Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 431 Gathering

Chapter 431 Gathering
"Boom, boom!"

The huge labyrinth that stretched for tens of thousands of miles, after a breath was injected, it was shaking violently as if an earthquake was coming, as if the foundation of the labyrinth had been pried.

With such a huge formation, even experts at the Xuanwu realm or even the Tianwu realm might not be able to make it disappear without a trace in a very short period of time.

However, when the maze started to oscillate violently due to the injection of a breath from Luo Xin, Ni Cangtian saw that the maze was no longer the original maze.

The reason why it can become a maze is because, being in it, it is completely isolated from the outside world, so that people can't find a way to advance or retreat. It's the same in all directions, and you don't know it at all. That's the right place.

Even if you find the right way, you will still lose your way and be trapped in it forever. This is the power of the maze.

But now, the trembling labyrinth has not only erupted with shocking movements, but even the labyrinth has become clearer.

Although these are not enough to make the maze disappear from now on, but the power of the maze has been weakened rapidly, it can stop ordinary people, but it may be very difficult to stop anyone on the Jiutianlu. It only takes a little time to get here.

And that shocking movement is enough to spread thousands of miles away, and even farther!

In this way, some people in this range will be attracted.

It doesn't matter if it's someone from his Ni Cangtian or a neutral person who comes here. His reputation as Ni Cangtian is enough to frighten others. , also has enough deterrent power.

And Ye Chen is not alone, and even Fairy Luo Xin's appeal is still higher than his Ni Cangtian, as long as the person who comes is not his own, Ni Cangtian can guarantee that he and Wang Ning will definitely be attacked.

"Unexpectedly, the fairy still has such a backhand, it is really admirable." Ni Cangtian said in a cold voice, and it was obvious that he was already extremely angry.

Luo Xin smiled and said: "I never thought that Zhuhai would hand over the treasure of the gods to you. I don't know if this is a violation of some rules. If it is passed on, I don't know what will happen to you Does it have any effect?"

Ni Cangtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said calmly: "Tian Shen Bao Jian, I can already refine it, and bring it out, then it is not considered a violation of the rules."

Luo Xin couldn't help laughing, after being refined, it was her own, so it was only natural to bring it out, but Ni Cangtian's indifferent attitude let people know that what he said didn't match inside and out!
A burst of anger surged out of Zi Ni Cangtian's heart involuntarily. Over the years, as his cultivation base became more and more prosperous, there were fewer and fewer people who could stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Ye Chen appeared in the sky, not only performed extremely perfectly, but his reputation was no longer under him. What is even more disturbing is that there are too many big figures, both openly and secretly, who have already promoted Ye Chen to the level of On a par with him.

Perhaps this could not make Ni Cangtian have any special emotions. Those big figures have all cultivated for many years, and their vision is not comparable to Ni Cangtian's.

However, among the younger generation, there are more and more people who secretly put Ye Chen on the same level as him, even worse, for example, Luo Xin's maintenance today!

Ni Cangtian is so arrogant, how can he accept it!

"This mountain is very important to you, but for Ye Chen, you would rather give it up, Luo Xin, is it worth it?"

Luo Xin smiled lightly and said, "There is no such thing as whether it is worth it or not, only whether it should be done or not!"

"Okay, should I do it or not!"

Ni Cangtian smiled angrily: "Forget it, I want to see who can save Ye Chen today!"

Luo Xin's backhand was indeed unexpected, but Ni Cangtian didn't pay much attention to it. Even though the maze was full of noise and movement, after all it stretched for tens of thousands of miles. Even if someone noticed and came quickly, how could they arrive in such a short time?Even Shangguan Futu can't do it!
And this little time is enough for him to kill Ye Chen!

Seeing Ni Cangtian going straight towards Ye Chen, Luo Xinqiao couldn't help raising a stern arc on her face. Of course, she understood what Ni Cangtian meant, but what she can do now is only these. , she could do nothing.

The dark purple light was shining extremely brightly, and the two sword arrays were in motion at the same time, and the fierce sword light was like a wind blowing leaves at this moment, with overwhelming power!

This is just one of them. When the two square sword formations were in operation, Ye Chen had already noticed that the two great sword formations seemed to merge into one place and turned into one sword formation!
When the two great sword arrays are fused together, that level of power is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Countless sword glows came through the air, and Ye Chen's body was almost densely packed with terrifying sword energy that could pierce the sky. He couldn't move forward, and he couldn't retreat!

"Brother Ni!"

Ye Chen's eyes trembled suddenly, and when Wang Ning's shout sounded, a powerful and incomparable aura suddenly enveloped the sword formation that blended together.

Under the shroud of this aura, not only himself, but even the square sword formation seemed to be cut off from the real world at this moment.

"Cangsheng Domain!"

Ni Cangtian finally did it himself!

If it's just Wang Ning, even if his two great sword formations merged with amazing power, Ye Chen is confident enough that he will be able to break out of the formation after he has been severely injured, and Wang Ning will never even think about retreating completely.

The enemy is against the sky. . . .Ye Chen took a deep breath, and his gaze immediately became extremely cold, even if you are against the sky and want me to die, you will never get over it!

A strange energy traveled all over Ye Chen's body in a blink of an eye. Driven by this energy, the speed of the Chaos Yin-Yang Art seems to be even faster. Once, he frantically plundered Ye Chen, and even the common people couldn't block it.

But this time, Ni Cangtian obviously learned enough lessons. The scene of Yanyangzong that day was a lifelong shame to him, so he would never allow the same shame to happen to him again .

When he noticed that the energy in the world was frantically rushing towards Ye Chen, in the realm of common life, the vast and unparalleled energy, with an irresistible force, pressed heavily towards Ye Chen.

At this moment, the entire Cangsheng Realm was moving, and the fusion sword array directly turned into a terrifying sword net, taking the lead and rushing towards Ye Chen.

Immediately, with a bang, the sword formation exploded directly outside Ye Chen's body.

Now that Ni Cangtian has made a move, Wang Ning has naturally become a foil, but whether it is Wang Ning or Ni Cangtian himself, they all have inexplicable fear of Ye Chen in their hearts. After all, the scene of Yanyangzong is too magical.

Therefore, the sword array exploded!
First of all, he seriously injured Ye Chen, and with Cangshengyu, he no longer has half the possibility of surviving!

"Ni Cangtian, if something happens to Ye Chen today, ten Cang Pavilions, a hundred Cang Pavilions will all be buried for Ye Chen because of your actions!"

Under the bright yellow light, Luo Xin couldn't help yelling loudly, at the same time, the aura that made the maze tremble violently burst out again.

"Boom, boom!"

The tumbling maze was even more frightening. It seemed that a gleam of clarity finally emerged from the maze, and with the appearance of this scene, Luo Xin's face became extremely pale. Obviously, this required a great deal of effort from her. cost.

Just for Ye Chen, she is willing to pay such a price!

Therefore, those breaths, the opportunities are endless, and the maze is tumbling more and more terrifying because of this. The entire maze, which stretches for tens of thousands of miles, starts from this moment and violently oscillates.

That kind of movement may not be able to shake the entire Nine Heavens Mirror, but at least, the land of tens of thousands of miles is affected by this movement.

Then, there began to be some figures, rushing towards Xuanling Mountain at a fast speed!

The Nine Heavens Mirror is originally a place of experience, and the greater the movement, it means that there will be special things happening. For these people who enter the Nine Heavens Mirror, special things are what they most want to see.

There are not too many figures coming quickly, the Jiutian Mirror is too big after all, tens of thousands of miles away, it is only a corner of the Jiutian Mirror, but as long as someone comes, Ye Chen's vitality will be more.

This was Luo Xin's original intention, and now she is doing this desperately!

The movement of the maze, more or less, affected Ni Cangtian, especially Luo Xin's harsh words, which made his mind stagnate even more. To be able to come to Xuanling Mountain, he already had a little bit of Luo Xin's background. Understanding, even if he only understood a little bit, already made him extremely afraid of Luo Xin.

If it wasn't like this, how could Tianshen Baojian just trap Luo Xin?

However, this is the best time to kill Ye Chen, there is no way Ni Cangtian will give up!
Compared with Luo Xin's possible revenge in the future, Ni Cangtian's intuition told Ni Cangtian that if he failed to kill Ye Chen today, he might not have such a good opportunity in the future, and from now on, Ye Chen would become his real threat .

Therefore, even though the mind was a little uneasy, the Cangsheng Domain was still quietly activated by Ni Cangtian after a while, and it was full of power!

"Boom, boom!"

In the Cangsheng Realm, there are constantly terrifying bangs, that thin body is no longer visible to the naked eye, and even Luo Xin, who is in the same line, can no longer feel Ye Chen's feelings. The breath is gone, it seems to disappear from this world forever.

"Marven Ye!"

"Marven Ye!"

Two shouts, one in front and the other in the back, resounded within a few seconds of each other!

The first sound came from Luoxin!

When the second shout sounded, it was accompanied by a terrifying sword light that was extremely fierce. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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