Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 297 Lord of the Great Wilderness

Chapter 297 Lord of the Great Wilderness
The huge square, made of white jade, looks extremely magnificent, and there is a sense of majesty and majesty.

There are no decorations around the square, and it seems that it is not connected with the real world. It gives people the feeling that the Baiyu Square is like a god that wanders from a place, full of mystery.

In front of the end of the square, there is a ladder, with a total of nine steps!
Such a staircase, although without any decorations, looks extremely plain, but the terrifying power that surges on it makes people know that even a martial arts master may find it difficult to walk freely on it.

At this moment, on the eighth step of the ladder, there is a person standing with his hands behind his back, majestic and extraordinary, it is Xu Baxian!

Xu Baxian's gaze was looking in the direction of the main seat from afar, his expression and pupils, at this moment, were filled with endless gloom.Accompanied by the change in his expression, the huge square changed color due to the violent storm, as if the doomsday had come.

"Unexpectedly, it was resolved!"

Although he is not outside the main stage, Xu Baxian sensed that the town of Huangshi was cracked by everyone.

Although Jin Ling forced Xu Baxian to accept the fight for the Young Lord of the Great Wilderness this time, the next thing, everything, was carried out according to Xu Baxian's plan.

During this process, there were indeed some accidents, which made Xu Baxian a little unprepared, but the general direction did not change. In the end, Ye Chen still died in the lord's platform, and the final mission was set on the desolate stone. been recognized.

I thought that in the end, everything would be as I wished, and this time the battle for the young master of the Great Desolation would end without a problem. At that time, Xu Baxian could use all means to take advantage of this, even if he still could not succeed in ascending the coveted throne, But it can also become the uncrowned king.

In that case, he will have enough time to devote himself to cultivating the successor he wants. At that time, with the excellence of the successor, when the successor becomes the Young Master of the Great Desolation, he will become the Lord of the Great Desolation justifiably.

But he didn't expect that when such a design was placed on the Zhenhuang Stone, someone would still succeed in breaking through. His years of painstaking efforts have been wasted since then, making him feel no anger and no hatred!

If he can't become the Lord of the Great Wilderness, not only will he not be able to advance further in power, but if he makes a wrong step, some secret things over the years will be picked up by others. The northern continent is so big that there may not be a place for him, Xu Baxian.

"Could it be that the destiny of my life, Mr. Xu Ba, is to constantly accept failure? No, absolutely not!"

Xu Baxian's gaze became extremely cold: "Even if the Young Master of the Great Desolation is taken away by someone, there is no way to challenge my position. Without my support, no one can safely sit in the position of the Young Master of the Great Desolation .”

"This seat has been planning for many years, and this huge power cannot be shaken by anyone."

At this moment, Xu Baxian became extremely confident again. His foundation had penetrated into every part of the Great Wilderness City. Anyone, even the Lord of the Great Wilderness who disappeared and returned, had to carefully weigh the serious consequences if he wanted to get rid of him.

Today's great wilderness cannot withstand too much wind and waves, this is where Xu Baxian's confidence lies.

But if Xu Ba knew that Ye Chen was still alive, and Ye Chen broke the barren stone situation this time, his self-confidence would be greatly reduced.

There seems to be a big gap in status, identity and strength between the two, but Xu Baxian himself admits that there must be no one like Marven Ye in the wilderness, otherwise, his future and future will undergo major changes.

There is no doubt about this!

From the moment Ye Chen appeared in the Great Deserted City, Jin Ling suddenly became tough, and united with many people who were dissatisfied with Xu Baxian's heart, blocking his many plans.

He abolished Tu Xiong, challenged Yang Jun's prestige, became the commander of the Canglong Army, practiced in Burying Soul Valley, gained many hearts, killed Li Yin, and destroyed Zhixie Mountain. . . .All this and so on is to let Xu Ba first understand that if Ye Chen is not removed, the harm will be great.

Sometimes, Xu Baxian even wondered whether the scene with Jin Ling outside the city was deliberately arranged before Ye Chen entered the Great Wilderness, in order to let everyone know that Ye Chen, and behind him The demon king!

Under the brilliance of the sky, everyone's vision was blurred. They also felt as if they had entered a tunnel of time and space. Although everything around them could not be seen, they could be sensed. It seemed that they were brought into another world by time and space. plane.

The unknown will cause fear. Fortunately, this scene is very fast. Before everyone has much reaction, the brilliance dissipates, and everyone no longer feels that they are in the tunnel of time and space, without the slightest sense of security.

However, the land that appears now is no longer the lord's stage, but a space that is extremely unfamiliar to everyone.

This space, as far as the eye can see, is endless, and it seems to be boundless.

Here, what everyone can see is that the sky and the earth are almost connected, and it seems that they can touch the sky that countless people fear by raising their hands. The earth under the sky does not have the slightest sense of illusion. It is thick and majestic. the earth.

In this space, there is no energy aura emanating, and even the air that is breathed does not exist, it is like a vacuum, but there is no pressing pressure, and everything looks extremely peaceful.

Moreover, here, even time seems to be frozen, and people can't feel the slightest change. Here, it seems to be a strange space that has never changed.

But the hearts of the people did not relax because of this. The troops under their respective command immediately gathered behind the people, and the fighting spirit was gradually exuded.

Since Zhenhuangshi brought them into such a world, it means that the so-called final mission must appear here. Xu Baxian's behavior may have dissatisfied many people, but what he said should not Wrong.

In the still world, after Ye Chen, Lin Yifan and the others glanced at each other, they all took a step forward and arrived here, so no matter what the challenge is, they have to face it.

"Buzz, hum!"

As everyone stepped in, this extremely quiet world finally started to move, and there were layers of ripples in the nothingness, and then quickly gathered together, and finally, it turned into a huge illusory face.

This face was illusory and very blurry, making it hard to see what it looked like, but it was such a face that made the pores of everyone including Ye Chen and Lin Yifan shrink instantly. Even at this moment, this face An emotion called awe emerged in the hearts of the two extremely proud people.

"It feels so dangerous..."

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan looked at each other, and they could see the deep horror in each other's eyes. Although there was no energy floating out of this illusory and blurred face, and the world had not changed in the slightest, they You know, if this illusory face has a killing intent, the two of them will not be eligible to join in the move.

This feeling, Ye Chen may just be shocked, and he doesn't know it deeply. After all, in his years of experience, although he has seen many masters, including the demon king and the green-robed man, these two have never been in the same room. In front of him, the most powerful power was released.

Even when facing the city lords of Zhucheng headed by Xu Baxian that day, the demon king was still chatting and laughing, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

But Lin Yifan is different. He has been in contact with much more than Ye Chen. He has experienced the powerful power and oppression of a real master more than once.

But the current feeling, even under the wrath of his master, it is impossible to give him such a feeling.

The Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Divine Mirror, and the Great Yu Divine Cauldron. . . .The three were in Ye Chen's body, and Ye Chen suddenly discovered that the three treasures were trembling slightly, and even they felt great pressure.

This kind of change has never happened before!

How could there be such a powerful force in Fengzhu Taizhong?

"Where is this place?"

Once there is the aura of a master of martial arts in the master's platform, if it is released to the fullest, the entire master's platform will immediately collapse. , must be extremely careful, so as not to touch the root of the main platform.

Now, although the illusory and fuzzy giant face does not emit the slightest energy breath, it should not exist in the lord's stage just because of this sense of danger!
"Hehe, after so many years, someone has finally entered the Zhenhuang Stone, my resting place. My juniors, welcome to come!"

Just when Ye Chen and the others were in a state of shock and felt a little overwhelmed, the illusory giant face in the sky moved slightly, and an ancient voice that was as long as the sky and the earth slowly resounded in the space. Thoroughly up.

Hearing this faint laughter, Ye Chen and everyone else couldn't help but change their expressions. Afterwards, they retreated for a long distance. No matter how tough their hearts were, at this moment, they were all shocked. Shocked.

The owner of this voice, this illusory giant face, is actually the Lord of the Great Wilderness, moreover, he is not an ordinary Lord of the Wilderness!

A person who can give everyone a powerful sense of danger that even the demon king and the lord of the wilderness can't compare to, and even make the three treasures in Ye Chen's body tremble, and who also said such words, From the beginning to the present, counting and counting, there is only one person.

The Lord's Terrace was not the resting place of the Lords of the Great Wilderness in the past, but since the founding of the Great Wilderness, there was indeed a Lord of the Great Wilderness, who slept peacefully in the Lord's Terrace after the end of time.

This Lord of the Great Wilderness is the first generation Lord of the Great Wilderness who created the Great Wilderness and made the Great Wilderness one of the few powerful forces on the northern continent, that is, the founder of the Great Wilderness.

Only the founder of Great Wilderness can have such power and influence, and be able to sleep peacefully in the lord's platform!
(End of this chapter)

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