Chapter 376
In the sky, the light emitted by the Infinity Mirror is already extremely bright!
Under the shroud of light like the light of heaven and earth, the breath of Xuanqing Pagoda is already very weak, especially when the identical iron tower appears in the mirror, Xuanqing Pagoda seems to have lost all its brilliance, floating in the sky, even if it is close So close, if he didn't know that the Xuanqing Pagoda is a treasure, Ye Chen would not believe it at all now, the Xuanqing Pagoda is a treasure!
The damage done by the Infinite Mirror to the Supreme Treasure is so terrifying!
Based on Ye Chen's cognition, he felt that even if he was hit head-on with all his strength by a master of the Xuanwu realm, it would be impossible to make the Xuanqing Pagoda look like this.

The iron tower in the Immeasurable Mirror is already extremely clear. It is exactly the same as the real Xuanqing Tower, regardless of each other. The difference is that the power and origin of the real Xuanqing Tower seem to be absorbed by the Infinite Mirror. Out of the iron tower in the mirror.

Therefore, the iron tower in the mirror is full of breath, like a real treasure. On the other hand, the real Xuanqing Tower is suspended in the sky like scrap iron, which is too horrible to look at!
The change has not ended at this moment, because the duplicated Xuanqing Pagoda only exists in an illusory form, and does not exist in the space between heaven and earth in a physical form.

The Immeasurable Divine Mirror spun rapidly, and the yellow light flourished, but at the same time, another ray of light quietly emerged from the Infinite Divine Mirror.

The light is light blue, exactly the same as the Xuanqing Pagoda itself!
Gradually, the pale blue light became more and more intense, radiating in mid-air, condensed but not scattered, and shrouded in the space.

Ye Chen's pupils shrank sharply, and Mei Aoxue, who was closely watching Ye Chen, also tightened her beautiful eyes at this moment. Both of them saw that a shadow slowly emerged from the strong light blue light , that shadow is exactly the same as Xuanqing Pagoda!
Mei Aoxue didn't expect that Ye Chen could still draw gourds and create an identical Xuanqing Pagoda. It was the first time for Ye Chen to see the treasure of heaven and earth copied by the infinite mirror, and he was surprised!

When the copied Xuanqing Pagoda quietly floated in the space accompanied by the Infinite Mirror, Nan Cheng, who was in the battle, couldn't help but spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The successful copying of the Xuanqing Pagoda means that at least half of the origin of the Xuanqing Pagoda has been lost. How could Nan Cheng, who was connected with it and put so much effort into it, not be hurt by it.

The real Xuanqing Pagoda seems to have become a replica, and the replica is radiant and exquisite like a perfect work of art.

Ye Chensen smiled coldly, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the real Xuanqing Pagoda in his hands. The Xuanqing Pagoda, which lost at least half of its origin, had just suffered such a serious injury. The towers are also like newborn babies, without the slightest resistance.

"come out!"

Ye Chen gave a cold drink, and from the Xuanqing Pagoda, the source of the magic fire rushed out and entered Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen and the Nether Demon Eagle are not only connected by blood, but also for the sake of Ye Chen's safety in the lord's stage, they have concluded a blood oath that is closer and more unacceptable. If the Nether Demon Eagle has it, Ye Chen can naturally have it However, even though the origin of the magic fire belongs to the real possession of the ghost magic eagle, Ye Chen can still use it.

In Ye Chen's body, it is almost exactly the same as in the Nether Demon Eagle's body!
"Ha ha!"

When the source of the magic fire returned to Ye Chen's body, the Nether Demon Eagle immediately sensed that although it was fine to be trapped in the Xuanqing Pagoda, it was the source of the magic fire after all, and it was in the same line as the Nether Demon Eagle. Somewhat uncomfortable.

Now that he is back, the Nether Magic Falcon is not only relaxed, but also in great condition!
One after another ghost flames converged into a sea, with itself as the center, covering an area of ​​[-] meters in radius. Now, Nan Cheng, who was already in a bad state, became even more sluggish because of the change in the Xuanqing Pagoda. A master of the Xuanwu realm, with his previous strength, can still display [-]% of his strength at this moment, which is already a matter of great joy.

Seventy percent of the strength is naturally not enough to resist the attack of the Nether Demon Eagle. The monstrous demon flames are as cold as ice, and the high temperature is freezing. , becoming weaker and weaker!

After all, he was still a master of the Xuanwu realm. When the fatal crisis appeared, Nan Cheng woke up immediately. He didn't know what happened to the Xuanqing Pagoda, but this must have something to do with Ye Chen!

"Ye Chen, this old man swears that in this life, one day, this old man will cut off your head, imprison your soul forever, and make you immortal!"

Amidst the rage, Nan Cheng tried his best, and without the help of the treasure, he certainly couldn't be the opponent of the Nether Demon Eagle, but at this moment, in order to save his life, the attack under anger still made the world change color.

A torrent of spiritual power quickly gathered into a sea, and the terrifying coercion swept out. While crushing the surrounding space, it also forced the Nether Demon Eagle back.

Immediately, that old figure, with a look of extreme embarrassment, rushed towards the distant place without looking back. Obviously, Nan Cheng also knew that with the speed displayed by his current state, he could not It might be faster than the Nether Demon Falcon, so before leaving, the space behind him completely collapsed and turned into extreme chaos.

"Nan Cheng!"

The Nether Demon Falcon had just chased it out, and Ye Chen's voice resounded through the sky!

"Unexpectedly, the dignified Cang Pavilion's top masters have also learned to escape. It's really a joke, and Nan Cheng, don't tell me you really don't want this Xuanqing Pagoda?"

Ye Chen shouted indifferently: "I think, if you destroy it, in your current state, can you escape from the pursuit of the magic eagle? And you must not doubt whether I have destroyed the Xuanqing Pagoda that ability!"

Although Nan Cheng didn't know that the Xuanqing Pagoda had already been copied into another one, but the Xuanqing Pagoda's sudden change, and now, he was being held by others without any resistance, especially in his eyes, this person was no different from an ant. . . .This already left Nan Cheng with no reason to doubt that Ye Chen was not capable enough to destroy the Xuanqing Pagoda!
Mentioning the Xuanqing Pagoda, Nan Cheng's figure who quickly fled away couldn't help but pause. It was his hard work for many years, and it was not a last resort. Who would give up years of hard work?

Nan Cheng is also a very decisive person, otherwise, he would not choose to escape at this time, but after hearing Ye Chen's words, even if he was decisive, he still hesitated.

If Ye Chen destroys the Xuanqing Pagoda, then. . . .

It was during this short period of stagnation that the huge figure that covered the sky and the sun seemed to appear on top of Nan Cheng's head with the smell of a god of death. Terrible ghost flames!

The Nether Demon Flame shrouded the surrounding space once again, and this time, the Nether Demon Falcon obviously did not want Nan Cheng to escape alive. When the Demon Flame swept through the void, its huge figure seemed to blend into the void. In general, it has become somewhat illusory and transparent.

As long as one is in the realm of martial arts, he will have his own domain. As a master of the Xuanwu realm, the Nether Demon Falcon also has its own unique domain. Kill here!

Looking at the sky, Nan Cheng, surrounded by the Nether Demon Falcon's Domain, looked extremely small. His former basalt master's demeanor was completely gone in the former domain. Looking around, he looked like an old man waiting to die in his dying years.

However, neither the Nether Demon Eagle nor Ye Chen has the slightest underestimation of the current Nan Cheng. When a person is in a crisis, he can often exert twice or even twice as much power as before.

If Nan Cheng would choose the last path, it would still be extremely terrifying, but facing such a final outcome, it is very likely that Nan Cheng would choose that path.


Ye Chen handed the Xuanqing Pagoda to Mei Aoxue, and immediately said in a low voice: "Look at the Xuanqing Pagoda, I will help Magic Eagle."

Mei Aoxue couldn't help but froze for a moment, what could Ye Chen do to help the two masters of the Xuanwu realm fight to the death?

Ye Chen didn't explain anything. With the help of Dayu Divine Cauldron, he quickly came out of the Nether Demon Eagle's domain, and then, as if there was nothing, penetrated the domain and appeared on the Nether Demon Eagle's huge body.

Nan Cheng, who seemed to be in despair at first, suddenly became energetic at this moment: "Ye Chen, I will drag you to hell with me!"

"I am waiting for you!"

Ye Chen said indifferently, if he dared to come, he was sure.

"Okay, very good, if you want to make a potential list for people your age on the northern continent, I definitely think that you will be the well-deserved No.1 in that list. So, I can drag you Once you die, this old man's death is worth it!"


When these words fell, majestic spiritual power surged out from Nan Cheng's body in a frenzied manner.

This is the domain of the Nether Demon Falcon. Nan Cheng's own cultivation base and strength did not exceed that of the Nether Demon Falcon, so his overall strength was naturally suppressed.

Today's spiritual power is less than [-]% of usual, but to Ye Chen, it is still fatal.

With the Nether Demon Falcon, the so-called fatality does not seem to exist!
But Ye Chen knew that this was just the beginning!
Sure enough, after a while, the spiritual power that was suppressed because of the domain suddenly increased to the peak moment of the past, and, even more so, it seemed that in that instant, Nan Cheng's cultivation base skyrocketed several levels.

Such a surge made Nan Cheng's spiritual power thick, extremely majestic and terrifying, the Nether Demon Eagle's domain could no longer suppress the former, and was trembling violently.

The reason for this is because Nan Cheng's body was already clearly visible. There was a black light moving slowly, revealing an extremely terrifying aura of destruction!

But these, Ye Chen is not surprised, even if he doesn't show up, I believe Nan Cheng will choose this way, his arrival only speeds up Nan Cheng's choice!

(End of this chapter)

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