Chapter 288

In the depths of the huge manor, in an elegant room, a young man who was training suddenly opened his eyes. Perhaps because he did not quit training normally, a blood arrow gushed out from the young man's mouth, and his face immediately turned pale. down.

"Brother Ye, what's wrong with you?"

The young man didn't care about his own state, let alone the terrible consequences caused by forcibly quitting the cultivation just now, his figure swept out of the room like lightning.

"Little Lord...."

"Old man, take me to the northern continent, quick, quick!"

"Brother Ye, please don't have any accidents, hold on, and wait for me! Old man, hurry up, hurry up!"

In the depths of Yunshan Mountain, there is a sword rock. Around the sword rock, thousands of swords are criss-crossed. Powerful sword energy, while tearing apart the space, is also forcibly blocking this space.

In the middle of Jianyan, there is a young girl sitting cross-legged quietly. On her knees, an ancient long sword is also lying quietly.

One person with one sword, without leaving the influence of countless sword qi around, it seems that both of them are practicing!
But at a certain moment, when the still girl suddenly opened her eyes as bright as the stars, the quiet ancient long sword, even though it was in the scabbard, still oscillated with an incomparably clear sword chant.


The sound of sword chanting resounded, triggering thousands of swords around to start to sing together, and at this moment, the sword energy began to surge like boiling water.

The girl's face turned pale in an instant, and the simple long sword, summoned by her mind, was swept into her hand, and the next moment, the long sword was out of its sheath!


The boiling space suddenly trembled violently at this moment.

As the girl stepped forward, although the long sword of ten thousand dao did not shoot down violently, nor did the sword energy rush out, but the sky was covered by ten thousand swords. Looking up at the sky, only the sword Willing to exist!
The girl breathed out lightly, she was as cold as snow, and her whole body seemed to be covered by frost. On the long sword, brilliance radiated, and the extremely bright blue light shot straight up into the sky, towards the ten thousand roads. The sword intent blasted away.

"I want to get out of here, don't stop me, otherwise, I don't mind, I'll die!"

As soon as the words fell, the girl rushed out like a fairy, with a long sword in her hand like lightning, and the mighty sword energy turned into a long river and swept out!

The boundless darkness is still shrouded, and the place looks empty. The body of the young man may not have been turned into nothingness, but he has lost consciousness and life, and is just a corpse waiting to be turned into nothingness.

However, at the moment when the young man's consciousness and vitality completely disappeared, a blinding light suddenly flashed out from his body.

This light, if placed in the real world, might be inconspicuous at all, but in this boundless darkness, it still appears bright, just like the light before dawn, it will illuminate the entire dark world.

The appearance of such light naturally attracted the attention of the dark world. In an instant, the infinite evil spirit that had disappeared not long ago swept out again at this moment.

The terrible storm, this time, did not have the power to destroy the world as usual. Their approach, not only did not annihilate that point of light, but made that point of light seem more dazzling, short-lived. In just a short moment, the light flickered and completely covered the young man's body.

At this moment, a cold burning sensation swept out quickly.

At this moment, even the terrible evil spirit felt like being solidified under such scorching heat, and the young man's body seemed to regain vitality because of this.

Such a scene is naturally not what this dark world wants to see. Therefore, the evil spirit surges and becomes more menacing. If you can see it with the naked eye, you can find that this darkness is more condensed to the extreme after an instant. In other words, the whole world has gone crazy because of this.

Because of this change, naturally the boundless evil spirit becomes even more terrifying!
"Boom, boom!"

Wave-like evil energy swept in continuously, and the terrifying power contained in it directly bombarded that extremely frail body.

Outside the boy's body, the light suddenly appeared, although it was not as powerful as the boundless dark world, but the burning sensation was also gradually increasing, and what was even more strange was that there was a touch of real vitality, as if at this moment , pouring over his body.

The emergence of vitality, although it can't change anything, can make this body gradually glow with new life, and the biggest effect is to use it to regain the consciousness and clarity that the young man has lost.

Only when the young man wakes up again, then maybe there is a possibility of leaving, otherwise, no matter what means, he will sink forever in this darkness because of time.

However, although the vitality exists and is running rapidly, the consciousness and clarity have dissipated, so how can it be so easy to call it back?

What's more, in this forgotten world, boundless darkness, I would never allow such a scene to happen. When I sensed the strange appearance of life, the endless darkness seemed to be severely suppressed by it. come over.

There is no need to doubt the power and strength of the entire world.

Although the power displayed by that little light is moving and heart-palpitating, it is still not the opponent of this whole world. If you look around, in less than a minute, the originally bright light, at this moment, quickly dimmed.

Believe that it won't be too long, such light will also be annihilated!
And at that time, this boundless dark world, I am afraid, will turn the young man's body into nothingness in the shortest time, because there has already been an accident, and the second accident will definitely not be tolerated.


When the light was about to be annihilated, a loud eagle's cry suddenly resounded in the young man's body, resounding from the inside out in the entire boundless dark world.

The crowing of the eagle contained a terrifying arrogance, even though it was not as powerful as a real dragon, but looking at the entire world of monsters, perhaps only divine beasts could suppress this arrogance.

What's even more frightening is that this overbearing force is still at its peak!
"Peng, Peng!"

The whole world, because of the domineering power contained in the eagle's cry, suddenly began to tremble, and the frequency of trembling became more and more frequent. This world showed signs of collapsing.

Before the dark world could react, a monstrous sea of ​​flames suddenly swept out from the young man's body, covering his body and turning the area of ​​tens of meters into a restricted zone.

This fire is white in color!


A white sea of ​​flames formed, and the eagle's cry reappeared. At this moment, the darkness became no longer pure, so one could clearly see that in the very center of the sea of ​​flames, where the young man was, a phantom was slowly moving. Take shape.

It was a huge black giant eagle. If the wings of the hanging cloud were stretched out, it would be enough to cover several miles of land. At this moment, even if it is curled up, even if it is only a phantom, the terrifying power makes the whole world seem It was trembling with fear.

Of course, the phantom is always a phantom, and the level of horror cannot surpass the whole world. Therefore, when the phantom gradually transformed into a successful form, a bloody light burst out from the center of the young man's eyebrows and melted into the phantom's eyes. The pupil is right between the eyebrows.


The blood and light melted into it, and the phantom seemed to transform the reality into a real body. The wings of the hanging cloud suddenly stretched out, and the sea of ​​​​fire below was visible to the naked eye, and it was even more monstrous!

The icy cold and high temperature crazily swept out, forcing all the evil spirits in this space to rush away quickly, temporarily turning this place into a safe place.

But security is always temporary, so. . . .

The huge phantom moved suddenly, wrapped in blood light, it quickly shrank, and finally, it turned into a drop, like blood essence, suspended on the young man's forehead.

If the young man is awake, then he will know that this is the source, the source of the Nether Demon Eagle in his body, which has been in a state of evolution.

On that day, the Nether Demon Falcon was on the verge of death, so it was reborn in the young man's body using the method of blood connection, and entered an evolutionary state.

The blood is connected, only the blood of one person and one eagle are blended into one body, and from then on, people and eagles share the same life!

At this moment, the origin of the magic eagle appeared, that is to say, the ghost magic eagle is willing to reconnect with the young man in a more cruel way, or in other words, blend together!
The reason why the word cruel is used is because, in such a way, even if it is death, no monster is willing to use this method, because when the origin is fused, there will be a subordinate relationship between the two.

That is to say, from now on, the Nether Demon Falcon belongs to young people, not just the relationship between the two who are connected by blood and share a life. Thoughts, separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, even in the deepest part of the universe, the Nether Demon Eagle will undoubtedly die.

No one would be willing to do such a method, let alone the Nether Demon Falcon!

But at this time, the Nether Demon Falcon is willing to establish such a relationship with the young man. Apart from his usual understanding of the latter, it is probably more of a kind of trust.

At this time, the consciousness of the young man has disappeared, so he doesn't know what happened.

The essence like a drop of blood was quietly floating on Ye Chen's forehead, trembling slightly, and never made any further moves. Obviously, the Nether Magic Falcon was willing to do this, but at the last moment, in his heart, There are still deep fears.

After all, this is giving its whole life, and even its future, to this young man without reservation. Although trusting the young man, it is too dangerous.


While hesitating, the boundless dark world suddenly went crazy, and the space created by the white flames was clearly visible at this moment. The darkness swept in from all directions, and this space suddenly became smaller and smaller.

Can't wait!
The blood-like origin suddenly fell, and after a short while, it merged into Ye Chen's forehead. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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