Chapter 332
The illusory giant face stood tall in the sky like an evil god. As soon as it appeared, countless evil auras gathered rapidly, making that giant face even more evil!
In the evil mountain, I saw an evil spirit once, and I have seen all kinds of evils of evil spirits.

In contrast, the illusory giant face that now represents the evil spirit is not as powerful as the evil spirit in Zhixie Mountain.

After all, this evil spirit may not have been born for many years, unlike Zhixie Mountain, it has existed for an unknown number of years, and it has also absorbed the origin and spirit of countless creatures, plus it has Li Yin blending with its body, although it is forced Calling out, that level of power is naturally much stronger than this evil spirit in the eyes.

To kill the evil spirit on the evil mountain that day, not only the Demon Emperor Zhong, but Ye Chen also tried their best, risking the possibility of backlash, and forcibly stimulated the power of yin and yang in the soul, so that the evil spirit was killed just now.

now. . . .Ye Chen smiled coldly, just the Demon Emperor's Bell is enough!
When the evil spirit appeared, the sky and the earth shook, countless evil energy gathered, and the terrifying evil fluctuations emitted made the ghost fire all over Ye Chen's body tremble slightly.

You must know that Ye Chen has secretly used the Demon Emperor's Bell to seal off the space where the stele is located, so that many evil attacks cannot break through.

Now that the evil spirit has just appeared, the evil wave, ignoring the blockade of the Demon Emperor Bell, forcibly invaded Ye Chen's side, and made the Nether Demon Fire feel uneasy. It is worthy of being an evil spirit.

No wonder, outside Changfeng City, there is a powerful enchantment set up by King Xiao Ming and others, which cannot stop the evil spirits from sending out the evil energy, and let Master Luo and others successfully enter the evil spirit!
But today, no matter how powerful this evil spirit is, there is only one ending!

Ye Chen flicked his fingers, and the Nether Demon turned into a beam of flames, and ruthlessly swept away at the evil spirit.


A beam of flame, when approaching the evil spirit, turned into a sea of ​​flames, enveloping the evil spirit mercilessly. The freezing cold and high temperature completely imprisoned this space in an instant, bursts of flames The sharp and shrill sound immediately resounded around the evil spirit.

The evil spirits were formed by absorbing the origins and spirits of countless living beings. Now facing the burning of the ghost fire, those origins and spirits would naturally be unable to bear it.

However, since it has turned into an evil spirit, of course it is not so easy to be wiped out. From the empty eyes of the evil spirit, endless evil energy, like a gray fog, surges out crazily, forcing it into the space imprisoned by the ghost fire. In the middle, delineate a space that belongs to it.

Immediately afterwards, the evil spirit surged fiercely, attacking the front fiercely, and the space imprisoned by the freezing cold and high temperature suddenly showed signs of shattering.

Ye Chen's eyes flickered slightly. With the current power of the Nether Demon Fire, it is difficult to resist the attack of the evil spirits. If it continues, it will be defeated sooner or later.

Of course, Ye Chen's hole card is not Nether Demon Fire, as long as he can restrain the evil spirit, a few seconds is enough.

"Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art!"

Streaks of silver light surged out continuously, and finally, in mid-air, it turned into a huge silver real dragon. Ye Chen stepped on the dragon and rushed out, ignoring the evil spirit in front of him, appearing in the evil spirit like lightning after.


A bright silver glow shrouded it like the sun's rays.

If it is other opponents, Ye Chen's current achievements in the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Jue, in the Linghai Realm, I am afraid that few people can match it, but the target is evil spirits, and the power of this style will have no effect. Therefore, the evil spirits Ling didn't react at all to this blow.

That's what Ye Chen wanted, when the silver glow shrouded, a ray of black light appeared silently, this was the light of the Demon Emperor's Bell.

No one can determine how intelligent the evil spirit is, so even though Ye Chen wanted to kill the evil spirit as soon as possible, he had to be careful, if the evil spirit fled immediately when he saw the Demon Emperor Bell. . . .
Therefore, after Ye Chen had prepared all the preludes, he quietly released the Demon Emperor Bell.


The black light, under the cover of the silver light, appeared directly above the evil spirit. At this moment, the huge body of the Demon Emperor's Clock was facing the evil spirit like a black hole in the universe.


A sharp scream came from the mouth of the evil spirit. Obviously, the evil spirit has sensed great danger. The evil energy is surging in the sky, and it is rushing out madly. block out.

Careful and cautious, such a situation was created, how could Ye Chen miss it, with a thought, the power of yin and yang, led by spiritual power, turned into a horse, and rushed out like lightning.

At the same time, inside the Demon Emperor's Clock, three different rays of light swayed in the sky and the earth.

The lines of the sun, the moon and the stars are clearer on the surface of the Demon Emperor's Clock, making the three rays of light even more dazzling.

The three rays of light directly evolved into the sun, moon and stars. Even though they were not real, the power they radiated was the same as the real sun, moon and stars, with the same brilliance and fear!
Suspended in the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars rotated at the same time. The power belonging to them exploded after a while, and three different beams blasted out like thunder from the nine heavens.


The void was trembling, and the three beams of light suddenly merged just as they were about to fall on the evil spirit.

Impressively, in this world, a huge beam of light almost penetrated the entire world, like Optimus Prime, bombarding the evil spirits mercilessly.


A single blow that gathered all the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell can almost destroy the world. No matter how much evil energy in the evil spirits turns into substantial energy and pours out, it has never had the slightest impact on this beam of light.

The beam of light fell from the nine heavens, destroying all constraints in the space. Any evil spirits that approached the beam of light would quickly melt away like remnant snow meeting a raging fire. on the evil spirit.


The screams became even more horrific, because that beam of light penetrated the entire evil spirit, and the terrifying power quickly melted away all the evil energy in the evil spirit. It only took a moment, and that giant face Even the most basic illusion cannot be maintained.

"The Demon Emperor's Clock!"

Ye Chen yelled sharply, and the Demon Emperor's Bell fell directly, appearing at the location of the evil spirit, and then, the evil spirit that had been hit hard was forcibly absorbed by the Demon Emperor's Bell.

The evil spirits have been wiped out, the evil spirits in the evil city, and even the entire Changfeng City, naturally, in the shortest time, even if they have not been absorbed by the Demon Emperor Bell, they have lost their roots, and they are like fish that have lost their water source. In time, it is melted away by the heaven and the earth, and it is no longer possible to remain in the space between the heaven and the earth.

At this time, streaks of white light, from under the ground of the space where the stele was located, quickly swept up into the midair. In the white light, there were blurred shadows, making it difficult to see clearly.

However, every blurred shadow is at this moment, showing Ye Chen a respectful fist. . . .These are all those people who were once suppressed here, their souls were invaded by evil spirits, and they could never leave.

They may have made big mistakes in the past, but Ye Chen believes that these people used to be involuntary, and they didn't want to do that, so even if they made mistakes, they couldn't blame them.

But Luo Shi and those people. . . .Ye Chen's eyes sharpened. Others don't need to die, but these individuals must die!
Ye Chen watched the white lights quickly dissipate in this space. He looked very carefully, but in the end, he never saw the white lights he wanted to see.

The white light belonging to Fang Gan never appeared!

"Senior Fang Gan!"

Ye Chen murmured softly with a gloomy expression on his face. Although he didn't know why he didn't see Fang Gan's soul, he could imagine that Fang Gan might have already killed himself.

It was not a fluke to kill the evil spirit so easily this time, but there were many factors, among which Fang Qian was the most important reason.

Outside Dagan City, the fierce and cruel battle is still going on.

A group of black-armored soldiers, after Fang Xing brought them back, did exactly what Ye Chen had imagined, and shocked everyone. Lin Yifan and the others were naturally excited, and those who fell into evil, especially those who voluntarily entered The evil Master Luo and the others panicked a little.

And this battle did not last as long as everyone imagined. At a certain moment, the top five battles suddenly stopped for a short time. The gray pupils in the five Luoshi's eyes suddenly changed , became black and white, especially, their powerful aura weakened extremely quickly after an instant.

The degree of weakening is not too great, but it has been reduced to their real level. Master Luo was originally a master of the sixth level of true martial arts, but now that the breath has weakened, it has just reduced to this point.

The same is true for the rest of the people, but compared to Luo Shi and others, those black-armored sergeants in the battle, and more people, after their strength suddenly weakened and their pupils returned to black and white, their expressions did not look like Luo Shi's. They are as dazed as a teacher, but they are very pleasantly surprised, because they know that after so many years, they can finally be a real person.

"Master Luo, Cheng Buwei...Changfeng City has been successfully purified by Ye Chen, now you don't have that power anymore, why, do you still have to resist?"

Lin Yifan naturally knew this scene most clearly. When he went to Changfeng City, Ye Chen said that if he succeeds, all the people who fell into evil will immediately return to their original appearance, and the weakening of strength is the best proof .

Luo Shi and the others were extremely pale. They had lost their evil energy and the support of the evil spirits. Their strength, among the top masters in the entire Great Wilderness, was only below the middle class. There was enough strength from there to be an enemy of the entire Great Wilderness.

In fact, if Xu Baxian was not afraid of making trouble secretly, all the masters in the wilderness, Luo Shi and others would not be troublesome at all.

"If you are captured now, you can still give you a chance to reincarnate, otherwise, your souls will be scattered!"

Lin Yifan said coldly, without these guys, Dahuang would never be in the situation it is today, so Lin Yifan never had the slightest bit of mercy towards these people.

(End of this chapter)

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