting at this moment, with streams of blood seeping out like water, which made people unbearable to look directly at.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

When the entire real dragon was submerged in his palm, his arm was suddenly covered with silver scales, and it looked as sharp as a knife!


The figure that shot out, carrying endless bloody evil spirit, was like the sharpest palm, with fierce and domineering power, facing the seal, slashing down fiercely.


Immediately, there was a sharp piercing sound in the space, the huge seal, at this moment, finally trembled violently, as if there were signs of collapse, but it seemed like, but it was not the truth!
When Ye Chen's palm brushed across the entire seal, the seal remained the same without any damage, which shows the strength of the seal and the strength of Xu Baxian.


Ye Chen cursed angrily, but the gesture of the palm remained unchanged, but it was the Infinite Magic Mirror, which quietly appeared in the palm of his hand. After a while, the yellow light beam, along the palm of his hand, quietly swept into the seal.

Ye Chen tried his best to break the powerful seal, but at this moment, unexpectedly, a tiny crack slowly seeped out from where his palm touched.

Once the gap appears, it will not stop!
When Ye Chen's palm moved quickly, the gap spread out like a spider's web at an extremely fast speed. In the end, although Ye Chen didn't pass the entire seal, but the entire seal, because of this, It was completely covered by the spider web-like cracks.

"how can that be?"

Not only is the different dragon and snake in the Black Dragon Pool a little unbelievable, because it saw with its own eyes how powerful and terrifying the person who set the seal was that day, so it can't believe that Ye Chen can break the seal.

Outside the lord's stage, all the masters who were staring at Ye Chen didn't believe it either. You must know that these masters were all martial arts masters, and among those who didn't believe, was Xu Baxian himself.

The seal was set by him himself. Although he was afraid of attracting comments and opposition from others, Xu Baxian did not release a seal with all his strength because of this, and even quietly kept a hand so that the seal could be broken in the end. However, Ye Chen How could anyone believe that the seal was broken so quickly?

"Hey, City Lord Xu, are you disappointed this time?" It was Jin Ling who spoke, and as the positions of the two sides became clear, the respect for Xu Baxian in Jin Ling's mouth also disappeared in the slightest.

At this time, Jin Ling also felt refreshed for a while. It was not that he was not qualified enough, so how could Xu Ba be allowed to make such an arrangement first.

Hearing this, Xu Baxian raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "Ye Chen is my man in the wilderness, and he is also the hope of the wilderness in the future. The stronger he is, the happier this old man will be. Where is the disappointment coming from?" .”

"is it?"

Jin Ling smiled coldly, and ignored Xu Baxian. Right now, as long as Ye Chen successfully rescued all the sergeants of the Canglong Army, everything else doesn't matter for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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