Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 289 Breaking the World

Chapter 289 Breaking the World
Quiet space, silent world!
When Ye Chen's last consciousness and clarity disappeared, his own vitality disappeared, and this unique world belonging to the soul also quietly quieted down. A soul seemed to have lost all vitality. . . .


Suddenly, a ripple like a water wave appeared in the still space, and immediately, a drop of essence and blood appeared out of thin air and fell directly towards Shenpo!
There is no sign, and there is no reaction from the spirit, so the source is easy to enter!

I have to say, Ye Chen is extremely lucky!
The origin of monsters and beasts is integrated into the body and soul. This process seems simple, but it is actually extremely dangerous!

The soul of a person is destined by nature, and it is impossible to change the day after tomorrow. Ye Chen's soul can be re-condensed because of the magical yin and yang, which is impossible for any energy in the world.

But even so, if Ye Chen's soul wanted to merge with the original source of the Nether Demon Eagle in the usual way, it would be very difficult to do it, even if the Nether Demon Eagle wanted to.

The soul is the source, how can any impurities enter?
No matter whose source it is, even if it is the master of this world, if a ray of his source enters other people's soul, it will be an impurity.

Of course, after refining and absorbing the day after tomorrow, the impurities will be purified, but if they cannot be truly blended, this will always be a huge harm, especially for warriors.

So, both Ye Chen and Nether Magic Falcon are extremely lucky!
That day, he absorbed the origin of the peerless beasts, and finally succeeded in merging. That's because the Nether Magic Falcon is in the state of evolution and has no knowledge of the outside world. Just like Ye Chen is now, his consciousness has disappeared, and his soul is also in chaos. Among them, they will not know everything that happens in the outside world.

It is precisely because they don't know anything that there will be no instinctive resistance, and they will be able to accept and integrate without reservation.


It was only a split second after that drop of origin merged, like a dead soul, suddenly, a strange vitality burst out, this was the power and aura from the Nether Demon Falcon.

That's not the case, how could the Nether Demon Falcon awaken Ye Chen's roots?
When the vitality appeared, the soul began to wake up bit by bit in an instant, like a grass after spring, like a dry land, poured by countless water flows.

With the gradual awakening of the soul, the body that seemed to have become a corpse, at this moment, finally had the slightest tremor, and the vitality from the soul quickly swept away, and began to walk around the body at high speed .

With the surge of vitality, those meridians, bones, and blood that had already collapsed strangely and slowly glowed, and like a small tree that has encountered spring rain, it once again glowed with new vitality!
Of course, this is not enough. The Nether Demon Falcon sensed a life-and-death crisis, so regardless of its evolving state, it forcibly appeared to help Ye Chen through the crisis.

But the final resolution of this crisis depends on Ye Chen himself!

What the Nether Magic Falcon can do is to protect the current Ye Chen, so that his body will not be collapsed by this world. Besides, if he wants to break through this world and leave, he needs Ye Chen himself The power complements each other, and the Nether Demon Falcon alone cannot do it.

After all, the current Nether Demon Eagle has not yet evolved successfully. Although in Ye Chen's heart, the former already has the cultivation base of the Martial Realm, but how many supernatural powers can be exerted in the Martial Realm, and how long it can last, is the Nether Demon Eagle himself. , are not clear!
Awakening Ye Chen, and then combining the power of one person and one eagle, will it be possible to break open this world!


In Ye Chen's body, when he was full of vitality and repaired his collapsed body, a wisp of fireworks quietly emerged. . . .The ghost fire in the body is neither dazzling nor scorching hot, it is like a bright lamp, illuminating all the darkness in the body.

When the darkness faded, it seemed that a thought that seemed to have disappeared for thousands of years began to appear quietly, and immediately, the silence was suddenly broken.

The coagulated blood in the body began to flow again, the flesh, bones, and meridians all began to tremble slowly at this time, and the vitality that filled the body quickly dissipated, and what was taken and treated was a piece of new life.

This piece of vitality belongs to Ye Chen himself, that is to say, it is naturally exuded by Ye Chen's body.


Aware of such a change, the eagle's crow resounded loudly deep in the body again, and the ghost fire suddenly swept out, covering the entire body in an instant.

The tiny thought that exists in the magic fire, under the sweep of the magic fire, quietly wanders anywhere in the body, and then struggles from nothingness, a consciousness that seems to be floating in the chaos, with the help of the thought The leader rushed in with a bang.

"who am I?"

When the consciousness came back to life, Ye Chen was at a loss for a moment, but soon, the memory came back like a tide, and finally made that consciousness regain everything it had lost before.

"I... haven't died yet?"

A low murmur echoed in this silent place, and the entire dark world seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes because of this. It could be seen that the darkness all over the sky was rushing towards it with terrifying power.

"Young master, wake up!"

A person whose consciousness has dissipated and is now reawakened always needs some time to adapt. This is like a person who has been in the dark for too long. When he wants to leave the darkness, he must slowly adapt to the sunlight. Otherwise, it will cause irreparable damage to the eyes.

The reason is the same, and the Nether Demon Eagle obviously understands it, but at this moment, there is no time for Ye Chen to adapt.

The corpse-like body trembled suddenly, and the closed eyes suddenly opened under the call of the Nether Demon Falcon.


With Ye Chen's soberness, this dark world became more violent, and the sky was full of darkness, as if the sky was suppressed, and the sea of ​​fire in the surrounding area couldn't bear it for a while, and it was suppressed by Ye Chen in just an instant. Chen whole body.

With the help of the firelight, Ye Chen can clearly see the surrounding world, with the naked eye, there is nothingness!
Ye Chen didn't have time to look at the world, let alone think about what kind of terrible consequences his waking up would have on the Nether Demon Eagle. Everything will be discussed after he leaves here.

With both hands, shake them suddenly!

The world seemed to be shaken by this, and a surge of unprecedented power exploded from the hands.

A crisis, it seems, has improved its own strength a lot.

However, this is not the point, leaving is the priority!


Ye Chen didn't know what the Nether Demon Falcon had done to wake himself up, but he knew that the only way to break through the darkness at the moment was for one person and one eagle to join forces.

Only by using the Nether Demon Fire can the power of the two be merged into one place almost perfectly.

The monstrous demon fire swept out madly, but it did not turn into a sea of ​​flames, but directly turned into an extremely cold flame sword in Ye Chen's hands.


The eagle's cry was extremely sharp, and suddenly a condensed phantom appeared between Ye Chen's eyebrows, and it immediately merged with himself, and it was extremely perfect.

At this moment, Ye Chen seemed to understand something!

Ye Chen was silent. . . .
At this moment, the extremely cold flame sword slashed fiercely towards the nothingness!

The power of ice and cold swept across the space in front of him in an instant, and the sharp ice blade, like an axe from the gods, forcibly divided the void in front of him into two. This was the combination of the power of Ye Chen and the Nether Demon Eagle.

Perhaps Ye Chen's power is not enough to pose a threat to this dark world, but the Nether Demon Eagle is a genuine master of martial arts. Even if it is released with the help of Ye Chen's body, that level of power is not the same as that of this dark world. All the world can resist.

"Bang, bang!"

The dark world collapsed immediately, and in front of it, a long-lost light swept across the world like the most brilliant color.

"Young master, next, it's up to you!"

Beyond the darkness, there is light, the world of the Master Conferring Stage, and the Master Conferring Stage will definitely not be able to withstand the powerful aura erupting from the martial arts master at this moment. The Nether Demon Falcon can only do so much.

Otherwise, once its breath wafts through the main platform, the entire main platform will collapse, and everyone in the main platform will die!
The Nether Demon Falcon has no control over the lives and deaths of other people, but if the main platform collapses, even it cannot escape!

Even if thousands of years have passed, a supernatural power set by a martial arts master can still tear apart a martial arts master with ease.

If not, Xu Baxian would have set up such a perfect lore under the Black Dragon Pool!

Ye Chen was still silent, still letting the breath of the Nether Demon Eagle quickly disappear in his body, he may still not be clear about what happened during the time when his consciousness disappeared, but when the breath of the Nether Demon Eagle, and He could feel something when he was perfectly attuned to himself.

After this crisis, even though he can gain a lot of benefits from it, it will definitely not be able to make up for the price paid by the Nether Demon Eagle.

"Xu Baxian!"

There has never been a moment when Ye Chen was so angry as he is now. In his living memory, such anger happened a few years ago.


The extremely cold flame sword burst open and turned into a sea of ​​fire, covering Ye Chen. Immediately, the figure in the sea of ​​fire turned into a fire dragon and roared out.

Along the way, the edge of the world that had been divided into two and a half was burned into nothingness in the sea of ​​flames. The figure of the young man was unimpeded at this moment, the sound of the dragon roared, and the angry dragon swept up to the sky!

Heilongtan, outside the lord's stage, and even other people in the lord's stage felt a terrible wave. After a while, everyone who could see it clearly saw a fire dragon rushing violently from the depths of the ground. On Skyrim!
(End of this chapter)

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