Chapter 292

Outside the Black Dragon Pool, Ye Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and the numerous soldiers of the Canglong Army waited respectfully behind him.

This figure is not very tall and straight, even looks a little thin, but in their eyes, this figure is a towering mountain, a mountain that can still stand in the sky after countless years and countless winds and frosts.

No one, no power, can destroy this mountain!

Standing behind this mountain, they are the safest!

About ten minutes later, there was a sharp sound of piercing the air in the distance, and immediately, several figures rushed over, and the leader was Fang Xing!

There are too many dangers in the Lord's Stage, but there are also opportunities everywhere, so, to be able to enter the Lord's Stage to practice is the dream of all these people who have not reached the realm of martial arts in the wilderness.

The road to martial arts is difficult. If you don't have enough mental preparation and the courage to accept the challenge, you should go home and farm.


Ye Chen asked lightly, Fang Xing and the others were sent out by him to inquire about the news. After so long, Ye Chen didn't know anything about what happened in the master's platform.

When he got closer, Fang Xing immediately said: "Master Commander, the tasks of the others have been completed, and now we are looking for the final ultimate task."

Ye Chen nodded, the so-called mission, of course, is to rescue all the soldiers under his command, this is one of them.

It has been a long time since Ye Chen entered the Conferred Master Stage until today. If those other people have not completed their tasks, they are probably not qualified, and they can be allowed to enter the Conferred Master Stage to practice on that day.

Although the main station is not an existence like a small world, and it does not need the infusion of heaven and earth spiritual energy, so it can't be said that more people will enter, and it will consume too much, but the main station is the most important thing in the Great Desolation City after all. Heavy, how can anyone get in if they want.

"The ultimate mission, has anyone found it?" After a while, Ye Chen asked again.

The so-called ultimate mission is naturally to gather everyone together, break through the barriers set up, and successfully leave the main stage.

In this task, whoever performed the best would naturally be this year's Young Master of the Wilderness, as for outstanding two words. . . .It depends on who has such a great ability to make everyone surrender and obey orders.

Surrender is not deterrence!

Xu Ba first said very clearly that it is necessary to be sincere and consistent in order to be able to complete the final ultimate task. No one will doubt this sentence.

"Not yet!" Fang Xing replied.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows immediately, revealing a trace of doubt: "Lin Yifan, he didn't find it either?"

Xu Baxian might not be able to guess Lin Yifan, so for the former, Xu Baxian certainly didn't have too many precautions. Even if he had precautions, with himself around, such precautions would be very small.

Therefore, with Lin Yifan's strength and extraordinary wisdom, it has been so long, yet he still hasn't found the ultimate mission, which is really surprising.

Fang Xing hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master Commander, in fact, you can't say that you haven't, but you can't be sure yet."

"Oh?" Ye Chen was shocked again, even Lin Yifan wasn't sure yet, it was a bit tricky.

Fang Xing didn't wait for Ye Chen to continue to ask, but immediately said: "Commander Lin is indeed extraordinary. He entered the lord's platform, and in the shortest time, he rescued the army under his command. Afterwards, with everyone, During this period of time, he has traveled almost anywhere in the Lord's Stage."

Lin Yifan has this strength, Ye Chen believes it!
"In the end, Commander Lin locked a place, but he is not sure, because that place is called Zhenhuangshi!" Fang Xing said in a deep voice.

"Stone Township!"

At this moment, even Ye Chen had to become nervous.

Ye Chen is quite familiar with the Great Wilderness City, so he knows the town of Huangshi. If he knew about today's scene, Ye Chen would choose not to know about the Great Wilderness City, because the town of Huangshi is too extraordinary!

The so-called Zhenhuang Stone is not a stone, but a stone tablet standing in the lord's platform!
From a certain point of view, everything in the lord's stage is illusory and unreal, including Ye Chen and others in the lord's stage.

One must know that although the Lord's Terrace is wide and hundreds of feet in size, compared to other places, it is just a square of rocks. With an area of ​​hundreds of feet, how can it accommodate so many things in the world, as well as people in it?

When everyone entered, they felt the change of the space. People inside were not shrunk down many times, but the space of the main stage was not as big as it looked from the outside. Therefore, everyone inside seemed to be very small. Somewhat unreal.

However, Zhenhuangshi is an exception!
Only Zhenhuang Stone is the same as Fengzhutai itself, which is a real thing!
The ancestor who founded the Great Wilderness back then, after constructing the Conqueror's Terrace, used his magical powers to place a stone tablet in the Conferred Master's Terrace, named, Desolation Stone!

The three words "Suppressing the Wilderness Stone" are not just a moral, but a real suppressive effect!
Rumor has it that the Zhenhuang Stone is in the lord's platform, guarding the luck of the entire Great Wilderness. As long as the Zhenhuang Stone does not fall, the Great Wilderness City will be able to stand forever on the northern mainland.

Although this is a rumor, people have always believed in the theory of luck!
Just like the road to martial arts, apart from aptitude, talent, acquired hard work, martial arts also pay attention to luck.

What is air luck, no one can explain clearly, perhaps with a simple statement, it can let people peek into it.

A genius, he has aptitude, talent, and also worked hard the day after tomorrow, but why, on the road of martial arts, this person failed to reach the peak, but fell off halfway?

Luck is illusory, a genius who has everything, but was killed before he really grew up, this is the lack of luck, which prevents him from reaching the peak moment.

There is indeed no reason to say this, but it makes people believe it!

Why, when you go out to practice, you can get the inheritance of a senior expert, and the road to martial arts has become much smoother since then, but when I went out to practice, not only did I get nothing, but I also attracted big enemies?

The so-called chance is also a kind of luck!
Zhenhuangshi is the fate of Dahuang City. For Zhenhuangshi, no one in Dahuang dares to show the slightest disrespect, let alone offend.

No wonder, with Lin Yifan's ability, he couldn't be sure!
Facing the Zhenhuang Stone, I believe that in the Great Wilderness, no one can be sure of it.

If the final task is really gathered on the town of Huangshi, how to start and how to end, this needs to be extremely cautious, otherwise, it will cause a catastrophe. This disaster will not only affect oneself, but also affect the whole Great Wilderness!

Ye Chen frowned tightly. If Xu Ba first arranged the final mission on the Stone of Desolation, wouldn't he be worried about the foundation and future luck of the Great Desolation City?
Or. . . .Xu Baxian has already fallen into evil at all, so he is not worried about the future of the Great Deserted City at all?
If Xu Ba went crazy first, then there was really nothing to talk about. Reasoning with a lunatic would undoubtedly be playing the piano against a cow!
"Lin Yifan, what's happening now?"

Fang Xing hurriedly responded: "Commander Lin stayed in front of Zhenhuangshi for many days. Obviously, he was also considering the consequences of the matter, but now, more and more people have gathered towards the location of Zhenhuangshi, and everyone is aware of it. Arrived, suppressing the desolate stone, may be the ultimate mission of this battle of the young master of the wilderness."

If all of this was really planned by Xu Baxian, then what is his real intention?
Ye Chen pondered, Xu Baxian's dream for many years was to become the Lord of the Great Wilderness, and now he wanted to destroy the luck of the Great Wilderness, even if he had already fallen into evil, he probably would not do so.

Ye Chen suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhenhuangshi: "Could it be that Xu Baxian's real intention is not to destroy the luck and foundation of the Great Desolation, but his intention is not to let anyone become the young master of the Great Desolation, including Lin Yifan !"

"But if this is the case, how could Jin Ling and others agree to let Xu Ba do this first?"

Now that the battle for the young master of the wilderness has started, there is no such thing as giving up halfway, unless in the end, no one really meets the requirements, then it will be voided.

Among these people now, Lin Yifan, Ye Chen himself, etc. all have enough qualifications, if it is not the town of Huangshi, it is more than enough to become the young master of the Great Wilderness.

If Xu Baxian wanted to forcibly intercept it, it would definitely provoke public outrage. Even if he was as strong as Xu Baxian, he would not dare to do this.

Therefore, setting the ultimate mission on the Zhenhuang Stone obviously got the consent of everyone, otherwise, how could Xu Baxian do this?

This resolution was passed, how did Xu Baxian persuade these city owners including Jin Ling?Didn't Jin Ling and the others know the importance of Zhenhuang Stone to Dahuang?
"Master Commander, what should we do?" Fang Xing asked in a deep voice, and he also understood how the appearance of Zhenhuang Stone would hinder Ye Chen and others.

After being silent for a while, Ye Chen asked: "I have found out, indeed, everyone has rushed to the location of Zhenhuangshi now?"


Fang Xing definitely responded, if there is a party of people who are still watching from a distance at this moment, then things have changed. Since the disappearance of the Lord of the Great Wilderness for a few years, Xu Baxian has strongly controlled the Great Wilderness, and he has penetrated into it. The power that can be controlled is probably only known to him.

To put it bluntly, in Fang Xing's heart, except for Ye Chen, everyone else is likely to be a pawn played by Xu Baxian.

"Since this is the case, let's go to town Huangshi!"

Looking forward, Ye Chen said indifferently: "If the ultimate task is on the Zhenhuang Stone, then we must always face it. At this time, I am afraid that Xu Baxian is waiting for us to give up."

Hearing this, Fang Xing couldn't help but tremble. The three words Xu Baxian are now listed as the number one enemy in their hearts. The enemy's conspiracy, no matter what, cannot succeed.

"Master Commander, I will lead the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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