Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 415 Test

Chapter 415 Test

On the top of Baigu Mountain, once again, it became quiet!

The silence this time was even quieter than when Ye Chen was about to step into the blood pool just now, because at this time, the huge blood pool was not tumbling, and all the blood in the blood pool had turned into a pool of stagnant water. In the pool of blood, it was still blown by the gust of wind, and there was never the slightest ripple floating out.

The entire space here seems to be imprisoned!
Such a change came from the bright yellow light in Ye Chen's body, and that yellow light came from the Infinite Mirror!
With a thought in Ye Chen's mind, the Immeasurable Mirror rushed out and floated in front of him. At this time, Ye Chen's expression suddenly moved, and he looked at the Infinite Mirror in shock, and then looked again at the blood that had been extremely still. pool.

Although this blood pool was still very strange to his eyes, Ye Chen no longer felt how strange it was. . . .many years ago. . . .He had seen a similar scene before!
Although the scene I saw before is far from what the blood pool in front of me can compare, and the two are not at the same level at all, but when the two scenes appear in my mind at the same time, I will find that the two The screen, in fact, is completely integrated.

It is precisely because the blood pool in front of him is too small, and what he saw was not the real scene, so that Ye Chen didn't recall it until the immeasurable magic mirror appeared and directly suppressed the blood pool here and couldn't move.

On the same day, they practiced in the ancient ruins of Moyuan Mountain. On Wuliang Mountain, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue saw it with their own eyes before they got the Wuliang Mirror. A picture that was engraved in the Wuliang Mirror came from countless years ago.

In that picture, the sea of ​​blood is overwhelming, sweeping the entire world. Countless peerless masters in the world, without the slightest resistance in front of the sea of ​​blood, can only watch the world being submerged and themselves being melted. . . .

Even if the pool of blood in front of him could not reach that level, if it continued to grow, maybe the past would reappear!
No wonder, as soon as the Infinity Mirror appeared, it made the blood pool unable to resist at all. It came from the only treasure left by that character. How can it shake its might?

Ye Chen suddenly fell silent. If all the guesses are correct, then this world has never been peaceful, and the terrifying hidden danger actually exists in the world, but no one knows about it.

After getting the Infinity Mirror, Ye Chen knew that he might have shouldered an extremely heavy responsibility in this life. He had never forgotten this responsibility, but he never expected that he would encounter the truth so soon.

Now that we have met today, we will definitely meet again next time!
Perhaps there is no need to doubt that the magical Nine Heavens Mirror is here to suppress the evil here, and this blood pool may be just one of them!

Ye Chen's eyes were slightly cold. Over the years, the Jiutian Mirror has been opened many times. Although not every time, people can come in to practice, but counting, there are also a lot of people who have come here to practice.

However, the Jiutian Mirror is still open, that is to say, many people who have come here have not been able to help the Jiutian Mirror, or in other words, have not fully reached the level that the Jiutian Mirror needs.

Now that the Nine Heavens Mirror has changed so much that even the nine gods will appear together, does that mean that even the Nine Heavens Mirror can no longer calmly suppress the evil inside?

If so, the danger is too great!
It takes Jiutianjing to go all out, even if it is successfully suppressed this time, what about in the future?
Now that he has gone all out, it means that Jiutianjing has released its power to the extreme. If he can't effectively help Jiutianjing this time, don't even think about it. The suppressed evil may break out of the mirror ,By the time. . . .


The immeasurable magic mirror suspended in mid-air suddenly spun, as if it had turned into a black hole in space, and a ray of light burst out, covering the entire blood pool. Speed, rushing towards the immeasurable mirror.

Ye Chen's eyes trembled, the blood pool that made him use all means, but he couldn't help it, became so weak in front of the Wuliang mirror, even though he knew that the Wuliang mirror had absolute power over the blood pool. restraint.

Blood pools of blood were forcibly absorbed by the mirror, but within a few minutes, the huge blood pools were completely wiped out, without any trace of blood. Similarly, there was no energy breath in this huge deep pit.

However, the immeasurable magic mirror that has absorbed such a huge amount of energy and drained the entire blood pool has not changed at all, and the radiance has not disappeared, and continues to cover the dried up blood pool.

The dazzling rays of light are no longer just covering the pool of blood. Visible to the naked eye, those rays of light are penetrating rapidly towards the bottom of the deep pit, as if they are going to cover the entire interior of Baigu Mountain.

With such light penetrating in little by little, Ye Chen immediately heard clearly, an extremely sharp scream, swaying from the depths of Baigu Mountain.

This voice still sounds very familiar. When I saw Baigu Mountain for the first time and wanted to approach it for the first time, there was such a voice resounding through it.

Ye Chen frowned tightly. It turns out that the disappearance of the blood pool is not the end!

The light continued to seep in, and the howling sound became more and more miserable. Soon after, Ye Chen clearly saw that an extremely illusory blurred shadow, led by the yellow light, was forcibly photographed in midair from the inside of the mountain.

This is an unknown creature, and it cannot even be described as a creature. It is just a ball, without facial features, hands and feet. It is just a ball of flour kneaded, but it is full of extremely strong The smell of blood, at the same time, is also bright red, as if soaked in blood for countless years.

When this guy appeared in the world, the light from the immeasurable magic mirror seemed to be filled with endless destructive power immediately. Its light was also like a raging fire. Under the shroud of light, this guy was like a ball of blood , suddenly the blood color faded.

The fuzzy shadow began to be split apart rapidly, and then turned into countless blood-colored light spots, which were annihilated under the infinite magic mirror, vanished into thin air, and there was nothing left!
However, that sharp howling sound still resounded in the world, as if it was unwillingness before dying!

The Immeasurable Mirror ignored these, and after killing the group of unknown creatures, it floated down gently and landed on Ye Chen's palm. Sensing from its calm state, it didn't seem to have done anything. matter.

The unknown blood-colored creature was annihilated, and the entire mountain of white bones suddenly shook violently. Immediately, the countless white bones turned into powder in an instant. . . .
The huge Baigu Mountain disappeared so easily without making any rumbling sounds. When Ye Chen came back to his senses, he realized that standing on the flat ground, the Baigu Mountain had disappeared, covering the entire area. The thick dead air in this piece of world, of course disappeared.

And at this time, Ye Chen also suddenly felt something, as if, this world was a little more relaxed, as if a great enemy had been eliminated!
Even the surrounding colors, in the area where Baigu Mountain was originally located, gradually, greenery emerged, and vitality began to slowly surge in the world, everything, like a new life.

Ye Chen looked around thoughtfully. Not long after, his eyes immediately retracted and fell on the Infinity Mirror in his hand. At this moment, his eyes became a little sharper.

"Wuliang Shenjing, I know your responsibilities. You have your special mission. You take everything you do for granted. I just hope that the same thing will never happen again."


Ye Chen took a deep breath, and said word by word: "If the same thing happens again, I will discard you without hesitation and let you make your own choice!"

Up to now, Ye Chen has understood that Wuliangshenjing is still choosing!

Enticed by the incomparably pure energy of the blood pool, whether to enter or not is Ye Chen's choice. Similarly, this is also the test of the infinite magic mirror.

If Ye Chen really couldn't restrain himself and chose to enter the blood pool, the immeasurable magic mirror could keep him safe from being controlled by the blood pool, and he would become a monster whose name he didn't know. Speaking of it, Ye Chen is no longer worthy of his following.

When the blood pool appeared, the immeasurable magic mirror could destroy it immediately, but Ye Chen was still walking towards the blood pool step by step under the huge temptation. . . .The Immeasurable Mirror is burdened with too many responsibilities. It wants to choose someone who can definitely fulfill this responsibility. There is nothing wrong with doing so, but Ye Chen does not want to accept such a test.

As far as he is concerned, since he has obtained the Infinity Mirror, no matter how heavy the so-called responsibility is, he has decided to take it on his shoulders, but he doesn't want to be caught again and again in the process. The immeasurable magic mirror came to test.

If you don't believe it, you can choose someone else!

Everyone has concentration, the difference is only the size. Anyone may be tempted. In the face of a big enough temptation, even a saint may make a wrong choice. Ye Chen doesn't think that his mistake just now, It's not worth being forgiven.

Therefore, Ye Chen didn't hope that what he had was not the same as him. If this was the case, he would rather choose not to have the Infinity Mirror, even if the latter is unparalleled in heaven and earth, even the Demon Emperor's Clock can't compare.


As if he understood Ye Chen's words, the Infinity Mirror once again burst out with light, and now the light was very soft, just covering Ye Chen's palm lightly, as if explaining something to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't say anything more, just grasped the Wuliang mirror, and the strength of his grip gradually increased unconsciously. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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