Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 291 Falling Star Arrow

Chapter 291 Falling Star Arrow

"Okay, I'm fine!"

Looking at the three great treasures, still blaming himself at the moment, Ye Chen smiled softly, a smile from the heart, compared with the human heart, the treasure's heart is obviously more pure and easy to get along with.

"Next, I still have a lot of things to do, and I have a chance for you to make up for your mistakes."

Ye Chen touched the three great treasures lightly, and with a thought, the Dayu Divine Cauldron and the Immeasurable Divine Mirror immediately flew into Ye Chen's body, only the Demon Emperor Bell was still outside.


Ye Chen frowned slightly, of course it wasn't anger because of the Demon Emperor's disobedience, but the Demon Emperor's bell seemed to have changed at this moment.

Waves of devilish energy gushed out continuously from the Demon Emperor's Bell. After a while, it enveloped Ye Chen's space completely. The Demon Emperor's Bell used its own power to isolate this space from the outside world. .

Don't say that Fang Xing and others will never see Ye Chen again in the Black Dragon Pool. Perhaps, those who are as cultivated as Xiao Renlong will not be able to sense Ye Chen's existence if they are here.

The demonic aura swept across the sky, as if it was about to swallow the sky and the earth. In the midair, the crisp chime of the bell resounded. On the surface of the Demon Emperor's clock, black lights flickered, and an image was clearly outlined in the space.

Ye Chen has seen such an image before, after he knew the extraordinaryness of the Demon Emperor's Clock, he has seen it. There are three images in total, representing the sun, moon and stars!
Now, what the Demon Emperor Clock outlines is only one image, and what is shown on this image is the sky full of stars!

The chimes of the bell were melodious and uninterrupted, and the image outlining the stars also existed in the space like an ancient time.

Ye Chen quickly looked closely, he knew that Mo Huangzhong's sudden move at this moment was definitely not a useless move.

Sure enough, when Ye Chen put his mind on this image, the countless illusory stars seemed to come to life at this moment, and they were quietly changing their positions just like the stars in the night sky.

The stars all over the sky are changing in a state visible to the naked eye. This kind of shock is so shocking that one cannot help being shocked. Ye Chen dare not blink for fear of missing something.

In the constant changes of the stars, at the end, Ye Chen could clearly see that the countless stars formed an extremely huge longbow in this space!
The longbow composed of thousands of stars is naturally magnificent and exudes a crystal-clear luster. From a distance, it looks like a perfect work of art!


The crisp chime of the bell was gradually weakening from this moment on. Naturally, that vivid image gradually dimmed from this moment on, as if it was about to dissipate in the space.

Ye Chen's pupils suddenly froze, and the gradually dimming image continued to condense. When the sound of the bell's chanting completely dissipated, the invisible image turned into a beam of light, which swept in between his brows. .

Immediately, such an image clearly appeared in my mind!
The longbow stretches across nothingness, with crystal luster, exuding a cold and domineering feeling, which makes people dare not look directly at it!
It's just that there is a bow but no arrows. What's the use of the longbow?
As soon as this idea appeared, Ye Chen immediately saw that an illusory bow and arrow quietly transformed into form on the longbow. . . .

The ten thousand zhang brilliance swept away like this, covering the longbow and bow and arrow, and the entire nothingness disappeared under the cover of this brilliance.

In Ye Chen's mind, finally, four big characters appeared!

"Falling Star Arrow!"

As soon as the four big characters appeared, they immediately collapsed. The difference was that a piece of information entered his mind. This information recorded the cultivation elements of the so-called Falling Star Arrow Art, as well as its operating route. . . .
After digesting all this information, Ye Chen's body trembled, he never thought that what the Demon Emperor Bell gave him was actually a martial skill!

Then, this image depicting the stars is such a style of martial arts, and the sun and moon also represent the other two styles of martial arts?

This Demon Emperor's Bell is indeed extremely extraordinary, and it actually carries three martial arts.

As for whether this martial skill is powerful or not, Ye Chen doesn't need to worry at all. How can the martial skill carried by the demon world's treasure be an ordinary one?
Recently, Ye Chen was worrying that there were too few martial arts available, and the Demon Emperor Bell gave him such a surprise.

"Falling Star Arrow Jue, I hope you can accompany me and win the most glorious position!"

As Ye Chen's voice fell, the demonic energy in the sky disappeared!
"Master Commander!"

Everyone in Fang Xing knelt down on the ground again, their voices were trembling. From this moment on, everyone no longer had any other thoughts in their hearts. They only knew that if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, they would die. If Chen needs it, they will enter it without hesitation, and go to calm down this sea of ​​swords and flames for Ye Chen.

"Brothers, please get up quickly!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and his voice was full of coldness: "From today, from now on, I don't need you to hide anything, I want to get the position of the young master of the wilderness, so I will use your fighting spirit to your heart's content." Release it, follow me to the summit!"

For Xu Baxian, seizing the position of Young Lord of the Great Wilderness is the loudest slap in the face, and this slap is definitely for Xu Baxian.

After seeing the cooperation between Lu Xing and Long Wei, Ye Chen understood that he had to integrate into the sergeants of the Canglong Army as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not be able to become the protagonist in the final battle, the last mission.


Fang Xing and the others also understood what Ye Chen meant. After the latter became the commander of the Canglong Army, he never got along well with everyone, not once fighting side by side.

After knowing the rules of this competition for the young master of the wilderness, everyone doubted whether Ye Chen could succeed.

But now, it seems that there is no need to worry about this. Everyone absolutely obeys Ye Chen's order, including everyone's hearts, which can be controlled by Ye Chen.


Waves of fighting intent, like tides, spread out from everyone's bodies, and after a while, they permeated the space, feeling the past, it was like a vast ocean.

Looking at the fighting-like space, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows after a while, as expected of the Canglong Army!

In the Great Wilderness, the four heavenly armies are directly controlled by the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and their elite level is far from that of other cities' armies.

Under the Huatian Army, the Canglong Army is the trump card army among them. This can be seen from Tu Xiong's arrogance. Compared with the Dragon Guard controlled by Lu Xing, the Canglong Army represented by Fang Xing is obviously more elite.

Therefore, the swipe of that kind of fighting spirit is more vigorous and bitter.

When Ye Chen was in this ocean of fighting spirit, with his current strength, he felt great pressure and even a sense of danger. If these fighting spirits erupted, Ye Chen might have to be careful Deal with it, otherwise, you won't be able to eat well.

This field is truly magical!
A group of Canglong Army sergeants, including Fang Xing, fought directly. Without using such means, Ye Chen had absolute confidence that he could kill everyone in a short time.

But just relying on the release of fighting spirit, Ye Chen felt the danger, which is indeed a bit unbelievable.

Of course, this is just the release of fighting will, not real power. It is necessary to condense the fighting will and then exert the power of fighting will. Only in this way can one have strong power, otherwise, one can only look at it.

"Commander, let go of your mind, use your mind to control our fighting spirit!"

In the distance, Fang Xing said loudly.

"So it is!"

Ye Chen didn't know at all what to do in order to be able to fully exert the power of Dragon Guard like Lu Xing did.

With Fang Xing's guidance, with a thought, an invisible thought swept out like a gust of wind, covering the ocean-like fighting spirit, and then began to blend in bit by bit.

If you want to control these fighting intentions, you must blend with them and achieve a state of unity before you can do it.

Although Fang Xing's unreserved loyalty to Ye Chen may make this process unnecessary, as long as the mind is strong enough to control it, then it can be controlled.

However, Ye Chen still chose to complete the process!

After completing this process, you can be regarded as no stranger, strong control, and integrated control are always two different concepts, just like convinced and oral!

At the same time, doing so is also respecting Fang Xing and these people.

In any case, although Ye Chen is the leader of the Canglong Army, in fact, he didn't make any great contributions to the Canglong Army. He just saved Fang Xing and others not long ago, but this is by no means a credit.

Ye Chen wanted to use his own attitude to exchange Fang Xing's people not only without the slightest reservation, but at the same time, to prove to them that he absolutely has such qualifications.

"Boom, boom!"

In the ocean of fighting intent, there was a sudden surge of dreadful waves, and that thought slowly merged into it. Every time it melted into it, Ye Chen could sense it immediately, and the ocean of fighting intent was under his control.

Just being able to control it was enough to let Ye Chen understand the strength of his power. He had no doubt that if he could control the fighting spirit of all the soldiers of the Canglong Army, the power would be unimaginable.

Perhaps with Ye Chen's current achievements, it is still impossible to face Xu Baxian, but it should not be difficult to face Yang Jun, who has lost a ray of spirit and is not perfect.

"If you want to eliminate Xu Baxian's power and slowly waste his hard work, start with Yang Jun!"

Accompanied by Ye Chen's great change of mind, the sea of ​​fighting intent suddenly became extremely fierce, and invisible waves swept across the world, and even the Black Dragon Pool was violently shaken.

The different dragon and snake in the distance felt lucky again at this moment, this young man is really terrifying.

The ocean of fighting spirit is overwhelmingly surging, and the young man in it is the ten thousand-year-old reef, his figure is motionless, and those fighting spirits, slowly, calm down, and in the end, like quiet flowing water, hovering in the around him.

Ye Chen has completely controlled this sea of ​​fighting spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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