Chapter 334
Looking at Lin Yifan, Ye Chen nodded slowly after a while, he understood what Lin Yifan meant!
Handing Changfeng City to Lin Yifan not only wanted Lin Yifan to revitalize Changfeng City, Ye Chen also wanted to hand over the burden of the Great Wilderness to Lin Yifan in the future.

At that time, Lin Yifan, as the Lord of Changfeng City, accepted the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness. With his own excellence and his contribution to the revitalization of Changfeng City, no one in the Great Wilderness would object.

And Lin Yifan said that Changfeng City was far from enough to satisfy him, that is to say, even the position of Lord of the Great Wilderness was not in Lin Yifan's heart, or in other words, what he wanted was a Great Wilderness, which he couldn't satisfy.

Since Lin Yifan made such a choice, Ye Chen couldn't force it. In fact, Ye Chen understood that if Lin Yifan hadn't given up, Ye Chen wouldn't be able to take the position of Great Wilderness Young Master.

"Okay, this matter will be discussed in the future, City Lord Jinling, I will leave the matter here to you!"

Since Lin Yifan was unwilling, he had to discuss with King Xiao Ming how to plan for the future of Changfeng City.

"Young master, the Yanyang Sect reports urgently!"

A figure, at this moment, swept over from a distance like lightning.

Ye Chen's mind suddenly picked up. As early as the beginning of cooperation with Jin Ling, he had already asked Jin Ling to send someone to monitor Yan Yangzong, and inquire about Mei Aoxue by the way.

For a long time, I didn't get more specific news from Yanyangzong, and there were too many things in Dahuang, and Ye Chen also believed in Mei Aoxue's ability, so he didn't worry too much.

Recently, Ye Chen believed that the news that he had become the Young Master of the Great Wilderness and that he had defeated Yang Jun would definitely spread to the Yanyang Sect, and it would definitely make them extremely afraid, not daring to have any power over Mei Aoxue pressure.

At this moment, there was an urgent report, and the voice was so sharp that Ye Chen couldn't feel at ease.

"Little Lord!"

The person who reported the letter came to Ye Chen as quickly as possible, and immediately said: "Young master, Yan Yangzong spread the news widely, saying yes... saying yes..."

"What?" Ye Chen snapped, his mind was getting more and more uneasy.

If it is good news, it is impossible to be like this.

"Little Lord!"

The person who reported the letter said in a deep voice: "Yanyangzong spread the news widely throughout the northern continent, saying that it is a grand event for Mei Aoxuemei to hold a martial arts competition to recruit relatives. It will start at the beginning of next month and last for half a month. Those who want to marry Miss Mei."

"Contest to recruit relatives, marry Aoxue!"


A terrifying wave of air, with Ye Chen as the center, swept out crazily. Even Xiao Renlong, who was closest to it, felt great pressure when the wave was so strong.

At this moment, everyone could feel the overwhelming anger from the depths of Ye Chen's heart.

"Hey, Yan Yangzong is so brave!"

Jin Ling shouted coldly: "Young Master, I will accompany you to the Yanyang Sect right now, to see if they dare to continue this grand event of martial arts competition to recruit relatives."

Everyone in the whole Great Wilderness, maybe the whole northern continent, knows that Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue love each other.

If Yan Yangzong had played this move before, they would have thought that Ye Chen was not good enough for Mei Aoxue, and they wanted to use Mei Aoxue to climb up the mighty Cang Pavilion.

But now. . . .Although the Great Wilderness is not comparable to the Cang Pavilion, it is not something his Yanyang Sect can ignore.

This kind of competition to recruit relatives obviously does not give Dahuang face!
"City Lord Jinling!"

Lin Yifan snorted softly, and then said: "Ye Chen, there is still plenty of time, let's go back and discuss it."

The so-called discussion is naturally to discuss with King Xiao Ming.

There are countless bright stars among the younger generation in the entire Northern Continent, and among these countless stars, the most dazzling ones are of course Ni Cangtian and the former Shangguan Futu.

Except for them, Mei Aoxue, Lin Yifan and others who have emerged in recent years are all as good as Ni Cangtian, especially Mei Aoxue.

Women are usually more popular than men, not to mention that Mei Aoxue is so beautiful, so she will naturally be sought after by more people.

Now that Yanyangzong is holding a contest for Mei Aoxue to recruit relatives, it must have attracted all the forces on the northern continent, and all the younger generations. All forces on the northern continent are enemies.

Although the Great Wilderness is powerful, it does not have the strength to dominate the northern continent. It is impossible for the Great Wilderness to be an enemy of all forces including the Cang Pavilion, at least for now.

The reason why Yanyangzong dared to do this was because he had a thorough understanding of this point.

During the period of the event, Da Huang and Ye Chen dared not do anything to them, and after the event, if Ye Chen of Da Huang had not won the final victory, then the one who married Mei Aoxue must be another powerful force , with the support of this force, it seems that Yanyangzong does not need to fear the Great Wilderness.

Yan Yangzong thought about everything very clearly.

It's just that in Lin Yifan's opinion, the Yanyang Sect has neglected too much, it should never, never should have caused trouble with Mei Aoxue!
If Mei Aoxue is willing, Ni Cangtian has already married Mei Aoxue, and this grand event will not happen.

Mei Aoxue is not willing, this grand event has no meaning, in the end, Mei Aoxue is willing to marry someone who does not want to marry?
When you don't want to marry but insist on marrying, no one can predict what will happen.

But Lin Yifan knows one thing, if something happens to Mei Aoxue, not to mention Cang Pavilion, even if there are gods and Buddhas all over the sky to bless her, Yan Yangzong will be slaughtered.

"go back!!"

After a while, Ye Chen shot away.

What Lin Yifan could think of, Ye Chen could also think of, Ye Chen believed in Mei Aoxue even more, the so-called contest to recruit relatives, if Mei Aoxue was not coerced, it would absolutely not happen.

"Aoxue, wait for me!"

The huge space became completely quiet soon after, and the traces left over from the great war gradually dissipated.

Because of the Yanyang Sect, everyone will not mention today's exciting event again. Dahuang has already been slapped in the face, and now his young master is furious, and everyone is happy again.

"Master Luo and the others are really useless. I thought they could help Ye Chen today and change his attitude towards me. I didn't expect it to be a waste of time."

The void above the sky suddenly parted, and three figures rushed out from there. The leader, with bright eyes and bright teeth, was charming, and it was Tianyue whom Ye Chen hadn't seen for a long time.

"It's not that Master Luo and others are useless, miss, you have never been in contact with Master Luo and others, so you don't know what happened to them after they became evil."

The old man on Tianyue's right said slowly: "If it wasn't for the loss of humanity after falling into evil, the old man believes that there will be many people who are willing to choose such a shortcut."

"Since it is a shortcut, there is nothing to go on. The road to martial arts can only last long if you take one step at a time."

The current Tianyue, even though she is still wearing a veil, can feel that she is more mature than before.

"Miss said that only those who come from self-cultivation are the most reliable. The old man never expected that the waste of the Ye family back then would have such terrible achievements today. Miss, the perception of your eyes, It's still as scary as ever."

The old man sighed again.

Hearing this, Tianyue sighed softly, and said: "So in the past few years, I have spared no effort to emphasize Ye Chen at home, hoping that those people in the family can pay attention to Ye Chen again. It's just..."

"How can my vision and perception be good? If it's good, why doesn't he even want to see me now!"

Tianyue really regretted it. If during the years when Ye Chen became a waste, she could do it as before. Now, the two of them must fly with both wings. How could there be Mei Aoxue?

"Miss, don't blame yourself. Things in the world are always changing. Who can predict the matter of Ye Chen?"

On the left side of Tianyue, the silent old man suddenly said: "If Miss wants to make up for the relationship with Ye Chen, Yanyangzong's move is a good opportunity for you."

"Mei Aoxue's contest to recruit relatives?"

Tianyue froze for a moment, and immediately a smile appeared in her bright eyes, which seemed to turn all sentient beings upside down.

Ye Chen is indeed excellent, but after all, the training time is still too short to compare with the already grown Ni Cangtian. If you want to fight with martial arts, the current Ye Chen is no match for Ni Cangtian.

And it is impossible for Ye Chen to give up on Mei Aoxue, so. . . .Such help would be an unforgettable kindness to Ye Chen.

"It's just a Cang Pavilion, but it does pose too much threat to our Sifang Pavilion. As long as you get Ye Chen's heart, you don't have to worry about the future against the sky, which will bring us a huge challenge, but!"

Tianyue gently put her plain hand on her heart: "If I do this, I always feel that my heart is a little uncomfortable."

Helping Ye Chen deal with Ni Cangtian, so that he and Mei Aoxue can get married together. In this way, although Ye Chen's friendship can be gained, Tianyue will always lose Ye Chen.

"Miss, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Miss, she can still walk into Ye Chen's heart in the future. Although I have wronged you, this is indeed the only way. If you miss this time, no matter how many things you do in the future, you will never forget." It’s not worth the help this time.”

Tianyue nodded silently. How could she not know this truth? However, as long as it is a woman, no one is willing to have the same man with others.

Tianyue's discomfort, except for this. . . .She already understood very well that when she was with Ye Chen back then, the latter told her that some people in the big family couldn't help themselves.

In the final analysis, what is important to Ye Chen now is his potential. If he doesn't have potential, how could the family support her and Ye Chen to be together? It was the same back then, and it is the same now!

Standing on the majestic mountain peak, you can just see the excitement in Yanyang Sect!
A young man looked at the opposite side lightly, and said with a soft smile: "Contest to recruit relatives? This Yanyang Sect really dares to think about it! However, I will see Brother Ye soon, Ying Huatian, you finally do it!" It's a good thing..."

(End of this chapter)

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