Chapter 285
Outside the lord's stage, it became quiet, and Xiao Renlong didn't leave just yet. His gaze swept to the middle of the lord's stage, and after circling for a while, they respectively stopped on the two people.

"Brother's eyesight is really good!"

When he stayed on one of them, Xiao Renlong felt sincere admiration and comfort in his heart. No matter from which aspect, the young man he was looking at was impeccable. And to bloom a unique brilliance, even against the sky, it is impossible and impossible to cover up this brilliance.

After a while, Xiao Renlong moved his eyes and looked at another place, which was the Black Dragon Pool!
Under the Black Dragon Pool, the youth's figure was clearly reflected in Xiao Renlong's eyes.

With Xiao Renlong's gaze, he has to say that this young man has infinite potential compared to the young man he saw just now and Ni Cang Tian.

Xiao Renlong had a panoramic view of the great battle under the starry sky that day, but Xiao Renlong had a panoramic view. Lin Yifan's excellence is comparable to that of his peers. On the northern continent, he can't be surpassed by a single hand, but the young man in his eyes , actually no less.

It is definitely a blessing for Dahuang City to get him!

"I never thought that my eldest brother would get such an outstanding young man in one of his misfortunes, but..."

Xiao Renlong's eyes were filled with chills unknowingly, the current predicament!

Ye Chen could have the strength to break free, but if he left alone, the soldiers of the Canglong Army, including Fang Xing, would be swallowed by that passage, leaving no place for them to die.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Ye Chen's choice. His own life is the most important thing.

However, Ye Chen's current identity is the leader of the Canglong Army. Abandoning the people under his command and escaping alone has a compelling reason, but he always loses people's hearts.

In the future, even if Ye Chen has stronger strength, even the strength to dominate the entire northern continent, such a move today will not dissipate in the hearts of everyone in the Great Wilderness, and he will not be able to get everyone in the Great Wilderness. allegiance.

Perhaps after reaching a certain level of strength, there is no need to win the hearts of the people, but this will always be a hidden danger.

And if Ye Chen chooses to save him, he himself will be in a desperate situation!
No matter how Ye Chen chooses the two paths, they are both wrong, and this may be Xu Baxian's real plan.

Xiao Renlong didn't glance at Xu Baxian, but the chill in his heart became much stronger.

Fortunately, there is Lin Yifan, he and Ye Chen, one light and one dark, finally managed to go smoothly, otherwise, Lin Yifan might not be able to escape Xu Baxian's calculations.

In the battle of the young master of the wilderness back then, after Fang Gan had an accident, Xu Baxian was a little unlucky, and finally failed to win the young master of the wilderness, and then became the master of the wilderness.

However, Xiao Renlong has never underestimated Xu Baxian. Over the years, he has been secretly guarding against him, but still, he still allowed Xu Baxian to do today's calculation. For Xu Baxian, Xiao Renlong had to do something. Sigh, it really is a generation of heroes!
It's just that the more this is the case, the less Xu Baxian can continue to survive in the wilderness, on the stage of the northern mainland.

Ye Chen didn't know about the turmoil and gazes from the outside world, maybe he guessed it, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Now he, just like Xiao Renlong, is facing a difficult choice!
Of course, Ye Chen's choice was not what Xiao Renlong thought.

After that terrifying passage appeared, the idea of ​​escaping alone never appeared in Ye Chen's mind. Although his hesitation, although he also cared about his own life, it was because the great revenge had not yet been avenged!
The blood feud between the parents is inseparable!

And the ruthlessness of the Ye family in the past few years also needs to be washed away!

These things have not been completed yet, Ye Chen is reluctant to die!

In the Ye family, there are only a few elders, brothers and sisters who can be called relatives.

In the city of Da Luo, those who still live in the underground world, are the life and death brothers of my father.

Shuang'er, Zi Xiao, Mei Aoxue. . . .

In Ye Chen's heart, there are too many concerns and reluctance!

How unwilling to die like this!

but. . . .

Ye Chen's downward gaze suddenly focused, and the suction in the passage seemed to increase. The sergeant at the bottom could no longer resist the attraction of the passage. Among them, they will be forcibly swallowed.

"Could it be that you just watched them die one by one in your own eyes?"

Ye Chen suddenly raised his head to look at the distant sky, and there was a hint of coldness and determination in his expression!

"Dayu Divine Cauldron!"

The divine cauldron under the feet was suddenly radiant, and in a flash, the divine cauldron skyrocketed, filling the entire space, and an equally powerful force swept out of that brilliance.

"Brothers, don't resist, enter the Great Yu Divine Cauldron!"

"Master Commander!"

Everyone in Fang Xing couldn't help but change their expressions. They never expected that Ye Chen would make such a choice at this moment.

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't last long!"

The suction from the passage was too terrifying. Even if Ye Chen used the Dayu Divine Cauldron to rescue the Canglong Army sergeant who was about to be swallowed, such a small action already made him feel powerless.

"Master Commander, your brothers understand your intentions, don't do anything for us!"


Ye Chen shouted angrily.

Now that the decision has been made, it will not be changed!
Perhaps, Ye Chen knew that he would not be able to escape this catastrophe, and it is very possible that he will be buried here in this life, but in life, there are things to do and things to not do!

Enmity between parents is very important, as are those who love him and those he loves, but Ye Chen can't do it, in his eyes, watching these people die.

Ye Chen is not a heartless person!

If he leaves alone today, for the rest of his life, what happened today will become a demon in his heart, accompanying him until the moment his life ends!
"Dayu Divine Cauldron!"

Ye Chen yelled again, regardless of the resistance of Fang Xing's people, a monstrous black glow swept out of the divine cauldron, forcibly wrapped the crowd, and quickly rushed into the divine cauldron.

"Master Commander, if something happens to you because of this, the conscience of the brothers will be disturbed, please, leave us alone!" Fang Xing and the others yelled sadly in the Great Yu Divine Cauldron.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, facing the strong suction force from the passage, Ye Chen smiled relaxedly.

"In this world, one should make a choice and act with a clear conscience! Father, mother, you shouldn't blame the child for going to see you like this, right?"

"It's just that I die like this, and my boy is also unwilling! So, my boy will try his best, but let's see, is my life, Ye Chen, taken away so easily?"

"The Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Magic Mirror!"

The suction from the passage was too strong, even if Fang Xing and others were brought into the Dayu Divine Cauldron, the supreme treasure, the Divine Cauldron could not resist this suction.

Once it is sucked in, even the Great Yu Divine Cauldron may collapse because of it, otherwise, Ye Chen would not stop there!

Only with the help of the Demon Emperor Bell and the Wuliang Mirror at the same time, can the God of Yu Cauldron be protected and leave with Fang Xing and the others!

But at this moment, the three great treasures are all shining brightly, and they have no intention of leaving. Although Ye Chen has never refined them, the Demon Emperor Bell has been with Ye Chen for many years. Ye Chen's spiritual power for three years is already a fusion of blood, which is more reliable than refining.

And the immeasurable magic mirror!
When he got it from Wuliang Mountain, Wuliang Shenjing recognized Ye Chen as his master. Although Ye Chen didn't know why he got such a chance, he had no doubts about Wuliang Shenjing's loyalty.

But right now, the three great treasures are resisting Ye Chen's order at the same time!
Time was running out, and Ye Chen didn't have time to explain anything to the three great treasures. The chaos of Yin and Yang came into play, and his thoughts directly acted on the three great treasures, forcing the Demon Emperor's Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror to guard the Great Yu Divine Cauldron. Flashed out like lightning.


When the three great treasures are getting farther and farther away, the suction force in the passage is fully integrated, wrapping Ye Chen in just a second, and the figure of the young man is forcibly brought into the passage, Afterwards, like a door closing, the world suddenly dimmed.

In the swamp, the three great treasures hovered endlessly. Fang Xing and his group snatched away from the cauldron of the God of Yu, looked at the bottomless pit that had disappeared, and staggered to their knees!
At the same time, outside the main stage, all the Canglong sergeants who were watching also fell to their knees heavily at this moment!
There was no crying, and there was silence, but in the silence, there was endless hatred and anger gushing out, and the awe-inspiring killing intent, like a knife, intertwined in the air and swept out.

There is only one target, Xu Baxian!
At this moment, Xu Baxian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a faint smile on his face. With so many schemes, he even did not hesitate to bet his reputation built up over the years, and finally let Ye Chen die!

"Young people are responsible!"

The whole place was extremely quiet, and all eyes were still on the emptiness that had already darkened, and could no longer see any light. After a long time, there was a sigh, which slowly resounded.

Perhaps those present, except for Xu Baxian, other people, no matter whether they liked Ye Chen or not before, at this moment, these words are circling in their hearts.

"City Master Xu, this matter is over, and you should come up with an explanation."

Xiao Renlong's voice didn't change in any way, but Xu Baxian heard that piercing chill, of course he knew why such a chill came, but Xu Baxian didn't care.

As long as Ye Chen dies, all his plans can continue. As for the consequences caused by this, Xu Baxian is not worried. Could it be that someone will take him, a master at the peak of the Ninth Layer of True Martial Arts, in exchange for a master who is only in Linghai? A boy from the outside world?
Although this young man has great potential, people who are dead are always dead!
Seemingly seeing what Xu Baxian was thinking, Xiao Renlong smiled lightly and said, "Master Xu, you shouldn't forget that the explanation you want to give is not to give me Dahuang, but to Moyuan Mountain!"

When the voice came, Xu Baxian's expression suddenly changed, he seemed to have really forgotten Moyuan Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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