Chapter 293

Zhenhuangshi is located in the center of the Lord's Terrace!

From a long distance, you can always see the desolate stone that symbolizes the luck of the Great Desolation!

The stele, which is hundreds of feet high and exudes a heavy aura, makes it hard not to notice it.

At this time, in front of the Zhenhuang Stone, there are nearly a thousand people gathered here. They each occupy a side, and they all look at the huge stone tablet in front of them. The people in front of them are all frowning at this moment.


In the quiet space, suddenly there was a rushing sound that pierced through the air. Everyone turned around to look, and soon saw a group of dozens of people rushing towards them like lightning.

"It's Ye Chen and the Canglong Army!"

People with sharp eyes have already seen these people clearly.

Only when you get close to Zhenhuangshi can you discover the majesty of Zhenhuangshi.

The height of hundreds of feet and the strong breath are not enough to describe the majesty of the stone tablet. In front of the desolation stone, the feeling of the human body like an ant is not the reason for the majesty of the desolation stone.

"Boss Ye!"

As soon as Ye Chen landed, respectful voices rang out.

There were more than a hundred people in the battle for the young master of the wilderness at the beginning, but after the experience in Burial Soul Valley, there were only more than 50 people left, and after some experience in the master stage, some people were forced to fight against each other. Left helplessly, and now there are only a dozen or so people left who are qualified to participate in the final competition.

Among the more than 20 people, Ye Chen was familiar with nearly half of them.

The so-called familiarity is not acquaintance, but a very good relationship with Ye Chen, such as Cao Feng and Xu Fengyang, this is the team they experienced in Burial Soul Valley.

Led by Ye Chen and instructed by Ye Chen, a trip to Burial Soul Valley made the four of them improve their cultivation and strength a lot, thus obtaining enough qualifications to enter the main stage.

Except for the four of them, the nine people who were with Qin Shi that day are also here at this moment, as well as Lu Xing, and of course, Lin Yifan.

"How, what did you notice?"

After Ye Chen greeted Cao Feng and the others, he came before Lin Yifan.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Yifan smiled and asked, he could see the murderous intent surging deep in his eyes.

What happened to Ye Chen was unknown to the others present, but Lin Yifan knew very well that what Xu Baxian did was really unacceptable.

Ye Chen froze for a moment, apparently surprised by Lin Yifan's good news, he waved his hand and said, "Of course I'm fine to be here."

"That's good, come and see Zhenhuangshi!"

With Lin Yifan's status and strength, the position he occupied was naturally the place closest to Zhenhuangshi, and when Ye Chen arrived here, he felt a special feeling that flooded his body spontaneously.

The aura emanating from Zhenhuangshi here is extraordinarily thick and vast, just like the sun. What surprised Ye Chen was that Zhenhuangshi seemed to be familiar with him, or in other words, he was testing himself. That breath swam around every corner of his body at an extremely fast speed.

In such a breath, not to mention Ye Chen himself, the three great treasures including the Demon Emperor's Bell, at this moment, they are all quiet, not daring to make any ripples.

Of course, this breath is not malicious at all, otherwise, no matter how powerful it is, the three great treasures will not let it go.

Ye Chen had a special feeling in his heart, that is, standing in front of Zhenhuang Stone, he also had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen Zhenhuang Stone before.

This feeling is really unbelievable.

"Brother Lin?"

Ye Chen looked at Lin Yifan. In front of the latter, he did not hide his doubts at all. In fact, there was no need for this. It could be seen that Lin Yifan was waiting for him.

Lin Yifan nodded slightly, and said: "If you don't have a sense of familiarity, I can only say that your experience is far from enough in Fengzhu Taizhong, and you can't arouse Zhenhuangshi's response and attention. If so, young master Dahuang position, I am afraid that you will lose the qualification to compete."


Ye Chen raised his eyebrows lightly: "Could it be that it is because of this that you feel that the ultimate mission is to be placed on the Stone of Desolation?"

"Exactly, come and see!"

Following Lin Yifan's pointing, Ye Chen looked intently, and at the very center of the Zhenhuang Stone, he outlined a series of strange patterns. There were too many and complicated patterns, and Ye Chen couldn't fully see them clearly, but one of them Pattern, very clear.

Because this pattern outlines Ye Chen's experience in the master stage.

That is to say, since he entered the lord's platform, the places he passed and the process of experience were engraved on the stone tablet in such a way by the Zhenhuang Stone.

From this point of view, the other patterns should be the experience of others including Lin Yifan.

"The main stage has been opened more than once. The experience I have entered in the past many years has never been reflected on the Zhenhuang Stone, only this time."

Lin Yifan said with a solemn expression: "So I deduce that the ultimate mission is on the Stone of Desolation."

Since everyone's training process is engraved on the Zhenhuang Stone, showing a difference, naturally, it will arouse suspicion from others.

"That's the truth, but how can we activate the mission?" After pondering for a moment, Ye Chen asked.

The time he had been in the Great Wilderness was still too short. Although he had heard about many things, including Zhenhuangshi, he had only heard about it. Ye Chen didn't know anything about it.

Rushing into contact with the Zhenhuang Stone is not good. If the Zhenhuang Stone is shaken and the luck is broken, this may be a disaster for Da Huang!
Although the theory of luck is illusory and has no so-called real evidence, no one will question the existence of luck, especially the town of Huangshi!
Be especially cautious in this matter!

Perhaps, this is Xu Baxian's real purpose. Being too cautious, and the township stone is too important, may make everyone present, this time, all return home without success, in vain!
There is a rule in the Great Wilderness, whoever loses the fight for the Young Master of the Great Wilderness will no longer be eligible to participate. In other words, if these people present fail this time, no matter how good they are, it will be the last time.

It has to be said that Xu Baxian's plan is really vicious. It is to wipe out all the best young people present in the wilderness.

All of them including Ye Chen, Lin Yifan and others failed, which meant that the group of young people in Dahuang would all return to the mountains. Even if they were still outstanding, the chances of aspiring to the top would be much, much less.

In this way, Xu Baxian has more time and opportunities to achieve his own great cause!

I believe that by that time, the voices against Xu Baxian will be less and less, and the Great Wilderness cannot remain without a master for a long time. Before the young master of the new generation appears, the Great Wilderness will inevitably have a master, so that the Great Wilderness will be established on the northern mainland. prestige.

As expected of Xu Baxian, facing such an offensive, he was able to defuse it so beautifully.It's just that he must think that no one present can break the level of Zhenhuangshi?
Ye Chen sneered unknowingly. He agrees with the theory of luck, but he doesn't necessarily believe it 100%. Even if there is luck, there are not enough good people. A power can exist, but it can't grow stronger.

It is man's will, this is the most reasonable saying!

Seeing Ye Chen's sneer, Lin Yifan also laughed and said: "It seems that we have the same idea, and we did some things in advance, but after thinking about it, it would be easier to do things with you around. .”

Ye Chen's heart trembled slightly, but it was because Lin Yifan's words were suspected of being used, which made him feel unhappy. It was these words that made Ye Chen appreciate Lin Yifan countless more.

Luck is in the sky!

Martial artists often emphasize that they are acting against the sky, but they are so fearful in the face of luck, how can they be against the sky?

Only by being fearless in one's heart can one be able to walk firmly on this so-called heaven-defying path!
"Now that the decision has been made, let's start!" Ye Chen said immediately.

"Aren't you afraid of others' opposition?" Lin Yifan glanced sideways at some people behind him, and asked calmly.

"Could it be that you don't have to do it because you're afraid?" Ye Chen asked back.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Yifan laughed suddenly, his body moved immediately, and he approached Zhenhuangshi, with one hand, gently sticking to the pattern engraved with his experience in the lord's platform.

Countless people outside the main stage, at this moment, all looked solemn.

The eyes of Xiao Renlong, Jin Ling and other city lords are also flickering. They naturally need to know more than Ye Chen, Lin Yifan and others. Xu Baxian designed this way, without their approval, it is absolutely impossible do it.

So they knew that the test of Zhenhuangshi seemed to be a desperate situation, but in fact it had a chance of life. As long as they grasped this chance, the test would appear. At that time, it would no longer have anything to do with Zhenhuangshi.

However, if one does not act properly, the troubles caused will be very great. At least for everyone, the spiritual blow is inevitable. Over the years, the Zhenhuang Stone has become the spiritual pillar of everyone in the Great Wilderness.

It's just Xu Baxian's reason that no one can object to. The disappearance of the Lord of the Great Wilderness these years, although the Great Wilderness itself has not been affected too much, but the loss of an absolute master, the blow to the Great Wilderness can be imagined.

If one wants to lead the Great Wilderness from its current decline to its previous peak, it will even take a few minutes to become more prosperous. The successors must be very outstanding. Only in this way is it possible to do so.

And Zhenhuangshi is to test whether the successors have enough qualifications, even if they can't pass this test, what are they talking about to revitalize the Great Wilderness?

Therefore, Xiao Renlong and the others did not object, and now, Lin Yifan had already started, which naturally made people extremely nervous.

In front of Zhenhuangshi, everyone, including Cao Feng and others, looked much more solemnly. They all understood what such a move meant. If an accident happened, they would become sinners of the Great Desolation.

Withdrawing his gaze from everyone, Ye Chen smiled calmly. At this moment, even if there are tens of thousands of people objecting, this town of Huangshi must make a move. The situation set up by Xu Baxian is really unacceptable. Have a chance?

(End of this chapter)

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