Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 317 The dark tide is surging

Chapter 317 The dark tide is surging
A great battle came to an end with an unexpected ending. While shocking the entire Great Wilderness, it also made everyone in the Great Wilderness have greater expectations for the future of the Great Wilderness.

Because no one thought that Ye Chen not only achieved what he wanted to do, but also ended Yang Jun's life with an extremely resolute and courageous attitude!

Having such an outstanding young master will of course make everyone in the Great Wilderness feel excited and eager.

Even though the matter of Yang Jun is over, you can hear all kinds of discussions about this war anywhere in the Great Wilderness City, how lively it is!

Perhaps the excitement will eventually pass, and no matter how wonderful the battle is, it will become a thing of the past, but no one will doubt that this battle will become a classic. Even if thousands of years have passed, when it is accidentally mentioned by future generations, it will still amaze countless people. .

It has never been heard before that warriors in the spiritual realm can pose such a great threat to masters in the martial realm. The reason why the reputation of defying the sky overwhelms all outstanding peers in the northern continent is precisely because he is in the northern realm. At such an age, he has reached the realm of martial arts!
Among his peers, Ni Cangtian is like a king, overlooking all his peers, struggling forward on the road of martial arts, but he has already stepped into the ranks of true masters.

The prestige of the Martial Realm cannot be challenged!

However, they did not expect that in the great wilderness, an indisputably outstanding young man would appear, breaking the shackles that had been passed down for countless years.

Today's Ye Chen will inevitably make the entire Northern Continent tremble and be shocked by his existence in the near future. No one doubts that today's Northern Continent, among the same generation, is no longer only Against the sky, shining alone in the sky!
Therefore, when discussing this great war, whenever the name Ye Chen was mentioned, no matter whether he agreed with it or not, and people in whatever position they were in, they would all use a tone of reverence.

In today's Great Wilderness, no one dared to express their dissatisfaction with that young man in public!
It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Chen already has enough hearts and minds. As long as he speaks a word, there will be countless people willing to serve him and vow to complete the task!

Such a promise to the death became even more resolute after another news came out from the Great Wilderness Palace a day later!
The content of the news is very simple. Ye Chen decided to go to Changfeng City after recovering from his injury, purify all the evil spirits in Changfeng City, and restore Changfeng City to its former appearance, so that the whole Great Wilderness, after many years, can finally be complete again. !
When the news came out, Dahuang was once again boiling, and everyone's hearts for Ye Chen became even more enthusiastic.

From ancient times to the present, since the Great Wilderness became a first-class force and stood on the northern continent, the more than 180 cities in the Great Wilderness have become existences that make countless forces fearful.

And Changfeng City. . . .
In the Great Wilderness, Changfeng City's status is second only to the Great Wilderness Hall!

Because most of the lords of the Great Wilderness in the past came from Changfeng City, which made this city, in the hearts of countless people in the Great Wilderness, like a holy city, and became a place of worship in the hearts of countless people.

If it wasn't because of the Great Wilderness Palace, but the place where the ancestor of the Great Wilderness used to sit, and there was a small world in the Great Wilderness Palace, the center of the Great Wilderness must have been moved to Changfeng City long ago.

In this way, we can know what status Changfeng City holds in the hearts of the people of the Great Wilderness!

But it is a pity that many years ago, an unexpected change not only destroyed Changfeng City, making this holy place an evil place that even gods would avoid, but also a storm. From Changfeng City, Sweeping the entire wilderness.

After that battle, Dahuang's overall strength directly regressed. It must be that some martial arts masters survived at that time and were able to continue to support Dahuang. Otherwise, the power of Dahuang would probably be wiped out from that time on. on the northern continent.

But even so, the deterrent power of Dahuang is not as good as before!
After so many years, Changfeng City has gradually become a thing of the past, and has gradually disappeared from people's lives. This once glorious city is no longer necessary, but whenever you detour from that still tall city, However, when seeing this city, everyone felt unspeakable pain in their hearts.

The most powerful city representing the Great Wilderness has become a city that has made the Great Wilderness retreat. This change, even after many years, is still unacceptable.

To this day, there are still people who are imagining how great it would be if Changfeng City was still intact without the storm that year!

So, when it was heard that Ye Chen was going to Changfeng City to purify the evil spirits in the city and let this ancient city return to the Great Desolation City with a rebirth attitude, the cheers and expectations of the people would be so strong!
Ever since, everyone has even more respect for Ye Chen, the young master of the Great Desolation!
Today's Wufang City has changed owners. In the eyes of outsiders, Xu Ba first let it go very simply. All the wealth owned by Wufang City was kept in the City Lord's Mansion, and he never took anything away.

And when he finished handing over with Xiao Renlong and left, his face was extremely calm, and he didn't feel any dissatisfaction at all because he was forcibly persuaded to leave.

Xu Baxian now lives in a manor specially arranged for him.

The scale of the manor is small, and the advantage lies in its quietness and elegance. As he said, one should meditate and retreat, and seek harmony regardless of worldly affairs. A quiet environment can make a person's heart stop thinking too much.

Standing in the courtyard, looking at the quiet surroundings, there is nothing that represents the power and status of the past, it can be seen that Xu Baxian's heart is not the same as when he left the Wufang City City Lord's Mansion calm.

"Through many years of hard work, although I never lost it once, I have forced the old man to step down from the altar. Ye Chen, are you really the nemesis of the old man, or in this life, the old man really has no chance to become the lord of the wilderness? "

Talking to himself, Xu Baxian's expression may have become a little hideous and distorted because no one was around.

"If the old man admits defeat and is willing to give up everything, he should still be able to enjoy his old age, but..."

Xu Baxian's expression suddenly became serious: "With the strength and strength of this old man, how can he be willing to enjoy the old age that only ordinary old people have? These two words should not appear on this old man at all."

"How can you, a young child, take away everything that this old man has?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Baxian's body suddenly became unreal, and after a while, he disappeared in the yard strangely. . . .

In the depths of the City Lord's Mansion, several people sat facing each other. It could be seen that their expressions were extremely dignified. Occasionally, their eyes flicked outside, and when they looked in the direction of the Great Wilderness Hall, their eyes were extremely cold.

"You say, if that kid Ye Chen releases it, is he really sure that he can do it?"

In the first place, a gray-haired old man said in a hoarse voice, if you look closely at him, you will find that there is a strange gray light surging deep in the pupils of the gray-haired old man.

"Li Yin is dead, and Zhixie Mountain is gone. This is enough to show that Ye Chen may really be able to do it."

"Yes, this alone can indeed prove that Ye Chen can do it, but the old man needs to confirm how far he can do it?"

The gray-haired old man laughed strangely, his eyes were gray, as if he was about to take shape.

"Old Luo, what do you mean?"

The gray-haired old man laughed and said: "Changfeng City is our foundation. If Changfeng City is gone, we will become rootless weeds. Can you make sure that if Changfeng City is gone, we will be In the future, will it still be able to appear in the world in the present state in an open and aboveboard manner?"

The room suddenly fell silent.

"Brother Cheng!"

After a while, the gray-haired old man said in a cold voice: "We also need to make preparations as soon as possible, and send people to keep an eye on the Dahuang Palace. Once we find Ye Chen leaving, the place outside Dagan City will be his burial place." .”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!
"Old Luo, with Ye Chen's current prestige in the wilderness, if we kill Ye Chen, we will lose our place of shelter. And Lao Luo, Ye Chen suddenly acted so high-profile, I am worried that he deliberately caused us to Pay attention, so you want to catch us all."

The gray-haired old man's eyes turned cold, and he said: "Of course the old man understands Ye Chen's intentions, but no matter what, Ye Chen cannot be allowed to enter Changfeng City alive. Catch them all? Jie Jie, brother Cheng, King Xiao Ming is missing in the wilderness now. Xu Baxian doesn't care about Ye Chen at all, who else can catch us all?"

"As for the shelter, if Ye Chen enters Changfeng City and really does what he said, there will still be no shelter for us."

The gray-haired old man has endless coldness: "This young man, he has directly choked our lifeline, leaving us with no other way to go. That's fine, let him know that Li Yin is just the least capable of us." It’s just one of his disciples. Let’s see if his preparation can save his life.”

"Old Luo, do you want to inform Xu Baxian? If he helps, things will go more smoothly. Anyway, our ambition is not in the Great Wilderness. At that time, without people like Ye Chen, he will have to become the Great Wilderness as he wishes." Lord, it can also reduce our pressure. I always feel that Xiao Renlong is not easy!"

"Need not!"

The gray-haired old man waved his hand and said: "Xu Baxian doesn't agree with us. The previous cooperation was just for a profit. The old man has no doubt that if there is a suitable opportunity, the first person to attack us will be Xu Baxian, killing us people will bring him much fame, this point, you should all know."

"If you tell Xu Baxian the news, maybe this guy will take the opportunity to become a fisherman. You can't take this risk!"

"Brother Cheng, everyone, make arrangements to welcome our young master of the wilderness with the most grand occasion!"

(End of this chapter)

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