Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 375 Copy

Chapter 375 Copy
Right now, because of the self-detonation of the domain, Nan Cheng has indeed suffered serious injuries, but he is still a master of Xuanwu realm after all. Although the Nether Demon Falcon can defeat him by virtue of the Nether Demon Flame, but if he wants to keep him here forever , if you don't pay a huge price, it will be difficult to do it.

After all, the strength of the Nether Demon Falcon is not much stronger than Nan Cheng's. Even if the Nether Demon Fire has evolved, it still contains a trace of a divine beast.

If Nan Cheng persisted to the end and risked his life, the harm he caused to the Nether Demon Falcon would make people afraid to face it. How could it be easy for a Xuanwu master to counterattack when he was dying?

To keep Nan Cheng here forever, Ye Chen has a better way!

A bright yellow light, at this moment, quietly shone on Ye Chen's palm.

That ray of light came from the Infinite Mirror, and the so-called better method that Ye Chen thought of was also because of the Infinite Mirror!

To this day, Ye Chen still doesn't understand the Infinity Mirror. After all, he obtained the latter by himself without any refining process. Even so, it doesn't hinder the Infinity Mirror's loyalty to Ye Chen. Ye Chen is not too clear about the magical powers of the infinite magic mirror.

However, the Infinity Mirror has a supernatural power, but it seems to be imprinted in the soul, making it impossible for Ye Chen to forget it!
That is, copy!

The Immeasurable Mirror can copy any treasure in the world. Even the Demon Emperor's Clock once suffered a catastrophe under the magical power of the Infinite Mirror. As a result, as the most treasure of the Demon World, it has been trapped in the ancient ruins for so many years. , Even if he got back to the original source, he had the chance to absorb the yin and yang soul, but he still hadn't fully recovered the Demon Emperor Bell.

From this point, people can know the frightening aspect of the infinite mirror.

Over the years of obtaining the Infinity Mirror, Ye Chen has rarely used the Infinity Mirror, and he has never used the so-called copying magic power.

Now, seeing Nan Cheng wanting to escape and seeing the Xuanqing Pagoda following closely behind, Ye Chen immediately remembered the supernatural power of the Infinite Mirror.

The Xuanqing Pagoda is Nan Cheng's lifelong painstaking effort. As long as the Xuanqing Pagoda is left here, I believe that Nan Cheng's mind will be restrained because of it. No matter whether he wants to escape or desperately, his strength will be greatly reduced. The price the eagle has to pay will be much smaller.

However, if you want to use the Infinity Mirror to show the supernatural power of copying, you need Ye Chen to have enough strength. It's not that he can do it just because he thinks about it!
At this moment, he hastily used the Infinity Mirror to copy Xuan Qing. If he was a little careless, not only would the copy be unsuccessful, but it would also cause serious damage to the Infinity Mirror. With Nan Cheng's strength, when he knew that Ye Chen still had such means in his hands In the future, on the northern mainland, Ye Chen will have difficulty moving an inch.

I am afraid that the supernatural power copied by the immeasurable magic mirror will be regarded as a tiger by the whole world, and it will be destroyed quickly!
But now, this is the best way, as long as Xuanqing Pagoda is restrained, there is a great chance to keep Nan Cheng forever, and the secret of the Infinite Mirror is not worried that Nan Cheng will spread it.


The yellow light illuminated the entire sky in an instant. Under the shroud of that light, it seemed that even time ran much slower. Therefore, everything in the space was affected.

With a flash of yellow light, it appeared on the Xuanqing Pagoda that was rushing rapidly.

At this moment, Nan Cheng suddenly noticed that Xuanqing Pagoda's following speed suddenly slowed down, to the point that it was about to stagnate.

Because in the Xuanqing Pagoda, there is still the source of the magic fire that has not been refined, so Nan Cheng can't take the Xuanqing Pagoda into his body, otherwise, Ye Chen would have thought of using the Xuanqing Pagoda to restrain Nan Cheng!
The bright yellow light, after a while, made the Xuanqing Pagoda seem to lose all its instincts, and all its supernatural powers disappeared because of the yellow light, and it was suspended in mid-air. If it had double pupils, it would be known, now The Xuanqing Pagoda completely froze.


Realizing this scene, Nan Cheng cursed angrily. He couldn't throw away the Xuanqing Pagoda. The treasure that he had cultivated for many years was almost a part of Nan Cheng's body. To him, losing the Xuanqing Pagoda was like losing the Xuanqing Pagoda. The body is the most important thing, so he can't just leave it.

"Hey, old man, if I were you, I would run as far as I can. Although the treasure is good, is it more important than life?"

What Ye Chen is going to do, Nether Demon Eagle is not very clear, but he knows that Nan Cheng has become a turtle in a urn, and it will be easier for him to be stimulated and clean up.

"Go away!"

Being one with Xuanqing Pagoda, Nan Cheng naturally sensed that under the shroud of yellow light, the Xuanqing Pagoda was slowly undergoing subtle changes, and these changes were not only weird, but also frightened him. Cheng has no doubt that his Xuanqing Pagoda will no longer be complete from now on!

So at this moment, even if he was facing the Nether Demon Falcon, Nan Cheng was very tough!
With a wave of his hand, a torrent of spiritual power took shape in an instant, and then, like a roaring ocean, ruthlessly charged towards the Nether Demon Falcon.

Even Nan Cheng in its heyday, the Nether Demon Eagle is still not afraid, let alone the current Nan Cheng!

The huge wings were like knives. After splitting the torrent of spiritual power in two, they cut fiercely at Nan Cheng, so that he must not disturb Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to the battle between the two masters of the Xuanwu realm, and Mei Aoxue didn't pay attention to it either. She was also curious about what Ye Chen wanted to do.

Before he was sure enough, Ye Chen naturally didn't let the Infinity Mirror appear in the sky, so as not to startle Nan Cheng, making the latter discover the key and flee desperately.

Therefore, the Infinity Mirror is only in the palm of Ye Chen!
Looking up in the direction of the Xuanqing Pagoda, Ye Chen couldn't help being startled. After getting the Infinite Mirror, he used it very few times, but even after those few times of use, the Infinite Mirror didn't work. It should have the power to come.

until now. . . .Under the shroud of light, the Xuanqing Pagoda lost almost all of its power to resist. For the supreme treasure, the power of the Infinite Mirror is actually so great.

"Dayu Divine Cauldron!"

Ye Chen jumped onto the Dayu Divine Cauldron, and then, the Divine Cauldron shot out quickly, leading Ye Chen directly to the Xuanqing Pagoda, with the help of the huge body of the Nether Magic Falcon as a barrier, the Immeasurable Divine Mirror, for the first time, in Ye Chen Hands, face to face with other treasures!


At this moment, the Xuanqing Pagoda trembled heavily. It seemed that it meant fear or fear. Perhaps it felt that a great crisis was coming. A gust of icy power suddenly burst out from the Xuanqing Pagoda. The shrouded yellow light was forcibly dispelled.

However, no matter how the Xuanqing Pagoda works, the green lights all over the sky are still suppressed by the yellow light, making it difficult to do more.

Although Nan Cheng couldn't see such a scene, he could sense it. It was the first time since he got the Xuanqing Pagoda that he felt fear in the Xuanqing Pagoda.

This made Nan Cheng even more worried, but he couldn't break through the Nether Demon Eagle's defense!

"It looks like, I don't need me at all!"

The moment the Immeasurable Mirror appeared, it suppressed the Xuanqing Pagoda firmly on the spot, and at this moment, the yellow light penetrated into the Xuanqing Pagoda at an extremely fast speed, which made Ye Chen very relieved.

He was worried before that because of his insufficient strength, he would not be able to make the Infinity Mirror copy the Xuanqing Pagoda smoothly, but now it seems that the worry is superfluous.

Of course, this has something to do with Nan Cheng being pinned down by the Nether Demon Eagle, otherwise, how could it be so smooth!
The yellow light entered into the Xuanqing Pagoda as if it was a matter of course, and not long after, the light of the Xuanqing Pagoda itself completely disappeared. Looking around, it seemed that the Xuanqing Pagoda had changed its appearance completely, becoming something else completely.

At this time, even Ye Chen could clearly sense that the aura of the Xuanqing Pagoda itself was rapidly weakening, that is to say, its original source was being absorbed bit by bit by the Infinite Mirror.

At a certain moment, perhaps absorbing enough of the origin of the Xuanqing Pagoda, suddenly, in the smooth mirror surface of the Infinity Mirror, there is a blurry shadow quietly appearing.

Although the shadow is blurry, Ye Chen can still distinguish it, that is the shadow of Xuanqing Pagoda!

It is not surprising that the object to be illuminated appears in the mirror. When we look in the mirror, we can see exactly the same self in the mirror, the difference is only that the direction is different from the left to the right.

But now, although the shadow is very blurred, compared with the real Xuanqing Pagoda, there is no difference in direction. It is more like a brand new iron tower appearing in the Infinite Mirror.

"You bastard, what did you do to the Xuanqing Pagoda?"

The sound of Nan Cheng's fury resounded through the sky, and he was connected with Xuanqing Pagoda. Although the Xuanqing Pagoda has not been completely copied at this moment, how can he not sense the great changes in Xuanqing Pagoda.

He already felt that half of his heart seemed to have been dug away. That was because half of the origin of the Xuanqing Pagoda had disappeared out of thin air. The tower is no longer as perfect as usual, it is even more impossible, and it has the power it once had.

"Old man, it's already this time, do you still care about other things?"

The Nether Demon Falcon smiled coldly, and the attack suddenly became more powerful. The Nether Demon Flames seemed to turn into oceans, imprisoning all the surrounding lands. Obviously, it also knew that what Ye Chen had done had come to an end. critical moment.

Under the restraint of the Nether Magic Falcon, no matter it is Ye Chen or the Wuliangshen Mirror, they can copy the Xuanqing Pagoda wholeheartedly. Gradually, in the mirror, the blurry figure begins to become clear, just like the real one. Xuanqing Pagoda, perfect!

(End of this chapter)

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