Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 333 Lord of Changfeng

Chapter 333 Lord of Changfeng
The cold voice reverberated across the world!
Many eyes stared at Luo Shi and five people, and those who were willing to go evil gathered around them at this moment.

There is too much hatred and anger in these gazes, which are the gazes of those who are unwilling to be evil, but are forced to be evil.

How much benefit one can gain from being invaded by evil spirits can only be well known by one's faults. However, everyone can see how much one has lost due to evil spirits.

Once they fall into evil, they lose their humanity. In the hearts of people who fall into evil, they only know to obey orders and become a killing tool without human emotions, emotions, and joys.

I can't help myself, but I can't help myself!
They no longer have relatives, friends, or even the most basic ideas. In their world, there are only merciless killings. How is this different from wild beasts?
Not even beasts, at least beasts, know how to fight for survival, beasts also have feelings, they also have something to protect, but they have nothing.

So, now that they are awake, their gazes are like devouring people, they wish they could eat Luo Shi and others.

Under the gaze of these gazes, Luo Shi and the others, who had lost their proud strength, were sweating profusely. At this moment, they had no thoughts at all.

Before taking today's action, Master Luo and the others had thought about countless possibilities. They might fail and be ruthlessly obliterated by Ye Chen and others, or they might succeed in the end. Killing these people will bring more vitality to Changfeng City. In that case, their strength may be further improved. At that time, why be afraid?

But I never thought that it would be like this!
That young man actually purified the evil energy in Changfeng City, making them lose all their roots.

The disappearance of Zhixie Mountain has already made Master Luo and others cautious enough, but they never thought that the disappearance of Zhixie Mountain and Xiechi was Ye Chen's means. They thought it was luck, so they didn't I thought about it, Ye Chen could restore Changfeng City to its original state.

Master Luo and others have personally experienced the horror of evil spirits. That kind of horror can no longer be measured by strength!

After a long time, Master Luo let out a heavy breath, looked at Lin Yifan and the others, and smiled sternly: "The victor is king, I have nothing to say, but if I want to get rid of the old man and others without any effort, that is delusional."

"Even if it is death, the old man will make you pay a miserable price!"

Even though he is only at the sixth level of true martial arts, Master Luo also believes that as long as he is willing to give up, then even Yun Huachuan, who is at the ninth level of true martial arts, will not be able to escape completely.

And today, Master Luo already knew his final outcome, so he didn't mind walking on that road of no return.

When he voluntarily entered evil, he knew that while gaining great power, this road was actually a road of no return. Since they were all the same road, he was not afraid at all.


Xiao Renlong couldn't help shouting sharply. Over the years, he deliberately kept a low profile and remained hidden in the world. He secretly guarded against Xu Baxian and all those forces that were hostile to the Great Wilderness City. Underneath, unexpectedly, such bastards as Luo Shi and others appeared.

"Since he is willing to go evil, he is unforgivably guilty. City Lord Xiao, if we want him to be captured willingly, we are naturally thinking too much."

Ye Chen came through the air, appeared next to Xiao Renlong, and stopped him inadvertently. Now, although the matter in Changfeng City has been resolved, he still dare not be careless.

Perhaps what Xu Ba was waiting for first was the moment when everyone would get carried away and be overjoyed.

"Little Lord!"

Respectful voices resounded in the sky from the heart. At this moment, Ye Chen undoubtedly reached the peak of his personal prestige. In the hearts of everyone, even if King Xiao Ming appeared, perhaps, it would be difficult to replace Ye Chen in their hearts. status.

To put it bluntly, even if King Xiao Ming wanted to abolish Ye Chen's position as the young master, he might not be able to do so.

Along the way, Ye Chen has created too many miracles. Changfeng City was purified and restored to its original state. That is a great contribution, because Changfeng City has a very high status in the hearts of everyone in Dahuang.

Looking at everyone with a smile, Ye Chen raised his hand slightly. Although what he has obtained now is all obtained by his own hard work, Ye Chen never thought that he would achieve the level he is today.

However, Ye Chen is very satisfied with this level!
Only when he has truly won the hearts of the people, the power of the Great Wilderness will become his most solid backing in the future.

"Marven Ye!"

The awe-inspiring pupils of Luo Shi and the others suddenly became incomparably ferocious. Their current endings were all because of this young man. Seeing him, they couldn't help but feel a monstrous hatred in their hearts.

"You came at the right time. The old man originally thought that you would escape a catastrophe. It seems that the heavens have mercy on you, and the old man's wish will finally come true."

Luo Shisen shouted coldly, and streams of spiritual power gushed out of his body continuously. Those spiritual powers, impressively, already contained the taste of destruction.

With his strength at the sixth level of true martial arts, there is only one way to hurt Ye Chen under the protection of a large group of masters.

"If a person like you can be pitied by the heavens, then the young master can only say that the heavens have no eyes."

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, and his voice was cold: "This young master originally planned to let you damned people scatter into the world forever. Your life is good, and someone will intercede for you. As long as your life is your life, I will give it to you!" Chance of reincarnation..."

"Ha ha!"

Master Luo couldn't help laughing loudly: "Ye Chen, it's up to you?"

Master Luo really didn't believe it. Although Ye Chen was extremely outstanding, and even had an impressive record of tying martial arts masters, that was Yang Jun, not Master Luo. own threat.

"Laugh, laugh to your heart's content! This is your last smile in this world."

Ye Chen said indifferently, waiting for the moment when Master Luo's smile fell, his palm lightly shook Master Luo, and a black glow shot out like lightning.


Master Luo snorted disdainfully, and the majestic spiritual power suppressed it like a mountain.

But in the next moment, Master Luo's face changed drastically. He discovered in horror that the black light was not blocked by his own spiritual power, not only pierced through it easily, but also had no defense at all. Grabbed into his own body.

"Ye Chen...ah!"

The shrill sound suddenly resounded, and everyone present was shocked to see that when the black glow invaded Master Luo's body, this master of the sixth level of true martial arts seemed to lose all his cultivation in an instant, just like an ordinary old man No two.

At this time, Cheng Buwei and others beside Master Luo were almost paralyzed to the ground. Master Luo's cultivation was naturally still there, but when facing Ye Chen, he never had the slightest resistance.

If Master Luo is like this, how can they get better?

When they looked at Ye Chen again, the eyes of these people were all as if they had seen a ghost, with extreme panic.

Ye Chen raised his hand and waved again, and dozens of black rays of light burst out of the air, sweeping through the body of the waiting person. After a moment, the same scene that happened to Master Luo appeared like a copy.

"You are willing to go into the evil, voluntarily into the evil, although the achievements are not great, but your hearts have gradually transformed into evil. For others, the formation of evil will be very scary, but in front of me, you can't bear it. hit!"

With the help of the Demon Emperor Bell, Ye Chen personally destroyed the evil spirits, causing the evil spirits to be swallowed by the Demon Emperor Bell. The evil intentions of Master Luo and others, even the evil spirits, were so natural that they were like babies in front of the Demon Emperor Bell. any resistance.

Ye Chen walked slowly towards Luo Shi and the others, and said as he walked: "I want you to be dissipated so that I can give the whole Great Wilderness, and those people who were forced into evil because of you, a fairest explanation. But Good luck to you!"

After the last word fell, Ye Chen had already appeared in front of Master Luo!
"Although I promised to only take your lives and give you a chance to reincarnate, it would be too cheap to kill you so easily, so I will suppress you for five years!"


The white flames swept out, burning the bodies of Master Luo and others, and the Demon Emperor Bell emitted endless black lights, absorbing all the souls of everyone!

"In five years, if you can make it through, then I will give you a chance to reincarnate. If you can't make it, then the heavens want you to die, so no wonder I broke my promise!"

The white flame disappeared, and the black light also disappeared. Under this sky, there were no more Luo Shi and others.

Ye Chen looked up at the sky, facing a certain direction, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if, from this endless illusion, he saw some truth in the world.

After a long while, he slowly retracted his gaze, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, accompanied by a cold feeling.

"Brother Lin!"

Ye Chen turned around, looked at Lin Yifan, and said with a smile, "Changfeng City is now back to normal. After waiting for nearly a hundred years, this city has finally been reborn."

"Changfeng City is waiting to be revived, and it needs an extremely outstanding person to guard it. I don't know, Brother Lin, do you have the will to become the master of Changfeng City?"

In the hearts of everyone in Dahuang, Changfeng City has the same high status as Dahuang Palace, this is the holy city!

If Changfeng City can be truly restored to its former prosperity, it will be a great boost to Dahuang. Apart from Lin Yifan, Ye Chen can't imagine that there are other more suitable candidates.

"The Lord of Changfeng City?"

Lin Yifan murmured softly, and as he remained silent, sword intent surged around him, as if ready to accept the challenge, but after a while, Lin Yifan shook his head slowly.

"Ye Chen, I appreciate your kindness, but I think that Changfeng City is far from satisfying me, so you should choose Gaoming!"

(End of this chapter)

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