Chapter 316
Outside the main stage, there was silence, everyone's breathing was suppressed to the bottom, for fear of disturbing the young man who seemed to be recovering slowly!
Although the figure of the young man was half kneeling on the ground in embarrassment at this moment, his face was pale, his breathing was unsteady, and it seemed that any gust of wind could knock him down, but no one underestimated this young man in his heart. , that figure that still looked a little thin, in their eyes, was extremely tall, just like a towering green mountain that has never changed since ancient times!

"Cough cough!"

About a few minutes later, there was a heavy coughing sound, which broke the tranquility here, and everyone's eyes moved because of this, looking at the other side, Yang Jun, who had lost his fighting power.

Also from now on, that once, in the eyes of many people, could be regarded as a tall figure, at this moment, he is here like a wild dog, making people indifferent.

Seeing such emotions from the eyes of everyone, Yang Jun, who was extremely unbearable, suddenly flashed a terrifying sharpness in his eyes. Even though he is nothing now, he is still not just anyone. You can come to despise him.

It's just that such a sharp gaze, not only does not make people feel scared, but makes people even more disdainful. A person whose life, death and future have been decided is not worthy of being afraid.

Seeing this, the monstrous anger couldn't help gushing out of Yang Jun's body. He stared at the figure of the young man who was in a worse state than him, and suddenly shouted coldly: "Ye Chen, didn't you say , Do you want to kill me with your own hands and use my head to frighten the wilderness? Look at you now, do you still have that much strength?"

Saying such words, of course, can't change any ending, but Yang Jun knows that saying this will make his death more dignified.Before he died, he could take the opportunity to laugh at him, and he would die more easily.

If the head is taken by Ye Chen, even if it is death, he will not rest in peace. Fortunately, Ye Chen can't do it now.

The current Ye Chen didn't even have the strength to stand up, and even raised his eyelids to look at Yang Jun. The voice resounded clearly in the sky.

"Yang Jun, come and see me!"

Hearing this, Yang Jun was taken aback, and then he couldn't help laughing: "Here is my head, Ye Chen, if you have the ability, come and get it!"

Unexpectedly, just as these words sounded, Yang Jun was horrified to see that the young man, who was still weak at that moment just now, stood up forcibly at this moment, and was walking towards him step by step.

"Little Lord!"

Before Ye Chen could take the second step, Xiao Renlong immediately appeared in front of him, and said respectfully: "Young master, you have done well enough, and you can leave it to us."

Regardless of whether Ye Chen took Yang Jun's head by himself or not, the shock caused was already great enough. Presumably, from today onwards, except for those few people, the rest of the people can return to their hearts.

Ye Chen couldn't do it, and risked his injury to worsen to do this forced thing.

Ye Chen shook his head with a smile, without saying anything, the flickering eyes made Xiao Renlong understand, he sighed in his heart, and stepped aside respectfully.

The deterrent effect is indeed sufficient, but Ye Chen obviously wants to do it more thoroughly!
One step, two steps, three steps. . . .A distance of a thousand steps is an extremely short distance for ordinary people, but for the current Ye Chen, it is undoubtedly as difficult as crossing the sky.

Every time he took a step, blood would spurt out of his mouth, and his breath became even more sluggish. However, the young man's footsteps never paused for too long, and he always walked firmly.

Seeing this, Yang Jun, Xu Baxian, and others all changed their gazes drastically.

Seeing this, Xiao Renlong, Jin Ling and others respected Ye Chen even more in their hearts. In two words, Ye Chen did a very good job!
A person with strength, potential, talent, etc. may be scary, but it is not the most scary!
What's really scary is that one person's persistence!
Ye Chen said that if he wanted to take Yang Jun's head with his own hands, he had to do it. Even if the consequences of doing so might be unbearable, he still wanted to do it.

This persistence is the most terrifying!
Today's target is Yang Jun, and in the future, when the target is changed to someone else, it is a matter of course that Ye Chen will do the same.

This will have a huge impact on Xu Baxian and those people's hearts. Ye Chen is too scary, so we must get rid of him without hesitation before he has really grown up, otherwise, the consequences will be huge. Unbelievable.

That's what Ye Chen wanted. In this way, when he went to Changfeng City, he would draw out all the ghosts and monsters. Today's move to kill Yang Jun is to establish his prestige, and to lure the snake out of the hole!

Even if it is separated by a natural moat, as long as you keep going, the natural moat will be crossed!
Standing in front of Yang Jun, Ye Chen's figure was like a candle, as if he might fall to the ground at any time, but his eyes were still extremely bright, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Yang Jun didn't dare to look directly at Ye Chen, but since the way of life and death had been chosen, Yang Jun wasn't too scared, he smiled indifferently: "It's really shocking to be able to walk in front of me, but so what? , you are still not qualified to take the head of this seat!"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Yang Jun, there is such a big gap in strength between you and me, haven't you thought about why, in the end, today's situation is in my control, not you?"

Without waiting for Yang Jun to say anything, Ye Chen continued: "Perhaps, in the eyes of everyone, I have the help of the Canglong Army, I have my own terrible means, and I have unique good luck to be able to do it." This step."

"I don't deny these, but do you really think that with these, I can force you to this point?"

Yang Jun was stunned, Xiao Renlong and others were stunned, and everyone was stunned on the spot. Even though Ye Chen's performance was amazing enough, Yang Jun still had the martial arts realm, how could he be overwhelmed by Ye Chen? Lose all?

In such a process, Ye Chen's treasures have never been revealed?The fault was that the grievances between Yang Jun and Ye Chen could no longer be resolved. I'm afraid someone had already guessed in their hearts that this was a discussion between the two of them.

Ye Chen said lightly: "I am in a different place. If I were you, if I wanted to kill you, in the Burial Soul Valley, when I knew I couldn't kill you, I would decisively blew that wisp of spirit, even if I still couldn't kill you." You, but you won't leave any evidence, Yang Jun, you can't do it!"

"During this time, you watched me train in the Valley of the Burial Soul, and even come back successfully from the main stage. If it were me, since the future is determined by life and death, I will desperately try every means to kill you. And you, just watching quietly, put your hope on others, Yang Jun, how stupid you are!"

"Just today, if it were me, even though I tried everything I could, and still couldn't kill you, knowing that the end would be death, I would immediately explode my soul and body, and die with you. It would be better than watching you take my life, so that In the midst of the wilderness, gradually become the supreme king!"

"Yang Jun, I can do all of these, but you can't, this is the gap between us! Anyone who wants to kill me must be ready to face my desperate efforts, even if you are a master of martial arts, Don't even think about taking my life away so easily!"

Seeing Yang Jun whose expression was getting paler and paler, Ye Chen suddenly shouted: "Yang Jun, am I qualified to take your head?"

The sound of violent drinking did not contain the slightest spiritual power, but Yang Jun who was shocked couldn't help gushing out blood again, and his whole body, as if he had lost his skeleton, was powerlessly paralyzed on the ground.

At this moment, he has understood that even if the situation is not so dire today, it is impossible for him to take Ye Chen as a hostage and leave here alive!

"Master Xiao!"

Xiao Renlong flew over, maybe Ye Chen was still a junior, and his roots in the Great Wilderness came more from the Great Wilderness Order, but it did not prevent Xiao Renlong from regarding this young man as a Great Wilderness in his heart. Lord of the future.

These words, even though Ye Chen said them in order to better lure the snake out of the hole, are equally shocking to others, and let people know that this young man is a well-deserved young master of the wilderness.

"Kill Yang Jun, take his spirit, and put him under the barren stone in Yongzhen Town!"

The words came out, and the audience was quiet again. Now Yang Jun, even if he recovers from his injuries, as long as he is in front of Ye Chen, he will not have the slightest resistance. His martial arts strength can be used by Ye Chen. Thinking, Ye Chen still wanted to kill him.

Such ruthlessness and resoluteness caused some people in the crowd to have endless chills surging in their hearts for no reason. When they looked at Ye Chen, they felt extremely fearful in their hearts, so a monstrous killing intent spread from it.

If Ye Chen knew what was going on in these people's hearts, he would be happy for it. His plan has already succeeded.

"Don't worry, young master, the subordinates know what to do, please go back and rest, young master!"

Xiao Renlong quickly responded, Xiao Renlong didn't know what the result of this insistence would be, if it affected Ye Chen's future martial arts path, it would be too much to lose.

But all of this was for the sake of the Great Wilderness, Xiao Renlong was sincerely moved!
"Okay, I'll go back now!"

Ye Chen turned around slowly, his weak eyes glanced at everyone present, but no one dared to face him head-on, even Xu Baxian, at this moment, stood with his head bowed , it seems that he is really willing to give up his many years of business in the Great Wilderness.

It's just that Ye Chen is very clear in his heart that today's battle with Yang Jun is the beginning of his control of the Great Deserted City. Next, there will be many storms waiting for him. No one can guarantee whether he can go on forever. .

But everyone has firmly believed that anyone who wants to stop the boy's progress will have to pay a bloody price. Yang Jun is a lesson from the past!
(End of this chapter)

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