Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 327 Who is the Oriole

Chapter 327 Who is the Oriole
Never would have thought that in Changfeng City, evil spirits would appear on their own. . . .

Looking at that enchantment, seeing the evil spirit gushing out under the shadow of the Demon Emperor's Bell, Ye Chen secretly rejoiced that it was the best decision to come here now. If you break the barrier and come out, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At that time, people will inevitably be devastated, at least this huge area centered on the Great Wilderness and Moyuan Mountain will become an endless hell.

"Young master, do you decide to end it yourself so that you don't have to suffer more, or do you want my brother to do it and make your life worse than death!" In the midair, under the constant surge of evil spirits, the two brothers, like evil gods, trembled looked at Ye Chen.

In their eyes, the current Ye Chen is no different from the lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and a sneering smile floated from the corner of his mouth.

"Looking at the young master's appearance, it's obvious that he doesn't want to be captured without a fight? That's fine. It's our greatest pleasure to see the young master's life worse than death."

As soon as the words fell, one of the Yuan brothers took the lead in rushing out. They had a tacit understanding, and when one of the brothers made a move, the other one also made a move immediately.

However, the target was not Ye Chen, but the Demon Emperor's Bell floating above Changfeng City, absorbing evil energy!

Becoming evil does not mean losing intelligence and wisdom. The Yuan brothers also know that the Demon Emperor Bell is the truly remarkable thing in the world.

The two brothers really cooperated with each other tacitly, every move was carried out at the same time, and the cooperation was seamless.

In addition to the group of black-armored sergeants, if there is no accident, Ye Chen may really be doomed today.

But the truth always surprises people. When one of the Yuan brothers quickly approached the Demon Emperor's Bell, a gigantic figure silently appeared in front of Ye Chen. It was the Great Yu Divine Cauldron. . . .

One after another figures rushed out from the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, and the leader was Fang Xing!

Although Ye Chen didn't think there were Yuan brothers waiting here, he didn't leave all the soldiers of the Canglong Army on the battlefield.

"The Canglong Army!"

The Yuan brothers who rushed towards Ye Chen turned pale and shouted: "Second brother, come back!"

The Yuan brothers were cautious enough. Even if the sergeants of the Canglong Army here were not complete, it might not be possible for Ye Chen to show his strength in the battle with Yang Jun that day, but it should be possible to face them.

The brothers join hands to control the black armored sergeant, so that they can fight anyone in the Linghai realm, but Ye Chen is not on the list now, and the two brothers will not be Ye Chen's opponent if they are separated.

But greed always has a price to pay!

The Demon Emperor's Bell is not an ordinary thing, it is a treasure in the Demon Realm. Even today, it may not be in its peak state, and it is more than enough to deal with a master of the Spirit Sea Realm.

What's more, in order to covet the Demon Emperor Bell, thinking that he could easily capture it, the second child of the Yuan brothers was extremely fast. When the Yuan brothers reminded him, the former had already approached the Demon Emperor Bell.


The black light covered the sky and the sun, and Yuan Er's figure was covered in his breath. Even Yuan Da, who was a twin, couldn't feel his brother's breath when the darkness shrouded him.


Yuan Da yelled loudly: "Ye Chen, let my brother go, otherwise, people will die without a place to bury today!"

"If you let him go, will you let me go?"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "I decided to come to Changfeng City today to kill all of you who are willing to degenerate. Yuan Er is just the first one. Don't worry, he will be waiting on Huangquan Road." you!"


Brothers are united in heart, living together for decades, such feelings are definitely beyond the comprehension of outsiders, although it is still uncertain whether Yuan Er is dead or not, the monstrous anger cannot be restrained.

"Black Armored Sergeant, follow me to kill the enemy!"


A black torrent that seemed to come from the prehistoric, like the black dragon, shot out suddenly, and the ultimate fierce aura swept out like an overwhelming sky, and it seemed invincible!
In front of the black torrent, Yuan Da seemed to be an evil spirit from the region. When the spiritual power was surging, the fighting spirit from the black-armored soldiers roared like an ocean.

Afterwards, people felt that a more powerful sense of oppression quickly permeated from the tumbling sea of ​​fighting spirit.

There seemed to be a wave rolling in that black ocean of fighting spirit. In the very center, a moment later, a huge vortex formed, and then, within the vortex, a huge black skull slowly moved. rising.

"Ye Chen, if my brother dies, I will make you pay a hundred times the price!"

Yuan Da said viciously, and with a wave of his hand, a drop of blood rushed out from the tip of his tongue, and directly entered the huge black skull.


A wave that contained the smell of blood suddenly rippled out, and people immediately saw that the surface of the skull was constantly flashing with dark light. From a distance, it seemed like a demon crawling out of hell, emitting With palpitating fluctuations.

Such a black skull suspended in the air, like a monster from the depths of the universe, opened its ferocious mouth to Ye Chen, and the strong dangerous breath made people shudder.

It seems that even without Yuan Er's cooperation and with the help of the black armored sergeant, Yuan Da's strength should not be underestimated.

"Ye Chen, let my brother go!" Yuan Da sternly shouted again.

The voice was full of tyranny, and it sounded extremely harsh, but it didn't affect Ye Chen's mind at all. He still said indifferently: "Brotherhood is undoubtedly very enviable and yearning, but when you are willing to go evil You should know it when you are here, because of you, there will be countless relatives in this world, and because of your choices, you will taste the taste of losing your loved ones."

"It's not impossible to let you go, your brother. Let go of your cultivation and abandon the evil spirit in your body. This young master promises to let you live this life!"

As of today, these people, including Master Luo, do not have enough strength and preparation, so they have not aggressively invaded the surrounding areas. In the entire Great Wilderness, no one has died because of them. Therefore, as long as they are willing, Ye Chen can let them go.

If their hands were already stained with blood, no matter how pedantic Ye Chen was, he wouldn't be able to spare their lives!
"You are courting death!"

Yuan Da yelled loudly, his face was full of ferociousness, and he waved his hands. The still, black skull suddenly opened its huge mouth, and only a dark beam of light about tens of feet in size was seen, shooting out like lightning. out.

Where the light beam passed, the space was directly torn apart, and in that silence, it was filled with terrifying destructive power.

This move alone has proved that the Yuan brothers actually have corresponding strength under their fame. In the day's lord stage, Lu Xing's all-out attack had never been able to achieve this level.

Although this is because the current Yuan Da is anxious to save his brother, and there are various reasons such as being evil.

The beam of light magnified rapidly in Ye Chen's pupils, and immediately his hands also formed seals!
"Boom, boom!"

The fighting spirit from the Canglong Army swept over like a tide, directly in Ye Chen's hands, turning into a roaring Canglong in the nine heavens, rushing towards the dark beam of light unceremoniously.

When it hit, that piece of space was directly torn apart!
In the next moment, there was a strong wind, and the black light was blown away, and in front of the black light, the huge black dragon was still standing in the air.

Obviously, although Yuan Da's attack just now was astonishing, it did not pose any threat to Ye Chen. With the Canglong Army in his hands, there was no one in the vast wilderness except Lin Yifan. Master, let Ye Chen face it.

If the Yuan brothers join forces, it may be a threat, but unfortunately, the current Yuan Er, under the light of the Demon Emperor Bell, does not know how long he can hold on.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Dayan's pupils suddenly tightened. He knew for a long time that Ye Chen's strength was beyond their comprehension at this level, but he never thought that only by trying it himself can he truly understand Ye Chen's strength. scary place.

Thinking of this, Yuan Da couldn't help but look at Yuan Er, who was shrouded in the light of the Demon Emperor's Bell. Although he couldn't see the figure of the latter, it didn't prevent him from making such a move now.

After one glance, Yuan Da immediately withdrew his gaze, looked at Ye Chen sternly, and shouted: "Ye Chen, you forced me to do this, so don't blame me for being desperate."

Ye Chen's pupils tightened slightly, and then he said lightly: "I said just now that you have a deep brotherhood, which is enviable and yearning, but now, you don't care about your brother's life and death, and want to fight forcibly... It turns out that you are a brother." After being evil, it really makes people lose their true nature.”

For decades of brotherhood, if it were someone else who saw his brother trapped and powerless, he would accept any conditions, but Yuan Da chose the most stupid path, which makes people sigh in admiration.

The so-called evil, just gained strength, but lost too much!

Hearing this, a look of struggle quickly appeared in Yuan Da's pupils. Obviously, Ye Chen's words had caused some waves in his mind.

It's just a pity that this struggle didn't last for too long. After a while, Yuan Da's gaze became firm again, and the gray light in his pupils became deeper and purer.

At the same time as this change, Yuan Da's hands were already knotting seals, and the stationary black skull suddenly began to spin rapidly, and more terrifying fluctuations appeared slowly and violently at this moment.


Yuan Da opened his mouth without hesitation, continuously pouring blood into the black skull.

"The law of the evil god, the evil god destroys the sky!"

The blood essence entered, and the black skull became extremely ferocious. Even the color of the skull was not pure. However, a burst of anger suddenly came out, as if the black skull had come to life. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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