Chapter 378
The northern continent is boundless!
Even with the power of Dahuang, they dare not assert that the place where Dahuang is located must be the center of the northern continent!
However, on this northern continent, there is an area that is recognized as a holy place!
This place may not be the center of the northern continent, but because of the Cang Pavilion, it has become a place of worship for countless people.

Yunshan is in the depths, unattainable!

On the top of the mountain, there are many pavilions, forming a majestic and majestic momentum.

This is the Cang Pavilion, and among the numerous pavilions, there is a tower-like pavilion, like a sword that opens the sky, standing in the group of pavilions, with its unique height and style, it looks down on all the surrounding pavilions.

This pavilion is quiet and quiet. In the Cang Pavilion, apart from the owner of the Cang Pavilion, there are only a few elders who are qualified enough to enter this pavilion. On weekdays, even if they are against the sky, they have not been summoned. None are allowed in.

At the top of the pavilion, the space is not too big. Here, there are three people sitting cross-legged in the shape of a character. On the wall behind the head of the old man, there are several crystal clear jade pendants, emitting a faint light, revealing a touch of Extremely full of vitality.

But at this moment, the light of one of the jade pendants suddenly disappeared, and the vitality it belonged to also disappeared. After a while, the exquisite jade pendant shattered from it, making a slight clicking sound.

Although the voice was very soft, how could it be concealed from the three old men present.

"That's it? The fourth brother's command card!"

The broken jade pendant flew to the center of the three of them, the fading light and the non-existent vitality all made the expressions of the three old men extremely deep, especially. . . .

When the three old men couldn't detect any familiar aura from the broken jade pendant, their expressions were not only deep, but also revealed endless killing intent.

The entire Cang Pavilion became extremely depressed because of the sudden killing intent, the sky seemed to change color, and everyone looked at the place where the killing intent came from.

As expected of Cang Pavilion, the sudden change did not make Cang Pavilion panic at all!

"Fourth, the body is dead and the dao is gone!"

The old man said in a hoarse voice.

Even though I already knew that this was the result, hearing it now, it still made the eyes of the other two old men reveal extreme grief and indignation. If this is not the Cang Pavilion, I am afraid that these two people will turn this place into one. nothingness.

"Brother, I'm going down the mountain immediately, no matter who it is, they will have to pay an even worse price!" The silver-haired old man on the right sternly shouted.

The elder at the head took a deep breath, waved his hand immediately, and said: "The master of the pavilion is retreating. This retreat is very important to our Cang Pavilion. The three of us are protecting the Dharma, so we must not leave easily."

"Then the fourth one, did he just go there without knowing why?" the silver-haired old man asked.

"I don't understand?"

The old man at the head shouted: "Just after the master of the pavilion is out of the customs, no matter who did it, the old man will kill it all over the house, implicate the nine clans, and let their souls never be reborn!"

No one doubts the weight of this old man. In the entire northern continent, except for the masters of Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion, this old man's strength is enough to compete with the masters of other first-class forces.

The strength of the Cang Pavilion is because, in the Cang Pavilion, the power that deters the northern continent, besides the owner of the Cang Pavilion, there is another person, this old man!
"Brother, although we have to wait for the Pavilion Master to leave the customs, we can also do some things in advance, and, the fourth brother's Xuanqing Pagoda?" the old man with long beard on the left said in a deep voice.

The old man at the head nodded, and then calmly shouted: "Let the young master come to see the old man! The Xuanqing Pagoda is the work of the fourth child all his life, how can you allow others to get involved?"

Under the night sky, Mei Aoxue was still refining the Xuanqing Pagoda, and the ghost magic eagle was protecting her, which was enough to keep her safe.

"My lord, you are seriously injured, Miss Mei still has some time left, you should heal your injuries first!" said the Nether Magic Falcon.

Ye Chen was about to respond, when suddenly, the sky that had just calmed down not long ago began to gather again, and soon, one after another of dark clouds gathered crazily, and the entire night sky became invisible!


Ye Chen frowned. If a normal storm was coming, it might be so sudden. However, in the dark clouds, there would not be an extremely strong aura of destruction.

"My catastrophe is coming!"

The Nether Demon Falcon said in a deep voice, when it looked towards the sky, its pupils revealed a deep solemnity.

"Heavenly Tribulation!"

Ye Chen's brows were tightly frowned. The Nether Demon Eagle had been evolving in his body. After waking up, he had a battle with Nan Cheng. During this period, nothing unusual happened. It will happen to the ghost magic eagle.

Didn't expect it, just postponed!
The reason why it is difficult for monsters to grow is because there are too many catastrophes. Every level, such as the success of evolution, such as the advancement to the realm of martial arts, has to face the catastrophe of the sky. Only after successfully passing through can the level of the realm be perfected!
Compared with the cultivation of monsters, human beings are obviously much more relaxed. Although they also have to face the catastrophe of the heavens, compared with monsters, it is still much less.

Of course, everything has pros and cons. The basic lifespan of human beings is far less than that of monsters. Moreover, although there are many catastrophes, whether or not the cultivation level will increase after each pass, the body is strong after being tortured by the catastrophe. The speed will definitely increase a lot because of this.

This is also the reason why the powerful monsters have extremely terrifying physical strength. They have experienced many catastrophes and baptisms, so how can they become stronger without changing.

If it was a normal catastrophe, Ye Chen wouldn't be worried about the Nether Demon Eagle. After all, the latter's strength lies here, and there are such terrible methods as the Nether Demon Flame. But now, after a battle with Nan Cheng, Those who consume a lot, I am afraid that it will be difficult to survive this catastrophe.

"Magic Eagle, take these pills!"

Ye Chen immediately handed over the elixir to Nether Demon Eagle, and then said: "If you need help, just speak out, I may be able to help you."

The Heavenly Tribulation of the monsters in the Xuanwu Realm is undoubtedly powerful and terrifying, but the Nether Demon Eagle knows that this is not just Ye Chen's words, and the latter's trump card is not impossible to resist the sky thunder once.

However, the Nether Demon Falcon has its own arrogance, and for monsters, the catastrophe is certainly terrifying, but it is also a rare encounter. If you bear it all by yourself, you will get more benefits.

Every catastrophe is a guarantee that the monsters will become stronger, and if there is no special reason, they don't want to trouble others.

After receiving the elixir, the Nether Demon Falcon said: "My lord, please be at ease. After several years of evolution, even I myself don't know exactly how much I have obtained. This time, it is just for me to test myself."

"Well then, be more careful!"

Ye Chen didn't force it, of course he understood the significance of Heavenly Tribulation to monsters.

In fact, when human beings are about to overcome calamity, they usually hope to bear it by their own strength.

"Boom, boom!"

Above the sky, a terrifying vortex of dark clouds has formed. When the vortex rotates, it seems to have turned into a huge black hole in the universe. From the black hole, silver thunderbolts emerge like angry dragons, making the entire sky, All shaking violently.

After only a split second, the thousands of silver thunderbolts that emerged from the vortex of the dark clouds mercilessly charged towards the Nether Demon Eagle who was already in midair like a torrential rain.

Looking around, it seemed to be a thunderstorm, with countless thunderstorms intertwined in one place, and no matter how powerful it was, just the destructive aura surging in the sky was enough to make people tremble with fear.

And this is just the first wave of catastrophe!

Generally speaking, there are three waves of Heavenly Tribulation, and one wave is more powerful than the last.

Over the years, although Ye Chen has never seen the so-called catastrophe, he also knows that the first wave of catastrophe is so terrible, which is really rare!
This may be because the Nether Demon Falcon has been evolving in its own body. When it reached the realm of martial arts, it should have accepted a catastrophe, but it didn't. After the evolution was successful, it should also accept the catastrophe, but it only appeared at this time.

Obviously, before this, because of Nan Cheng, the Nether Demon Falcon deliberately suppressed itself, thereby delaying the coming of the catastrophe, and at the same time making the power of the catastrophe even more terrifying.

"Magic Eagle, be careful!" Ye Chen couldn't help shouting.

"Hey, don't worry, my lord, this is exactly what I need, otherwise, in this life, I may not be able to evolve the blood in my body to the level of a beast, and I will not be able to escape the metamorphosis."

The Nether Demon Falcon said in a deep voice: "The Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying, it is precisely because I have sensed a trace of the beast breath in me now, so only when the Heavenly Tribulation becomes stronger and I endure it, can I take that trace of the beast breath in my body to the real level. Take it back for your own use, so as to capture the opportunity to evolve again."

While the Nether Demon Falcon was speaking, thousands of silver thunderbolts, like a rainstorm, fell overwhelmingly, and then landed on the huge body of the Nether Demon Eagle unceremoniously.

The body of a monster in the Xuanwu Realm, even if it has not experienced the catastrophe, is still very powerful. Even Ye Chen dare not say that his body in the Cangxuan Hualongjue Melting Blood Realm can compare with the Nether Demon Eagle.

However, under the bombardment of thousands of thunderbolts, the huge figure of the Nether Demon Falcon was forcibly knocked off the ground, and then, its skin was torn apart, and fresh blood continuously seeped out from its body.

In this wave of attacks, although the Nether Demon Falcon did not resist at all, but resisted all the attacks with its body, it was instantly injured, and the injuries were not serious, which shows the horror of this catastrophe.

The first wave of thunder power that lasted for several minutes finally came to an end, but above the sky, the huge vortex of dark clouds like a cosmic black hole was spinning faster and deeper, as if it was about to swallow This piece of land is average.

While spinning like this, there is also a silver light, slowly dissociated from it. . . .There are not many, and there are no thousands of ways before, only three ways.

But it is the destructive aura released by these three silver rays of light, which is stronger and more terrifying than the sum of the previous thousands of rays!
(End of this chapter)

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