Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 427 Battle

Chapter 427 Battle

Sure enough, after a while, that incomparably soft voice calmly resounded outside Xuanling Mountain, and the brows furrowed uncontrollably.

"Ni Cangtian, this Xuanling Mountain will never allow outsiders to step in. If you want to fight, I will accompany you, but let me see. For many years, the No. 1, who has been hailed as the younger generation of the northern mainland, has what it takes." What kind of method!"

Luo Xin's choice didn't surprise Ye Chen, it should have been like this, but Wang Ning and another young man's complexion was much gloomy, a woman who is so stupid, can't he see the situation clearly? ?

Only Ni Cangtian, who understood the hidden meaning in Luo Xin's words, made the decisions he had made in his mind slightly shaken.

Ni Cangtian is known as the No.1 of the younger generation in the Northern Continent. This is a fact recognized by everyone in the entire Northern Continent. Perhaps even the equally outstanding Shangguan Futu has to admit this.

However, this sentence should not come from Luo Xin's mouth. Since the latter said it, people have to be cautious and careful.

As for Luo Xin, many people are speculating about her origin. With the huge power of Cang Pavilion and Ni Cangtian being able to come to Xuanling Mountain, it is obvious that they already understand something. Now that Luo Xin says this again, Ni Cangtian can already For sure, Luo Xin is not from the northern mainland.

The world is so big and boundless, even the masters at the pinnacle of martial arts have never traveled through the whole world, because it is too big!
The northern continent is just one of the continents in this world, and, relatively speaking, its geographical location is not too conspicuous and important. Ni Cangtian knows this very well.

Although there are still many continents in the world that are not comparable to the Northern Territory Continent at all, Ni Cangtian has no doubts that the continent where Luo Xin is located is probably not even comparable to the Northern Territory Continent.

Being able to come to Xuanling Mountain, Ni Cangtian already knows a lot.

Therefore, when Luo Xin said such words, he lost his determination just now.

After being silent for a while, Ni Cang said slowly: "Fairy, we came here today only for Ye Chen, this mountain, you can enter now, we will not block it, let alone interfere in the slightest. One point, I swear against the sky with my great luck with Cangge that I will never violate it, as long as you don't interfere in the grievances between us and Ye Chen."

After the words fell, Wang Ning and his companions couldn't help being stunned. They couldn't figure it out, even though Luo Xin was very mysterious, her strength might also be considered mysterious, but was it necessary to make such a concession to Luo Xin?

After coming here, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that there are many secrets hidden in this mountain range that looks like a bridge between heaven and earth. As long as you get one of them, the benefits you get may benefit you throughout your life.

This is why they came here!

Now, because of Luo Xin, she gave up everything?
Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't expect that Ni Cangtian would be so afraid of Luo Xin, but Ni Cangtian was also very decisive, since he couldn't make a move against Luo Xin, he would just retreat again, Cangge Young master, the result is not easy to be with.

Ni Cangtian's offer is undoubtedly very attractive, and he swears by his own and Cangge's great luck, and no one will doubt it at all, but Ni Cangtian and the other three did not expect that Luo Xin would still refuse.

"If you wanted to kill Ye Chen before that, I would not have the slightest resistance or opposition, but now it is not possible. Anyone who is an enemy of Ye Chen is an enemy of me!"

Luo Xin spoke loudly, without any hesitation.

This decisiveness made Ye Chen couldn't help but glance at her. Although he also knew that due to the special relationship between the two, it was unlikely that Luo Xin would see herself being besieged by the three of Ni Cangtian, but it was still so straightforward to act so directly. It surprised him a little.


Ni Cangtian's expression sank, obviously he didn't understand why she was so protective of Ye Chen.

"Ni Cangtian, you retreat immediately, I don't care about anything, if not, the consequences are at your own risk, you should be clear, this is not a threat!"

Luo Xin said in a cold voice, in her expression, she was already a little impatient, Xuanling Mountain was behind her, within reach, but she couldn't enter it after so long delay, her heart has long been unable to be as calm as water .


Ni Cangtian smiled angrily, and the fear and caution in his expression disappeared at this moment. No matter what, he is the young master of Cang Pavilion, the most outstanding young man on this continent, no matter how old Luo Xin is. It's terrible, it's impossible for him to retreat unconditionally.

"Since I became famous, among my peers, even Shangguan Futu, I have never regarded him as a real opponent. Only you, the fairy, are very unpredictable. Today, I will experience how mysterious the fairy is. "

"Wang Ning, Shen Quan!"

Ni Cangtian sternly shouted: "You two join hands, are you sure enough to kill Ye Chen?"

"Hey, Brother Ni, don't worry, as long as Fairy Luo Xin doesn't interfere, Ye Chen will be dead."

In Wang Ning's eyes looking at Ye Chen, the meaning of cannibalism surged again. For him, Xuanling Mountain is indeed very important, but it can't compare to the joy and heartiness after killing Ye Chen!
"very good!"

Ni Cangtian turned his head, looked at Luo Xin, and said indifferently: "Fairy, it's just a sparring session, I won't hurt Fairy, if Fairy feels angry, she can use all her strength, I can bear it."

Ni Cangtian has enough self-confidence at the peak of the fourth level of true martial arts, even if the opponent is Luo Xin, but although he has made a decision, Ni Cangtian obviously doesn't want to offend Luo Xin too much, so it is a competition.

Luo Xin smiled softly, and said: "As long as you make a move, you and I are already enemies. Think about the consequences for yourself, and don't think that if you leave me here for eternity, no news will spread. God, please do it yourself!"

Hearing this, Ni Cangtian's eyes immediately tightened, but he is still not an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible, because a single sentence from the other party changed all the decisions.

"I don't want to be an enemy of the fairy. It's just a matter of reason to make a move today. Please be aware of this point. If you offend me, you will definitely apologize afterwards!"

Ni Cangtian immediately shouted sharply: "Wang Ning, Shen Quan, don't do anything yet!"


Wang Ning laughed strangely, and sharp sword intents surged out of his body like a tide. Suddenly, the space he was in seemed to have formed a vacuum.

"Ye Chen, let me introduce you. This is my younger brother. His name is Shen Quan. Also, he is ranked nineteenth on the Nine Heavens Record. Don't think that this ranking is not high. If you are careless, you will end badly." of."

Knowing that the young man next to Wang Ning was called Shen Quan, Ye Chen was not careless in the slightest. In fact, he never underestimated anyone on the Jiutianlu.

Now that Wang Ning introduces it like this, Ye Chen is even more dignified!
Although I don't know anything about Wang Ning, after a person encounters a big change, his mind will usually change drastically. This is the case with Wang Ning now.

People who have changed their minds will behave differently from others!
"Originally, because of Big Brother Ni, I really wanted to kill you, but today, my desire to kill you is much stronger than the goal I set when I stepped into the martial arts path, Ye Chen, your death is considered a well-deserved death!"

Wang Ning laughed ferociously, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Accompanied by the change of his eyes, the countless sword intents around him, like thousands of swords flying together, shot out at Ye Chen in a frenzied burst, and the momentum was almost to destroy the world.

It wasn't until this time that Ye Chen really believed that the severe injury to Wang Ning that day did not leave any sequelae to the latter. Fix it back.

Being able to become a powerful force that is admired by all on the northern continent really has a unique trump card.

Ye Chen has seen Wang Ning's methods before. However, the last time, the former was under siege by three of himself. The sword intent and sword formation were only used for defense, not for attack. Naturally, the momentum was huge. same.

Thousands of swords flew together, and the space in front of him was completely torn apart. That extremely fierce aura came first. With Ye Chen's current physical strength, he felt his skin was cold in front of such a fierce aura.

The sword array is indeed one of the ultimate goals of countless kendo practitioners. Even if they only have a prototype sword array, the strength Wang Ning possesses would be dreaded by ordinary masters who have just entered the real martial arts realm.

However, just such an attack does not make Ye Chen have the slightest possibility of retreating.


A forest of white light suddenly shone in the sky, and in an instant, countless flames rolled up in the sea of ​​flames, and all the sword lights that burst out were forcibly wrapped in it.

"Bang, bang!"

In the package of the Nether Demon Flame, there are continuous violent vibration sounds, and at the same time, that fierce breath is also crazily impacting, but no matter what, the Demon Flame Space is always as stable as Mount Tai, even in the violent vibration , without the slightest sign of fragmentation.

"Wang Ning, if you want to kill me, these methods alone are not enough!"

Ye Chen suddenly clenched his palms tightly, and under his control, the Nether Demonic Flame quickly gathered, and finally, in front of him, it turned into a delicate flame like a work of art, and those fierce sword glows Also at this moment, it disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, okay, wow!"

Wang Ning couldn't help laughing loudly. Even though the blow just now was done casually, the ease with which Ye Chen dispelled it also let him know that the latter's real strength is by no means inferior to his.

But even so, Ye Chen would definitely die today!
After the laughter fell, the space where Wang Ning was located suddenly became extremely blurred. It was obvious that the person was there, but the person seemed not to be in this world. Such contradictory senses gave people a very terrifying feeling. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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