Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 410 Spirit of the Bone

Chapter 410 Spirit of the Bone
"call out!"

In mid-air, Ye Chen was wrapped in the ghost flames, like a swimming dragon, darting past the white bones. The space behind him was because of the extremely cold high temperature. At this moment, It was completely frozen, and then, it shattered inch by inch.

In the Baigu Mountain at this moment, perhaps because of Ye Chen's rapid approach and the frightening cold and high temperature emanating from the Nether Demon Flame, there are already bursts of extremely sharp whistling sounds.

These voices should come from some kind of unknown creatures, but they seem a bit illusory, making it impossible to capture the source of the voices. It sounds like they sounded from anywhere in the entire Bone Mountain.

This voice is not unfamiliar, just now when Ye Chen was trying to get close, he transformed the vanguard with spiritual power, and there was such a voice, and then there were countless skulls that shot like arrows and stones.

It was just a test just now, which aroused such a strong reaction from Baigu Mountain. Now Ye Chen forced to climb Baigu Mountain, naturally. . . .The rapid and sharp whistle is the best proof!

A moment after the howling sound resounded, extremely terrifying cracks appeared again on the huge Baigu Mountain, and then, from those cracks, white shadows appeared overwhelmingly.

"If you want to prevent me from entering, then use some real means. These pediatrics, you should know, are useless to me!"

Ye Chen knew that he should understand what he said, regardless of whether there were creatures in Baigu Mountain or not.

When that sentence floated out, the ghost flames surrounding the body turned into a huge and monstrous sea of ​​flames, and the white light flashed. Although it could not cover the entire Baigu Mountain, it was With no difficulty, the huge crack was forcibly shrouded in.


The icy cold and high temperature immediately surged down, and those white shadows that hadn't had time to attack Ye Chen fell down powerlessly in an instant, and countless white powders, like dust, covered the mountain of bones.

Ye Chen obviously wanted more than that. When the attack of Baigu Mountain was stopped, the monstrous sea of ​​flames instantly turned into a dark white light beam, and towards the crack, it rushed in like lightning.


Ye Chen immediately clenched his palms tightly, and then, there was a shocking explosion sound in the Bone Mountain.

but. . . .Ye Chen's eyes froze. The explosion of the ghostly flames actually had momentum, but no substantial destructive power, as if nothing had happened.

Nether Demon Flame is the evolution of Nether Demon Fire. Looking at the whole world, it can be ranked among the best in the system of different fires. Although Ye Chen's strength may not be able to release the power of Demon Flame to the extreme, but if it is a mountain , that demonic flame is enough to turn a mountain range into ashes.

This Bone Mountain is indeed very strange!

Although it was not able to make Baigu Mountain feel good, the ear-piercing whistling sound became more and more sharp, and the whole Baigu Mountain vibrated violently at this time, as if the mountain range came alive.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen couldn't help stopping his forward speed, because he saw, in front of him, at the top of the Bone Mountain, an extremely blurry shadow suddenly broke through the wall and hovered on the mountain peak.

The shadow was so vague that Ye Chen couldn't see clearly what it was, but there was a strong, indescribably dead air slowly floating out of the shadow.

It's dead. . . .Ye Chen had no doubts at all that it might be possible to produce such a strong death aura after laying down millions or even tens of millions of corpses.

Of course, this Bone Mountain is composed of the corpses of countless living beings. It is not surprising that the death aura is so strong. When it is strange, the death aura of the entire Bone Mountain is gathered there at this moment. On the blurred shadow.

While this was extremely surprising, it was also extremely daunting. Obviously, Baigushan itself had already felt that this stranger, Ye Chen, was not comparable to those he had met before.

When this shadow appeared, the entire Baigushan really came alive!
In other words, it is not alive, but moving!

All I saw was that the Baigu Mountain, which stretched for thousands of miles, was shaking violently, as if it had encountered a major earthquake, and the huge mountain range was about to collapse.

Of course, Baigu Mountain did not collapse, but, when it was vibrating, streams of pure energies surged out of it continuously, quickly flew into the air, and then all merged into that blurred shadow middle.

As time passed, as more and more energy was absorbed by the shadow, Ye Chen suddenly saw that it seemed that an entity had transformed from the shadow.

In other words, because of the entry of these energies, the shadow gradually became clear, and turned into reality with emptiness!

But at the same moment, the Baigu Mountain, which was originally extremely depressing, seemed to have lost all vitality. Looking at it again, it was just an ordinary mountain range, and there was nothing special about it, but this mountain was still made of bones. Composition, that's all.

In the mid-air, the shadow turned into a solid one, showing an extremely pure white color. It seems that it has absorbed the energy in the White Bone Mountain, so it has become the same color as the White Bone Mountain.

If they hadn't seen the scene just now with their own eyes, and suddenly saw this shadow, no one would doubt that it was not a living being.

It has hands and feet, and has distinct facial features. It doesn't seem to be much different from humans. The only obvious difference is that it has a size of tens of feet, standing like a giant in the sky and the earth.

Standing in the air, the fierce light revealed in his eyes directly locked onto Ye Chen, a wave of extremely strong dead air swept over the sky and covered the sky, even though he was not aggressive, it still made Ye Chen feel great pressure.


From the mouth of the giant, there was a hissing sound like a beast, and then, the huge figure broke through the air directly, bringing a sharp and unparalleled wind, and directly enveloped Ye Chen.

The speed was very fast and extremely astonishing. In just a few breaths, the giant had already left the range of Baigu Mountain and appeared in front of Ye Chen. Immediately, the overwhelming death aura and the sharp wind fell on his head. .

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, his feet stepped on the ground, and his whole body shot out like a cannonball, without any fancy punch, he slammed it out fiercely.


The violent power erupted like a storm, and shocking cracks were formed in the ground, and Ye Chen's body was also pushed back more than ten meters away.

Looking at the white giant, Ye Chen frowned. Although the punch just now did not contain any spiritual power, it was all the power of his physical body.

With his current physical strength and the power he wielded, even Mei Aoxue and Lin Yifan would not dare to take it head-on. Nothing.

Huge size, of course, means that the strength of the physical body is terrible, but Ye Chen's physical body can at least be compared with the human masters who have just entered the basalt realm. The physical strength of a monster made of energy must be terrifying.


It seemed that he was very happy and proud that he had knocked back his opponent. The giant kept beating his chest in mid-air to show his satisfaction.

"Sure enough, I already have some wisdom!"

Ye Chen murmured in a low voice, he now has no doubt that the changes in the Nine Heavens Mirror, even Hui Fan, could not have predicted, and naturally it was not the same as those who experienced it before guessed.

As a result, this Fang Jiutian mirror became even more terrifying!

While Ye Chen was sizing up the giant, when the latter was very satisfied with himself, his gaze, once again, quietly locked onto Ye Chen.

It was slightly different from before, the fierce light that surged out of the pupils was not only extremely ferocious, but also filled with a clear hint of scarlet and devouring. Obviously, Ye Chen was regarded as food.

From its point of view, if it could swallow Ye Chen, it would definitely be of great benefit to itself.

Therefore, a sense of rage surged out continuously, extremely cold.

This sense of berserk alone has already made Ye Chen feel that even if it is huge, it may not be as powerful as a real martial arts master, but it will be very dangerous and difficult for any master of the peak of the spiritual sea to face it. Including Ye Chen.

When he first entered Jiutianjing, he encountered such dangers. For Ye Chen, who didn't know much about Jiutianjing, he didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune!


The giant hissed again, and the scarlet pupils stared at Ye Chen violently. Immediately, its figure rushed towards Ye Chen again. Driven by the astonishing speed, the space around it was full of space. Appears distorted.

The space around Ye Chen was shaken, silver streaks of light swept across the air quickly, and after a while, the streaks of light were connected end to end, directly turning into a huge monster, blasting towards the giant.

The two attacks collided with each other as fast as lightning, and the spiritual power storm that erupted almost ravaged the whole world.

This time, the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art has been used, and Ye Chen has used his physical strength to the extreme. Even if it is not the most powerful move, it is still enough for Ye Chen and the giant to not fall behind in such a fight. No downside.

For the giant, Ye Chen's sudden soaring power also surprised it, but the shock was full of joy, and the coveting color of Ye Chen in its eyes became more intense.

The stronger Ye Chen is, the more benefits he will get if he devours him.

The Nine Heavens Mirror is only opened once every five years, and it is not necessarily that someone will come in every time it is opened, and even if someone comes in, the Nine Heavens Mirror area is too large, so it is not necessarily true that someone will break in here.

Therefore, Ye Chen is extremely precious!
(End of this chapter)

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