Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 314 My Way

Chapter 314 My Way

Looking up into the distance, that huge icy long spear is like an axe from the gods, and the endless sharp aura, even from such a distance, still makes people feel that all the vitality in their body has been forcibly cut off !

What's more, in such a space, his own spiritual power, fighting spirit, etc., were all tightly suppressed when Yang Jun launched an attack, and he couldn't exert [-]% of his previous strength at all!

The field of martial arts masters is so terrifying, otherwise, when Ye Chen decided to challenge Yang Jun, how could it be so incredible?

The power of martial arts, from ancient times to the present, can only be challenged by masters of the same level!

In his own field, Yang Jun is the absolute king, he can obliterate everything that exists in the field with a single thought!
The fault is not the chaotic yin and yang, and the yin and yang energy in the body, the current Ye Chen can't gather such a moving and powerful force at all.

From this time on, Ye Chen really understood that he still didn't have a deep understanding of the masters of the realm of martial arts. In other words, after mastering Yang Jun's ray of spirit, he didn't have enough understanding of Yang Jun. Pay attention to.

When this icy space appeared, Ye Chen realized that a martial arts master is not as simple as he imagined. Even if he loses a ray of spirit, as long as the current Yang Jun still maintains the cultivation of the martial arts realm, then, His strength is still terrifying.


The loud and clear dragon chant resounded endlessly. If you want to dispel the horror from Yang Jun, the only way to defeat it is to stop feeling it.

A silver true dragon that was more powerful than before was hovering proudly in the sky, and the domineering dragon power released finally made the suppression of itself not as obvious as before.


Ye Chen shouted suddenly, and the illusory silver real dragon solidified at a speed visible to the body at this moment. Although Ye Chen himself knew that the so-called condensation was just an appearance, it did not prevent the Gives people a great shock.

That huge real dragon shone with an incomparably brilliant silver light, wrapped in the light, it was still an illusory silver real dragon, but after a yin and yang force merged into it, it seemed to possess spirituality.

Long Wei suddenly became more domineering!
At this moment, the audience was shocked. Although the real silver dragon had never really possessed spirituality, the powerful feeling it gave people had already surpassed everyone's imagination and evaluation of Ye Chen's strength.

If the opponent is not a master of martial arts like Yang Jun, if it is any master of the spiritual realm, I am afraid that, except for those few people who have their own powerful means, the rest, even if they have one foot, have already stepped into the realm of martial arts. , under the impact of this real dragon, they will disappear in an instant.

At this moment, the battle intent from the soldiers of the Canglong Army rushed out quickly under the traction of spiritual power, and submerged into the real silver dragon. The dragon is already like a god, and people dare not look directly at it.


The next moment, the huge real dragon moved around, and it appeared in front of the icy spear that was shot violently. When the dragon's head shook, the dragon's mouth suddenly opened, and it actually swallowed the icy spear. , Then, the huge dragon body continued to rush forward, and it looked like it was going to hit this space directly.

This kind of behavior made Yang Jun startled for a moment, but immediately, he smiled grimly, how could his attack be so easily dispelled.


Yang Jun raised his hand, shook it, and shouted coldly!


The huge real dragon swiftly swept through the space, and its forward momentum seemed to be imprisoned suddenly. Immediately after everyone saw it, bursts of white light continuously rushed out from the dragon's body. The huge real dragon's body, Just at this moment, like glass, it broke apart inch by inch.

This attack, everyone could see that Yang Jun did not force Ye Chen down, and Ye Chen wanted to use the opportunity to pose a certain threat to Yang Jun, so as to rush into this space in one fell swoop, and this is also the purpose of declaring fail.

"Ye Chen, the same attack from this seat can be continuous, how about you?"

Yang Jun couldn't help sneering, although he still couldn't kill Ye Chen on the spot, with his strength and identity, it really made people feel aggrieved, but it doesn't matter, in the Great Wilderness, he no longer has any identity, The so-called losing face or not is irrelevant.

But before Yang Jun's sneer fell completely, his pupils froze, because he saw impressively that when the icy spear exploded, the surging energy had indeed crushed the huge head. The real dragon was destroyed, but those silver rays of light like stars were never forcibly defeated and dissipated in the space like the first time.

Not only that, countless silver rays of light, at this moment, merged quickly, and in the end, turned into 38 silver light streaks, shining in the world.

When the silver light streaks reappeared, a young figure appeared in the center of these light streaks out of thin air.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

The young man shouted violently, and those 38 silver lines of light directly covered his right palm. While the light was flickering, his entire right arm was completely enveloped by such light at this moment.

After a while, pieces of fine silver scales covered it.


The void around him began to tremble slightly, and 38 silver lines of light, as if they had melted into liquid, penetrated into Ye Chen's arm quickly.

Whenever a streak of light merged into it, Ye Chen's body trembled violently. Except for this arm, the rest of his body exploded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood flowed out!
When all the light patterns merged into the body, looking around, the figure of the young man looked like a blood man.

This let everyone present know that even Ye Chen himself could not bear such a display, but the power that can be displayed must be extremely terrifying.

"Yang Jun!"

In the bloody light, the young man slowly raised his head, looked at Yang Jun in front, and said in a hoarse voice: "Next, come and try my trick!"

From the beginning of the war to the present, this is the first time Ye Chen has taken the initiative to attack Yang Jun. No one thought that his first attack would be so tragic.

But there is no way, the opponent is Yang Jun, if it is replaced by anyone in the spiritual realm, perhaps by now, the outcome should be clear!

The blood light has filled the sky, and all the silver rays of light are drowned by the blood light. Ye Chen's location seems to be rendered into a sea of ​​blood, and in this sea of ​​blood, Ye Chen's figure is always as straight as a gun, looking from a distance , Just like hell Shura.

The blood-colored figure appeared in front of Yang Jun at the speed of a meteorite, like a meteor passing by in an instant, and then, the palm covered by silver scales was the sharpest blade facing Yang Jun. Jun's throat was cut fiercely.

In other people's domains, if they don't have the same level of cultivation and cannot use domains to break through the domain, then they can only break through the opponent's domain brazenly, so as to have a chance of survival.

However, if one's cultivation base is insufficient, it will be difficult to destroy the opponent's domain with one hand. If it is broken so easily, isn't the so-called domain world a joke?
Therefore, the best way is Ye Chen's current actions. Even if Yang Jun cannot be killed, the latter will consume too much to maintain the existence of the domain.

When the domain world is gone, the pressure it receives will be reduced, and all the attacks from the domain, which are endless and ubiquitous, will disappear.

Otherwise, in the field for a long time, in the end, it can only end in a fiasco!
The threatening blood light rushed towards him, the sharpness contained in the blood light, and the terrifying power made Yang Jun's heart tremble, not to mention the him who used to be, even now he has It is very difficult for him who has cultivated in the martial arts realm. In the face of much stronger masters, he can still play so stable and terrifying.

But it was precisely this that made Ye Chen even more damned!

"Sea Breaking Divine Art, Sea Breaking Slash!"

In Yang Jun's violent shout, there was an extremely strong killing intent, and when the amazing spiritual power swept out of his palm under the wrap of the streamer, it also slashed down mercilessly.


This was not only Ye Chen's first attack, but also his first confrontation with Yang Jun after the battle.

A muffled sound resounded when the two palms touched. The collision between the physical body and the physical body was obviously more intense. The spiritual power surged, and the domineering force swept across, suppressing the bloody light and the flowing light at the same time. down.

Immediately, the two figures, when their respective strengths were about the same, both retreated violently, and the space, because of the retreat of the two figures, suddenly showed signs of collapse.

The exclamation of the audience resounded again, and they could all see that Yang Jun did not show mercy, but he was still forced to retreat by Ye Chen. . . .
It's not surprising that a warrior in the spiritual realm has actually achieved this level!
Compared with Ye Chen's display of strength, Xiao Renlong and other city lords appreciate Ye Chen's adaptability even more. The blow just now, a melee attack, seemed dangerous, but in fact, it forced Yang Jun to go all out.

It is precisely because of such energy release that Yang Jun's domain world shows signs of collapse. Ye Chen is using Yang Jun's power to break the latter's own domain world.

It sounds simple, but if you want to do it, it is not something ordinary people can do.

How can other people force Yang Jun to go all out?
And Yang Jun obviously thought of this too, that face became even more gloomy.

"Marven Ye!"

In the distance, Ye Chen, who was like a blood man, smiled with cracked teeth: "No one can stop my way, whether it's you or anyone else!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a strange wave, and then slowly waved out. . . .
"Field fluctuations!"

An even more shocking voice suddenly and continuously rang out among the surrounding crowd!
(End of this chapter)

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