Chapter 326
The figure under the black lightning crossed the chaos with extreme speed. . . .
Regarding Ye Chen's departure, not only did the many black-armored figures in front of him not react at all, even Luo Shi and others in the battle did not make the slightest sound, as if Ye Chen was an outsider, or they were not at all. It didn't seem like Ye Chen existed.

Without any obstruction, Ye Chen's progress was naturally very smooth. It didn't take long before the Changfeng City, which was once called the Holy Land, appeared in sight.

This ancient city has long lost the prosperity and grandeur of the past. Although it still stands in the middle of heaven and earth, it has lost its former majesty. The passage of time makes this city look very dilapidated.

Looking around, one can vaguely see the terrible traces left over from the previous war, cracks after another, seeming to tell people what happened here.

All brilliance needs countless hours to be forged, but destruction may only take one night.

In this world, I don't know how many brilliance, like this city in sight, have been annihilated in the eyes of the world, and even forgotten in the hearts of the people.

Only that one, the powerful barrier, has always shrouded the outside of Changfeng City, and the energy fluctuations faintly distributed in the space are telling people that this is a restricted area.

Although there is a boundary barrier, because Ye Chen has been to the evil mountain and fought against evil spirits, his sensitivity to evil spirits is unmatched by others. Therefore, Ye Chen still sensed it and ended up In the world, there is an exceptionally strong evil spirit.

Perhaps in terms of purity, it is not as good as the evil energy in Zhixie Mountain, but in terms of quantity, it far surpasses Zhixie Mountain. To put it bluntly, if this barrier loses its original power, it will still be swept out by these evil spirits. If so, I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire wilderness, and even the wider world, will become extremely terrifying because of these evil spirits.

No wonder, back then, King Xiao Ming, the lord of the Great Desolation, would risk his life and go to the ancient ruins, and it was no wonder that the Demon King would unconditionally help King Xiao Ming in this matter.

The two great kings in the land with a radius of tens of thousands of miles clearly know that if the evil spirit here is not completely eliminated, sooner or later, this huge area will become another most evil mountain. , not only no one can stop it, it will even be more terrifying than Zhixie Mountain.

Standing outside Changfeng City, Ye Chen did not enter Changfeng City immediately, but carefully perceived the protective barrier there.

Luo Shi and the others fell into evil, and the evil energy they got came from Changfeng City, but here, there is a huge barrier to protect them, and with the strength of Luo Shi and others, they can't penetrate the barrier at all.

If it could be broken by force, the Great Wilderness would have been in chaos for so many years, and it was impossible for Luo Shi and others to hide for so long.

This problem must be solved first, otherwise, even if Ye Chen enters Changfeng City, it will be an unstable factor.

It's just that after checking it several times, Ye Chen felt that the barrier was intact and hadn't been damaged in the slightest. According to the principle, it is impossible for evil spirits to seep out of the barrier, but why, Master Luo and others were still able to get out of it. Get enough evil energy to drive them into evil?
"The Demon Emperor's Clock!"

A ray of black light, like electricity, appeared directly above Changfeng City.

Awesome. . . .
Ye Chen's eyes suddenly tightened, and he could only see that under the cover of the Demon Emperor's Bell, there seemed to be a needle hole the size of a pinhole in the huge and solid barrier, with strands of tiny and ungraspable The evil spirit quietly seeped out.

"how is this possible?"

Ye Chen was taken aback. With his sensitivity to evil, here, as long as there is a slight bit of evil seeping out, he will be sensed immediately. What's more, he just sensed carefully for a long time, but he didn't find any.

Moreover, this is a complete enchantment, even if it is damaged in the slightest, the entire enchantment will collapse. Perhaps because of the strength of the enchantment, it will not completely collapse immediately, but after so long, how can it still make people feel that it is so complete?
Ye Chen will never think that his cultivation base is too low, and he still doesn't understand the supernatural powers of martial arts masters. The current scene is simply not something that can happen within the normal range.

"Jie Jie, young master, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Just when Ye Chen was in doubt, a strange laugh sounded suddenly. Looking around, two figures unexpectedly rushed out from behind the huge Changfeng City without a sound. Finally, they stood in the sky above Changfeng City. superior.

"Two great martial arts masters?"

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he became indifferent. Those were not two great martial arts masters. The reason why these two people were able to stand in the air like martial arts masters without external force, in fact, they only relied on their strength from Changfeng City. It's just the evil spirit gushing out.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen asked lightly.

"Brother Yuan, I have met the young master!" The two sneered, their voices, tone, and speed of sound were all exactly the same. It sounded like they were talking alone.

Ye Chen couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he was really no stranger to the Yuan brothers.

After becoming the young master of the Great Desolation and deciding to eradicate all evildoers, he had some understanding of the people in the Daqian Five Cities, except Luo Shi and the other five masters.

Especially for the Yuan brothers!
Under the city of Dagan, there are also four commanders. Among the commanders of the entire wilderness cities, of course, apart from the commanders of the four heavenly armies such as Yang Jun, the Yuan brothers are the most famous. Even the former Qin Shi, Lin Shuzhi Seniors, they are all incomparable.

It's not that the cultivation and strength of the Yuan brothers should be higher than those of Qin Shi and others, but because the Yuan brothers are the only ones among the many commanders who control an army together. .

The reason for this is because the Yuan brothers are twins. Since they were born and began to practice, their brothers have never been separated. They practice together, and they practice the same skills and martial arts. . . .
After decades of practicing like this, coupled with the special characteristics of twins, these two brothers have created a tacit understanding and cooperation that other people can't imagine.

To put it bluntly, they are one person, no longer distinguishing each other, what the other person thinks and wants to do, the other person will know immediately, just like knowing what you think and what you want to do!
Such a tacit understanding and cooperation made the two brothers, although their cultivation bases were only at the ninth level of Linghai, and they were still one step away from the peak of Linghai, but the brothers joined forces, and the strength displayed by them was beyond the reach of even the peak masters of Linghai. It's hard to compare with their brothers.

Someone once conducted such a survey. Among the many commanders in the Great Wilderness, the Yuan brothers were the most terrifying. Because of this reason, the army they led may not be the most elite, but it is also the most terrifying. Without him, it is that terrible tacit understanding.

No wonder Master Luo and the others relieved Ye Chen to leave. It turned out that they had prepared such a backhand.

"Young master, this road is no longer accessible, and this is the road to hell. Young master, please forgive me for being rude." The Yuan brothers said with a grinning smile.

"This young master will enter Changfeng City. You should know that you brothers alone should not be able to stop you." After a while, Ye Chen said indifferently.

Together, the Yuan brothers can indeed fight against the peak masters of Linghai, and even win them. It is of course remarkable that the Yuan brothers can achieve such a level.

However, Ye Chen can also achieve the same record, and he can do even better. In the entire Great Wilderness City, apart from martial arts masters, there is only one person who can become Ye Chen's opponent, and that person is named Lin Yifan. The Yuan brothers.

The Yuan brothers naturally understood the meaning of Ye Chen's words, and immediately laughed strangely: "Perhaps in normal times, my brothers teamed up, no matter how well they perform, no matter how tacit understanding and cooperation they have, naturally they will not be your opponent, young master, but Now...."

The Yuan brothers waved their hands violently, one after another figures shot out from the dark place on both sides of Changfeng City. These figures also had black armor on their bodies, which made people feel extremely oppressed.

"Young master, you are alone now, and the Canglong army is not with you. Just by yourself, you want to be my brother and the opponent of my brother's black armored soldiers?"

Ye Chen forcibly forced Yang Jun back. I believe no one can achieve this record except martial arts masters. Ye Chen is indeed excellent, but everyone knows that the reason why Ye Chen can do it is not because of him. Its own strength, but the strength from the Canglong Army.

Now that the Canglong Army is not around, with their lineup, they are qualified enough to ignore Ye Chen.

A group of black-armored sergeants lined up in front. Although there were only a few dozen of them, the ferocious power became extremely strange and terrifying because of the evil spirit contained in it.

The black-armored sergeants in this state almost surpassed most of the army in the wilderness. The Yuan brothers have such confidence and have their own qualifications.

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, and said: "Since you think that this young master is already a bird in a cage, can you tell this young master before he dies that the enchantment still exists, how can you do it yourself?" In Changfeng City, for several years like a day, have you absorbed enough evil energy?"

"Haha, the young master wants to be a sensible ghost, and my brother will naturally do it!"

The Yuan brothers said with a smile: "Tell me honestly, in Changfeng City, evil spirits have emerged on their own. Although they are very weak, they are not enough to break the barrier, but they are not in the way. Send out evil spirits for us to absorb. Although it exists, it has already existed in name only, the difference is that we cannot fully absorb it.”

"So it is!"

Ye Chen's mind was shaken violently. In the evil mountain, Li Yin needed to use himself to make the evil pool in the evil pool take shape. It has only been a few years, and in Changfeng City, an evil spirit has been derived by itself.

Although I don't know how to give birth to evil spirits, but thinking about it, the current Changfeng City is already extremely dangerous!
(End of this chapter)

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