Chapter 325

"Being evil is just a means for you to pursue more powerful power. It's just your desire. Master Luo, the five of you are not so noble yet!"

Looking at the five people opposite, Ye Chen said coldly.

In the world, people are divided into gentlemen and villains, but between the two, there is another kind of person, the hypocrite!

This kind of person, sometimes, is more terrifying than a villain!

Master Luo suddenly laughed strangely: "Young master, I know that as long as we become evil, no matter what we say or do, in your eyes, we have chosen a damned path, but you don't understand, when When a person can easily obtain enough strength, that kind of temptation is irresistible."

As soon as the words fell, a huge aura burst out from Master Luo's body, and the entire space trembled violently because of it.


That roaring sound almost overturned the world.

Everyone in Ye Chen's face suddenly changed. Master Luo, who was at the sixth level of true martial arts, had already reached the ninth level of true martial arts at this moment. It's just weak on the front line.

With such a cultivation level, looking at the city lords of the entire Great Wilderness, it is enough to rank in the top ten!

Behind Master Luo, the four of Cheng Buwei did not hide the slightest bit. When their aura was surging, they had already surprisingly reached the eighth level of true martial arts!

"Boys, come out and let our young master see how powerful you are!"


A series of figures, like thunder, shot out from the left and right sides, all black armored figures, once they appeared, they gave people an extremely oppressive feeling.

These people, like the sergeants of the Canglong Army, are not too strong individually, they are only in the realm of the spiritual sea. However, the fierce power after gathering together is enough to shake the sky!
In particular, the breaths of these black-armored figures are almost connected, and even their breaths are surprisingly consistent, which means that their cooperation with each other has reached a perfect state.

Hundreds of people, the feeling of being alone, is far from enough to describe it as terrifying!
And these black-armored figures, the pupils of each of them do not contain the slightest human emotion. Their pupils have lost all spirit, as if they have lost all wisdom, and have become more ruthless and cruel than wild animals.

Such an army is undoubtedly terrifying!
"Young Master, Young Master Lin, City Master Xiao, what do you feel when you see this scene?" Master Luo asked with a big laugh.

In the sixth level of true martial arts, because of becoming evil, the cultivation base directly increased by three levels, and the improvement was without sequelae. This level is of course shocking.

In the realm of martial arts, communication with heaven and earth begins, and what is integrated is not only spiritual power, but also the perception and integration of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to improve every level.

Ordinary martial arts masters may not be able to do it in more than ten years if they want to upgrade to three levels.

But Master Luo and the others did so perfectly during this period of time. . . .The allure of power is really hard to resist.

Master Luo laughed again: "Martial artists have been pursuing supreme power all their lives. Since there is such a good opportunity to obtain power that cannot be obtained in ordinary ten years or even a lifetime in a short period of time, then we Why not pursue it?"

"Young master, I might as well tell you honestly, with your talent, if you join us, the old man guarantees that within three years, you will definitely reach the realm of martial arts, and your future will be even more brilliant. The same is to gain strength, why bother?" What kind of means should we pursue to obtain it?"

"If you exchange for the power that exterminates humanity, Master Luo, I will definitely not want this kind of power!"

Ye Chen just glanced at these people, and immediately looked back at Master Luo, and then asked lightly: "The ones here now are all your trump cards?"

Master Luo was slightly taken aback, and then responded with a sneer: "The old man knows what the young master's plan is, so the old man knows that the young master has made enough preparations for this trip to Changfeng City, but the old man believes that this lineup of the old man , enough to meet all your preparations, young master!"

Ye Chen nodded, and said, "In this way, I feel much more at ease."

"Don't worry?" Luo Shi and the others obviously didn't understand what Ye Chen meant.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, looked at those black-armored figures from a distance, and said loudly: "You are all my guardians of the wilderness, I don't know if you are willing to enter the evil, but now, as long as you are willing to step down and Afterwards, let this young master get rid of the evil energy in your body for you, here, this young master promises that the past will never be blamed!"

"Young master, it's useless!"

Luo Shijie laughed and said: "Since we have entered the evil spirit, our evil intentions have become extremely firm. Maybe you have a way to get rid of the evil spirit, but there is no way to dissolve our evil intentions!"

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!"

As Master Luo's words fell, the colors in the eyes of the many black-armored figures seemed to change accordingly. They could only see a layer of faint gray light slowly appearing in their pupils, a hideous and evil look. The color makes people shudder.

Li Yin also looked the same when he arrived at the Evil Mountain from Burial Soul Valley that day, the difference is that compared with these black-armored figures, the gray light in Li Yin's eyes is deeper and more thorough.

"In this case!"

Ye Chen waved his palm violently: "Then leave none behind!"

"Haha! No one left? Young master, I'm waiting for everyone, even if I can't compare with Fang Gan and everyone in Changfeng City back then, but you, I'm afraid, don't have the qualifications!"

The terrifying aura that contained a strong evil spirit swept out like a gust of wind. At this moment, that old figure seemed to turn into a gray mountain, directly suppressing Ye Chen.

"Master Luo, you are presumptuous!"

Behind Ye Chen, there was a burst of shouting from the crowd, and immediately a figure shot out like an arrow. The terrifying pressure from Master Luo was intercepted by this figure.

In today's wilderness, the masters on the surface, led by Xu Baxian who is at the peak of true martial arts, and the masters at the ninth level of true martial arts, have almost as many as two hands.

Except for the hidden Xiao Renlong, all the masters of the ninth level of true martial arts who followed this time were there.

Since he was determined to catch Luo Shi and the others, how could Ye Chen not be prepared enough!
"Yunhuachuan, it's you? Well, I've wanted to learn it for a long time!"

In the sky, there is a ferocious battle, pull away immediately!

After Master Luo made a move, Cheng Buwei and the others did not sit idle. Masters at the eighth level of true martial arts were indeed terrifying, but in the wilderness, there were many masters of this level.

From such a big battle, it can be seen that there are more than 180 cities in the Great Wilderness, and there are many city lords. Although these people's cultivation base, looking at the entire northern continent, they are not top-notch masters, the victory lies in the large number of people.

It would be impossible for any other force, even Moyuan Mountain, to have such a large number of martial arts masters, which is also an important reason why Dahuang established itself on the northern continent.

The five battles were fierce and fierce. Ye Chen was not worried whether the five members of Yunhuachuan would be the opponents of the five members of Luo Shi. Possibly even stronger.

But, after all, this is not the power from self-cultivation. Even if you are evil, it is difficult to truly integrate these powers, just like Li Yin, who is obviously very powerful, but has many flaws.

The real power is the power obtained by one's own hard work. Blindly relying on external things will never achieve greatness!

Ye Chen was worried about those black-armored figures, and the rest of the evil people.

These people are well-trained. They are an army with a large number of people. It will be more troublesome to deal with them.

"Brother Lin, how about leaving these people to you?"

Lin Yifan smiled faintly, with great confidence in his voice: "Just go to Changfeng City, and when you return from Changfeng City, you will see that there are no survivors of these evil people."

"it is good!"

Ye Chen immediately turned his head and shouted: "The Sergeant of the Canglong Army obeys the order!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Cooperate fully with Brother Lin, we must make this place return to its former glory!"


"Brother Lin, I'll go first!"

Ye Chen is no longer thinking about saving these people's lives, because these people are willing to go evil, so they deserve to die!

A black light suddenly wrapped around Ye Chen and turned into a black lightning, ignoring everything in front of him, and forcibly pierced through it, and disappeared in this chaotic area after an instant.

Perhaps, Master Luo and the others had prepared well, and there were still some trump cards that were not revealed immediately, but the masters who followed Ye Chen to Changfeng City today accounted for a full third of the power of the entire Great Wilderness.

Although those evildoers are very terrifying, except for Luo Shi and the other five martial arts masters, the rest are only in the Linghai realm. On our side, there are more than a dozen martial arts masters, and they cooperate with Lin Yifan , plus several armies, and those masters who followed, were enough to kill Luo Shi and others.

In the final analysis, the Daqian Five Cities are only five of them in the entire Great Wilderness. The reason why the Changfeng City’s chaos back then can make the overall strength of the Great Wilderness City retreat is because it happened suddenly, and secondly, the overall strength of the Changfeng City The strength is not comparable to Daqian Five Cities.

In particular, the master of Changfeng City back then was even more unmatched by Luo Shi and five others.

A more important reason is that Fang Gan came from Zhixie Mountain. The evil energy in these people's bodies was only obtained from Changfeng City. The source of their strength also determined their current achievements.

What Ye Chen is really worried about now is why Master Luo and the others can absorb enough evil energy from Changfeng City to make them fall into evil so completely.

Although it is now to punish the evil, but because of this reason, this action has become much more difficult.

Another worry is Xu Baxian!
(End of this chapter)

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