Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 380 Black Demon Thunder

Chapter 380 Black Demon Thunder

Looking at the Heavenly Tribulation from a distance, the high fighting spirit continuously gushes out from Mei Aoxue's body!

It seems to be infected by Mei Aoxue, in the huge deep pit in the distance, the fighting spirit from the Nether Demon Eagle is extremely powerful at this moment!

The two fighting intents were intertwined in mid-air. Although the Nether Demon Falcon was much stronger, it couldn't suppress Mei Aoxue just by fighting intent alone!

Feeling this, Ye Chen relaxed slightly.

Regardless of how much the Nether Demon Falcon has prepared for today's catastrophe, even if a new catastrophe appears and is merging, it will not deter the former.

And Mei Aoxue!

With her strength, the spiritual power in her body has long been saturated, and she has already accumulated enough power to attack the realm of martial arts!

It's just because the realm of martial arts doesn't reach the mortal level and the spiritual level. Not only does one need enough strength, but also a sense of understanding. Even if Mei Aoxue is so outstanding, that understanding is still incomplete.

But no matter what, the power is enough!
Ye Chen never thought that Mei Aoxue would reach the realm of martial arts today, it seems that Nan Cheng did a good thing.

The Xuanqing Pagoda is Nan Cheng's life-long painstaking effort. That supreme treasure, of course, has the martial arts experience imprinted on it when Nan Cheng cultivated it. These have obviously been fully accepted by Mei Aoxue, otherwise, it would not be possible to reach it so quickly. The realm of martial arts.

Therefore, Mei Aoxue's strength is already sufficient, and she also obtained out of thin air, Nan Cheng's so-called true inheritance. These are all for Mei Aoxue to enter the realm of martial arts for the first time, but her strength is not as good as those who have entered the realm of real martial arts for many years. Some masters will not be inferior in the slightest!

This is Mei Aoxue's confidence, and it is also her strong confidence in facing the catastrophe now!


In the sky, the two great catastrophes finally collided in one place. There was no terrible collision with each other. When they touched each other, they merged quietly and quickly without knowing it. Only the roaring thunder Only then can people know what is happening in the sky at this moment.

Looking around, when the two great catastrophes really merged into one place, the entire sky suddenly became darker, and it was almost impossible to see.

The fused dark cloud vortex did not become bigger, but shrunk countless times. Looking at it from the distance between the sky and the earth, the newly formed dark cloud vortex was only the size of a palm.

However, such a small dark cloud vortex is already extremely dark, as if it was born from the incomparable darkness, not only does it contain an extremely terrifying aura of destruction, but it is also filled with a powerful devouring power like a black hole in the universe breath.

Obviously, after the fusion of the two Great Tribulations, an extremely strange and terrifying change has taken place!
Dark clouds are dark clouds!

The black cloud was also spinning, and it could be seen that in the spinning black cloud, there was a black thunder, like a huge black dragon wriggling, exuding an indescribable majesty of heaven and earth.

This is the real power of heaven and earth!

The two waves of Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation that came just now aimed at the Nether Demon Falcon are simply not worth mentioning compared to the power in front of them.

A deep roar resounded throughout the world, and under that roar, Ye Chen could sense that everything in the world was trembling, as if he couldn't bear this real shock. The power of heaven and earth.

At this time, among the swirling black clouds, the black thunder, like a black dragon entangled in a meandering way, seemed to wake up from the dream that had been sleeping for countless years, and suddenly. . . .
That indescribable, real majesty of heaven and earth, at this moment, suddenly boiled like boiling water, crazily boiling up, the black thunder has not yet made any move, the surrounding void has already burst open, Extremely amazing.


A moment later, the swirling black cloud suddenly stopped, and within it, the black thunder that had existed for a long time appeared in a shocking way.

The gigantic black thunderbolt is the Optimus Prime that penetrates the entire world. Its majesty is indescribable and cannot be copied!

"Black magic thunder!"

Ye Chen couldn't help trembling for a moment. Although he knew that after the fusion of the two great catastrophes, the new catastrophe would inevitably have unparalleled power, but he still didn't expect that he would turn into a black demon thunder!

The so-called black magic thunder, according to the rumors, is a terrible catastrophe after the divine beast breaks through the limit and truly grows up. It is also a catastrophe when human strength reaches this world and truly enters the realm.

A domain is not a domain!

The reason why martial arts masters are powerful, and the reason why they need a certain sense of heaven and earth to successfully step forward, is because martial arts masters can display their own unique fields.

But this realm is just an invisible existence, not real!
The real domain will have another name, that name is called Small World!

Only a master who has surpassed the realm of martial arts and has the ability to independently build a small world is called a domain master!

And the black magic thunder is a kind of catastrophe that only those masters who have stepped into the realm of the realm will have.

Therefore, although this black magic thunder is not the most terrifying catastrophe in the world, it is incredible to appear here.

The Nether Demon Falcon only possesses a trace of divine beast aura, and its bloodline is far from the level of a divine beast. Even if one day it successfully evolves and transforms into a divine beast, what appears will not be the Black Demon Thunder.

As for Mei Aoxue, she has only just stepped into the realm of martial arts, how could there be a black magic thunder?

Reaching the realm of martial arts, even if she hasn't gone through the catastrophe, the realm is not perfect, but to Mei Aoxue, the earth has lost the power to restrain her.

Mei Aoxue is like a fairy, floating in the mid-air, her beautiful eyes are looking at the black thunder, and the long sword in her hand is slowly unsheathed at this moment.


The clear and crisp sound of sword chant resounded through the sky, and an incomparably fierce sword intent pierced through the void, reverberating throughout the world.

Ten thousand feet of blue light, like a sky curtain, waved in the sky, and then, the green light condensed, and suddenly, a huge blue sword with a size of one hundred feet was slowly transformed into form.

When the long sword comes out, the world shakes!
With Mei Aoxue as the center, the thousand-meter radius was shrouded by the Peerless Sword Intent, and that place, impressively, had become a restricted area.

This is Mei Aoxue's domain. Even though she has just entered the realm of martial arts and has not experienced the punishment of heaven and thunder, her realm is not perfect, but this domain is not incomplete at all. Martial artist.

You must know that many people in the world need at least a year to perfect their own domain after stepping into the realm of martial arts. Mei Aoxue can achieve this level just after stepping into this realm, which shows her realm, It's so different from others.

In the field, Mei Aoxue faced the huge black magic thunder, slowly raised the long sword in her hand, and immediately slashed it down!


The [-]-foot blue giant sword suspended in the sky was just like the long sword in Mei Aoxue's hand, with the same posture, it slashed fiercely towards the Black Demon Thunder!
"it is good!"

The Nether Demon Eagle laughed in amazement: "What a beautiful sword, what a terrifying sword, Miss Mei, you are indeed worthy of my son!"

Amidst the loud laughter, a huge figure appeared in mid-air, billowing ghostly flames, and blazing around it. At this time, the ghostly magic eagle was not only wrapped in the ghostly flames. It was as if the Nether Magic Falcon blew itself up.

Because it has completely merged with the Nether Demon Flame, even Ye Chen can't tell it apart at this moment.


In the next moment, the blazing white flame turned into a huge white lightning, and in a single jump, it appeared in front of the Black Demon Thunder, and then, together with the blue giant sword, ruthlessly bumped into it.

The huge black magic thunder, with black light on the surface, seems to come from a dark world. When it flickers, it almost swallows people's minds. It looks at the sword indifferently, and the terrifying white lightning, almost piercing The black beam of light that pierced the sky and the earth floated out extremely lightly.


Under the shadow of the extremely deep dark light, the giant blue face disappeared immediately after holding on for less than a second, as if it had never left any mark on Heimolei's body.

Although Mei Aoxue's strength is far superior to that of her peers, but after all, she has just entered the realm of martial arts, and she is facing the black magic thunder, so it is only natural that she will be vulnerable.

However, the failure of the blue giant sword did not change Mei Aoxue's mood in the slightest. In the realm, her expression was as usual, but the green light was more intense with the long sword in her hand!
"Xuan Qing can't, Rong!"

An iron tower, floating in the domain, suddenly merged into the domain.

Ye Chen's eyes moved, unexpectedly, Nan Cheng's method was also inherited by Mei Aoxue.

The Xuanqing Pagoda merged into the domain, and when Mei Aoxue swept out that sword again, it was even more fierce!


In the sky, once again a hundred-foot-sized sword glow appeared out of thin air, carrying an invincible force, and for the second time, it slashed fiercely at the black demon thunder.

At this moment, the Nether Demon Falcon had enveloped the Black Demon Thunder with its own Nether Demon Flame, and then it exploded suddenly.

The dark white flames swept wildly. This blow was the Nether Demon Eagle's attack regardless of itself. Although it didn't self-destruct, the power is probably not far behind.

Therefore, even if the opponent is the Black Demon Thunder, at this moment, it seems to be riddled with holes.

When that sword slashed down for the second time, the black magic thunder that was riddled with holes also shook violently because of this, and the icy cold and high temperature surging in the white flames froze the surrounding area, causing The power of the black magic thunder can't be radiated out.

This catastrophe is aimed at Mei Aoxue and Nether Demon Eagle, therefore, Mei Aoxue is also the target of the Black Demon Thunder, if the Black Demon Thunder is frozen, it will greatly guarantee Mei Aoxue's Safety.


Shocking explosions continued to resound through the sky, even if it was dozens of miles away from Xuanhuo City, nearly a hundred miles away, that kind of sound made countless people in Xuanhuo City feel terrified.

Such power is beyond the cognition of these people, even Nie Guan can't detect it!

(End of this chapter)

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