Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 414 Test

Chapter 414 Test

At this moment, time seemed to freeze. On the top of the mountain, it suddenly became extremely quiet. The only thing left was the movement caused by the tumbling blood in the blood pool, and Ye Chen's breathing seemed to have disappeared.

Everywhere in his body was filled with the factor of extreme desire, and finally after a few seconds, Ye Chen stopped and stepped out again.

At this moment, the entire blood pool trembled at an incalculable frequency, as if showing great joy, welcoming this strange guest.

Waves of extremely pure energy wrapped Ye Chen's whole body, stimulating him to enter the blood pool at a faster speed.


Ye Chen has already stepped into the pool of blood with one foot, and when his foot touched the blood water, there was a dull impact sound. The blood water was so joyous, and spread over quickly, wanting to use Ye Chen's foot as a The fulcrum quickly covered his entire body.

However, just as the water from the blood pool was spreading, Ye Chen's eyes, which had long been shrouded in extreme longing, suddenly flashed a gloomy white color.

Immediately, the dark white color immediately turned into a blazing flame in Ye Chen's eyes. The cold and high temperature swept out from the eyes, freezing his whole body, and at the same time making his whole body The desire factor anywhere up and down, at this time, quickly faded away.

"not good!"

When these longing factors did not exist, Ye Chen was sweating profusely on his back, without thinking about it, he immediately lifted his foot that was already in the pool of blood, and retreated.


The bloody water in the blood pool, which had always been very gentle and friendly, suddenly became extremely violent at this moment, and the bloody water in the blood pool turned into monstrous waves, sweeping towards Ye Chen quickly, wanting to He was taken into a pool of blood.


Ye Chen yelled loudly, and the ghost flames burst out of his body, and a sea of ​​flames blazed up in front of him.


The Nether Demonic Flame is the strange fire of heaven and earth, the only one in the whole world, because the number of Nether Demonic Falcons in the world is too small, the Nether Demonic Eagle that has established a blood relationship with Ye Chen may be the one between heaven and earth. the only one.

The more exotic creatures with strange bloodlines, the fewer the number. Known as the messenger of hell, the number of ghost magic eagles is of course very rare, so its achievements are not comparable to other creatures.

As far as Ye Chen knew, even if the Nether Demon Falcon was only at the level of a mysterious beast, when it really grew up, its strength would be daunting even for ordinary divine beasts.

Therefore, the power of the Nether Demon Fire is naturally terrifying, and the Nether Demon Flame is the evolution of the Demon Fire, and its power is beyond doubt.

But it never occurred to him that the blood in this pool of blood would never be frozen, let alone melted, after encountering Ye Chen's full-strength Nether Demon Flame.

What a miraculous Baigu Mountain, what a miraculous Jiutian Mirror!
However, even though they didn't melt the bloody water that was coming from the blood pool, they still blocked their attacks in the air. Ye Chen immediately pulled back and fell hundreds of meters away from the blood pool.

Ahead, the white flames and the blood-red blood were crazily nibbling at each other in mid-air, and Ye Chen couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

Although I don't know what will happen when I am covered in blood, I can understand that it must not be a very happy thing.

He also suddenly thought that when the giant was dying, the relief revealed in the eyes might mean that it finally got rid of the energy in its body.

And those energies come from this blood pool!
Therefore, Ye Chen can speculate that once he enters the blood pool, he may be able to use the pure energy in the blood pool to make his cultivation base undergo a qualitative change in a short period of time. However, his subsequent One's life, I'm afraid, will be controlled by the blood pool for the rest of his life just like that giant!

"Boom, boom!"

Blood and water from the pool of blood swept out continuously. Even though the Nether Demon Flame was formidable, it couldn't stop the impact of the blood and water. Not long after, the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky was finally torn apart and turned into countless white light spots, which gradually dissipated. Between heaven and earth.

Afterwards, the bloody water in that pool of blood, like raging waves, swept towards Ye Chen madly, and at this moment, this world, covered by the scarlet color, seemed to be the end of the world. .

"The temptation is not working, are you going to force me into the blood pool now?"

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, when he was enveloped by the factor of extreme desire, if it hadn't been for the timely help from the Nether Demon Flame, he really couldn't resist the temptation of the blood pool, now that he is awake, everything has to be up to him .

He turned around and left by himself. Even though the blood pool was extremely weird and the speed was amazing, Ye Chen was confident that he could leave Baigu Mountain before the blood in the blood pool brought him into the blood pool. As long as he left this mountain, no matter what happened to the blood pool, Can't affect him.

It's just that this blood pool is too evil, he doesn't want to, and there are newcomers who will come here and become monsters that the blood pool will control for life!

Ye Chen didn't want the 53 people who entered the Jiutian Mirror to become monsters controlled by the blood pool for life, even if they were life and death enemies against the sky, because he had seen the relief in the eyes of the giant before he died. !
If it was possible, Ye Chen would never mind letting this pool of blood disappear forever in the Nine Heavens Mirror. Of course, if he was not strong enough, he would have no choice but to leave first, and wait until his strength improved, or after he found Lin Yifan and Mei Aoxue. , Come here again, let the blood pool disappear forever.

These are all things to say later, right now, it is a good fight with this blood pool, but to see what kind of terrifying power this weird blood pool can exert.


With a wave of Ye Chen's hand, the Nether Demonic Flame once again turned into a sea of ​​flames and appeared in front of him. In the next instant, the sea of ​​flames swept out and ruthlessly slammed into the bloody pool of blood coming towards him!
Of course, relying on the Nether Demonic Flame, he couldn't resist the power of the blood pool, what Ye Chen wanted was to stop it!
After the Nether Demonic Flame swept out, the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art was already in motion, and in the surrounding area, countless auras of heaven and earth rushed towards Ye Chen's body at an extremely fast speed.

Moments later, streaks of silver light, dazzling and dazzling, surrounded Ye Chen's body!
With the great progress in cultivation, reaching the peak of the spiritual sea, and Cangxuan Hualongjue reaching the level of melting blood, making the physical strength even more astonishing, at this moment, the silver light pattern that Ye Chen can control is already amazing The number reached 53.

As soon as 53 silver light patterns appeared, the space around him seemed to be shaking violently because he couldn't bear it.

"Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art, Consolidate!"


The shocking dragon chant resounded immediately!

The streaks of silver light were immediately connected and condensed under Ye Chen's perfect control. After a while, a huge body of a real dragon jumped into the sky.

The condensed form of this real dragon is of course not the condensed form of the fourth realm of the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art, and there is no comparison with that condensed form, but this is one of Ye Chen's most proud methods.

The real dragon floats in the world, and thousands of creatures are awed by it. Ye Chen flicks his fingers, and a spiritual force is quickly poured into the dragon's head. After a moment, the closed dragon's eyes suddenly opened, with The endless domineering dragon might look down on this world.

Among the spiritual power, there is the power of yin and yang!
In the whole world, I am afraid that only Ye Chen, who only possessed the Cangxuan Hualong Jue Melting Blood Realm, can gather the real dragon so perfectly, because he has the power of yin and yang.

Perhaps in the world, there are other people who are as lucky as him and have the power of yin and yang, but they have never possessed the Cangxuanhualongjue.

The real dragon is entrenched in the sky, and the dragon's power is rolling, like a tide, sweeping across the world. The bright silver light is like the bright moon in the sky, giving people an extreme sense of coolness.


With a wave of Ye Chen's hand, the huge silver real dragon jumped directly above the clouds in the nine heavens. When it reappeared, it was already above the blood pool, and then, carrying the billowing domineering dragon power, it crashed into the blood pool.

Ye Chen knew that only by destroying the blood pool would the blood pool disappear forever in the Nine Heavens Mirror. Instead of entangled with the power of the blood pool, it would be better to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot!
It's just that Ye Chen may have underestimated the power of the blood pool, or in other words, although he did not underestimate the blood pool, he still doesn't know enough about the blood pool.

The huge silver real dragon, even a master who has just entered the realm of real martial arts, has to spend some means to dissolve it. However, when it rushed into the blood pool, it was just like a huge stone thrown into the lake, bringing out bursts of waves. Ripples, other than that, there are no waves.

This pool of blood, like the sea, can accommodate hundreds of rivers!
Ye Chen's brows furrowed involuntarily. In front of his body, the Nether Demon Flame had been torn apart again. The bloody water, like a raging wave, surged towards him crazily, carrying the power of destroying the dead.

The pool of blood in front of him was no longer something he could handle!
Ye Chen didn't think about it any more, he moved his body, and retreated as fast as lightning. Since he couldn't handle it, he didn't do anything useless.

At this time, an extremely bright yellow light suddenly surged out, filling the space between heaven and earth.

Whether it was the turbulent pool of blood that seemed to be running wildly into the sea, or the blood that swept over like a raging wave, under the shroud of this yellow light, they all lost all their fierce power in an instant. Like a cat, it is no longer as scary as before.

What's more, people can feel that when the blood pool trembles slightly, it emits like fear and begging for mercy. That yellow light is actually the nemesis of this blood pool. It has no nemesis of resistance.

Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned, because this ray of light came from his body, and it was released from the infinite magic mirror. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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