Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 290 Changes in the Body

Chapter 290 Changes in the Body
All eyes, fixed on the mid-air!

There, a fire dragon exuding an extremely icy aura circled around, and the flames rose up, burning the space into nothingness, and the reflected gaze was also extremely dazzling.

Fang Xing and the others in the Black Dragon Pool, as well as everyone outside the Lord's Stage, their eyes froze for a moment. No one knew what happened. They just felt a wave from the fire dragon. An extremely terrifying killing intent.

That kind of killing intent is more brutal and ferocious than the killing intent condensed by all the soldiers of the Canglong Army outside the main stage!
Time seemed to condense, and everyone's eyes were fixed. The fire dragon did not disperse, so the whole audience fell into a deathly silence.

Even Xiao Renlong, Jin Ling and other top masters of the Great Wilderness are a little stunned. They have also been in the Master Conferring Stage and have controlled the Great Wilderness for many years, and they know quite a lot about the Master Conferring Stage, but they still don't know. A scene, what exactly does it mean.

Among the fire dragons, the figure of the young man sat cross-legged. With the help of the power of the ghost fire at this moment, he could release it to the extreme moment. As soon as he left the dark world, he immediately entered the cultivation.

The trauma suffered in the dark world, even with the help of the Nether Demon Eagle, has not been fully repaired!

No matter what kind of killing intent he has towards Xu Baxian, right now is not the time for revenge, the most important thing is to capture the young master of the wilderness, in the future, there will be plenty of time to settle accounts with Xu Ba first.

During the cultivation, all the conditions in the body are presented in Ye Chen's mind perception, which can be seen clearly.

Before losing consciousness, the meridians that had been completely destroyed are now like crystal clear and spacious pipes emitting a faint light in the body, which makes Ye Chen clearly know that the meridians in the body now have nothing to do with it. Compared with the past, whether it is toughness or tolerance, it is much stronger.

This also means that future cultivation will be faster than before!
And the physical body is undoubtedly stronger. Feeling the strength of the physical body, Ye Chen has enough confidence. Without using spiritual power, a master of the spiritual sea like Lu Xing may not be able to withstand his physical body. strength.

Spiritual power. . . .By the way, spiritual power!
Ye Chen was distracted, and quickly entered the dantian. He still remembered that his own spiritual power had been wiped out before, and even the spiritual sea almost showed signs of collapse.

Although as long as the spiritual sea doesn't collapse, his cultivation will remain the same, but if something more terrifying happens after his consciousness disappears, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The mind appeared in the spiritual sea, Ye Chen was slightly relieved, nothing unexpected happened in the spiritual sea, the so-called signs of collapse in the past no longer existed, but in the spiritual sea, there was really no spiritual power at all.

Ye Chen's complexion tightened slightly, although the consequences of this are not serious, and it only takes some time to restore Linghai to its previous appearance, but here, after all, is Fengzhutaizhong.

There is not enough time for him to practice, and he has lost his spiritual power. Although he can defeat most of his opponents just by relying on his physical strength, Ye Chen knows very well that if he wants to win the position of the young master of the Great Desolation, his opponents Among them, that one is so terrifying.

Just when Ye Chen lost his mind due to the loss of spiritual power, suddenly, the spiritual sea seemed to explode, and Ye Chen suddenly saw that the originally complete spiritual sea collapsed at this moment.


Ye Chen looked shocked, such a scene was too weird.

The reason why it's weird doesn't make Ye Chen feel desperate. That's because when the Linghai collapsed, there were no serious consequences caused by the collapse of the Linghai.

In other words, the collapse of Linghai had no effect on himself.

And after the collapse of the Linghai, Ye Chen saw even more impressively that the Linghai didn't collapse, but split apart, causing the originally complete Linghai to be divided into two at this moment!

Ye Chen was astonished. When he first achieved the spiritual level, he turned mortals into spirits, and dual source points appeared in his dantian.

And when he was promoted to Linghai Realm, the dual source point disappeared and turned into Linghai. Ye Chen thought that this was the end, but he didn't expect that such a change would happen now.

Could it be because of his own encounters?

But the current situation, I don't know whether it is good or bad!
As we all know, the spiritual sea is huge and can accommodate more spiritual power, just like the ocean, so it is a higher level of the spiritual source.

The emergence of dual source points does not mean that the complete source point is divided into two, so there is no saying that the spiritual source is smaller than other human source points, but now, the complete spiritual sea is divided into two, just like a complete ocean, divided into two parts. The two big oceans have a larger number, but in fact, the area will be smaller because of this, and the amount of spiritual power they can hold will be relatively less.

Perhaps Shuanglinghai also has the function of dual source points, which can make the spiritual power more pure, but after the number drops sharply, it is not clear whether it is good or bad.


Ye Chen's heart trembled suddenly, the two spirit seas were still changing, one spirit sea, like the chaos opened up, the clear air rose to the sky, this Fang Linghai rose to the top, and then spread out quickly, finally, become infinitely large.

The other side of the spiritual sea, like the earth, sinks to the bottom, and it also turns into infinity!

The two big spiritual seas, one up and one down, also occupy the entire dantian, and any one of the spiritual seas is exactly the same size as the original one. . . .

Seeing this, Ye Chen let out a deep breath, he knew how great the fortune he had had now!
The existence of Shuang Linghai means that the spiritual power he can accommodate will be at least twice that of others. Such a difference in quantity will make his strength far above that of warriors of the same level.

Even after reaching the realm of martial arts, in such a realm, relying on Shuang Linghai, Ye Chen can still leapfrog to fight. Although at that time, the range of leapfrogging will not be as large as it is now. The difference between the three levels will fundamentally affect Not to Ye Chen.

Even at this time, the pressure brought by facing the martial arts masters cannot be as great as usual!
What surprised Ye Chen in particular was that although the two great spiritual seas, one above is the sky and the other below is the earth, they are still connected to each other, that is to say, the spiritual power can circulate with each other, and the benefits brought That is, as in the dual source point, the spiritual power gradually becomes more and more pure at any time.

Such a benefit, such a huge benefit, cannot prevent Ye Chen from having great expectations for his future!
Because Ye Chen knew very well that with the appearance of Shuang Linghai, he already has the absolute qualification to be above the pinnacle of martial arts!

It seems that there is no basis for the change of Shuang Linghai, but in fact, there is already a basis!
In the whirlwind, when Ye Chen broke it with all his strength, he understood the rules from it, and the rules are the world, and Ye Chen is the world!
Now the two spirit seas, one above is the sky, and the other below is the earth, how can there be no connection between the two?
"Heaven and earth, the ruler of heaven and earth!"

Ye Chen murmured softly, maybe the rules are just comprehension, and if you want to evolve it, maybe you may not be able to do it in this life, but it is like a seed, planted in the body, and the road of turning mortals into gods in the future , must also be carried out along this road.

How many spiritual sea realm fighters can determine their future path at this moment?Therefore, the preciousness of the main stage is worth cherishing.

The Great Wilderness has been able to stand on the northern continent for so many years. Even in recent years, the Lord of the Great Wilderness has disappeared, and other great powers are difficult to shake the Great Wilderness. Realm master, is still a big enough deterrent.

Just these, these benefits. . . .Thinking of the Nether Demon Eagle, Ye Chen's heart sank immediately, and the many benefits and joy he had obtained were all gone at this moment!
The Nether Magic Falcon has fallen asleep again and has entered an evolutionary state. Even Ye Chen cannot detect the former state, and it is even more impossible to know what price the Nether Magic Eagle paid for saving himself. Also save it!
"Xu Baxian!"

The murderous intent that had been subdued just now swept out again frantically.

Ye Chen knows that now is not the best time to take revenge, but before that, there are many things that can be done.

"Xu Baxian, I will slowly and gradually clear all your forces in the Great Wilderness City. I want you to watch with your own eyes, and you will gradually become a loner, so that you can only watch helplessly. You Years of painstaking efforts have been lost bit by bit, but you are powerless!"

"I'll let you know what despair is!"


In the midair, a huge fire dragon exploded with a bang, and countless flames swept out all over the sky, turning into bright spots of light, making this seemingly dead and silent world suddenly a lot more radiant.

At the same time, a domineering aura burst out from it like a waking lion.

"Master Commander, Lord Commander!"

The figure gradually appeared, Fang Xing and others immediately yelled, and outside the main stage, everyone's gazes, including Xiao Renlong, froze again at this time.

Xiao Renlong didn't believe that Ye Chen would be buried under the Black Dragon Pool, but this disbelief was not based on Xiao Renlong's understanding of Ye Chen, but an unreasonable induction.

Therefore, seeing Ye Chen who survived, Xiao Renlong also felt that there was a sense of unreality.

It's just that he's still alive, that's the best news and joy!

Compared with everyone else, the three great treasures react faster, after all, they need to be more familiar.

When Ye Chen's aura just appeared in the world, the three great treasures had already turned into flowing light, surrounding him like lightning, and their respective terrifying auras were released without any scruples, guarding Ye Chen tightly. in.

They look like that, they are blaming themselves for their dereliction of duty!
(End of this chapter)

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