Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 313 Domain

Chapter 313 Domain
The bright silver lights all over the sky are like the rays of the scorching sun shining down from the sky, glorious and eye-catching!

In the silver glow, a hundred-foot real dragon set off a monstrous wave, carrying a billowing domineering power, towards the spear, and charged fiercely. At this moment, the world seemed to usher in the end.


In that seemingly collision between the sky and the earth, within tens of feet of space, there was a sign of destruction, the void was shattered inch by inch, and the earth opened countless lines at an extreme speed. Shocking ravines, looking around, the world is dilapidated.

In such a collision, the bright silver light dimmed at an extremely fast speed. It looked as if the dawn had finally arrived and the darkness had completely disintegrated. When the silver light was completely dissipated, a figure also quickly retreated. , fell to the ground, emitting a strong smell of blood.

Obviously, regardless of Ye Chen's fighting spirit of the Canglong Army and his own hole cards, he is qualified to fight against martial arts masters, but compared with real martial arts masters, he still has a gap.

But even so, when the silver light all over the sky disappeared together with the huge monster, the terrifying figure that pierced the sky like a god was forced to be blocked in the sky because of the disappearance of the silver light. in place.

No matter how fierce and incomparable that shot was, it still couldn't penetrate the chaos ahead and chase the boy who fell on the ground.

After a burst of exclamation, it resounded quickly.

Although Ye Chen had already suffered some injuries in this blow, he still completely blocked Yang Jun's attack after all. This alone was enough to amaze everyone present.

Before this big battle started, how many people had hope for Ye Chen?

Traditional concepts are telling everyone that this battle may be sensational, but it may not be exciting. Facing martial arts masters, masters of different levels cannot be shaken.

Unexpectedly, it was just the beginning, and Ye Chen gave everyone a surprise, as well as a powerful reassurance!
From the very moment, even at the end of the war, Ye Chen still couldn't live up to his bold words, but his senses in the hearts of everyone, especially in the hearts of the city lords of the Great Wilderness, had changed drastically.

Those who still had dissatisfaction with Ye Chen slowly relaxed their hearts, dissipated the so-called dissatisfaction and even dissatisfaction, and even lost those delusional thoughts in their hearts.

Today, Ye Chen is already able to do this, and he is afraid that he will be able to do more in the near future.

Yang Jun's strength is of course not top-notch in the wilderness, but among the city lords who dare to say that he is sure to beat him, there may not be more than half.

The chaos in that side finally dissipated slowly. Yang Jun, who stepped out of the air, had a very dignified face, and even deep in the pupils of his eyes, there was a touch of paleness passing quickly. It was obvious that the blow just now , although he has the upper hand, it is not easy.

"What a Ye Chen!"

Killing intent surged in Yang Jun's eyes. If he said he had no regrets, it would be a lie. He knew that there would be today's situation. No matter what, he would choose a completely different path from today.

Under the Great Desolation, the leader of the Huatian Army may not be a big deal in the entire northern continent, but in this Great Desolation City, he is really high above him, but he has fallen into this field today. . . .

Regrets are regrets, Yang Jun is even more unwilling. Everything he has achieved through years of hard work will be completely shattered today. All of these seem to be thanks to this young man in his eyes.

"Hey, Ye Chen, that attack just now was really surprising, but I just don't know how many times you can perform the same attack?"

Yang Jun smiled coldly, and with a swing of the spear, there was an endless icy aura, which rushed out of the spear quickly.

With Yang Jun as the center, the whole space seems to have become a lot more humid, and spiritual power surrounds the whole body, where it seems to have turned into an ocean composed of spiritual power.

The huge ocean exudes an extremely cold atmosphere, so much so that the space shows signs of being frozen.

After everyone heard Yang Jun's words, everyone's heart tightened, even Lin Yifan, who had enough confidence in Ye Chen, was no exception. He was equally outstanding, and what Ye Chen could do, he could do as well. .

As a martial artist in the spiritual realm, Lin Yifan knew very well that no matter what means he used, he had the qualifications to fight against the masters of the martial realm, but there was a terrible gap that could not be made up no matter what.

That is, one's own spiritual power!
The amount of spiritual power of martial arts masters is several times, even tens of times, or hundreds of times more than that of spiritual realm martial artists. The spiritual sea of ​​martial arts masters has already turned into a complete ocean.

To a certain extent, when fighting against a martial artist in the spiritual realm, the spiritual power of a martial artist is endless, but the spiritual power of a martial artist in the spiritual realm cannot last for too long.

If within a short period of time, there is no clear winner with Yang Jun, then in the end, Yang Jun will win!

The reason why martial artists in the spiritual realm cannot challenge the masters of the martial realm is also a fundamental reason.

A gun light shot out from the majestic ocean. In an instant, the gun light increased sharply, and it turned into a size of a hundred feet under the eyes of everyone. The icy aura directly enveloped this empty land.

"Yang Jun's domain!"

At this moment, all the masters of martial arts in the Great Wilderness watching the battle all tightened their eyes!
After reaching the realm of martial arts, one will be able to comprehend, and then release one's own domain. In such a domain, the releaser is the absolute master, and the domain is the world. As the master of this world, naturally, there is an absolute control.

This is another reason why martial arts masters are powerful!
Of course, as long as the cultivation base has not broken through the Martial Realm, even the top masters of the Tianwu Peak Realm, the domains they own are not perfect, or incomplete, they are just beginning to take shape, and they are far from reaching. The so-called demands of the world.

But even so, those who do not reach the realm of martial arts are trapped in the domain of masters of martial arts, and there is only one dead end!
This is not the case, and it would not be listed as a real master in the realm of martial arts, let alone that under the realm of martial arts, everyone is an ant.

The icy breath seems to have turned into substance, and the space under the shroud, at least in the eyes of those who have not reached the Martial Realm, this space has been separated from the real world. Now, they can see the space in the icy space. Yang Jun, as well as Ye Chen and all the soldiers of the Canglong Army, however, could no longer sense their aura.

Outside this space, the icy breath surged and turned into a powerful sealing barrier, presenting a terrifying feeling of invincibility.

At this moment, everyone is looking at Ye Chen with burning eyes. How can this young man survive the current crisis? At this moment, everyone is convinced by Ye Chen, but few people will I believe that Ye Chen can break through Yang Jun's domain, and then severely damage the latter!
In the icy space, Yang Jun stepped into the air like a god. He looked at Ye Chen coldly, and said indifferently: "I may not be able to get back what I have lost in this lifetime, but you, too, will start from today. Be a thing of the past!"

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, ignored Yang Jun, and just shook his hand heavily!

The bitter fighting spirit from the soldiers of the Canglong Army swept out once again. . . .This scene, falling into Yang Jun's eyes, made him laugh continuously. How could the world of the domain be something he, a young martial artist in the spirit sea realm, could experience.

But in the next moment, Yang Jun's eyes changed drastically, and the expressions of all martial arts masters outside the field also changed in shock!
Although Yang Jun's domain cannot be isolated from the world and become an independent world, it is still completely blocked. With Ye Chen's strength, it is impossible, and absolutely impossible, to have the slightest connection with the outside world, unless Break this area.

But now, with Ye Chen as the center, a wave-like ripple quickly swept out in all directions, ignoring the shackles of this icy space, easily penetrated through, and then continued to spread.

The space within ten miles, dozens of miles, and even a hundred miles is covered by this ripple.


Waves of energy in the world, ignoring all the restraints in the world, surged towards the young man in the icy space like the wind.

At this moment, Ye Chen, his body is like a black hole in the universe, all the surging energy is forcibly absorbed by him, and at the same time, bright silver lines of light emerge again outside his body, The difference is that in just a second, the number of silver light streaks has reached an astonishing 35.

Don't think it's just an increase of three compared to before, but the presentation of power is quite different, and the silver light streaks are still slowly increasing.


At the end, the space around Ye Chen seemed unable to withstand the emergence of silver light streaks, and exploded with a bang. By this time, the number of silver light streaks had reached 38.

Such silver light patterns surrounded Ye Chenzhou like flowing water, and bursts of domineering aura almost drove away the icy aura that shrouded Ye Chenzhou's body.

At this moment, everyone still knows that Ye Chen's next attack, even if he still can't forcibly break through the icy space, if Yang Jun wants to use the absolute control of the domain master to easily kill Ye Chen, that's not enough. Don't even think about it.

Looking at the young man in the distance, Yang Jun's face was as gloomy as water. The more surprising Ye Chen's performance was, the more monstrous the killing intent in his heart became.


Yang Jun drank suddenly, and the entire icy space trembled violently. Immediately, the endless icy cold, like a gust of wind, turned into a huge icy spear, and then aimed at Ye Chen, stabbing fiercely!

At this moment, the sky was shaken!

(End of this chapter)

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