Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 411 Killing

Chapter 411 Killing
In the Nine Heavens Mirror, it is rare to meet food, and now the food has finally appeared, and this food is very delicious and nourishing, the giant is naturally very happy!
The giant standing in mid-air, the scarlet color flashed across the ferocious pupils again, and the rage became more violent immediately. Then, with a wave of its long arm, the Bone Mountain trembled suddenly behind it, and one of its corners immediately surged out , fell in front of the giant.

Although it is only one corner, but how big Baigu Mountain is, this one corner, in front of Ye Chen, is also an extremely terrifying colossus.

But now, when the giant waved his hands, the huge monster shone with light, and it turned into a giant stick of white bones!
With this bone giant stick in his hand, the giant's violent aura immediately overwhelmed the three of them. The sense of power was obviously much stronger than that of Cai Cai just now.

I am afraid that the giant in its current state is in a complete fighting state!
A strong death energy permeates the world, and in it, the giant is like a god of death.

Obviously, although the giant regards Ye Chen as food, he also hopes that the more delicious the food, the better, but he has never been careless. The more delicious the food, the harder it is to get it. The giant knows this truth very well.

The appearance of this kind of creature is too strange and abnormal, and it is a strange creature in the Nine Heavens Mirror. It seems to have deviated too much from the martial arts in the real world. Therefore, it is confusing. , at what level.

However, judging from the current prestige, not mentioning the realm, but in terms of strength alone, this giant probably has the strength of a first-time true martial arts master.

Martial arts master!

In his life, Ye Chen has fought against real martial arts masters twice, one is Yang Jun, and the other is Ni Cangtian!
The battle against Ni Cangtian can't be counted. When he was at his peak, his strength was far from being comparable to Ye Chen. The so-called three moves, if Ye Chen hadn't had a flash of inspiration in the end, combining Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue by chance, then Once, it was inevitable to end tragically.

What is worth mentioning is the battle with Yang Jun!
Because a ray of soul was drawn away, Yang Jun's martial arts cultivation base was no longer perfect, that is to say, Kong had the strength of the martial arts realm, but did not have the corresponding realm cultivation base.

How similar this is to the giant in his eyes!
On that day, being able to draw with Yang Jun left him speechless. Today, although this giant feels more difficult to deal with, Ye Chen is no longer comparable to the past.


The food was right in front of him, the giant obviously couldn't wait for it, even his voice changed drastically, and with a heavy swing of the giant bone stick in his hand, he rushed over like lightning.

The astonishing speed turned the giant bone stick into an overwhelming afterimage, and it swept towards Ye Chen crazily. The overwhelming death energy almost covered the entire space.

Covered by such energy, the space seems to have turned into nothingness, there is no room to dodge, the only way is to move forward, and to retreat is death.

Obviously, the giant wanted to kill Ye Chen with one blow!
However, this is exactly what Ye Chen wanted. Even though there was no time limit for Jiutianjing's experience, Ye Chen didn't want to get too entangled here.

Those who entered the Nine Heavens Mirror to experience, except for the top three people in the ranking, the rest are all at the peak of the spiritual sea, and each of them may use the Nine Heavens Mirror experience as the best way to hit the realm of martial arts .

Ye Chen doesn't want to be one step behind others!
The more important reason is that the Nine Heavens Mirror has changed so much this time that it is possible that the nine gods will appear together in the end. This is definitely not a normal birth.

But for these people who have experienced it, it is a great encounter!

Nine days come together, if you can take advantage of the opportunity, you don't even need to think about it, you will definitely get great benefits from it, and Ye Chen also wants to get this benefit very much.

Although there is still time for the five-year agreement with Zi Xiao, the promised promise is in the realm of Tianwu. This level is too far away, and Ye Chen has to go all out.

And on the northern continent. . . .

Even if the Great Wilderness City and the Moyuan Mountain were allied together, they would only have the strength to confront Cang Pavilion head-on. Behind Cang Pavilion, there were still several major forces supporting them. This was the real behemoth.

Maybe King Xiao Ming and Yao King can last for a while, but Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, and Mei Aoxue need to grow up as soon as possible, otherwise, the situation is in danger!

Ye Chen didn't hope that one day, they would be forced out of the northern mainland!

In that way, even if there is a chance to return to the northern mainland in the future, there will inevitably be many friends who care about him in the Great Wilderness City and Moyuan Mountain, and they will die in the hands of Cang Pavilion.

If the Great Wilderness City and Moyuan Mountain were razed to the ground, Lingcang Continent. . . .Nan Cheng died in Lingcang Continent, and Cang Pavilion could definitely find out, without the involvement of Dahuang City and Moyuan Mountain, Xuanhuo City, Yingdaomen, and Daluo City. . . .will be destroyed!
This is definitely not what Ye Chen wants!
Ye Chen's motivation for cultivation has always been very simple. It's not the pursuit of supreme power, he just wants everyone around him to have a free space, that's all!

Seeing the giant coming head-on again, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the ghost flames swept across the world, isolating all the dead air, and at the same time, night fell suddenly.

Thousands of stars appeared in the sky. When the simple longbow appeared in the stars, Ye Chen raised his hand to explore it and held the longbow in his hand. Immediately, countless stars turned into sharp arrows and rested on the longbow.


The sharp arrows transformed by countless stars, carrying the invincible power, ruthlessly plundered out!

A moment later, in the middle of the world, a terrifying energy ripple that could destroy a mountain and river erupted. With the two attacks as the center, the land with a radius of tens of miles, all became nothingness in an instant!
It was just a little unexpected that Baigu Mountain was also affected. Although it did not cover the entire Baigu Mountain, the affected place did not instantly become nothing like other places, but did not change at all.

This mountain range is really strange!

Of course, these peculiarities are no longer in Ye Chen's consideration, and solving the battle in front of him as soon as possible is what he thinks in his heart.

When the space was in chaos and eroding the space with all its strength, the young man who had just released an arrow suddenly moved and swept forward like lightning.

The chaos here is overwhelming, and the two attacks are still releasing terrifying power. The young man and the giant are both under the impact of each other's energy. At this time, the young man forcibly rushed into the chaotic place. Right in the center. . . .
This kind of action made the giant with some wisdom shrink his pupils tightly!
Although it regards Ye Chen as food, the giant has never underestimated Ye Chen. It has intelligence and knows that most of the people who can come here are not ordinary people, otherwise, they are not qualified to come in.

Therefore, the giant would not think that the young man's current behavior was courting death!
Therefore, when seeing the young man's actions, the giant roared sharply, and once again, a violent aura surged out of his body, and streams of pure energy attached to the giant bone stick in its hand, turning into a stick that filled the sky A shadow appeared in front of it.

When the shadows of sticks all over the sky had just formed, the giant's pupils couldn't help but wince again, because it saw that the young man who had just disappeared had appeared in front of him, and, after forcibly passing through the chaos, unexpectedly It didn't do him any harm.

With the Demon Emperor Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror Bodyguard, if this level of chaos can hurt Ye Chen, the names of the two top treasures may be exaggerated!

When Ye Chen appeared, he was accompanied by a series of silver light patterns, and the Yin-Yang Art of Chaos had been activated to the extreme. Therefore, the number of silver light patterns was undoubtedly much more than before.

"Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art, Transformation!"

The sound of the dragon chant resounded clearly, and an incomparably pure dragon power immediately enveloped the world. In that dragon power, silver light streaks merged rapidly, and a huge silver shadow was in the midair, clearly Appear.


The roar of the real dragon, the sound of the dragon's anger, made the world tremble. The silver real dragon, the size of a hundred feet, moved suddenly, carrying unparalleled domineering power, and plundered away madly.

The two sides were right in front of them, and in the blink of an eye, the real silver dragon had already ruthlessly collided with the shadows of sticks transformed into huge sticks of white bones.

At this moment, without the slightest chance, the giant's pupils also changed drastically.

From its point of view, the stick shadows that were enough to protect itself, but under the impact of the real silver dragon, although they were not vulnerable, they didn't hold on for too long, and they were shattered inch by inch.

The giant roared loudly, with a huge figure, he retreated quickly, and wanted to escape back to the White Bone Mountain. Obviously, it already knew that the food it regarded as food was actually beyond imagination.

Ye Chen froze for a moment, but he didn't expect that the giant would be so sensitive that he didn't even dare to touch the slightest danger, which meant he was about to flee back.

But since it was all like this, it was impossible to allow it to leave alive.

The speed of the giant is undoubtedly very fast, and the speed of the silver real dragon is even faster. On the illusory body of the real dragon, Ye Chen stepped into the air, and the speed was even faster.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

The Baizhang Silver Dragon surged directly from Ye Chen's arm, and his arm was instantly covered with a layer of silver scales, just like the arm of a real dragon!

The terrifying real dragon's arm swept across the space and directly appeared on the giant's forehead. Immediately, the invincible strong wind pierced through the giant's forehead.


The giant roared with difficulty, and immediately its huge body lost all its strength and vitality, and fell heavily on the ground. It seemed that it was already dead.

but. . . .When the giant fell to the ground, Ye Chen clearly sensed that the pure energy in the giant's body did not disappear with its body, on the contrary, it was still alive!

(End of this chapter)

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