Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 295 Open

Chapter 295 Open
In front of the town of Huangshi, it is no longer quiet!

Those thoughts, although in a static state, still make the space where Zhenhuangshi is located, as if a strong wind is sweeping, bursting out with a strong momentum, stirring up the world here!

It's just that no one outside Zhenhuangshi's space can sense this powerful aura. The light that enveloped everyone seems to have completely isolated this space.

In the light, Ye Chen's gaze slowly retracted, and finally, he stopped on the Zhenhuang Stone!

"Today, I can definitely do it!"

Ye Chen said silently, a thought, like lightning, rushed out from the center of his eyebrows.


This space suddenly surged like a tide, led by Lin Yifan, followed by Cao Feng and others, everyone's thoughts, at this moment, quickly approached Ye Chen's thoughts.

Before coming to Zhenhuangshi, with the help of Fang Xing, Ye Chen controlled the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Canglong Army. Although the use of thoughts was not perfect, with the willingness of Lin Yifan and others, he controlled them. The idea is not too difficult.

The really important thing is, after controlling it, can you really start the final mission from the Stone of Desolation?

This is uncertain, so Ye Chen didn't dare to think too much!
His own thoughts are like a net that quickly engulfs the thoughts of Lin Yifan and others, and the so-called control. . . .At this time, there is no so-called control at all.

When Ye Chen's own thoughts covered everyone's thoughts, all resistance disappeared without a trace.

This is on the premise that everyone is willing, and everyone also knows that although they can succeed in the end, only Lin Yifan and Ye Chen are qualified to fight for the position of Great Wilderness Young Master, and they don't seem to have the need to help.

However, collective failure is a great shame, and it is very likely to affect their entire lives.

Therefore, after Lin Yifan made this request, the main reason why no one objected was that they could accept the failure of not being able to win the Great Desolation Young Master, but they couldn't tolerate the failure of not being able to even reach the final mission.

Everyone is not an idiot. In fact, if they can enter the main stage and participate in this competition, no one is mediocre. They can all see Xu Baxian's intentions.

This kind of plan, if Xu Baxian is sincere for the great wilderness, then there is nothing wrong with it, but Xu Baxian is obviously not sincere, his plan has already touched everyone's bottom line.

Therefore, at this time, there will be no one who has other ideas in mind, and it is the desire of everyone to break this predicament with all their strength.

In this way, Ye Chen's control is much simpler and easier. He doesn't need to deliberately control the thoughts of everyone.

"Ye Chen, let's start! You don't need to have any worries. Whether you succeed or fail, we have worked hard after all. Even if we break through the rocks in this town, are we still afraid that the Great Wilderness will lose its standing forever?" Qualifications on the northern continent?"

Lin Yifan's voice resounded clearly through his own thoughts.

Not only Ye Chen heard this sentence, but Lu Xing and everyone else heard it very clearly. Although everyone didn't express anything, the firmness and determination released in their minds were also telling Ye Chen to let go and do it!

"Don't worry, I, Ye Chen, have never failed in my life, but this time, I will never fail!"

As soon as the words fell, all thoughts, under the leadership of Ye Chen, swept out quickly, like a storm, surging out towards the Zhenhuang stone.


When these ideas come into contact with the Zhenhuang Stone, the patterns on the stone tablet seem to come alive at this moment. The scene that everyone has experienced, at this moment, seems to appear completely and clearly in every moment. In a person's mind, it seems to have experienced it again.

Even if it is something that has passed, experiencing it again at this moment is thrilling and still gives people a sense of dignity.

Ye Chen's figure shook slightly. In his mind, the same scene from the past also appeared, so that he was also going through the scenes that happened in the illusory.

However, when the previous picture just appeared, his mind immediately woke up, and he immediately shouted softly: "Everyone, wake up!"

What happened in the past, after reappearing in the mind, it is not only for everyone to re-experience the past, but for everyone to fall into their own past.

This is an illusion, likewise, it is an illusion!

Unexpectedly, this town of Huangshi is actually creating such a scene.

If you fall into an illusion, you will be unable to extricate yourself from it, because the illusion will never stop, turn over and over again, and always exist in people's minds.

The reason why Ye Chen wakes up so easily and reacts so quickly is not because he has enough concentration to prevent external evils from invading, but because of the power of yin and yang.

The fault is that there are yin and yang qi in the body, if you want to get out of the illusion, I am afraid it will be very difficult!

A series of ideas, under Ye Chen's deep voice, quickly retreated from the town of Huangshi, including Lin Yifan, sweating profusely on their backs, they are so good, so they understand better what will happen once they fall into the illusion as a result of.

You know, if you can't get out of the illusion, you may become a living dead throughout your life.

"Ye Chen, thank you very much!"

Lin Yifan let out a sigh of relief and said.

It's just that this voice, upon hearing Ye Chen's ears, felt somewhat astonished, because it sounded like Lin Yifan wasn't particularly surprised, as if he had known for a long time that Ye Chen could resolve this scene.

The current Ye Chen naturally doesn't have time to care about these things, since the illusion has been broken, it will continue.

"Everyone, come with me!"

Dao Dao's thoughts, under the leadership of Ye Chen, once again plundered into the town of Huangshi, and as expected, no illusions continued to appear, and the process of infiltrating into it became extremely easy. This magical stone tablet has no defense at all.

However, because of this action, the bursting speed of Zhenhuang Stone, which stopped, suddenly accelerated, and that crack, at this moment, spread out quickly like a spider's web, which was unstoppable at all.

No matter what method was used, even if Ye Chen quietly infiltrated a yin and yang force into it, it could not stop the crack from spreading.

If it goes on like this. . . .There is no need to continue, the huge Zhenhuangshi is on the verge of collapse.

"Could it be that this is going to fail?"

Ye Chen's mind was shocked, and with everyone's thoughts, he quickly walked in the town of Huangshi. After a short while, everything in the town of Huangshi was carefully inquired.

But nothing was found, nothing strange at all.

If there really is an ultimate mission in Zhenhuangshi, no matter how Xu Baxian designs it, he must always leave some clues for everyone. If not, this failure will have nothing to do with everyone.

Even if Xu Baxian designed it to be extremely secretive, something must be left behind.

Although Ye Chen and the others did not reach the realm of martial arts and could not use the power of the soul, they were all so outstanding, and they gathered so many people's ideas, especially with the help of Ye Chen and the power of yin and yang. Can't find anything in this town of barren rocks?
This is never normal!
If it is normal, there is only one reason, the town of Huangshi is not the place where the ultimate mission exists.

But this is also impossible, with Lin Yifan's ability, he only found Zhenhuang Stone in the end, so there must be nothing wrong with it.

"Xu Baxian, are you really so difficult?"

Ye Chen never gave up, with a thought, he went deep into Zhenhuangshi once again, and immediately dispersed all his thoughts, distributed them all over Zhenhuangshi, and searched quickly in units of inches.


While Ye Chen and the others were searching, the cracks on the desolate stone were still spreading rapidly. In just a few seconds, a huge crack like a spider web was drawn outside the desolate stone.

With the appearance of such cracks, the Township Stone began to shake violently. Although no so-called lime and gravel fell from the Township Stone, everyone could clearly see that the Township Stone was about to collapse. .

"How could this be?"

All the thoughts were collected in one place, and they were all at a loss. Only by gathering the strength of everyone can they enter the Zhenhuang Stone, but they did not expect that there were no clues to be found in the Zhenhuang Stone. It seems that this time, they chose the wrong target. .

But everyone knew in their hearts that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the goal!

"Boss Ye, the Zhenhuang Stone is about to burst, we have to get out of here quickly." Cao Feng said via voice transmission.

The Zhenhuang Stone represents the luck of the Great Desolation. If it bursts, it will inevitably burst out with extremely terrifying energy. It may not hurt everyone, but it can swallow everyone's thoughts in one bite. The consequences are also unimaginable.

Leaving is tantamount to giving up, tantamount to failure!
Ye Chen took a deep breath, finally made it to today, and was only one step away from the last step, giving up like this, failing like this, Ye Chen would never be reconciled.

It's just that it's a bit inappropriate for everyone to accompany him to continue here.

"Brother Lin, take everyone out of here first."

When speaking, Ye Chen's thoughts moved lightly, which meant that he let go of the control of everyone's thoughts.

"Ye Chen, you underestimate me, Lin Yifan, don't you? I will never stop anyone who wants to leave, I will never leave." Lin Yifan said calmly, his voice was full of determination.

It's not that you can't accept failure, but such a failure is a bit too useless, and you have failed before doing anything, which is really dissatisfying.

"Boss Ye, we won't leave either!" Cao Feng and the others responded immediately.

Staying means that there is still a chance, but if you leave, it will really fail.

"Ye Chen, don't hesitate, do whatever you want, and no one will leave."

One after another voice, through thoughts, clearly transmitted to Ye Chen's mind.

While Ye Chen was grateful for everyone's trust in him, the pressure also doubled.

"Okay, since everyone is willing to persevere, then we have no choice but to fight."

Many thoughts gathered in one place again, Ye Chen was the first, and while there was still a little time, he was going to explore Zhenhuangshi again.

Suddenly, Ye Chen paused, with a look of sharpness, and quickly passed by, it seemed that there was one thing that everyone ignored. . . . .
(End of this chapter)

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