Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 389 Situation

Chapter 389 Situation

"Haha, Ye Chen is finally back! This one must be Miss Mei Ao Xuemei!"

In the Great Wilderness Palace, King Xiao Ming seemed to be in high spirits, as if he was coming to the northern continent.

It has been several months since I saw King Xiao Ming. The current Lord of the Great Desolation may be because his cultivation base is much stronger than before. Leaving aside the sense of self-importance, looking around, King Xiao Ming is really like a king. Usually, every gesture is telling others the ambitions and ambitions he has at this moment!
Of course, Ye Chen can understand this. As the Lord of the Great Desolation, he has been trapped for five years. If he is not lucky enough, the current King Xiao Ming may never exist in the world.

The return of the king, the cultivation base has greatly improved, anyone would want to make up for the lost time, let alone the current King Xiao Ming, it seems that he has such strength and qualifications.

"Senior Xiao, City Lord Xiao, Brother Lin!"

Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue hurried back, and after setting up the latter's mother, they immediately came to the Great Wilderness Hall.

King Xiao Ming waved his hands, looked at the two of them, and said with a joking smile: "Sure enough, a pair of Bi people is very enviable. Thinking about it, if it were me, I would definitely be crowned as beauty in a rage."

"Miss Mei, welcome to the Great Wilderness!"

King Xiao Ming naturally knew about Mei Aoxue, and in the ancient ruins, he also knew about the latter, but today was the first real acquaintance and meeting.

Even from the eyes of King Xiao Ming, he has great appreciation for Mei Aoxue. At such an age, with the cultivation of the realm of martial arts, looking at the younger generation in the entire northern continent, even if it is the age against the sky, stepping into the realm of martial arts , are a bit older than Mei Aoxue.

The current Mei Aoxue may be the second young man to enter the Martial Realm among the younger generation in the Northern Territory Continent.

This cultivation talent, coupled with the peerless appearance that would make Baihua lose color, indeed has the qualifications to fascinate countless people. No wonder Ni Cangtian lost a lot of reason for her.

"Thank you City Lord!"

Mei Aoxue said respectfully, looking at King Xiao Ming out of the corner of her eye, the most mysterious thing on this northern continent is the Lord of the Great Wilderness in her eyes, presumably, those top masters who are as famous as him want to know , What exactly happened to King Xiao Ming.

"Marven Ye!"

King Xiao Ming withdrew the smile on his face, and said in a concentrated voice: "Everyone in the Great Wilderness knows about what happened to you in Lingcang Continent, and it seems that the master of Cang Pavilion is still in seclusion, so, before I come out, At that time, even Nan Batian had to endure it."

"Nan Cheng is dead, Cang Pavilion will not bear it. So..."

Ye Chen doesn't understand Cangge, but he understands Dahuang. If such a master falls in Dahuang, it will be known immediately. With the same powerful force, I believe Cangge already knew about Nan Cheng's murder.

I have always been a little puzzled, it turned out that it was King Xiao Ming who came forward a long time ago, so that Cang Pavilion did not continue to send people to Lingcang Continent.

However, this will only be temporary!
"Senior Xiao, the Cang Pavilion will not be destroyed, I'm afraid we will not have a peaceful life!"

Ye Chen said coldly: "The master of the Cang Pavilion is retreating, what kind of pass he is closing, you and my big brother Demon King should be very clear in our hearts, once he breaks through the pass, what greets us, perhaps, will be a terrible battle." storm."

"You mean to raid the Cang Pavilion while the master of the Cang Pavilion is still in retreat?"

King Xiao Ming looked at Ye Chen and asked.


Ye Chen said without hesitation: "You teamed up with Big Brother Demon King, plus City Lord Xiao, the three masters of the Xuanwu realm, are enough to deal with the masters of Xuanwu realm who live in the Cang Pavilion. Even if the master of the Cang Pavilion is alarmed, the chances of winning are still very high .”

"Without the Xuanwu realm masters, I, Da Huang, can handle the rest of the masters."

"It's not that simple!"

King Xiao Ming's eyes flashed fiercely. Obviously, he also wanted Cang Pavilion to disappear forever on the Northern Continent, but he knew that the longest-existing powerful force on this Northern Continent was not so easy to deal with.

Xiao Renlong answered, "Ye Chen, there are some things you don't know."

"In the entire Northern Continent, there are forces like my Great Wilderness, plus the Great Wilderness, there are eleven major forces in total, and the Cangge and Zhoutian Pavilion are like two suns, high above you!"

"Even if we now have the power to shake the Cang Pavilion, this is not enough to pose a fatal threat to the Cang Pavilion, even if we add the power of the Moyuan Mountain monster clan."


Ye Chen was puzzled, and Mei Aoxue was also a little confused. Since the shaking power was already there, why couldn't she attack Cang Pavilion?
"Cang Pavilion is just one of them. Of the eleven major forces on this continent, at least one-third of them are die-hard followers of Cang Pavilion, and Zhou Tian Pavilion is the same. Otherwise, although the two pavilions are powerful, how can they above us?"

Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue tightened their eyes and pupils together, but they never thought that such power still exists under the Cang Pavilion.

A great wilderness has already dominated one side and become the overlord of one side on the northern continent. Among the followers of Cang Pavilion, there are at least three groups with such power. . . .
Xiao Renlong sighed slightly, and said: "I have never had a choice in the wilderness. The reason why I can still be independent when I have no choice is because it is comparable to the Moyuan Mountain. Now, it is because of the strength of King Ming. Otherwise, many years ago, there would have been no Great Desolation."

"To this day, even if King Ming's strength is comparable to that of Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion, from a certain point of view, we can only protect ourselves."

Xiao Renlong was a little helpless, don't look at the great wilderness on the bright side, now the sky is in full swing, and the prestige is almost overwhelming Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion. In fact, only he himself knows that the so-called prestige is just an illusion.

"But Nan Cheng is dead, and there is no possibility of resolving the grievances between us. Senior Xiao, City Master Xiao, even if they don't want to, they will never die with Cang Pavilion."

After a moment of silence, Ye Chen said indifferently.

I really didn't expect that the strength of Cang Pavilion is not only supported by itself, but also supported by three powerful forces. However, this is not a reason to be afraid.

There was no life-and-death enmity with Cang Pavilion, and Mei Aoxue was not the main reason, it was just because of her own performance that she was murdered, this Cang Pavilion was a bit too domineering.

Since this is the case, Ye Chen has no room to retreat!
"Yes, it is indeed immortal!"

King Xiao Ming said indifferently: "In the current situation, although the enemy is not strong and we are weak, it has not reached the level of evenness, but as long as the master of the Cang Pavilion has not left the customs and I am around, they will not dare to act rashly."

This is King Xiao Ming's confidence and confidence!
Ye Chen frowned slightly, and said, "In this way, we are always too passive."

"No way, the situation is like this, before we are not sure enough to eat the Cang Pavilion, there are some things we can only passively wait for, but don't worry, even if the master of the Cang Pavilion successfully exits the customs, if they want to eat Dahuang, that is not an easy task."

King Xiao Ming immediately looked at Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, and said with a serious face: "Da Huang and Mo Yuan Shan will do their best to give you enough time to grow up. Perhaps this is the only thing we can do."

King Xiao Ming's voice was a little hoarse!
The return of the king, the cultivation base has greatly improved, but still can't act according to the thoughts in the heart, it will inevitably make people feel a little bleak.

"Marven Ye!"

Lin Yifan stepped forward and patted Ye Chen on the shoulder, and said with a light smile: "When the master appeared in the eyes of the world, maybe he felt the great pressure brought by the master, and the alliance between Dahuang and Moyuanshan, Bei The situation on the border continent has become clearer and more obvious, and now, even if you want to break them all, it is impossible to do it."

"So, we can only wait. Actually, aren't they also waiting?"

In Ye Chen's eyes, a flash of light suddenly flashed. Both sides are waiting. The high-end top forces are restraining each other. Until there is a truly absolute master, this restraint will continue forever .

If this is the case, the so-called waiting between the two parties is to see which of these young people can really grow up as soon as possible.

Competing with Xiao Mingwang and others, Ye Chen felt that he was not qualified enough. Although he did not underestimate himself, he also understood that he still needs a long time, but among the younger generation. . . .Even Ni Cangtian can't make himself have too much fear and fear.

Among the younger generation, Ni Cangtian was frightening because he had stepped into the realm of martial arts. He fought against him, although there were only three moves, but it also let Ye Chen know how powerful and terrifying Ni Cangtian was.

However, Ye Chen believes that the gap between himself and Ni Cangtian is not unreachable.

"Senior Xiao, when will the Nine Heavens Mirror be opened?"

Ye Chen immediately asked, if the Nine Heavens Mirror is really as magical as Mei Aoxue said, then the Nine Heavens Mirror will be an opportunity for Ye Chen to undergo a qualitative change in the shortest time.

Only by reaching the realm of martial arts as soon as possible can the threat of Ni Cangtian be reduced to the bottom, and at the same time, the pressure that Dahuang will face will also be weakened a lot.

"You also know the Nine Heavens Mirror?"

King Xiao Ming smiled and said: "Soon, after more than a month, if you haven't come back today, I will go to Lingcang Continent to pick you up in person, Jiutianjing, that is an excellent experience not to be missed Chance."

"Senior Xiao, I've only heard about the practice of the Nine Heavens Mirror, but I still don't know what the Nine Heavens Mirror represents. Please advise me, senior!" Mei Aoxue asked.

King Xiao Ming nodded slightly, and said: "The Nine Heavens Mirror is a place that people miss very much. If it is possible, I believe, I will be very willing to put the Nine Heavens Mirror in my arms..."

"Bag in your arms? Senior, what does this mean?"

"Because the Nine Heavens Mirror itself is a supreme divine object!"

(End of this chapter)

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