Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 283 Design

Chapter 283 Design

The Immeasurable Mirror should break Xu Baxian's seal. Ye Chen already had a conclusion on this point, but he must not use the Infinite Mirror from the very beginning.

It's not that Ye Chen's self-esteem is at fault, and he doesn't want to rely on external things for everything, but that this is the main stage!

During the battle with Lu Xing and the Dragon Guards, in order to save people, Ye Chen used the Demon Emperor's Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror in public. Because of the huge whirlwind as cover, Ye Chen was not worried about being discovered by outsiders.

But it's different here, this seal was set by Xu Baxian, covered with a trace of Xu Baxian's thoughts, if he used the Infinity Mirror from the beginning, it would definitely be discovered.

Maybe Xu Ba didn't know what kind of existence the Infinity Mirror existed, but if he could crack his seal, it must be a great treasure.

Already having the Divine Dayu Cauldron, and letting Xu Ba know that he is carrying other treasures, I am afraid that Xu Ba will not be able to sleep first.

Therefore, Ye Chen would rather get hurt himself than wait until this moment.

The smell of blood spread in the void, and the immeasurable magic mirror had long been hidden. At this moment, that seal was also quietly filled with cracks like spider webs, and it no longer became an obstacle.

The different dragon and snake rushed over quickly, gently lifted Ye Chen up, and then, the iron-like snake tail slammed it out fiercely.


The seal burst in response, and immediately, at the bottom of the swamp, there was a bottomless pit with no end in sight, which appeared under the gaze of a man and a snake.

At this time, Ye Chen also sensed the aura of the soldiers of the Canglong Army coming from the bottomless pit.

"I'm Ye Chen, everyone, you can leave now!"

Ye Chen shouted immediately.

"The subordinates are going, lead the brothers to meet the Commander!"

There are three squads under the Canglong Army. Fang Xing is the captain of one of the squads. When he left the Canglong Army barracks that day, Ye Chen also ordered that the three captains, when he was away, take Fang Xing as the leader and manage the Canglong Army. .

For such a long period of time, although Ye Chen never stepped into the Canglong Army barracks again, Ye Chen knew the news of the Canglong Army in detail through Jin Ling.

No matter what Fang Xing, Zhong Xuan, Chen Tai, and all the soldiers of the Canglong Army think of him, they have never disobeyed the order he gave before leaving, which surprised Ye Chen .

Yang Jun has been in control of the Huatian Army for many years. With his strength and methods, he can naturally make everyone in the Huatian Army return to his heart. Before Ye Chen left, although he gave an order, he did not have extravagant expectations. In order to act, Yang Jun is still the leader of the Huatian Army after all, it is impossible for him, Ye Chen, to win the hearts of the people with a big battle.

But unexpectedly, what Fang Xing and the other three did was better than what he imagined. This made Ye Chen have other thoughts in his mind while being surprised.

The so-called human heart, Yang Jun may have really lost it.

Just like Ye Chen read what everyone said when he came to the Canglong Army barracks, the Canglong Army is an army that exists to protect the Great Deserted City. They are guardians, not weapons used by anyone to fight for power.

The Canglong Army is like this, and all the Huatian Army should be like this, but Yang Jun's actions obviously violated this concept!
This made Ye Chen very satisfied and relieved, and at the same time, more confident!
"Brothers, don't be too polite, leave here quickly, and follow me to fight for the master's platform!"

That's right, it is indeed a battle!

Now in this main stage, the situation is howling, for the honor of the young master of the Great Desolation, many outstanding people are here to conquer the Quartet, vowing to obtain the future they want in such a process.

With the joining of the army, it is no longer an experience, but a battle!
"Master Commander, this..."

Under the bottomless pit, Fang Xing's somewhat embarrassed voice came, and the breathing of the crowd became a little heavier.

"what happened?"

Ye Chen frowned, the seal had been broken, and Fang Xing and the others couldn't be stopped.

"Master Commander, can you come down and take a look in person?" Fang Xing said shyly, with a sense of helplessness in his voice.


Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, feeling uneasy!
Of course, he wasn't worried. Fang Xing and the others had set up a trap under the bottomless pit at the moment, waiting for him to jump in. Not to mention whether Fang Xing and the others had this idea and the courage, they should know that doing this What are the consequences.

Even if they succeeded, they would not be able to leave the Black Dragon Pool alive. No one would tolerate their survival, even the person behind the scenes would kill and silence them.

What's more, everyone in Fang Xing will know that their strength can't help Ye Chen who just entered the Great Deserted City, let alone Ye Chen after such a long time of experience.

But now, everyone in Fang Xing can't get out, which means that there may be another plan in the bottomless pit.

"Big guy, help me guard it, I'll go and have a look."

Ye Chen didn't think much about it, whether it was Xu Baxian's design or Fang Xing and others' boldness, he had to go on this trip.

After the voice fell, Ye Chen quickly slid down towards the bottomless pit!
This bottomless pit is indeed very deep, and Ye Chen was careful enough, but when descending all the way, even if he used the three treasures in his body, he didn't sense any weirdness in this deep pit.

Therefore, Ye Chen came to the bottom of the cave unimpeded.

The area under the cave is not very large, but it is enough to accommodate dozens of Canglong Army sergeants including Fang Xing!

"Subordinates, please see Commander!"

Even though it is deep in the bottomless pit, everyone in Fang Xing still knows what happened in the Black Dragon Pool. The battle with the different dragon and snake may not make people feel too amazing. After all, Ye Chen once had the record of defeating Tu Xiong .

But breaking Xu Baxian's seal surprised everyone. Therefore, there is countless awe in today's visit, and at the same time, there is also a faint pride.

And these prides were carefully captured by Ye Chen, and some doubts in his heart finally dissipated, and everyone in Fang Xing could trust them.

"Everyone get up! Tell me, what's going on?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

"Master Commander, you'd better recover from your injuries first!" Fang Xing said with his hands clasped, with a bit of shame on his face.

"It's okay, let's talk!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, there is indeed no major problem. The use of the Canglong Huatian Energy did bring Ye Chen a great deal of damage, but his current physical strength is much stronger than before. Jing Jin, with that mysterious jade bone in his body, seems to have a serious trauma, but it won't affect him too much.

Fang Xingbian didn't insist anymore, he led Ye Chen to the middle, and then said: "Master Commander, please take a look!"

Looking at where Fang Xing pointed, Ye Chen's eyes became serious after a while.

On that side of the ground, there was a pattern of a few meters square, exuding a faint energy aura, and it was this inconspicuous aura that made Ye Chen understand the reason why Fang Xing and others could not leave.

In that square pattern, the aura emanating from it is extremely weak, and it can only be sensed when it is almost close, so Ye Chen didn't notice it before, even after he got under the bottomless pit.

This breath is not offensive in any way. However, since Fang Xing and others have been here for a while, the breath has penetrated into their bodies unknowingly. Therefore, as if being imprisoned, as long as Fang Xing When people try to leave, these breaths will explode.

Maybe they can't kill Fang Xing and the others, but the consequences are also very serious!

"Is this Xu Baxian's design?"

In Ye Chen's heart, the only respect he had for Xu Baxian disappeared without a trace. Although it was a training task, although it was related to the future of the Great Wilderness, the young master of the Great Wilderness chosen must be very good. What the author did was too much.

"Subordinates don't know!"

"I don't know?"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, this was another accident, Fang Xing and others didn't know who set up this pattern, since it was like this, it couldn't be very simple.

In fact, if it was very simple, Fang Xing and others would not be unable to get out now.

After a moment of contemplation, Ye Chen immediately said: "You all form a circle, put your palms on the back of the person in front, Fang Xing, with you as the leader, come and face me!"

The only solution now is to dissolve the breath of patterns in their bodies, so that Fang Xing and others can leave.

"Master Commander, will it be too hurtful to do so?"

After understanding what Ye Chen meant, Fang Xing immediately asked, Ye Chen is not in the peak state now, and it may be easier to use them one by one.


Ye Chen didn't quite know how far Xu Baxian was going to go, but he also knew that there were too many and too scary designs for him. Even if they were all completed safely, a lot of time would be wasted.

Although there is no time to talk about the battle in Taichung, but it would not be a good thing for Ye Chen if others waited for too long.

At the same time, it was difficult to dissolve the breath in everyone's body, but it was not too difficult for Ye Chen who had the power of yin and yang.

Seeing that Ye Chen was so confident, Fang Xing didn't say much, and immediately set up a posture with everyone according to Ye Chen's intentions. Fang Xing, who was the leader, finally stretched out his palms slowly, and said: "Master Commander, this time The battle for being the master is certainly extremely harsh, but as long as you are safe and sound, the commander-in-chief, the battle for the young master will not be settled!"

"I know, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Ye Chen laughed, he could feel everyone's respect and concern for him, he was able to get this without doing anything, Ye Chen was naturally happy in his heart.

"It's started! Everyone just need to calm down, relax, and suppress your instinctive resistance to the bottom. If something unexpected happens, you don't need to be nervous!"

While speaking, Ye Chen's palms were slowly attached to Fang Xing's palms, and immediately, a force of yin and yang, led by spiritual power, quickly entered the latter's body along Fang Xing's palms.


Fang Xing's body suddenly stirred up, like a storm. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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