Chapter 312


Although the condensed fighting spirit has never really transformed into a dragon, it still seems to have the earth-shattering sound of the dragon's chant, echoing in this world.

From that will to fight, the domineering, majestic, and fierce momentum that came out shocked everyone present, especially, the determination contained in the will to fight, even more so. It is eye-catching!

At this moment, except for a very few people, everyone's minds have changed!

Up to now, there are no longer any doubts that Ye Chen's act of beheading Yang Jun himself is just to get more people's approval, and it is not so-called recklessness or show off.

Such an imposing sweep, even if it is not as good as a real martial arts master, perhaps, it is still difficult to pose a big threat to Yang Jun, but at least, with the cooperation of the soldiers of the Canglong Army, facing Yang Jun, Ye Chen has really Qualified for World War I!

Now that he even has the qualifications for the first battle, who can accurately think that Ye Chen can't kill Yang Jun?

"God bless the Great Wilderness, long live the young master!"

I don't know who yelled such a sentence in the crowd, and then, such shouts resounded continuously like a tide, and these shouts can be heard, they are indeed from the heart deep.

Ever since they knew that it was Ye Chen who became the young master of the Great Wilderness, many ordinary people have already recognized Ye Chen in their hearts. The young man's potential is too great, enough to lead the Great Wilderness to greater glory in the future.

But no one thought that the current Ye Chen had already achieved this level.

Dahuang has been silent for five years on the northern continent, and Ye Chen's appearance seems to be the best gift deliberately given to Dahuang by God!
Hearing these shouts, even Xiao Renlong felt a little agitated. He knew that from now on, even if Ye Chen didn't do anything, he had won most of the hearts of the people.

This young man has strength, courage, and potential. Who would object to such a young master?

Even those who are dissatisfied or have different intentions will change some of their thoughts because of this. As time goes by, when Ye Chen continues to grow, Dahuang will truly be of one mind.

At that time, Great Wilderness City will be regarded as the real first-class power on the northern continent!
As a person from the wilderness, Xiao Renlong was naturally excited and gratified by this scene, but. . . .

Xiao Renlong suddenly turned his head to look at Lin Yifan who was beside him, and said softly: "If you don't let me, perhaps today, the person who receives the support of countless people here should be you! Do you feel lost because of this?"

Xiao Renlong knew Lin Yifan's origin very clearly, and he also knew what price this young junior paid for his progress after Lin Yifan became the disciple of King Xiao Ming, the lord of the wilderness.

When Lin Yifan finally appeared in the Great Wilderness many years later, Xiao Renlong no longer felt the slightest worry about the dangerous situation in the Great Wilderness. Deep down in his heart, Xiao Renlong had already regarded Lin Yifan as the future master of the Great Wilderness.

But I didn't expect that there would be Ye Chen, and such an arrangement was made!
Before this, Xiao Renlong had never cared about this issue, Lin Yifan was equally proud, since he had given up the identity and status that he should have had, he would not care about it.

But now, facing the cheers all over the sky, facing countless admiring gazes from the heart, Xiao Renlong had no choice but to worry about Lin Yifan. No matter what, the latter was just a young man who was not yet full.

Perhaps fame, wealth, and power cannot make Lin Yifan tempted, but this scene is what everyone hopes to have.

Young and promising, naturally want to get more recognition, and, to be looked up to!

Looking at Ye Chen in the distance, Lin Yifan smiled calmly and said, "I have my splendor, others may not know it, and my splendor will not be obliterated, so how can the so-called loss exist?"

Xiao Renlong patted Lin Yifan heavily on the shoulder. . . .
"Unexpectedly, you can do this!"

Looking at the young man on the opposite side, Yang Jun stared at him from a distance with a gaze that re-recognized Ye Chen. With his cultivation in the spiritual realm, he could actually release an aura that threatened even the masters of the martial realm. Yang Jun really I don't know how Ye Chen did it.

Only then did he realize that he had always underestimated this young man.

Ye Chen raised his eyes slightly: "You only know now, it's already too late."

Yang Jun's eyes froze, and then he smiled coldly: "Ye Chen, I really admire your means, but I still don't feel that you are qualified to defeat me!"

Having said that, when the voice was resounding, Yang Jun's figure burst out suddenly, and a majestic aura immediately swept across the sky. Obviously, in Yang Jun's heart, Ye Chen, who is now, As a real opponent, otherwise, with his strength and identity, there is no need to take the lead.

Amid the surging majestic aura, a giant palm appeared out of thin air, carrying unparalleled strength, and pressed heavily against the space below.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sky, a sense of solemnity quickly passed through his pupils, no matter how much confidence and desire he had in his heart for this battle, the opponent was a martial arts master after all.

The laws and principles of countless years have never been broken by anyone, so Ye Chen doesn't know how much power Yang Jun, who has lost his spirit, can exert.

And today, it can be regarded as the first time, a real battle with a martial arts master!
Jin Ling's shot that day didn't count. Although Jin Ling also came with killing intent, Ye Chen at that time was too low-level to understand the power of a martial arts master at all.

It's different now!

With the help of the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Canglong Army and the means he has, he is temporarily qualified to face martial arts masters, so he can clearly feel the strength of martial arts masters.

In the Burial Soul Valley, Yang Jun used Qin Shi's body to launch several terrifying attacks, but compared with the present, they were all far behind.

That giant palm seemed to imprison all the space around him, and the world covered by the giant palm seemed to have become a small world. In such a world, in a world created by others , Ye Chen felt that he was like an ant.

This is the power of a martial arts master!

Such masters can use the power of spirit as they like, thus causing boundless pressure on the opponent. Those who are not mentally strong will directly give up all resistance because of these pressures. Therefore, Ye Chen has the courage to challenge Yang Jun. It's already amazing.

This is the reason why Ye Chen did not reach the Martial Realm. If he also has this level of cultivation, all these pressures can be filtered out naturally.

But since the pressure exists, the power from the giant palm is especially terrifying!

It is impossible for Ye Chen to give up. When the sound of the dragon's chant resounded, the sky was full of bright silver light, which suddenly turned into a beam of light that shot up to the giant palm from top to bottom, fiercely blasting out.

The world, when the silver beam of light collided with the giant palm, there was a violent shock, with Ye Chen as the center, the earth showed a tendency of cracking, spreading out quickly, and it didn't take long for it to be full of devastation.

Yang Jun's palm may not have all the power, but it also made the silver beam of light turn into stars all over the sky, and quickly disappeared into the sky and the earth.

Immediately, there was a sharp sound of piercing through the sky, and a sharp breath shot out from nothingness, as if it was about to break open the sky and the earth.

"Boundless Sea, break the waves!"

Yang Jun's figure suddenly appeared, and the long spear in his hand, under the sunlight, directly gave off a cold feeling.

The gun shadows, like dragons, exuded a monstrous fierce aura, and the surrounding land, under the impact of the fierce aura, directly turned into a terrifying vacuum.

I have seen the same style in Burying Soul Valley before, but the power at this time is as if the whole sky is suppressed. , easily snapped in half.

Yang Jun's figure, in the eyes of all those who have not reached the realm of martial arts, is like a god, and he cannot fight against him at all!
The sea is also endless, so the waves are also endless. That shot directly evolved into a majestic sea. In the middle of the sea, there is a sea dragon rushing down fiercely with an unrivaled momentum. Ye Chen.


The crisp dragon chant resounded once again!
Not only is the dragon's roar clearer, but it's also a real dragon's roar, not the illusory one just now.

There are already dozens of silver light lines around Ye Chen, like flowing water, spinning rapidly, and counting carefully, there are as many as 32 lines. , His strength has improved by another point.

32 streaks of silver light streaked across the air, and everyone could see it. An illusory real silver dragon appeared in its complete form.

"The Canglong battle intent!"

Behind Ye Chen, many soldiers of the Canglong Army suddenly moved, fighting one after another. At this moment, madness swept out and turned into a huge horse chain. Under the leadership of Ye Chen's spiritual power, all of them were injected into the silver real dragon.

At this moment, some illusory silver real dragons condensed towards the entity at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although in the end, no real real dragon was created, but the power and influence it radiated was no more than that from midair. One shot is weak.


Ye Chen raised his hand and waved, the huge silver real dragon let out a roar of dragon anger, and then shot towards the sky brazenly and fearlessly!

At this moment, the whole world was surrounded by bright silver lights, including the sea. In front of the huge real dragon, Yang Jun's attack seemed extremely small.

(End of this chapter)

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