Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 388 Quick Chapter

Chapter 388
"Ye Chen, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Chen walking back, Mei Aoxue immediately asked, she had to worry about Ye Chen's future strength.

Ye Chen breathed a little, and said, "Aoxue, the far west of Lingcang Continent, Huawai Tiangong, have you ever heard of this place?"

"Huawai Tiangong?"

Mei Aoxue raised her eyebrows lightly: "You mean, Fengshenjue and Yunshuangjue were obtained by Master Nie from Huawaitian Palace?"

Ye Chen nodded slightly, and exhaled again.

"Then, Huawai Tiangong, do you have to go?"

Mei Aoxue immediately asked, with a slightly dignified look on her face.

There is nothing special about the entire Lingcang Continent, and the so-called encounters on this continent cannot be seen by others. Therefore, the remote Lingcang Continent has never been a place that real masters want to compete for.

But, after all, it is a continent with a huge territory. After countless years of baptism, there are some places that people yearn for in Lingcang continent.

Among them, the most interesting one is the so-called Huawai Tiangong in the Far West!

Huawai Tiangong, of course, is not a palace, but the name of a region.

According to records, it is a place that has not been visited by many people so far. To many people, Huawai Tiangong is extremely unfamiliar. They have only heard of it, but they have never been there.

So after many years, people in Lingcang Continent only yearn for Huawai Tiangong, because they have never been there.

However, yearning to return to yearning is just yearning, and no one is willing to go to Huawai Tiangong. . . .Perhaps, instead of willing, we should use the word dare!
Not many people dare to go to Huawai Tiangong!

The Far West is the most remote place in the Lingcang Continent. The so-called remoteness is not because it is in the far west, but because there is no other land after the Far West!

In other words, the end of that direction seems to be the end of this world, and there is no way forward.

Whether this rumor is true or not, no one can confirm, but since it has been circulating, there is some truth to it.

The special geographical location makes the environment in the extreme west extremely poor. It may be appropriate to describe it as barren of grass.

The harsh environment, coupled with some other terrifying factors, caused the people on Lingcang Continent to have too much yearning for the land that not many people have cultivated, but not many people dared to go to the extreme west. land exploration.

And the Huawai Tiangong is the worst area in the Far West. Although I can't dictate the degree of danger, I can guess a thing or two!
But now, since Fengshenjue and Yunshuangjue came from Huawai Tiangong, Ye Chen had to go to this place too.

Back then, Nie Guan had successfully entered and exited the Outer Heaven Palace, and obtained these two powerful martial arts skills. Ye Chen's current strength is far superior to that of Nie Guan back then. It seems that there is no danger for him to evolve into the Outer Heaven Palace. Aoxue doesn't seem to have to worry too much.

However, after all, he is not familiar with Huawai Tiangong. Even if Nie Guan leads the way, he may not be able to find the correct location. After many years, he will go to the Far West again. Will Nie Guan still be able to find Huawai Tiangong accurately? The exact location of Tiangong is still unknown.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Ye Chen gently shook Mei Aoxue's hands, he understood the latter's worry.

After a while, Mei Aoxue nodded slowly.

Although Huawai Tiangong is the name of a region, this region is like a huge monster that can move, and it will continue to move in the huge land of the far west.

Because of this reason, Huawai Tiangong has become extremely uncertain, and thus, extremely dangerous!

At that time, Nie Guan was able to enter Huawai Tiangong and leave there alive. Except for some good luck, the biggest point is that there will be no danger after entering. The real danger comes from uncertainty about Huawai Tiangong .

There are completely different concepts between deliberate search and unintentional encounter, so what will happen will also be very different.

Nie Guan didn't mean it back then, so the danger can be ignored. Even if the danger is close to him, he may not be aware of it, so he can avoid it safely.

Today, when Ye Chen is going to find Huawai Tiangong, there is an essential difference from Nie Guan's trip back then, which is why Mei Aoxue is worried.

Because the Huawai Tiangong is mobile, like a beast, it has no fixed place, and it floats on the huge land of the far west. While arousing great interest, it also adds great difficulty to people out of thin air.

Of course, with Ye Chen's current strength, the treasure in his body, and the company of the ghost magic eagle, he will not encounter too much danger, otherwise, even if it is important to Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue will not agree with him to go.

"If you want to go to Huawaitian Palace, don't be in a hurry. Let's go back to the Great Wilderness first. At this time, the time is almost up." Mei Aoxue said after looking in the direction of the northern continent.

"whats the matter?"

Ye Chen asked, although he is the young master of the Great Desolation, but to be honest, he doesn't know too much about many things in the northern continent.

Mei Aoxue said: "The Nine Heavens Mirror will be opened soon. As the young master of the Great Desolation, you must participate in such a grand event."

"Jiutianjing, what is that?" Ye Chen was a little dazed, having stayed in the Great Wilderness for so long, he had never heard of these three words.

After thinking about it, Mei Aoxue replied: "The Nine Heavens Mirror should be the most extensive experience on the northern continent. This experience has covered all the major forces on the northern continent, and it is also the one that all forces are looking forward to. an exercise."

"I really haven't heard anyone mention the word Jiutianjing before!"

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen said, "According to what you mean, you must first participate in the experience of Jiutianjing."

Mei Aoxue nodded, and said: "You know, each faction has three places to participate, and they must be the best juniors among the major factions. Moreover, there will only be such an experience once in five years. No one can resist the experience of Jiutianjing."

"Marven Ye!"

Mei Aoxue said solemnly: "If you want to reach the realm of martial arts in the shortest time, the Nine Heavens Mirror may be your only chance."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's expression froze immediately!
With the gradual improvement of cultivation, the realm of martial arts is getting closer and closer to Ye Chen. Now, Ye Chen can clearly touch it. To put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is so close.

However, if he cultivates normally, it will take at least a year or two for Ye Chen to reach the point where he can hit the realm of martial arts, or even truly reach the realm of martial arts.

If you don't understand enough, maybe in another year or two, you may not be able to successfully step into the realm of martial arts!
After the Martial Realm, what one pursues is the power in the heaven and the earth. At that time, all the cultivation is to have the best communication with the heaven and the earth. Therefore, the understanding of the heaven and the earth is the most important thing.

Countless people, throughout their lives, may be trapped in the peak of the Ninth Layer of Linghai!
Mei Aoxue actually said that in the Nine Heavens Mirror, he could step into the ranks of real masters in the shortest possible time. This is too shocking.

"This is a fact!"

Mei Aoxue's words again made Ye Chen's heart flutter again, he heard the affirmation in the former's words.

Based on the relationship between the two, as long as Mei Aoxue said, Ye Chen would not doubt it, but now, Mei Aoxue actually increased her tone, which let Ye Chen know that even Mei Aoxue would not be suspicious of Jiutianjing. Very eager.

"Since this is the case, let's go back to the Great Wilderness City first, and after participating in the experience of the Nine Heavens Mirror, we will come back to the Huawai Tiangong!"

Ye Chen immediately found Nie Guan, and after explaining some things, he and Mei Aoxue immediately left Xuanhuo City and hurried back towards the northern mainland.

The Nether Magic Falcon stayed in Xuanhuo City, and the people who were on guard against the Cang Pavilion appeared here again!

Nan Cheng died in Lingcang Continent. Ye Chen didn't know if the people from Cang Pavilion would come here, but it's always right to make extra preparations. If Nie Guan and others are harmed because of carelessness, Ye Chen will I regret it very much.

Therefore, since he decided to rush back to the Great Wilderness, Ye Chen did not slack off at all, and the speed was very fast.

If you want Nie Guan and Yingdaomen to never be threatened by Cang Pavilion in the future, the best way is to pin down Cang Pavilion on the northern mainland.

Of course, making Cang Pavilion disappear forever is the most feasible method, but no matter whether it is Ye Chen, King Xiao Ming and Da Huang, even if they unite with the demon clan of Moyuan Mountain, they still don’t have enough strength to eat Cang Pavilion !

Because of the great improvement in strength, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue had already entered the sphere of influence of the Great Wilderness a month later, and not long after that, the huge Great Wilderness City was in sight.

The current Great Wilderness and Great Wilderness City give people a brand-new feeling. Wherever they go, whenever the word Great Wilderness is mentioned, there will be a burst of amazement and secret vigilance.

Ye Chen could clearly feel that others were cautious about Dahuang!
"Since the return of the King Xiaocheng, with his absolute strength, he has frightened the lords of other major forces. Today's Great Deserted City can be regarded as the most powerful moment in many years."

Looking at the huge deserted city, Mei Aoxue said softly, it was not the first time for her to come to the deserted city, so she could sense the changes that took place there.

"Absolute strength?"

Ye Chen was slightly astonished, Yan Yangzong, after recovering from his injuries, he immediately rushed back to the Lingcang Continent, and he didn't know anything about what happened during the injury.

Even though he also knew that King Xiao Ming's strength after leaving the customs would not only return to the previous peak, but even improve to a higher level, but it seems surprising to use the word "absolute" to describe it.

If it is absolute strength. . . .In Ye Chen's eyes, a icy chill could not help but pass by!

If King Xiao Ming really has absolute strength, together with the Demon King, the two great powers join forces to take over the Cang Pavilion, maybe it won't be too difficult.

It seems that we have to ask clearly!

If this is the case. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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