Chapter 296
"Ye Chen, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Ye Chen suddenly stopped all actions, and his thoughts seemed to be a little confused, Lin Yifan asked hastily.

Now, everyone including Lin Yifan's minds are under Ye Chen's control, they have gathered many minds, and just now entered the town of Huangshi. At this time, if something happens to Ye Chen, the consequences cannot be tolerated.

In Lin Yifan's heart, he didn't have any fear at all, so the theory of luck had little influence, even if the Zhenhuang Stone collapsed, he wouldn't think it was the end of the world.

He was worried that after an accident, Ye Chen would be stuck here forever!

"Brother Lin, don't you find it strange?"

Ye Chen forcibly took everyone's thoughts, quickly left Zhenhuangshi, and returned to everyone's body.


Lin Yifan frowned slightly, and looked at the cracked Zhenhuang Stone again. After a while, he suddenly understood that he was an extremely intelligent person, and with Ye Chen's guidance, he couldn't understand.

Seeing that Ye Chen and Lin Yifan were both staring at Zhenhuangshi that was about to collapse, they stopped all actions instead, Lu Xing and the others felt a little dazed, they couldn't guess what the former two had discovered.

But gradually, everyone gradually understood it!
During the waiting time, the cracks on the surface of the Zhenhuang Stone continued to expand, and at the same time penetrated deeper. In this way, it is not a matter of time before the Zhenhuang Stone collapses. Logically, the Zhenhuang Stone should have collapsed. .

However, from the outside to the inside, terrible cracks have spread all over the Zhenhuang Stone, including the inside, but the Zhenhuang Stone does not have the slightest intention of collapsing. The meaning of wild stone.

Everyone present was an outstanding person. After seeing this appearance, they immediately realized that the desolate stone will not collapse!

Outside the main stage, Xiao Renlong and others, who knew the inside story, let out a long sigh of relief. Ye Chen and others stopped their actions. Although it does not mean that they can finally activate the so-called ultimate mission, it is commendable to be able to do so now .

Ask yourself, if you change places, Xiao Renlong may not be able to notice this.

"Ye Chen, what do you think?" Lin Yifan asked.

"Break it and then stand it! This town of barren stones, perhaps, itself, is an obstacle!"

Ye Chen said without hesitation, the Zhenhuang Stone should have collapsed, but it is still standing in this world, what to do next, Ye Chen already has a plan in mind.

But, the plan is the plan, whether to do this, Ye Chen has a decision, Lin Yifan has a decision, other people, even those who are extremely convinced of Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, may not be able to make this decision.

The meaning of Township Stone is very important in Great Wilderness City, and what needs to be done now is to truly defeat Township Stone!
Whether such a move will be supported by anyone is really unpredictable.

At this moment, even Lin Yifan couldn't help feeling a bit more scruples in his heart. Previously, his thoughts were in the township stone, no matter what he did, if he damaged the township stone, he would eventually become a sinner, but there was always an excuse The reason is that at a time of crisis, I can't control too much.

But now, Zhenhuang Stone will not collapse at all, but it is artificially forced, and it is unreasonable to defeat it, no matter the reason. Wanting to fail is not the same thing at all, no matter how good you are, you are bound to be severely punished by the entire Great Wilderness.

At that time, even the Lord of the Great Wilderness will not be able to keep Ye Chen and Lin Yifan!
"Have you decided?"


Ye Chen replied in a deep voice: "The matter has come to this point, and we have no way out. Moreover, you have traveled all over the main platform, but you have not found anything else. I believe you in this point!"

Lin Yifan suddenly said with a half-smile: "Aren't you worried? I did this on purpose to trap you into injustice, so that you would not only lose the qualification to compete for the young master of the Great Desolation, but also make people a sinner of the Great Desolation. , have to face the revenge of the Great Wilderness? Don’t forget, I am now under Wufang City, one of the four commanders.”

Hearing this, Ye Chen smiled: "If that's the case, I have no complaints or regrets!"

Lin Yifan is as vast and lofty as the sun in the sky. Although he has not had much contact with him, Ye Chen knows that the former is a gentleman. Maybe there is no such thing as a gentleman in this world. The so-called gentleman cannot exist, but at least he and They have a common goal and a common position.

The battle under the starry sky, through this brief battle, Ye Chen understood Lin Yifan, even if the two sides were life and death enemies, Lin Yifan would never do it, and his pride would never allow it. He does.

Therefore, Ye Chen believed in Lin Yifan!
Lin Yifan's eyes trembled for a moment, and after a while, he paused word by word, and said, "You have a confidant in life, and you will have no regrets in death! Ye Chen, I believe, I will be worthy of your trust."

As soon as the words were finished, Lin Yifan suddenly turned around!

Just as Lin Yifan turned around, a loud explosion suddenly exploded behind him.

"Marven Ye!"

Lin Yifan's heart was shaken, Ye Chen's belief made this proud man's heart naturally moved, if someone else said such words, Lin Yifan would scoff and dismiss them.

But Ye Chen is different!
It's not because Ye Chen has amazing potential, it's a great blessing to be friends with him, but because Ye Chen, like him, has incomparable pride.

With the same pride, the trust I got from Ye Chen is very cherished!

Therefore, if Lin Yifan wanted to help him complete all the things he wanted to do, he would never allow Ye Chen to do all the things he wanted to do. If there was nothing in the town of Huangshi, Lin Yifan would bear the consequences.

But Ye Chen acted even more resolutely!
Ye Chen's sudden action not only shocked Cao Feng and others who didn't know what was going on, but also shocked Xiao Renlong and others outside the main stage who knew the inside story.

It is indeed the only way out now, Xiao Renlong and the others also guessed from Ye Chen and Lin Yifan's expressions that they might do this, but what they didn't expect was that Ye Chen acted so decisively.

The courage needed to defeat Zhenhuangshi is no different from going to death. Xiao Renlong and the others believe that even if Ye Chen decides to do this, it will take a period of consideration to restrain the worries and possible occurrences in his heart. serious consequences.

But never thought, Ye Chen didn't think too much at all!

so decisive. . . .Xiao Renlong couldn't help muttering to himself in a low voice: "No wonder, big brother picked Ye Chen and wanted him to become the young master of the Great Desolation, and he would inherit the position of Lord of the Great Desolation in the future. This young man really has the qualifications and courage to lead the Great Desolation." Deserted City!"

Xiao Renlong and the others knew the inside story, so they were only shocked, while the others were incomparably shocked.

The blow that contained Ye Chen's life's strength directly made the Zhenhuang Stone break like glass, with a click, and all the stone tablets that were hundreds of feet high burst into dust in the eyes of everyone, and furthermore, in their eyes It turned into countless gravels and scattered on the ground of the Lord's Terrace.

For a while, the place was quiet, and everyone's breathing was suppressed to the lowest level. They looked at Ye Chen firmly, and they couldn't figure out where Ye Chen's courage came from.
"Boss Ye!"

After a while, everyone came back to their senses, Cao Feng and others immediately stepped forward and surrounded Ye Chen, as if they were facing an enemy.

If there is no change in the future, then Ye Chen will be faced with overwhelming anger. With so many people present, except for them and others, perhaps even the soldiers of the Canglong Army may become Ye Chen's enemies.

Lin Yifan took a deep breath, flew directly into the encirclement surrounded by Cao Feng and others, stood shoulder to shoulder with Ye Chen, and said, "You shouldn't take this risk!"

"Since it's dangerous, there is no difference between you and me!" Ye Chen laughed.

Lin Yifan was slightly taken aback, and his expression after a while was filled with complexities. From this moment on, Lin Yifan knew that from now on, even if Ye Chen was an enemy of the world, there would always be someone who would not back down by his side. This person, this person, is Lin Yifan himself.

"Okay, let's not say much, let's see what will happen."

Lin Yifan waved his hand lightly, and the dust that filled the sky after the Zhenhuang Stone collapsed was immediately dispersed, and the space where the Zhenhuang Stone was located was once again presented in everyone's sight.

And everyone's eyes are all focused!
The Zhenhuang Stone has obviously been destroyed by Ye Chen, and countless broken stones are scattered on the ground. Now, they all appear in the eyes of everyone. However, the Zhenhuang Stone has not disappeared. It still stands like Optimus Prime, standing in the sky and the earth. Suppressing the luck of the wilderness.

The difference is that the light emanating from the desolate stone is more intense and shiny. That ray of light seems to fall directly from the nine heavens, enveloping everyone lightly.

Those who were enveloped in were not only Ye Chen, Lin Yifan and others who were qualified to compete for the young master of the wilderness, but all the troops, including the sergeants of the Canglong Army, were enveloped in together.

After seeing this scene, how can everyone not understand that they have successfully activated the ultimate mission.

Lin Yifan patted Ye Chen's shoulder heavily, and the latter's expression suddenly showed a relaxed expression, and Ye Chen's heart was also very dignified.

Although I have already made preparations to face the entire Great Desolation, if I really have to face the Great Desolation, the pressure will be so great, one can imagine!

"Prepare well and wait for your next performance." Lin Yifan smiled lightly.

"Before you decide, you're ready!"

The huge pressure is gone, Ye Chen is more confident now!

"Ha ha!"

Lin Yifan laughed loudly, and amidst his laughter, the ray of light suddenly turned, as if it had turned into a huge vortex, directly swallowing everyone in, and everyone immediately disappeared in front of the Zhenhuang Stone!
(End of this chapter)

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