Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 286 The Dark World

Chapter 286 The Dark World
"The Lord Demon King of Moyuan Mountain, if you think about it, he shouldn't be the same as us, he can reason!"

Xiao Renlong smiled lightly, and in the smile, there was a tinge of chill surging.

Xu Ba was right in thinking first, no matter how terrifying Ye Chen's potential is, he is dead now, a dead person can't make Da Huang go up and down, so he decided to let Xu Ba pay for his life first, even if there is evidence .

This is reality, it is inevitable!
But the demon king didn't care about these things. If the demon king showed up that day and what he said to everyone was not a lie, then Xu Ba would have to face the demon king first.

On that day, Jinling could be abandoned for the sake of safety, but today, if Mo Yuanshan invaded aggressively under the leadership of the Yao King, he had no choice but to abandon Xu Baxian!

This is why Xu Baxian is not nervous. On the northern continent, even the Cang Pavilion will be more or less scrupulous when facing Moyuan Mountain, let alone Xu Baxian?

The strength of monsters, especially monsters that have reached the level of a monster king, is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

"Brother Xiao, what you said means that you have decided to give up the old man and go to appease the demon king's anger?" Xu Ba first turned around and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Renlong smiled and said: "City Master Xu may have misunderstood, I don't have that much power yet, and said that I can give up on you. Just remind you, you have to make preparations in advance. If the Demon King knows about this matter, There will definitely be some action, City Lord Xu, you have to plan ahead, so as not to be caught off guard!"

Xu Baxian said coldly: "Then I would like to thank Brother Xiao for pointing it out. However, I have a clear conscience. Ye Chen's death has nothing to do with this old man. If the Demon King wants to ask for a crime, I won't believe it. My big brother Is the deserted city still at the mercy of Moyuan Mountain?"

"Do you have a clear conscience? I believe that the demon king can tell the difference. I believe that many of my colleagues in the wilderness can also tell the difference."

Without waiting for Xu Ba to say anything first, Xiao Renlong seemed to be talking to himself: "Some people are dead, but some people are still alive. These living people, more or less, can say something."

Xu Baxian's face changed again, and he immediately shouted: "It's been a long time, and I have to prepare some things in the Lord's Stage in advance. Everyone, I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, he hurried away.

The murderous intent here was not weakened in the slightest because Xu Baxian went first, and even became stronger.

"Master Xiao, did you just let Xu Baxian go like this?" Jin Ling asked softly beside Xiao Renlong.

"Let go?"

Xiao Renlong laughed indifferently, and said: "Xu Baxian is so scheming, knowing the relationship between Ye Chen and the demon king, he still targets Ye Chen again and again, and each time is more terrifying, doesn't he know that, After Ye Chen's accident, will the Demon King be angry?"

"Since he still does this, he must have enough backers. If the whole Great Wilderness is involved because of this, what face will I have to meet the ancestors of the Great Wilderness in the future?"

"But he killed Ye Chen, and if we endured it like this, wouldn't it add to his arrogance?" Jin Ling said unwillingly.


Xiao Renlong's gaze, which had not yet been withdrawn from the darkness, flashed a bright light, and he saw the three great treasures still hovering over the Black Dragon Pool.

Even though Xiao Renlong was separated by a long distance and separated by the Confession Stage, even with Xiao Renlong's strength, he couldn't detect the real power of the three great treasures. Fang Xing and others.

"City Lord Jinling, do you really believe that Ye Chen will definitely die?"

Jin Ling's eyes trembled when he heard that. He had never experienced that channel himself, so he never knew how powerful it was, but even Ye Chen hadn't devoured it, so there was no need to doubt too much about its power.

"City Master Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Renlong said deeply: "I feel that Ye Chen may be able to leave alive!"

This is a boundless world of darkness. No one knows how big this world is, and whether it is a real world. Inside, there is a gloomy wind, extremely terrifying, and there is even a faint howling sound. It's like a ghost!

This is the world behind the passage, and after being brought in, Ye Chen's sanity and clarity have not been lost because of it, so he can clearly perceive everything around him.

What surprised Ye Chen was how powerful the power in the channel was. The three great treasures could only leave with all their strength. However, in this world, Ye Chen didn't feel the slightest fear, except for the darkness reaching out. Not seeing beyond the five fingers, it is completely different from what I just thought.

This place is peaceful and peaceful, but if the sun is shining brightly, without the gusts of wind and howling like ghosts, people might think it is a paradise!
Of course, this extremely dense darkness is itself a dangerous place!

Ye Chen couldn't sense it, there was a so-called direction to leave, all directions in the southeast, north, and west were like wild beasts opening their ferocious mouths, no matter where you went, you would end up being swallowed in the end.

But just one step of movement. . . .
In the darkness, it was impossible for Ye Chen to wait in place. He tried, and still chose a direction to move slightly. The originally calm dark world, because of this step, it seemed that a huge storm had swept through.

"Roar, Roar!"

The sound of the storm was roaring like wild beasts. In all directions, there seemed to be countless prehistoric beasts. Those auras also seemed to come from the prehistoric. They were not only extremely powerful, but also filled with endless evil spirit.


The storm came from all directions, and in just a moment, the place where Ye Chen was located was involved. The space was immediately shattered, and Ye Chen was also in a deadly storm.

Terrifying evil spirit surrounded Ye Chen like a wave. His physical body, not long ago, was impacted by the force of the whirlwind and became much stronger. However, in front of such evil energy, he was still as vulnerable as paper. .

Ye Chen has never been a person waiting to die, even though the surrounding energy is extremely terrifying.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

In times of crisis, Ye Chen's mind naturally came up with this powerful exercise that was born out of the Xuanmen Heart Sutra.

The spiritual power in the spiritual sea rushes out crazily, and cooperates with the physical body with the strength of his whole life to resist the terrible destructive power in this world. Although Ye Chen doesn't know how long he can last, but as long as he can persist, he will not will give up.

And when the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue was in operation, the energy in this world was forcibly absorbed into the body by Ye Chen because of the exercises.

This is Ye Chen's powerful trump card with enough confidence when facing any environment. He can absorb energy from this world. Then, Ye Chen's physical body can have a little familiarity with this world.

Even a tiny bit is precious to Ye Chen!

Any environment starts from being absolutely unfamiliar, and then gradually becomes familiar. Of course, the premise is that enough time is needed. With enough time, everyone can adapt to any unfamiliar environment.

Surrounded by such compelling energy, it is impossible to give Ye Chen enough time to adapt to this dark world. His physical body cannot last long. In a short period of time, refining these energies into his own will not make Ye Chen persist for too long.

Ye Chen now has no way out!
And perhaps it was because there was no way out that Ye Chen became fearless, and in the end, nothing more than death, since he is not afraid of death, what else is there to be afraid of?

As long as you can persist, that is how long you can persist. There is no absolute theory in the world. Although there are no three great treasures to protect you, you still have the power of yin and yang.

The power of yin and yang that he has now is of course not enough to determine the universe. Thinking about it, under the huge pressure, he can protect Ye Chen for a longer time.

In addition, Ye Chen had great expectations in his heart!

With the strength of Linghai state, or even the strength of Lingyuan state, he forcibly defeated these masters including Li Yin, who almost surpassed the peak of Linghai. What Ye Chen relied on was not his own complete strength.

Among these methods, most of them come from the three great treasures, especially the Demon Emperor's Bell, which gave Ye Chen more help.

Cang Xuan Hualong Jue may be regarded as a part of his own strength, but in these years of experience, Ye Chen has indeed borrowed a lot of external power.

Although the strength is the same, it also includes these, and the treasure itself serves the warriors.

But as the power he was facing became stronger and stronger, Ye Chen couldn't wait, longing for the power that truly belonged to him, instead of relying on the power of the most precious treasure to retreat safely in every crisis.

But strength. . . .The road to Martial Dao is too difficult, even if it is only at the Spirit Sea Realm now, the time and energy required to upgrade to a higher level are unpredictable.

The current situation is of course extremely dangerous, but if you can use this danger to stimulate your own potential, wouldn't it be a rare chance?

Of course, the so-called potential does not refer to the improvement of cultivation, and the improvement of cultivation cannot be accomplished overnight. What Ye Chen thinks is the power of yin and yang!

The majestic yin and yang qi are gathered in the soul. After several years, Ye Chen believes that as long as he reaches the realm of martial arts and can use the power of the soul, perhaps the soul can be transformed into a yin and yang soul.

At that time, with the power of yin and yang, Ye Chen might be able to use both yin and yang unscrupulously.

The realm of martial arts is too far away from now!

But it is not impossible to absorb more yin and yang energy from it. The crisis around these weeks, perhaps, can help him get the yin and yang energy from the soul that he could not get in the past.

In this way, not only can the current crisis be resolved, but one's own strength will also be improved a lot. . . .This is Ye Chen's expectation!
(End of this chapter)

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