Chapter 412
Generally speaking, no matter how powerful a master is, as long as his vitality is lost and his body falls, all the energy in his body will disappear and merge into the space between heaven and earth.

Perhaps for those powerful masters, after death, the energy stored in the body will last longer than others imagined. The stronger the strength, the more terrifying the energy stored.

However, as long as the body dies, more or less, it will start to lose!
The giant who fell on the ground in front of him was very different. It had lost its vitality and was theoretically dead, but the energy in its body had not been lost at all. . . .This is too strange, is it because it is a creature in the Nine Heavens Mirror?
Ye Chen shook his head, then stepped forward to check it out.

But before he stepped out, the huge giant exploded on its own. After the explosion, it didn't have much power, but all the energy contained in the giant's body was swept out quickly, sweeping away. Back to the Bone Mountain.

Sensing this scene, Ye Chen was really stunned. Although Baigu Mountain is very magical, such things are still beyond his scope of knowledge.

"It seems that it is necessary now to take a good look at this mountain of bones."

After muttering to himself in a low voice, Ye Chen immediately sat down cross-legged and entered into the practice.

The battle with the giant seemed to have a quick result, but Ye Chen tried his best. Even with the protection of the Demon Emperor Bell and the Immeasurable Mirror, he didn't suffer any injuries when he passed through the chaos. When killing the giant, he suffered a lot of injuries from the Canglonghuatian energy and the counterattack of the giant's energy.

This Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Jue is indeed one of the top skills of the dragon clan. Even though Ye Chen has cultivated to the melting blood state and is already perfect, his body has also withstood the punishment of the black magic thunder. Lei Jie had become extremely powerful, but he still couldn't bear the terrible backlash brought about by the Canglong Huatian Energy.

And that giant, if it weren't for the fact that Ye Chen didn't dare to accept even a little danger, it wouldn't be so easy for Ye Chen to kill it.

A day later, Ye Chen stood in front of Baigu Mountain full of energy, perhaps because the giant was killed, although the energy in the giant's body returned to Baigu Mountain, Ye Chen never again, from this majestic mountain range, felt Not the slightest hint of danger.

Even when he was approaching the White Bone Mountain, there was no attack at all, and it erupted from the mountain, as if the mountain had turned into a real ordinary mountain.

It's just that Ye Chen knows that Baigu Mountain can never be an ordinary mountain!
Therefore, when he rushed out quickly and approached Baigu Mountain, the Nether Demon Flame was already outside his body, turning into a white barrier, protecting himself inside.

Countless white bones piled up into a mountain range. When Ye Chen stepped on this mountain, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. After all, what he was stepping on were countless white bones. Impossible to calm down.

Walking in the White Bone Mountain now, stepping on the white bones, finally let Ye Chen feel some peculiarities of this mountain.

All the way along the way, Ye Chen could clearly sense the pure energy contained under the mountains, which was exactly the same as the giant's body.

This is not surprising, the giant's energy originally came from the Bone Mountain, but it is not clear why such a giant appeared.

In addition to this pure energy, Ye Chen even noticed that there seemed to be signs of life in the depths of Baigu Mountain. Although it was weak, it was real.

Such a mountain can actually have signs of life, which is really incredible!
Ye Chen really wanted to find out where the sign of life was, but the Baigu Mountain was too big, and with his ability, it would be a waste of time to search the entire mountain range to find it.

Although he also knew that there were many secrets hidden in the mountains, if it took too long to understand them, Ye Chen had no choice but to give up.

Time is precious, and he can't waste it on these.

Therefore, when he was halfway up the mountain, before he had a general understanding of some peculiarities in Baigu Mountain, Ye Chen immediately accelerated to the top of the mountain.

In the Nine Heavens Mirror, there are dangers everywhere. For Ye Chen, the dangers everywhere are the best opportunities for experience. Instead of wasting time in the Bone Mountain, looking for the existing secrets, it is better to go to the next one as soon as possible. experience.

To hit the realm of martial arts, what is needed is the understanding of the ultimate principles of heaven and earth. When this understanding is not enough, the realm of martial arts, even if it is close at hand, is like a natural moat.

After countless years, this has become a law!
However, wisdom is inexhaustible. After countless trials and experiences, countless ancestors gradually found another way to hit the realm of martial arts.

That is, to prove the truth with force!

The so-called proving the Tao with strength means using one's own strength to forcibly break through the shackles and restraints of heaven and earth on oneself, so that, like those warriors who have realized the ultimate truth of heaven and earth, they can reach the realm of martial arts!

This idea is very good, and it is also very good. Moreover, there are predecessors who have experienced it, and this method is feasible!
However, the difficulty of proving the Tao with strength will never be weaker than that of comprehending the truth of the world, and even to some extent, the difficulty is even greater. What's more, it is a near-death approach.

After all, it is only a kind of comprehension to comprehend the supreme principle of the way of heaven. Even if you fail to comprehend anything, then for yourself, as long as you don't forcibly attack the realm of martial arts, then you will not be in the slightest danger to yourself.

However, to prove the Tao with force, this path is different!
If you choose this method, it means that the fish will die and the net will be broken. If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!
You must know that the way of heaven is high, and it is necessary to realize its truth in order to allow warriors to break through. This is the so-called following the sky and getting the approval of the way of heaven.

Proving the way with strength, but doing the opposite, that is, going against the sky. If you fail, it may be difficult to fully summarize the word death, and the degree of danger is naturally imagined.

It's just that there is a certain reason for this method to exist.

Throughout the ages, countless amazing people have not bad talent, but they are stuck on the understanding of the way of heaven, unable to go any further.

What is this so-called comprehension of the Dao of Heaven? Even a peak master may find it hard to understand. Everything depends on one's own comprehension. This kind of comprehension is too illusory. If you can get it, you get it If you can't get it, you can't get it, and there is no way to speak of it.

In contrast, using strength to prove the way, although it is more dangerous, if you do not do it, you will lose your soul, but this is a method that can be seen. After all, there are traces to be found, and others can give pointers.

Therefore, although it is extremely dangerous, some people are still willing to try it once.

Some people with extraordinary talents are trapped in the peak of the spiritual sea, unable to break through for a long time, watching helplessly, those who were under him in the past began to surpass themselves, this feeling is absolutely uncomfortable.

When you feel that you can't comprehend this path from the way of heaven and hit a higher level, some people will choose another path to go.

Rather than dying in failure, it is better than living in humiliation in the world, being ridiculed and ridiculed all the time!

Falling from the clouds to the depths of the ground, this kind of feeling and taste is by no means a normal person can accept it happily.

In the past, in those years of miserable days, time and time again, after failing to find a way to restore his talent, Ye Chen also had the idea of ​​giving up. The fault was that the heart of revenge was too firm, and he had to take care of Shuang'er, saying that Maybe, Ye Chen couldn't hold on until the day when the clouds opened and the moon appeared.

The current him, of course, has not reached the point where he is at the end of his rope!
Ye Chen had already obtained his own understanding during the experience of the master stage. In the battle with Yang Jun, he also successfully released his own domain fluctuations. He has found his way.

Therefore, as long as Ye Chen is given some time to make his perception of himself more perfect, he will have the opportunity to reach the realm of martial arts.

But for Ye Chen, what he needs most now is time. No matter what it is, he doesn't want to waste too much time on it. Although the fluctuations in the field have already appeared, Ye Chen still wants to do another trick for the realm of martial arts preparation.

That is, to prove the truth with force!

Compared with other people, the four words of proving the Tao with strength are still too far away. Even if you want to do this, you need to prepare for a long time, but for Ye Chen, this preparation can be directly ignored.

Because, his physical body is already quite perfect!
The prerequisite for proving the Tao with strength is that you must have a strong physical body, so that you can withstand the powerful destructive power to the physical body that is brought about when you forcibly break through the shackles and restraints.

If you can't even bear this kind of suffering, then don't use this method, because you are looking for death. If you are looking for death, then it is better to be happy. Why do you have to endure a lot of pain before you die?

The perfection of the physical body and the sufficient strength of the physical body have given Ye Chen enough qualifications to carry out the method of proving the Tao with force.

Right now, Ye Chen's understanding of the way of heaven has not yet reached the level he needs, and he doesn't know when he will get that level. Then, before that, why don't he use his own body? Perfect body, to try another method?
Others have only one chance to prove the Tao with force, but Ye Chen can try it in advance. There is no other reason. His body was reforged once under the backlash of the ghost fire, so he As long as you have enough capital, even if you fail, your body will not collapse. At least, the danger that appears to others can be minimized in Ye Chen.

Of course, these are not the only conditions needed to prove the Tao with strength. If you really want to do this, then you need Ye Chen to constantly hone yourself.

And in the Nine Heavens Mirror, there are countless dangers, and that is the best tempering stone!
(End of this chapter)

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