Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 328 Killing

Chapter 328 Killing
The huge black skull actually had a burst of anger, slowly flowing like a stream of water. . . .

An absolutely terrifying fluctuation placed in the spiritual sea realm spread rapidly from it. The black skull rotated rapidly, no longer in the pure black light, exuding a palpitating strange fluctuation.

When the seal in Yuan Da's hands was actually formed, the black skull immediately stopped spinning, and immediately saw that there were two pupils appearing out of thin air on the skull, and those pupils were already opened!

"call out!"

As soon as the pupils were opened, an extremely deep gray light burst out from the pupils.

A terrible destructive aura swept out from the gray light beam crazily. At the same time, when the gray light beam appeared, all the surrounding spaces were torn apart as if they couldn't bear the weight of the light beam.

And when the gray light beam advances, all the spaces it passes through are forcibly shaken into nothingness!

Ye Chen's pupils shrank slightly. During the time since he came to the northern mainland, he didn't know how many masters of the spiritual realm had been seen. Among them, the outstanding ones, such as Lin Shu, Qin Shi, Qiu Huaxuan, Lu Xing, etc., as well as Lin Yifan and so on. . . .

Among these people, only Lin Yifan's power to move mountains and rivers under the starry sky can compare with this gray beam of light.

With the help of the black-armored sergeant, Yuan Da became so strong after becoming evil. If the two brothers join forces, it is unknown what kind of power they can exert.

Of course, that gray light beam was indeed very powerful, but it was only compared with Lin Yifan back then. Today, Lin Yifan is no longer what he used to be, and Ye Chen is the same!

If the Yuan brothers join hands to release this gray light beam, Ye Chen may be very afraid, and now there is only Yuan Da alone. . . .Then there is no need to have any fear.


Behind Ye Chen, the Canglong Army headed by Fang Xing erupted with a strong fighting spirit. Since following Ye Chen and defeating Yang Jun, the overall strength of the Canglong Army has become stronger than before.

That kind of fighting experience and fighting process may be the only time in their life!
Not all martial artists in the spiritual realm are like Ye Chen, who can forcibly challenge martial arts masters, so that kind of battle is extremely precious.

The terrible fighting spirit immediately turned into a black dragon with the size of hundreds of feet in front of Ye Chen, and Ye Chen stood directly on the blue dragon, one person and one dragon, both turned into sharp and unparalleled arrows, and shot away like lightning .


In the roar of the dragon's anger, the terrifying power shook the space into black cracks. Compared with the damage caused by the gray light beam to the void, this seems to be inferior. However, the terrifying force that swept like the wind Domineering, but the speed of the gray light beams seems to have slowed down a bit because of this.

Of course, such slowing down did not affect its power at all. In the next second, the blue dragon hit the gray light beam heavily.

At the moment of the impact, the energy shock wave visible to the naked eye raged crazily. The space and the ground in front of Changfeng City collapsed rapidly at this time. Dao City Wall will be turned into rubble in an instant.

The power of the gray light beam is undoubtedly terrifying. Ye Chen used all his strength to resist Lin Yifan's sword that day. It seemed that there was no victory or defeat in the battle that day, but Ye Chen knew that he had already lost. Yes, because after that sword, the sword intent was still there, but Ye Chen himself was powerless.

Today's gray beam is the same sword as that day. Even though Ye Chen and Lin Yifan's strength is not what it used to be, the power of the gray beam is still not to be underestimated.

When it hit, the gray light beam seemed to be a destructive force from the depths of the universe. The huge blue dragon, at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly disappeared into illusion and completely disappeared into the world.

In just a few seconds, the black dragon with the size of a hundred feet is only half of it!
If the situation continues like this, I'm afraid that in a few seconds, the whole blue dragon will disappear without a sound.

It's just that although the power of the gray light beam is terrifying, the huge black dragon is not just a display. When the gray light beam melts the blue dragon, that powerful and domineering force is also rapidly destroying the dazzling gray light.


After a while, the gray beam of light that melted the dragon was still unable to resist the dragon's dominance. It was forcibly defeated and turned into gray dots shining in the sky, which looked extremely strange.

Today's Ye Chen is no longer the Ye Chen who fought with Lin Yifan that day. Although Yuan Da has extraordinary means, he is not Lin Yifan after all.

When the gray light beams scattered, a figure, like lightning, quickly passed through the chaos, and in an instant, it was Ye Chen in front of Yuan Da.

Such a fast speed, and, was not affected by the impact just now. . . .These two points made Yuan Da's eyes and pupils shrink tightly. He always knew that this young man was not simple, so he didn't take it too seriously, and defended here with his brother at the same time.

But until now, Yuan Da finally knew that the young people they had seen in the past were only superficial appearances after all, and the horror of young people had to be verified by themselves before they could truly understand.

"The law of the evil god, God destroys!"

Facing Ye Chen's bullying, Yuan Da had a terrified expression. Having seen the former's battle with Yang Jun, Yuan Da deeply understood how terrible it would be to be approached by this young man.

Therefore, Yuan Da waved his hands without hesitation, and a black skull immediately appeared on top of his head. Instead, the black light flashed and surged down, enveloping his whole body. Immediately, the black skull It melted little by little, as if it had turned into a liquid, and it all melted into Yuan Da's body.

Although Yuan Da's cultivation was not able to increase in an instant and break through the spiritual realm, he could still feel that after the black skull turned into liquid and was absorbed by Yuan Da, his physical body seemed to be covered with A layer of indestructible black armor made his physical body burst out with an extremely powerful force.

"Ye Chen, I'm going to kill you!"

The current Yuan Da is almost indistinguishable from wild beasts. The so-called human emotions can no longer be seen in his eyes. He is now a humanoid monster, and there are only endless killings.

That punch directly smashed the space in front of him. It is conceivable how terrifying this punch is.

It's just that for Ye Chen, this level is not too much of a threat!


The sound of the dragon chant resounded, and under the melting of the gray light beam, the incomplete Canglong turned into streaks of silver light, and then all of them melted into Ye Chen's arms.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

When the silver glow flickered, the ultimate punch was also unceremoniously thrown out.


When the two fists collided, not only a deep sound resounded immediately, but also a tragic cry of pain.

Under the impact of the domineering force, Yuan Da's fist broke apart in an instant, and the domineering punch in the silver light was even more powerful. Under Yuan Da's terrified gaze, it pierced through After entering the void in front of him, he hit his chest heavily.

On his body, that layer of seemingly indestructible black armor immediately cracked, and black streaks spread rapidly like spider webs, spreading all over his body in an instant.

Immediately, the black armor fell off layer by layer, revealing Yuan Da's real body. At this moment, Yuan Da's eyes were bloodshot, and all the gray light in his pupils disappeared, replaced by a look of despair.

That punch not only broke all his defenses, but also blasted a big hole in his chest.

What's even more frightening is that there is a mysterious and powerful energy that rampages in his body, destroying his vitality, and at the same time dissolving those evil spirits quickly.

This energy is naturally Yin and Yang!

The yin and yang power that Ye Chen can use now is of course very small. Of course it is impossible to deal with Zhixie Mountain and Xiechi, but it is more than enough to deal with Yuan Dayi.

Under the power of yin and yang, all the evil energy in Yuan Da's body was swept away immediately!


Feeling the disappearance of the evil spirit, Yuan Da's eyes became even more desperate. If the evil spirit was still there, maybe even if he was killed, he would not be considered a real death, but now. . . .
"Stubborn and unresponsive, death deserves to be spared!"

Hearing Yuan Da's miserable voice, Ye Chen's eyes became even colder, to such an extent, that he is still nostalgic for evil, really damn it!


The silver light shone, and Yuan Da's entire body was enveloped by the silver light, which burst open and turned into blood mist, floating in the space.

Yuan Da was so dead that he couldn't die any more, and when he died, all the black armored soldiers also spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground weakly.

When Yuan Da is defeated, the black-armored sergeant will inevitably be injured, and with the help of the power of fighting will, all will be prosperous and all will be destroyed!
"The Demon Emperor's Clock!"

Ye Chen immediately shouted in a deep voice.

The Demon Emperor hovering over Changfeng City rushed towards him like a bell, and the black glow enveloped all the black-armored soldiers, and in the middle of the sky, there was a corpse that had lost its vitality and fell down powerlessly. It's Yuan Er!
The Yuan brothers went to evil voluntarily, as did Luo Shi, Cheng Buwei and others, but it is not necessarily the case that the black armored sergeants are also voluntary, so these black armored sergeants are not necessarily dead.

The Demon Emperor Bell can purify evil spirits, if someone resists, Ye Chen will no longer have the slightest compassion.

What comforted Ye Chen was that when the evil energy in the body of these black-armored soldiers was gradually cleared away by the Demon Emperor's Bell, everyone's eyes felt a sense of relief.

The sergeants in each city were cultivated with great painstaking efforts in each city. As long as these people were not voluntary and had no evil thoughts, Ye Chen didn't want to kill them.

While waiting for the Demon Emperor Bell to purify the evil spirits in the black-armored soldiers, Ye Chen immediately looked at Changfeng City again. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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