Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 294 Open

Chapter 294 Open
In front of the huge Zhenhuang Stone, two figures stood almost side by side. Their hands were respectively attached to the stone tablet, and no spiritual power surged in, but the Zhenhuang Stone was walking on its own, with a faint light flashing out quietly.

This ray of light also does not contain the slightest amount of energy, but after it radiates out, it envelops the two of them, allowing others to see that their figures, because of the cover of the ray, appear somewhat blurred and distorted.

But other than that, there is no other movement from the Zhenhuangshi. The so-called activation of the ultimate mission can't even catch the slightest shadow. It seems that the strength or the number of people are not enough.

At this time, Ye Chen was not born, so he asked Cao Feng and others to participate.

After all, Zhenhuangshi is too important. Few people will ignore the theory of luck, and Ye Chen will not put any pressure on them on such a major event.

But by doing this, others have already understood some things, the fault is not due to too many scruples, I'm afraid there are already people who want to do the same thing as Ye Chen and Lin Yifan.

Of course, the two of them didn't have to wait too long. Before the crowd, Cao Feng, Xu Fengyang, Zhao Zizhong, and Yan Xiu had already taken the lead. Paste lightly.

The experience in Burying Soul Valley lasted for several months. What they formed with Ye Chen was a deep comrade-in-arms relationship. They will never forget Ye Chen's kindness in guiding them, and they will never forget Ye Chen's great love Heavy duty.

At this moment, when Ye Chen needed help, the four of them would naturally not stand idly by, even if they knew that if anything happened, they would become sinners in the wilderness, and they would never recover from then on. The four of them had to do this matter.

Not for anything else, but for the deep friendship between each other!

Not long after the four of Cao Feng joined, the nine of Du Xiong also gritted their teeth, and after a while, they flew forward and rushed to Zhenhuang Stone.

There is no such deep friendship between them and Ye Chen, but they admire Ye Chen's personality. Although the meeting in Burial Soul Valley was separated by unhappiness, each has his own position. There is no right or wrong.

What really made them admire was that Ye Chen entered Zhixie Mountain without even thinking about it. Perhaps they also knew that Ye Chen had other ideas in his mind, but it is undeniable that at that moment, Ye Chen's goal was the whole Great Desolation.

Up to now, Du Xiong and others have understood many things, especially this last hurdle, which also allowed them to see Xu Baxian clearly.

For the sake of power, you can be desperate, but if you joke about the foundation of the Great Wilderness, this is definitely not a qualified hero.

Today, Xu Baxian can do this, and in the future, he can also do more radical things. A harsh yin has already made Du Xiong and others lose their trust and even respect for the former.

After Du Xiong's nine people, there is Lu Xing!
This proud son of Xuanlong City did not have so many thoughts in everyone's minds. Before Ye Chen and Lin Yifan appeared, he was the most outstanding person among the younger generation in the whole Great Wilderness.

Maybe Qin Shi, Lin Shu and others are more famous than him, but that's just fame.

Facing Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, maybe Lu Xing has to be convinced, but he is not willing to fall behind the two of them in this matter. Although there is a great risk in this move, decisiveness is the quality that every warrior must possess .

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan could do it, why didn't he dare?

Turning his head to look at the people around him, Ye Chen laughed and said, "Brother Lin, it seems that my popularity is much better than yours."

Except for Lu Xing, who Ye Chen couldn't control, the rest of them. . . .Ye Chen had the confidence to say such a thing, of course, it was not to provoke Lin Yifan.

Hearing this, Lu Xing said flatly: "This is for the Great Deserted City, and has nothing to do with you."

"What I want is for the Great Wilderness to continue to stand on the northern continent." Looking at Ye Chen, Lin Yifan chuckled, and suddenly shook his other hand!
The rest of the people didn't even show the slightest hesitation at all. Following Lin Yifan's grip, everyone rushed over quickly and stopped in front of the Zhenhuang Stone.


Lin Yifan immediately looked at Ye Chen, and the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, it was the best result if they could do this.

If the final task is opened and everyone needs to cooperate sincerely, with Ye Chen and Lin Yifan as the leaders, there is no need to worry that some of them will not cooperate because of this.

When the palms of all these people were stuck on the desolation stone, the faint light spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly enveloped all these people.

In the eyes of many people like Fang Xing, Ye Chen and the others, the figures of the latter and the others appear even more blurred, to the point that they are so blurred that people feel that they have some sense of unreality, as if they are particularly illusory and not real. .

But other than that, there is no other slight change in Zhenhuangshi.

"Everyone, please input your spiritual power into the Zhenhuangshi. Remember, you must be careful not to let the Zhenhuangshi make any mistakes." Lin Yifan said in a deep voice.

Although the Zhenhuang Stone is hundreds of feet high and very large in size, it is still just a stone tablet. Unless it itself is protected by the energy left by the ancestor who created the Great Wilderness, otherwise, it cannot accept the spiritual power of people like them.

Of course, at this moment, the Zhenhuang Stone can have such a change, which is enough to prove that this stele is not just an ordinary stone, and should be able to withstand the deliberate spiritual power of everyone, but the Zhenhuang Stone represents the luck of the Great Wilderness after all, even if there is no fear in the heart, Also have to be careful.

After Lin Yifan finished speaking, Ye Chen nodded at him. Immediately, under the leadership of the two of them, more than 20 people here simultaneously poured their respective spiritual powers into the Stone of Desolation.


When the spiritual power entered, Zhenhuangshi seemed to tremble slightly, and even the void moved slightly.

It was during this slight tremor that everyone's expressions suddenly changed, because they could clearly see a crack in everyone's spiritual power, slowly appearing from the middle of the town's desolate stone!

The Township Stone is about to burst!

Inside and outside the main stage, except for Xiao Renlong and others who knew about it, countless other people turned pale with shock.

And even Xiao Renlong and the others don't look very good at this moment. Of course, the Zhenhuang Stone will not burst, this is only temporary, but if it is not resolved, it means that Ye Chen, Lin Yifan and others have failed.

Xu Baxian's plan will be successful because of this!
Such a result is extremely difficult for people like Xiao Renlong and Jin Ling to accept.

"Ye Chen, are you ready?"

"Brother Lin?"

Before Ye Chen could finish his question, Lin Yifan shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone, whether you succeed or not depends on one action. I believe that everyone is unwilling to see the final failure, right?"

"I don't know what commander Lin thinks?" Lu Xing asked. Among the people present, apart from Lin Yifan and Ye Chen, he was the most qualified.

"Everyone should remember that when entering the main stage, City Lord Xu said that the final mission requires everyone's sincere cooperation!"

Lin Yifan said indifferently: "Although I don't know whether this is the final test, it still forces us to overcome this crisis only if we work together."

"What to do, Commander Lin, speak up!" Lu Xing responded.

Lin Yifan's eyes immediately passed over Cao Feng's group, and the latter nodded immediately after they took a look at Ye Chen.

"it is good!"

Lin Yifan shouted: "From now on, everyone, suppress all distracting thoughts in your mind, release yourself, and even your own energy, without reservation, and give it to Ye Chen!"

"Brother Lin!"

Ye Chen's expression trembled, Lin Yifan's actions undoubtedly pushed him above the crowd, that is to say, Lin Yifan was willing to follow him, if he succeeded, then Ye Chen would be the well-deserved young master of the Great Desolation.

Lin Yifan waved his hands and smiled, "It's indeed difficult to make such a decision, but Ye Chen, I will let you know why I did this today."

"Okay, don't think too much about it, we don't have time, once the town's barren rocks burst...can you accept this fact?"

After the words were finished, Lin Yifan immediately closed his eyes, and all distracting thoughts no longer appeared in his mind, and what he took and waited for was a pure thought that slowly floated out.

This thought contained Lin Yifan's spirit, if Ye Chen controlled it, he would not have the slightest resistance.

Seeing that Lin Yifan did this, Cao Feng, Du Xiong and the others had nothing to say.

The others, including Lu Xing, hesitated for a while, and then did the same thing as Lin Yifan. Perhaps in their hearts, they didn't fully support Ye Chen's idea, but when Lin Yifan gave up, Ye Chen did it. Is the best candidate and choice.

More than twenty pure thoughts floated quietly in front of the desolate stone. It seems that because of the appearance of these thoughts, the speed of the crack spreading on the desolate stone suddenly began to slow down, almost showing signs of stagnation.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Chen couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his eyes stopped on Lin Yifan. This young man was only a year or two older than him, but he could do this at the most critical moment. Willing to.

The young master of the wilderness, as long as there are no accidents, he will be the master of the great wilderness in the future. As long as he becomes the young master of the wilderness, the possibility of accidents is very small.

What kind of respect is this, such a status, which countless people dream of, otherwise, what would Xu Baxian have planned for several years?

Lin Yifan is not inferior to him in terms of current cultivation and strength, or future potential, but he actually gave up on these things. Ye Chen can't figure out what is the reason why Lin Yifan is willing to do this.

Now that Lin Yifan has done this, Ye Chen can't tolerate refusal and giving up. Only by doing it, that is the best explanation for Lin Yifan, and will not disappoint everyone's trust in him.

There is only one way forward!
"Brother Lin, thank you, but please rest assured, I will never fail!"

Ye Chen's eyes sharpened suddenly, and his thoughts were released without reservation. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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