Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 428 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 428 Breaking the Formation

Just when Wang Ning and his space became blurred, the world seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, and there was an extremely dull sound, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Because of his incomparable tenacity, this voice alone may hurt Ye Chen's mind and make him even more uncomfortable. The reason is that Wang Ning is clearly in his eyes, but he seems to have disappeared.


A ferocious laugh came from the blur, and immediately, the blurred space shattered, returning to the original clarity, but the clarity of today is not the clarity of the past, because Wang Ning has truly disappeared.

Ye Chen's gaze froze suddenly, and he reacted instinctively, and he retreated like lightning.

However, when he retreated violently, Wang Ning's voice came out from the nothingness with the intent to kill.

"The combat awareness is really good, and the reaction is fast, but it's a pity that you are still a bit slower!"

When the voice came, Ye Chen suddenly realized that the space he was in had been imprisoned at some point.

No, it's not being imprisoned, but, the space on the left and right of the body is actually filled with countless sword lights. Those sword lights are so fierce that they all exude terrifying power enough to penetrate a mountain range. What's even more surprising is that each The sword lights seem to be scattered in the space, but in fact, they are all closely related to each other.

This kind of connection is not because the sword lights are all cast by Wang Ning. It feels more like they are connected, but they are differentiated.

"Sword formation!"

Even if Ye Chen didn't know anything about the sword formation, he understood at this moment that he had been trapped in the so-called sword formation by Wang Ning.Although the latter's understanding of the sword array has only just started, the way of setting up the array is obviously very good, otherwise, how could Ye Chen be trapped in it silently!
"Some insight!"

Wang Ning appeared, and he looked at Ye Chen in the sword formation, as if he was looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered: "I met you on the barren mountain that day, and the three of you joined forces to hurt me, so you didn't let you see the true meaning of the sword formation." Mighty, I can't help but feel a little pity, but today, you have this opportunity, I hope you enjoy it."

When the words fell, in Wang Ning's hands, a burst of dark purple light was dazzling, almost covering the entire space. In that light was a simple long sword. The long sword itself may not be very sharp, but in the At this moment, it is invincible!
"Zi Xuan Divine Sword Formation, cut!"

Following the sound of Wang Ning's words, the sword in his hand swung violently, and immediately, the eye-catching purple light fell from the sky and landed on the sword array.


The dark purple light fell, and the square sword array suddenly started to work, and the fierce aura, at this moment, seemed to have spiritual wisdom, sweeping towards Ye Chen overwhelmingly.

Just such a breath alone, of course, can't do anything to Ye Chen, but he has noticed that the breaths are like sword glows, countless sword glows, sweeping from all directions, leaving no room for him to dodge , there is no other way but to resist!
"What a sword formation!"

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold, even if the opponent was Ni Cangtian, Ye Chen had never felt the slightest fear. He, Wang Ning, was not qualified yet, which made Ye Chen's heart tremble in the slightest.


In the palm of Ye Chen's hand, that ray of ghost flames swept out crazily at this moment, turning into a sea of ​​flames, enveloping his whole body, and the extremely cold high temperature froze the surrounding space immediately down.

One after another sword glows rushed forward like locusts, forcibly crashing into the space created by the Nether Demon Flame, and made a shocking explosion.

The flames are like the sea, and the sword is like a stone. No matter how many meteorites fall from the sky, it can make a sea rush like a storm, but it is impossible to fill the sea.

Although the sword glow was fierce, it still couldn't tear through the Nether Demon Flame and hurt Ye Chen who was inside.

But such a scene did not move Wang Ning in the slightest. He said with a grim smile: "Ye Chen, the sword formation is completed, and it will be endless and never stop. As long as the enemy does not die, the power of the sword formation will last forever!" Keep going, I want to see how long you can last in this sea of ​​flames!"

Wang Ning is already an outstanding person, so he can naturally see that the power of the Nether Demon Flame is terrifying, but unless the sword array is broken, it will eventually be exhausted, and by then, Ye Chen will be slaughtered lamb.

Ye Chen frowned slightly, and his mind became more dignified. After the first wave of sword lights that filled the sky were melted by the Nether Demon Flame, the sword formation operated on its own. The same number and equally astonishing sword lights swept away again. out.

Wang Ning didn't lie, the sword formation has been completed, and it will continue to live forever!
"In this case, the only thing we can do is break the sword array!"

As if hearing Ye Chen's words to himself, Wang Ning sneered and said with a snort: "Although your strength is not weak, if the sword array hadn't trapped you at the right time, it would be almost impossible for me to defeat you, but with your strength Strength, it is not that simple to break the sword formation!"

"Not always!"

Ye Chen raised his head and looked into the distance. Wang Ning, who was watching him condescendingly, smiled indifferently, and stepped out immediately.

Although the sword formation is powerful, it is not invincible in the world. Moreover, this is just a prototype sword formation. If Wang Ning's cultivation base is in the realm of martial arts, Ye Chen really has no confidence to break through the sword formation. Unfortunately, Wang Ning is not in the realm of martial arts master.

No power in the world can be invincible in the world. What is truly invincible is its own strength and cultivation!

To break the sword formation, Ye Chen certainly couldn't find the most suitable method, but there is a saying that is called breaking power with strength, as long as one's own strength is beyond the strength of the sword formation, then the sword formation will break by itself!

Maybe Ye Chen is not as good as Wang Ning in terms of swordsmanship, but in terms of strength, not to mention masters of the same level, even some ordinary real martial arts masters can never compare to Ye Chen!

One step later, Ye Chen turned into an afterimage, darting out like lightning, surrounded by ghost demon flames, no matter how much sword light there was, he couldn't help it. He was still at the peak, and he didn't even think about ghost monsters. How long can the inflammation last.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

Ye Chen, who was already at the edge of the sword array, with him as the center, within a radius of several miles, tens of miles, dozens of miles, and even hundreds of miles, countless energies swept towards him crazily, and then, with An extremely shocking impact rushed into Ye Chen's body.

"Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art!"

One after another silver light streaks began to burst out continuously, and after a while, sixty silver light streaks slowly appeared in midair like twinkling stars.

The practice during this period obviously improved Ye Chen's strength a bit!

As soon as the silver light streaks appeared, there was a resounding dragon chant, and the sixty silver light streaks immediately merged together, and finally, it turned into a real silver dragon with the size of a hundred feet.

At this moment, the extremely domineering Longwei surged into the heaven and earth.

"Sword formation? Break it for me!"

Ye Chen stood up and stood on top of the real silver dragon, and then, one after another spiritual power continuously rushed out from under his feet and merged into the real silver dragon. In an instant, the real dragon, which seemed illusory like a dead thing, immediately Filled with an extremely terrifying spirituality.

Dao Dao spiritual power naturally contains the magical and unparalleled power of yin and yang.

Over the years, he has encountered countless enemies, not counting Lin Yifan and Gu Lin, this Wang Ning is undoubtedly the most terrifying one he has ever met among the masters of the same level.

The power of the sword array is indeed astonishing!

Therefore, Ye Chen didn't have the slightest carelessness and kept his hands. More yin and yang power blended in, which means that the power of the silver real dragon will be even more terrifying.

The hundred-foot-sized real silver dragon, like a moving mountain range, charged towards the sword array fiercely, carrying a shocking force.

At this moment, even Wang Ning couldn't help but change his face, and immediately waved the long sword in his hand, and fierce and incomparable sword glows rushed out of the long sword and fell into the sword array. Obviously, He is strengthening the defensive power of the sword array.

After a while, the huge real dragon finally ran into the sword formation head-on.

At this moment, a shocking destructive aura swept out like a storm, and everything it passed by was instantly turned into nothingness. The destructive force is so overwhelming that people can't help it The scalp is numb.

However, the Xuanling Mountain Range behind everyone remained motionless after being exposed to such a destructive force, not a single rock fell off from it, as if that kind of destruction was worse than the power of ants.

And these terrifying destructive forces also did not allow the maze created by Xuanling Mountain to cause any damage. The huge maze stretching for tens of thousands of miles was like an indestructible barrier between heaven and earth.

Such Xuanling Mountain, why doesn't it make people have the most extreme desire?
Amidst the shocking movement, the dazzling silver light was dimmed rapidly. The real dragon, which was as large as a hundred feet, also quickly became unreal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even if Ye Chen goes all out and injects the power of yin and yang that can be injected, it is still impossible for the real silver dragon to be unscathed when it collides with the sword array.

If the sword array is so easy to be broken, it is impossible to become one of the two ultimate goals of countless sword practitioners, even if this is just a prototype sword array!

But correspondingly, under the impact of the real silver dragon, the terrifying sword array could not maintain the most perfect state. At this moment, the countless sharp sword lights seemed to lose control, flying randomly in the space, even Even Wang Ning couldn't control it.

And at the very center of the collision, a crack also quietly spread out from the sword formation, and it is still spreading rapidly, which makes people know that it will not be long before this square sword formation will truly collapse open.

That is to say, this square sword array was really broken by Ye Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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