Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 379: Realm of Martial Arts

Chapter 379: Realm of Martial Arts

In the sky, three huge silver beams of light were extremely bright, like three angry dragons, turning the entire sky upside down, and the extremely terrifying destructive aura made the space tens of miles around complete. The vacuum of nothingness!
When the three angry dragons floated in the sky and emerged from the vortex of dark clouds, the sky seemed to exist only for them, and the aura in the entire space rushed towards the three silver beams of light, and immediately. . . .

Ye Chen suddenly saw that the three silver thunderbolts seemed to have great spirituality, and they actually absorbed the surging spiritual energy!
Countless auras melted in, and the volume of the three silver thunderbolts did not increase dramatically because of this, but their power became stronger and more terrifying in an instant!


Before the silver thunder fell, the terrifying power it caused seemed to freeze the entire sky. Looking around, with the three thunders as the center, space cracks continued to spread rapidly out of the surrounding void. It was forcibly torn apart.

Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help but tighten. This is the power of the sky, the irresistible power of the sky. The power of these three thunderbolts alone is almost a point or two stronger than Nan Cheng's self-destructing power!

"Magic Eagle!"

Although this is what the Nether Demon Falcon wishes to see, the greater the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, the more thorough and perfect it will evolve this time, but the power is so great. . . .
Heavenly Tribulation has always been a double-edged sword, and the benefits of success are endless, but if it fails, it will disappear in smoke!
Many monsters died of hatred under the catastrophe. This kind of thing is too normal!

Ye Chen's body, the Great Yu Divine Cauldron, the Demon Emperor's Bell, and the Immeasurable Mirror have all floated out. If something goes wrong, they will lose the three great treasures and protect the Nether Demon Eagle!
The three great treasures are naturally powerful. With the gradual improvement of Ye Chen's strength, the role they can play will become greater and greater in the future, but compared with the Nether Demon Eagle, they are all willing to give up!
The item is gone, so you can find a way to continue to get it in the future, but the Nether Magic Falcon only has this end!
"Young master, don't worry, don't worry!"

Seeing Ye Chen's nervousness, the Nether Demon Falcon flitting in mid-air said confidently, at this moment, it seems that its power has been fully demonstrated, and its monstrous power is like the endless and majestic waves, sweeping out endlessly.

The power of thunder from above the sky was all stopped in the face of this monstrous power!


The clear and sharp cry resounded through the sky, and one can only see that when the monstrous power was released to the extreme, the pair of wings of hanging clouds shook violently, and the huge figure shot towards the sky. !


At this time, the Nether Demonic Flames rolled out, turning into countless Dawson white fire pillars, rushing straight out, and rushed towards the three silver thunderbolts fiercely.

Facing this terrible heavenly punishment thunder calamity, the Nether Demon Eagle actually chose to take the initiative to attack!
This is also in line with the character of the Nether Demon Falcon!

Although the bloodline is only a mysterious beast, but the so-called hell messenger, even compared to some divine beasts, is not too much. One of the masters, in the face of Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation, it can't blindly resist passively.

And those three silver thunderbolts seemed to have sensed the active provocation of the Nether Demon Eagle. Immediately, the rumbling sound became deeper and deeper, as if the sky was wrathful, making people feel that this space is extremely far away from themselves. near.

A moment later, three silver thunderbolts moved violently, like a dragon sailing out to sea, carrying a vast destructive force, and mercilessly slammed down against the countless Dawson white pillars of fire.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The silver thunderbolt collided with the countless white fire pillars in mid-air. At this time, the whole world seemed to explode at this time. The loud rumbling sound actually made the earthquake tremble violently. Cracks spread rapidly from the ground, extremely terrifying.

The three silver thunderbolts, compared with the countless Dawson's white fire pillars, are naturally extremely rare in number, but they are extremely terrifying, and with the momentum of destructive descending, the countless Dawson's white fire pillars are counted down in an instant. away in shock.

Afterwards, the three silver thunderbolts remained undiminished, and after a short pause, they fell straight into the sky with the same terrifying momentum, piercing through all the chaos in the space, and finally bombarded the body of the huge monster.


Amidst the crowing of the eagle, there was finally a cry of pain. Looking around, wrapped in that bright silver brilliance, the huge body of the Nether Demon Eagle seemed vulnerable.

Immediately, when the silver brilliance completely weakened on this huge body, the Nether Demon Falcon fell heavily from the midair again.


Suddenly, a huge deep pit with no end in sight appeared on the ground!
The Nether Demon Falcon seemed to have lost all its strength in the deep pit, and was unable to stand up all at once. It was lying in the deep pit, breathing intermittently. Obviously, it was seriously injured.

This is only the second wave of Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation, and the Nether Demon Falcon has been seriously injured. Can it withstand the last wave of attacks?
"My lord, don't worry about me, don't worry, I've been preparing for this catastrophe for too long, nothing will happen."

Feeling Ye Chen's worry, the voice of the Nether Demon Eagle rang directly in Ye Chen's mind.

Although the voice sounded no longer as stable as it used to be, it was still calm, and in the calmness, it was also full of incomparable determination and confidence.

Ye Chen's eyes trembled slightly. He chose to believe in the Nether Demon Eagle. However, the three great treasures were all around him. At this moment, the rays of light soared up from each other, illuminating the sky with brilliance.

The two waves of catastrophe have passed, and although the Nether Demon Eagle in the deep pit was seriously injured, it is still alive and has not died under the catastrophe. Therefore, the dark cloud vortex in the sky has not disappeared because of this, and its rotation seems to have changed. more quickly.


The sky and the earth were trembling, spinning to the extreme in the vortex of dark clouds, and gradually, a destructive aura spread out by itself, and the strong aura quickly condensed under the vortex. . . .
Ye Chen's expression was suddenly startled, because he sensed that the condensed aura of destruction, although still invisible, gave off a substantive feeling.

This feeling lasted for just a moment, when he was shocked to see a silver brilliance slowly appearing from the dark cloud vortex, and then covering the condensed aura of destruction.

The silver light covering the destructive aura became more and more bright, until finally, it turned into an incomparably huge beam of light, looking at it, it was like an Optimus Prime penetrating the entire world.

This is not a real thunder, because there is no power of thunder contained in it. However, there is a silver light flooding in and turning into that huge beam of light, which makes people feel that this is thunder.

The difference is that this thunder is condensed by the breath of destruction!

The thunder beam condensed completely by the aura of destruction is unheard of and never seen before, but it is certain that its might is as powerful as a blow from a master of the Heavenly Martial Realm.

With such power, the Nether Demon Falcon has it. . . .

Before Ye Chen could worry about whether the Nether Demon Falcon would be able to survive the last wave of heavenly punishment and thunder disaster, he suddenly saw that there were dark clouds gathering in the sky again, turning into another dark cloud vortex!
This is a new dark cloud vortex, which does not appear in the same area, and it does not seem to have much relationship with the existing dark cloud vortex, and, in terms of the surging breath, it is also very different from the latter .

At this time, how could a new dark cloud vortex appear?
If it is the cataclysm of the Nether Demon Eagle this time, it feels that the power is not enough, and a new catastrophe will appear, then, the power of the new catastrophe should not be so much weaker.

But if not, why, such a strange scene happened!
In the new dark cloud vortex, there is still a destructive aura, and there is still a silver light surging in it, making people know that this is also a sign of the catastrophe.

How could there be a new catastrophe?
Ye Chen was slightly stunned, and after a while, he seemed to think of something, turned sideways suddenly, and looked at Mei Aoxue!

At this moment, Mei Aoxue seemed to have successfully refined the Xuanqing Pagoda. She stood quietly, looking at the dark cloud vortex that had newly appeared in the distance, and a rush of fighting intent surged out.

That fighting spirit, her breath. . . .That turned out to be far beyond the peak of Linghai!

It turned out that Mei Aoxue had already reached the state of martial arts, so her Heavenly Tribulation had come.

It stands to reason that Mei Aoxue can reach the realm of martial arts today, which is very happy news, but, the time is a bit wrong, before the catastrophe of the Nether Demon Eagle is over, there will be a new catastrophe, that is inevitable. . . .
Before Ye Chen could completely bring up the restless thoughts in his mind, that day!
The disproportionately powerful two groups of dark cloud whirlpools are rushing toward each other quickly even though they are separated by a long distance.

These two great catastrophes, unexpectedly, want to blend together!
Never before have humans and monsters chosen to go through the catastrophe at the same time, because this is not a simple matter of one plus one equals two, and the power of the catastrophe at the same time will increase by at least two times, or even several times. .

Although Mei Aoxue's Heavenly Tribulation is relatively weaker, as long as the two Great Heavenly Tribulations are fused together, the power of that level will be doubled. . . .
Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Aoxue, you're too good at picking your time, aren't you?"

For Mei Aoxue and the Nether Demon Eagle, the multiplied Heavenly Tribulation was beyond their expectation.

"I don't want to either. I thought that after going through this incident, I would reach the Martial Realm in the shortest possible time, but I never thought that the process of refining the Xuanqing Pagoda would actually shorten this time a lot."

Mei Aoxue was also very helpless, but there was no trace of fear in her expression. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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