Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 432 1 Sword Breaks the Sky

Chapter 432
"call out!"

A sword light came through the sky, and the sky and the earth changed color because of this sword, and the wind and clouds surged, as if they couldn't bear the power of this sword, bursts of roaring sounds broke out, and everything they passed was shattered Cracked.

Wang Ning realized the rudimentary sword array, the sword array was formed, thousands of swords flew together, and the sword light was extremely fierce.

However, after seeing this sword light, Wang Ning knew that the sword light he swung out, even if the two great sword arrays merged to condense countless sword lights into one, perhaps, it was not as fierce as this sword light.

The sword formation is indeed terrifying, the fusion of the two great sword formations, even if Ye Chen wants to break out of the formation, he will have to pay a huge price, but, after all, it is only a prototype sword formation, in order to realize the sword formation, Wang Ning did it for him. There are too many to give up!

If the sword array is to be perfect, one's own cultivation is indispensable!
The self-cultivation here does not refer to the cultivation of martial arts, but the cultivation of swordsmanship!

Wang Ningjian took a slanted front and realized the way of the sword formation, but his own sword practice was ignored by him a lot. Therefore, he who lost the sword formation is just an ordinary master of the peak of the spiritual sea.

Having said that, if he didn't choose this way, Wang Ning might not be able to realize the prototype of the sword array, and if he got the prototype of the sword array, Wang Ning would already be among the best young people in the northern mainland.

For him, the other renunciations are all worthwhile, as long as one day he truly comprehends the sword array to the state of great accomplishment, other renunciations are not considered as giving up!
However, giving up in this way, although there is a way to take advantage of it, it is not really a great achievement in the way of swordsmanship!

The great achievement of swordsmanship lies in proving the Tao with the sword. Although the sword array is also the ultimate goal of swordsmanship practitioners, there is a distinction between the two ultimate goals.

Wang Ningjian took the slant, what he gave up was the most important thing!
Therefore, even if his sword formation comprehends to the state of great accomplishment, in front of real masters of swordsmanship, his sword formation still has flaws!

A true master of swordsmanship, who has mastered his own swordsmanship, uses himself as the sword, or uses the sword as himself, can wield the sharpness of the sword to the extreme.

At that time, such masters of swordsmanship can still rely on their own swordsmanship to comprehend their own sword array.

As for Wang Ning, he gave up the most important part. In his life, unless he got a heaven-defying fortune, otherwise, his swordsmanship would never achieve greatness.

Sensing that fierce and unparalleled sword glow piercing through the air, even though Wang Ning felt that his giving up was still worthwhile, he couldn't help feeling envious in his heart.

This is the real path to great success in swordsmanship!

The sword light plundered, it was with an outrageous momentum, under the eyes of Ni Cangtian, Luo Xin, Wang Ning, and Shen Quan, it slashed heavily on the Cangsheng domain, the speed was so fast that even Against the heavens, there is no way to stop it.


The terrifying realm of common life was suddenly shaken violently, and the realm of real martial arts masters, at this moment, seemed to have its foundations shaken, showing signs of spiritual energy leaking.

Ni Cangtian's gaze became much colder, he looked into the distance, and saw the direction where the sword light came through the sky, and shouted sharply: "You are not Shangguan Futu after all, if you want to break my realm of life, don't even think about it!"

"If something happens to Ye Chen, Ni Cangtian, Wang Ning, I will take the entire Cang Pavilion and Ling Jianzong to be buried with him!"

The voice came from afar, as sharp as that sword glow!

"You're the only one with such a big tone?" Ni Cangtian couldn't help laughing coldly.

Among the younger generation, Shangguan Futu was the only person he was afraid of. As for Luo Xin, the only thing he was afraid of was her background. Except for the two, no one, at least for now, could pose any threat to him. .

And Cang Pavilion?
Even if Zhou Tiange comes out in full force, it can only fight to the death. The rest of the forces, even if Dahuang and Moyuanshan join forces, can't imagine destroying Cang Pavilion!

"Haha! Ni Cangtian, have you forgotten, who hurt you at the foot of the Yanyang Sect that day?"

The picture of the past suddenly appeared in Ni Cangtian's mind, which made his face change drastically. There were two people injured that day, one of them was a very young girl, and the other was a person!

This voice does not belong to that girl!

"Who are you?"

Ni Cangtian was very angry, Yanyangzong, and Ye Chen's three-stroke agreement was a lifelong shame. With his strength, in the three moves, he failed to win Ye Chen under Cang Shengyu's display. .

And at the foot of Yanyangzong Mountain, that was his disgrace again, the Cangsheng domain was directly broken by a girl, and then he was injured by a stranger again, fortunately there were no other people at that time, otherwise, he would definitely become a joke against the sky .

That girl, Ni Cangtian didn't think of revenge at all, the strength of the girl herself, and the fearfulness of the old man next to the girl, made Ni Cangtian unable to take revenge.

No matter how good a person is, he will be the absolute overlord, at least one of them, on the northern continent in the future.

However, even if you meet a more powerful person, you will not feel the slightest rebellion!

A million dollars is a lot. In the face of tens of millions of dollars, I still feel that there is hope of catching up. However, in the face of hundreds of millions of dollars, or even billions of dollars, that hope will disappear.

But the other person, Ni Cangtian once swore that he must be beheaded with both hands!

I thought that it would be difficult to find a stranger in the vast crowd. Even if I knew that this person would enter the Nine Heavens Mirror, I felt that the chance of meeting him would not be great. I never thought that I would send it to my door.

"Who am I? I am qualified to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, another sword light pierced through the air again. It was not weaker than the sword light just now, and the speed was also extremely fast. With that sword glow, it bombarded Cangshengyu.

"Damn it, get out!"

Ni Cangtian was really furious, his cultivation was not as good as his own, his strength was not as good as his own, but he was able to do one thing after another that made him extremely aggrieved under his nose, being as proud as him, how could he accept it?
"call out!"

The answer to Ni Cangtian was an equally astonishing sharp sword light, but this time, the owner of the sword light finally appeared under this world.

"Who the hell are you?" Ni Cangtian shouted again in a cold voice.

"Brother Ni, he, he is Lin Yifan!"

In Wang Ning's eyes, the same gaze that looked at Ye Chen slowly swept away. Ye Chen was just one of the people who forced him to blew his own sword heart that day.

"Lin Yifan!"

This was not the first time Ni Cangtian saw Lin Yifan, but he just found out that the latter was actually Lin Yifan!

Ni Cangtian suddenly realized that the three of Dahuang, Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, and Mei Aoxue, each of them had enough threats to him, even in the future!
"Good, good, good wow!"

Ni Cangtian laughed out loud, since it's Lin Yifan, it's really great, today he finally has a chance to catch Ye Chen and Lin Yifan all at once.

After killing the two of them, even if there is still Mei Aoxue, there is little hope for Dahuang's future!
Lin Yifan just smiled, his figure suddenly moved!
His speed was as fast as the sword light he cast, and in an instant, he was already in the field of common life.

"Lin Yifan, do you really think that you are omnipotent?"

Ni Cangtian drank coldly, he couldn't stop the two sword lights, but it didn't mean that Lin Yifan himself could do the same.

"The judgment of the common people, the seal of the heavens!"

A strong light surged out from Ni Cangtian's hands. In an instant, a huge amount of spiritual power condensed and formed under the envelope of the strong light. Finally, it turned into an illusory light seal!

And after a while, the illusory light seal actually had a solid meaning.

From the Yanyangzong incident to today, Ni Cangtian's strength has obviously improved a lot. At least in Yanyangzong that day, it is impossible for this light seal to become solid.

The strength of martial arts masters lies in their domains, but domains are only part of the means. If only relying on domains, martial arts masters would be exaggerating.

This type of martial skill also showed the terrifying strength against the heavens, the space under the gradually solidified light seal was completely blurred, and even Lin Yifan couldn't bear the wave-like pressure.

In this instant, Lin Yifan was just like Ye Chen, there was no way out!
Looking at the light seal falling from a distance, Lin Yifan's expression did not change at all. In the realm of common life, even if Ye Chen is not dead, he must not be able to last for too long. Similar to the escape that day, Lin Yifan knew that Ye Chen relied on luck only.

But luck may not be so good every time!
If Ye Chen wants to have a chance, it must be so that Ni Cangtian no longer has the power to maintain the common life domain.

The Mountain and River Sword slowly appeared between Lin Yifan's hands!

As soon as the sword appeared, Wang Ning's eyes froze. As a swordsman, he could sense the pure sword energy very clearly. Again, there was endless envy in his heart, because he knew that in this life, the swordsmanship On this road, Lin Yifan will definitely go further than him.

The Shanhe Sword was plain and unremarkable, without the slightest so-called aura, but it also made Ni Cangtian feel a great sense of depression.

And the entire surrounding world became fragmented because of the appearance of the Mountain and River Sword. This scene made Ni Cangtian extremely depressed. You know, this is just the beginning.

The sword of mountains and rivers appeared, and everything in the sky and the earth fled quickly, for fear of being implicated. At this moment, Lin Yifan was the only one in the sky and the earth!

The Shanhe Sword hovered in front of him without any movement, but the sword energy that Wang Ning was extremely afraid of was surging quietly. In an instant, this world seemed to be completely occupied by the sword energy.


Countless sword qi, in the breath, all merged into one, invisible sword light!
"One sword, break the sky!"

Lin Yifan lightly tapped his finger, and above the nine heavens, the Shanhe Sword turned into a thunderbolt, carrying that indescribable sword light, and swept away silently.

At this moment, the world seemed to be imprisoned, extremely quiet!

(End of this chapter)

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