Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 315: The Power of Arrows

315 - The power of an arrow

The icy space has already shown signs of collapse, so when that strange fluctuation spreads out, even warriors who have not reached the realm of martial arts can clearly sense it.

Although this fluctuation is not very strong, but at this time, Ye Chen released it, which means that its power is terrible, and it seems that there is no need to question it.

At this moment, Yang Jun was extremely furious. He was shocked by Ye Chen, and such a melee attack, even if he was a master of martial arts, he would inevitably be injured, because he had already gone all out, otherwise, the injury would be even worse. Even more important.

But after going all out, unexpectedly, let the other party use his own strength to break his own domain world!
Such scheming, such strength. . . .The killing intent in Yang Jun's heart is probably enough to sweep the entire sky!

And that strange fluctuation made Yang Jun feel uneasy, because he felt that although this fluctuation was far away from him, it was also extremely strange, but how many years ago, he himself Such fluctuations have occurred.

That fluctuation can be called the fluctuation of the field!
Domains, or worlds, can only be owned after reaching the realm of martial arts, and fluctuations in the domain, perhaps with enough strength, can be captured in advance when they hit the realm of martial arts.

However, that was only captured, and it is absolutely impossible to release it like this. What's more, Ye Chen, with his current cultivation base, is at best only at the peak of the first level of Linghai. How could he, at this time, do it? to such an extent.

This made Yang Jun's mind tremble violently uncontrollably. Looking at this young man, for the first time, Yang Jun felt an emotion called fear.

In the distance, Lin Yifan's pupils tightened slightly, and after a while, he said softly: "Ye Chen, with you in this life, my journey of martial arts will definitely not be lonely, thank you very much!"

The fluctuations around the body, in the eyes of those martial arts masters, can be regarded as the so-called domain fluctuations. Ye Chen himself knows that this is not really counted, it is just that he will win the ancestor of the Great Desolation in the Lord's Stage, especially in the Desolation Stone. After some pointers, it's just a little understanding that I have produced.

This comprehension is very important. When he attacks the realm of martial arts in the future, it can help him get twice the result with half the effort, and he doesn't need to be like other people who are difficult to attack the realm of martial arts.

But if it is released here, it is actually useless to improve his own strength. The reason why he releases it is to deter Yang Jun, making the latter's mind turbulent and unable to maintain the most prosperous state. Come on, Yang Jun's strength will be greatly reduced.

When a master fights, if he misses by a single line, he will go a thousand miles away!

In addition, this is Ye Chen's shock to everyone in Dahuang. He, Ye Chen, has already achieved this step, and the height he can reach in the future is even more unimaginable.

If you still have a different heart, you have to think about what the consequences will be!
Ye Chen clearly showed his future path in front of everyone, that is to tell everyone that no one can stop his path, and what he wants to do will definitely be done!
Faint fluctuations swept slowly like ripples. After everyone present felt the meaning of this fluctuation, when they looked at Ye Chen again, even Xiao Renlong and Xu Baxian were in the depths of their pupils, There is a touch of color called admiration passing quickly.

At this time, although the sky is not dark, it gives people an illusion that it is already a vast starry sky, appearing above the nine heavens.

Looking at the sky, a huge star map has been formed unknowingly. In the very center of that star map, it seems that there is a huge longbow composed of thousands of stars. Quietly spinning.

The longbow stretches across nothingness, with crystal luster, exuding a cold and domineering feeling, which makes people dare not look directly at it!
Ye Chen raised his hand to face the sky. His hand seemed to have traveled thousands of miles and directly touched the longbow. In the next second, the crystal clear longbow was actually held by Ye Chen in his hand. The feeling of coldness and domineering swept out crazily from this, and everyone present could clearly feel it.

With the longbow in his hand, Ye Chen was like a god of war. Although there was no arrow on the bow, the power of that arrow, which was enough to pierce the sky, was vividly displayed.

At this time, no one doubted Ye Chen's strength anymore!
Although there are many factors in this, for example, Yang Jun's realm has become imperfect due to the loss of a ray of spirit, and he is no longer a complete martial arts master.

For another example, Ye Chen was able to achieve this level, to a greater extent, with the help of the fighting spirit and strength of the soldiers of the Canglong Army, as well as the various terrifying methods he possessed. . . .

Even if all these are counted, Ye Chen has to admit that Ye Chen's own strength has nothing to do with potential!
"Yang Jun, take my second move!"

The hoarse voice revealed a deep sense of exhaustion. However, even though the young man was extremely weak, with a longbow in his hand, he was still the most eye-catching person in this world, and at the same time, he was also extremely dangerous. characters.

Under the reflection of the cold light of the longbow, Yang Jun's mind and body trembled uncontrollably. The fluctuations in the field made him uneasy, and now the power released by the longbow made him even more afraid.

"Damn it, how can Ye Chen's martial arts be more terrifying than the last one? Judging from the aura emanating from this longbow, it is at least above the martial arts level. What kind of background does he have? Have so many means?"

Looking at Ye Chen, Yang Jun's mind was in a state of confusion. Even though his spiritual power surged more intensely because of the huge pressure, his heart was never so flustered as before, even compared to a ray of spiritual energy that day. Even the loss of the soul is still frightening.

But Yang Jun is a powerful master at the martial arts level after all. Although he is out of state, it does not prevent him from going all out again at this time.

The spiritual power around him immediately turned into a vast ocean, as if a storm was approaching, this sea also became extremely violent, and spiritual power surged in it, almost boiling.

"Sea Breaking Divine Art, World Destroying Divine Spear!"


A sharp piercing sound resounded suddenly, and the ocean of spiritual power was closing rapidly at this moment, overflowing with light, and in the end, the huge ocean of spiritual power suddenly turned into a handle only ten feet long. The size of the sharp spear.

On the long spear, the endless icy breath froze the entire space extremely quickly. Only the long spear exuded an invincible and terrifying power. out.

At this moment, everyone was surprised to see that the sky full of star maps gathered in front of Ye Chen in the form of meteorites falling at this moment, and then, inadvertently, it turned into a branch, just Only a sharp arrow about Zhang Xu's length was placed on the longbow!

"Falling Star Arrow Art, piercing the sky with one arrow!"

Ye Chen held the hand of the arrow, and let it go gently. After a moment, the sharp arrow, which was also composed of countless stars, disappeared into the space like a stream of light in a flash.

When the arrow reappeared, it was already in front of the long spear. The speed of this arrow could not be captured by the naked eye.


The guns and arrows collided immediately, and the resounding sound of gold and iron colliding was not very crisp, and could even be ignored. However, the terrifying power that swept out from the center of the collision made everyone feel , the end of the world has arrived.

Violent energy ripples spread out in all directions like a gust of wind, and everything they passed was forcibly turned into nothingness. When it reached the edge of the icy space, this space barrier, which was already showing signs of collapse, was destroyed by such energy. Under the impact of the ripples, it didn't last long before it collapsed with a click.

Terrible shocks appear in the real space. . . .Xiao Renlong immediately appeared in mid-air, raised his hand, and immediately set up a powerful sealing barrier in the surrounding area. If he didn't do this, even if it wouldn't affect the surrounding people, but here, he would never Since then it has become barren.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In that icy space, such impact sounds resounded continuously, and with each impact, a barrier in the icy space would collapse.

Not long after, the entire icy space was forcibly broken!
Countless people watching had to marvel in horror at this, because it meant that Yang Jun's domain was forcibly defeated by Ye Chen. Although this seemed to be a trick, it was not a real skill, but, again How many people can reach Ye Chen's level?

When the world in this domain completely collapsed, Yang Jun vomited blood, screamed, and retreated in embarrassment. implicated.

On the other side, the young man in the blood was also constantly backing away. Every time he took a step back, he could see blood gushing out from him. At the same time, he left deep footprints one after another on the ground.

When he finally stopped his back steps, the young man couldn't bear his own body anymore, so he plopped down and half-kneeled on the ground. The young man at this moment had obviously reached his limit.

Yang Jun's situation seemed to be better, but the domain world was forcibly broken, and he was at the end of his battle, and he no longer had the slightest strength to fight again.

This battle, which was originally not favored by people, would not be regarded as a wonderful battle, but in the end, both of them were hurt. Moreover, the excitement, presumably, after many years, if it is mentioned, it will still be called a battle. People talk about it with gusto.

And all the splendor and shock came from that boy. . . .For a moment, all eyes were on the young man, and the audience was silent, no one cared about Yang Jun's injury and life and death, even if he was a master of martial arts!
(End of this chapter)

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